陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556


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    Protest at Mao's Kitchen


    洛杉矶多族裔的反共团体将于12月26日毛泽东生日当天, 在好莱坞中国餐馆「毛的厨房」门前举行抗议活动. 活动主办人陈凯表示, 毛泽东为中华民族和道德文化带来难以估算的灾难, 各类毛商品和毛文化不应滥用美国的言论自由.



    位于好莱坞附近的中餐馆「毛的厨房」(Mao's Kitchen), 将在年底毛泽东生日当天成为洛杉矶反共社团抗议目标.

    陈凯: 餐厅里不光有毛像和文化大革命标志, 甚至还有「打倒美帝、打倒苏修」等口号. 我很气愤有人能用其它人的血泪、痛苦和死亡从事商业行为, 为自己赚钱, 这是非常不道德的现象.

    主办抗议活动的陈凯认为, 毛泽东生前对整个民族和传统道德带来巨大灾难, 各种毛文化和毛商品的消费行为, 不该误导或滥用美国因人权至上而建构的言论空间.

    陈凯: (毛餐厅)做为私人企业在美国当然合法, 但我不相信在美国能开出「希特勒烧烤」、在迈阿密开「卡斯特罗餐厅」, 或在韩国城里开「金正日凉面」, 这些都是不被社会接受的, 为什么(毛餐厅)在中国社会和海外社团里可以被接受呢? 在这种心态里, 文化大革命是可以的、毛泽东杀人是有道理的, 这种道德概念是非常恶毒的行为.

    陈凯和协办抗议活动的亨利.张都表示, 西方社会对中共的党政历史或有认识不足和偏差印象, 但毛餐厅的存在已形同对普世人本价值的一种戕害.

    陈凯: 大跃进的恐怖、文革的恐怖和反右的恐怖并没有在全世界人们面前被揭露出来, 因为中共仍旧控制着所有党, 使得那些史实仍未被揭露出来. 12月26日是毛生日, 我们要向世界表明在中国社会里仍有人把毛视为「民族英雄」, 但我们知道该怎么对待.

    亨利.张: 那是某些人病态的怀旧, 并从中谋利, 这是不道德的行为. 虽然它(毛餐厅)利用的是美国言论自由, 但我们也有提出反对意见的自由, (抗议行动)让大家做一个道德上的选择.


  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    个体 vs. 群体

    林昭 vs. 穆铁柱

    精神的人 vs. 物质的人
    Spiritual Beings vs. Physical Beings


    人是精神的存在去感受着、创造着物质的世界。 人绝不是物质的存活去体验着、虚拟着精神的幻觉。 自由人属于前者。 专制者与奴隶们则属于后者。 --- 陈凯

    Human beings are spiritual existence experiencing, creating a physical world. Human beings are not physical beings merely breathing to deceive themselves in a spiritual illusion. A free man belongs to the former. The despots and slaves belong to the latter. --- Kai Chen


    Dear Visitors:

    The stark contrast between a free being in the Western world and a slave in China can be described as "a spiritual being vs. a material/physical being".

    When a Chinese comments on another person, thin or fat, clothing, looks, rich or poor, education, fame, power are usually the subjects and the only content. When I was an athlete in China, people and the party-state only saw and cared about my physical existence and athletic performance. I was much like a race-horse, nothing more, nothing less. No one cared about who I was, what I thought, how I felt and my spiritual yearning for meaning in my life. Today the Chinese athletes are still experiencing the same as I was. They are tools and pictures to be used, maintained, enslaved, abused and abandoned.

    Unfortunately, most of us athletes in China also treat ourselves with indignity and view ourselves as sub-human. The very fact that the Chinese athletes often marry to each other demonstrates my point. The very fact that people like Yao Ming and Wang Zhizhi came into being shows you that the Chinese athletes have very little choice, due to their isolation and lack of knowledge about the outside world, in how they live and how they form families. The appearances, wealth, education, family background, etc. often determine how a person chooses a mate. Values, belief, personality, integrity, intelligence often are not in the Chinese people's language. The tall needs to be matched with the tall. The good looking needs to be matched with the good-looking. The fat needs to be matched with the fat. The small needs to be matched with the small..., etc. etc... Everything is for looks from the majority's point of view. Everything is physical and material. Everything is for the collective's tastes and interests. Individuals disappear. Moral character of a person disappears. True love disappears. Thus Yao Ming. Thus Wang Zhizhi.... No wonder they are taller than others: Their parents had not much choice anyway in China, being athletes themselves.

    I dream that one day China can truly be free and the Chinese athletes can truly be free. They will no longer be some caged animals knowing only their trade under the total control of the party-state. They will be free to choose not only their sports (or no sports at all), but their mates, their places of living, their future.... I know it is difficult to be free from the enslaving Chinese sports culture and establishment. But indeed it is possible. I, as one, indeed freed myself from the dehumanizing and suffocating sports environment in China. And I sincerely hope all the Chinese athletes will be free one day as well.

    Best to you all in this Thanksgiving Day, 2008.

    Kai Chen 陈凯

  • 正义和自由






















    2008 11 21

  • Hugo:毛的廚房”餐廳的省思

    真是令人難以容忍與接受,洛杉矶竟然有來自北京的中文教師(He was born in 1964 in Beijing during the Cultural Revolution, taught Chinese at the University of Beijing and emigrated to the United States in 1989 during a student movement striving for cultural freedom.)開設“毛的廚房”,而餐廳內更佈滿了文革時代的各種海報,例如,“全世界無產階級聯合起來打倒美帝國主義”、“熱愛祖國,熱愛人民,擁護中國共產黨” 、“毛澤東畫像”等。




    普遍被共產黨綁架的東亞大陸人已經被共產黨所洗腦,他們無法理解“Freeman” 與“Moral Man”的必然關係,他們無法理解“Freeman”絕對不可以接受與容忍“Immoral Society”的內涵,他們無法理解只有“Freeman” 才能真正擁有“愛、正義、道德、良心、人的尊嚴、自由、平等、、民主、人權、法治、平安、 喜樂、和平與幸福”等的價值理念。

    那位開設“毛的廚房”的北京人,是否能夠明白在美國這塊自由的土地上,你怎麼可以使用代表反美國自由精神(Spirit of Liberty)的“毛的廚房”的名字呢?是否能夠明白在美國這塊自由的土地上,你沒有權利在道德上從事任何反美國自由精神的活動?是否能夠明白“毛的廚房”的名字,根本就是代表對人類“愛、正義、道德、良心、人的尊嚴、自由、平等、民主、人權、法治、平安、 喜樂、和平與幸福”等價值理念的污辱與踐踏呢?


  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    Awaken Our Dormant Conscience

    People of Chinese Descent in the World, Wake Up!

    Mao's Kitchen = Hitler's BBQ = Stalin's Banquet
    毛的厨房 = 希特勒的烧烤 = 斯大林的人肉宴

    [size=18]Main Ingredients: tears, blood, misery and death
    Guest Chefs: Pol Pot, Kim Jong-il, Fidel Castro


    Boycott Mao's Kitchen


    陈凯 11/13/08


    你能想象在崇尚自由的美国人们在“希特勒的烧烤”与“斯大林的欢宴”里无动于衷地欢笑吃喝吗? 你能想象如果“胡志明餐厅”出现在小西贡,“金正日凉面”出现在韩国城,“卡斯特罗酒家”出现在迈阿密,什么样的事情将会发生? 可是“毛的厨房”却起家在洛杉矶并延续了多年,无人指责与抗议。 这难道不是对所有热爱自由移民来美的华裔人的莫大耻笑与羞辱吗?

    2007年春节在阿罕布拉市市政厅发生的“毛像事件”就已经向世人展示了某些华人的道德腐败与堕落。 那些所谓的华人艺术家们居然用“言论自由”作为借口将毛像与华盛顿肖像并列,寓意是专制邪恶的中共是与自由民主的美国同等伟大。 某些华人的“斯德哥尔摩症”似乎已经到了病入膏肓的程度。 被强奸过的人们居然高声唱赞那些强奸者,似乎没有强奸人们就不能延续后代,没有乱伦人们就不能建立家庭。 这是什么样的一种病态心理呀!

    “毛的厨房”的产生正是这种华人病态心理的又一令人作呕的体现。 道德的麻木,道德的虚无,道德的腐败已在华人社区中蔓延成长。 似乎那些通过与中共一同腐败而取得经济利益的人们不应是人们唾弃声讨的对象,而应是人们羡慕效仿的偶像。 华人们的良知何在呢? 是非、真假、对错似乎不在众多华人们的语言里。 强弱、内外、亲疏却成了他们的处世经典。 如果能用人们的血泪,屈辱,死亡提提人们的口味去烹调赚钱,那又何乐而不为呢?! 如果中共毛匪能用杀人洗脑取得强权为华人们长脸涂脂,那又何利而不取呢?

    我最好的朋友陈邦晓(一个出色的田径运动天才)在毛共的文革中死于政治迫害与对前途的绝望。 他那时只有十八岁。 我时常提示自己我绝不会忘记他的生与死。 我绝不会忘记毛共中共的罄竹难书的罪恶。 我希望每一个良知尚存的华人坚守你的道德底线,做一个有尊严的自由人。 我在此呼吁你用你的灵魂与行动抵制那些道德腐败的,与中共苟同的商业行为。

    注: 我将在12月26日“毛的厨房”前的示威活动中分发“我的路”DVD (我在心灵上从奴役走向自由的真实故事). 有关书籍与传单也将会被发送出售。

    [size=18]Boycott Morally Perverted Businesses [/size]

    70 million innocent lives perished under Mao’s regime and the atrocities continue today in China. Persecutions of Falungong practitioners, Christians, Tibet Buddhist monks, human rights activists have been intensified before, during and after the Beijing Olympics.

    We call upon all conscientious people in the world to mobilize and combat the increasing infiltration, encroachment and growing corruption by the Chinese communist regime onto American political, social, moral and civic landscape, and to assert American values of freedom, justice and human dignity.

    These communist regime's activities include providing propaganda material and finance for the Chinese language schools in American to brainwash American-born youths, infiltration, bribery and intimidation of Chinese language media in America, establishing government funded "Confucian Institutes" world wide, encouraging civic moral corruption and immoral establishments such as "Mao's Kitchen" in the Los Angeles, manufacturing Mao's t-shirts and other Mao-related commodities, holding Mao's birthday commemorations, etc. In glorifying and commercializing Mao's (the biggest mass murderer in human history) images throughout America and the world, our very souls as dignified human beings are being degenerated and demoralized. A massive invasion of human decency and basic humanity is now taking place world wide under the government funding and meticulous planning of the communist regime in China. We as conscientious individuals must act to counter such insidious and pernicious scheme.

  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    Audience Response to "My Way"

    Dear Visitors:

    I will paste the audience response to "My Way" here. I hope you will be inspired by the positive comments and uplifting sentiment reflected by these powerful messages.

    Best wishes to you all. Kai Chen 陈凯



    昨晚,收到了顾先生带来的你的故事<My Way> ,既兴奋又感动。









    Dear Luke:

    Your message moved me deeply. I feel our hearts and souls are intimately connected. I want to thank you for taking the time to write this message.

    Your observation on how the Chinese athletes react after they win is right to the point. And it is exactly how I felt when I saw the Chinese athletes won the gold medals in the Beijing Olympics. They have been extracted from their own families when they were very young, for the sake of legitimizing and stabilizing a criminal communist regime. Their relations with their own families are warped and distorted. It is much like the Stockholm Syndrome. The victims start to identify themselves with the kidnappers, internalizing a perverted, criminal mindset in the process after some period of time of captivity. The Chinese people now are exactly in that kind of mindset.

    Mao's Kitchen (three restaurants) in Los Angeles is only one such an example of the Stockholm Syndrome. I plan to have a demonstration in December to bring this issue to the forefront of American people's consciousness. And I hope the Chinese people also learn something about their own sickness and perversion.

    My forum - Kai Chen Forum has been moved out from Youpai.org to a new location: www.kaichenforum.com. I welcome you to visit my forum and post your comment on my forum. I want to thank you again for being my comrade in our fight for freedom and human dignity.

    Best wishes to you and your family. Sincerely yours. Kai Chen

  • 追求利益而不是价值是共和党失败的DateSat Oct 15, 2011 11:22 am
    Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    Not Pursuing Values Dooms This Election


    美国既不是一个经济的国度,也不是一个政治的国度, 更不是一个科学的国度。 美国,说到底,是一个对人类终极价值信仰与追求的国度。 抛弃了这个基点,美国就失去了其独特的意义与使命。 --- 陈凯

    America is not about economics, not about politics, not about science either.... America, to the end, is about a tireless pursuit of eternal values of mankind -- Truth, Justice, Liberty and Human Dignity. Without such a pursuit, America will lose its own unique meaning. --- Kai Chen


    Dear Visitors:

    This morning after Obama was elected as the next president of the United States, I have many thoughts. I knew MacCain would lose this election for he was never up to the challenge in the post USSR world. (He came from a privileged background and only those years in Vietnam's prison had taught him a little about himself and reality. I actually voted for Palin for she is a self-made woman.)

    Without the stark contrast of USSR, many in the world have soon forgot the horror of socialism/communism inflicted upon the world population by the left. The lingering romantic utopia presented by the leftist ideologies now starts to make a come back, manifested by this election. It seems America needs to relive the horror of socialism to understand the consequences of their own choices.

    The incremental loss of focus for many Americans started from the end of the cold war and the passing of the Reagan years. Self-made man like Reagan is hard to come by nowadays. The ability to articulate American values and uniqueness has not been manifested by anyone for many years. President Bush's visit to Beijing for the Summer Olympics 2008 was only one more such example of moral confusion on the part of American conservatives. Suddenly it is as though some form of socialism/communism, like that in China, is an acceptable form of governance. In this sense, the insidious Chinese communist regime has successfully invaded/infiltrated America, in the spiritual and moral realms.

    As an immigrant, I came to America not just because of the economic opportunities, not just for the fresh air and a peaceful living. I came to America to express myself fully, to unleash my creative impulses/ability, to create, to construct, to produce, to communicate, to rejoice.... I came to America not for some government handout, for some social benefit at the cost of others, for the so-called redistribution of wealth by high government taxations, for seeking out an omnipotent savior in the government to fulfill my sense of existence. I came to America for the freedom it promises to all of us. I came to America so I could fulfill my life with meaning and accomplishment defined only by God.

    I deplore the lack of genuine politicians nowadays in America - those with vision and values like President Reagan. Now I can see only some second stringers with no vision and values, only ambition for power and fame. When the economic woes struck recently, somehow government has become the only source that people look up to for solutions. No one, absolutely no one has come forth to articulate about the fundamentals of this great country - the moral characters of American people. The unique moral characters of American people is really what attracted me to America in the first place. Individualism, creativity, audacity to walk a path no one has walked, self-made men, open free market for talent selection, strong faith in goodness and God, government as servant, not as savior/master..., all of these and more, composed the exceptional unique characters of American people.

    I came to America because I was already American when I was in China. I only came home to materialize my spiritual and moral pursuit. I have fulfilled my American dream and more, much more than what I anticipated/expected: I live as a free being.

    Beijing Olympics, Obama, Mao's Kitchen, 2008 election, all are bundled together to give me a sense of a moral and spiritual crisis in America. Is America lost? Do I still live in my beloved America where all the oppressed people yearn to come from all over the world? My weakness tells me that I want a better man to emerge to take the helms from those small beings that hijacked this great country. But my strength and convictions told me that I can and have to do my duty to bring this country on the right track. I, as an immigrant, will have to tell the native-born Americans what this country is about, seeing them wandering into dangerous woods of big government with small, slave-like beings all around yearning for some handout, yearning to be saved by a God-like state.

    "Why do you not send someone here, God, to save me from the misery and despair?" Someone asks God. "Indeed I have done that, my child." God answers, "I have sent YOU."

    May God bless you and this great country of America. Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

  • Mao's Kitchen Locations and phone numbers:

    Mao’s Kitchen (323-932-9681) – 7315 Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90046

    Mao’s Kitchen (310-581-8305) – 1512 Pacific Ave. Venice, CA 90291

    Banner Design:

    [size=24]Mao's Kitchen = Hitler's BBQ = Stalin's Banquet
    毛的厨房 = 希特勒的烧烤 = 斯大林的人肉宴

    [size=18]Main Ingredients: tears, misery and death
    Guest Chefs: Pol Pot, Kim Jong-il, Fidel Castro

    [size=24]Boycott Morally Perverted Businesses[/size]

    [size=18]Facts: [/size]

    70 million innocent lives perished under Mao’s regime and the atrocities continue today in China. Persecutions of Falungong practitioners, Christians, Tibet Buddhist monks, human rights activists have been intensified before, during and after the Beijing Olympics.

    We call upon all conscientious people in the world to mobilize and combat the increasing infiltration, encroachment and growing corruption by the Chinese communist regime onto American political, social, moral and civic landscape, and to assert American values of freedom, justice and human dignity.

    These communist regime's activities include providing propaganda material and finance for the Chinese language schools in American to brainwash American-born youths, infiltration, bribery and intimidation of Chinese language media in America, establishing government funded "Confucian Institutes" world wide, encouraging civic moral corruption and immoral establishments such as "Mao's Kitchen" in the Los Angeles, manufacturing Mao's t-shirts and other Mao-related commodities, holding Mao's birthday commemorations, etc. In glorifying and commercializing Mao's (the biggest mass murderer in human history) images throughout America and the world, our very souls as dignified human beings are being degenerated and demoralized. A massive invasion of human decency and basic humanity is now taking place world wide under the government funding and meticulous planning of the communist regime in China. We as conscientious individuals must act to counter such insidious and pernicious scheme.

  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    Mao's Kitchen and the Chinese Moral Corruption


    毛共流毒的深远有两层原因: 一是中共专制机器的尚存导致了世界对中共毛共反人类罪行的不完全了解。 二是中国传统文化与西方左派意识中对绝对强权与大政府的崇拜。 洛杉矶“毛的厨房”的存在及美国主流社会对它的容忍正说明了这一点。 --- 陈凯

    The poison of Mao has profound and lasting impact on the world. The reason is two-fold: One is that China is still under the thumb of a communist regime and very little information about Mao's crime during his reign of terror is collected and documented, unlike Hitler's crimes were after the WWII. Another is the moral corruption/confusion of the Chinese themselves and the Western leftists. Both of these groups have an infatuation/worship toward absolute power from a God-like government. Mao's Kitchen in Los Angeles personified both the poison itself and the reasons behind it.


    Dear Visitors:

    Today The Reason TV in Los Angeles interviewed me about Mao's image and its impact on the world. Che Guevara is another figure Reason TV wants to demystify.

    After the interview, we drove to Mao's Kitchen in Los Angeles on Melrose. A shop right by the side of Mao's Kitchen was selling T-shirts with Mao's image on it. I was amazed and outraged by what I saw. The biggest mass murderer in the human history is openly celebrated/mystified/revered in America. Very sad indeed. The outrage from my heart is generated not only from my past memories of Mao's crimes against humanity, but mostly from the indifference toward and tolerance of such an evil figure by majority Chinese and some Americans. Just imagine what would happen if Hitler's image were openly in display and utilized in commence to make money.

    To equate tolerance of difference with tolerance of evil shows you how corrupt the Chinese mindset is, and how confused the leftists' mindset is. Even in our daily lives, moral decisions and choices face us at every corner. We must have moral courage and conviction to make a judgment toward many occurrences every moment. Lack of such moral conviction and courage, and evasion of such judgment will doom our own mindset into a meaningless stupor. Long period of such escapes from moral choices in our daily lives will degenerate our conscience and eventually throw us into the man-eating state of zombies. Degeneration comes with long time misuse and no-use of our moral faculties. When finally and suddenly something big happened, we would be like deer in the headlight, paralyzed and helpless.

    I hope more and more Chinese will wake up from their moral stupor to find their moral courage and conviction, to find their true humanity. I wish with what I can do and will do, people would start to see that it is indeed possible to be free and happy.

    Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...


    Tidal Wave Project (方案 Proposal)

    Initiator: Kai Chen (Liberty League)


    To combat the increasing infiltration, encroachment and growing corruption by the Chinese communist regime onto American political, social, moral and civic landscape, and to assert American values of freedom, justice and human dignity.

    These communist regime’s activities include providing propaganda material and finance for the Chinese language schools in American to brainwash American-born youths, infiltration, bribery and intimidation of Chinese language media in America, establishing government funded “Confucian Institutes” world wide, encouraging civic moral corruption and immoral establishments such as “Mao’s Kitchen” in the Los Angeles, manufacturing Mao’s t-shirts and other Mao-related commodities, holding Mao’s birthday commemorations, etc. In glorifying and commercializing Mao’s (the biggest mass murderer in human history) images throughout America and the world, our very souls as dignified human beings are being degenerated and demoralized. A massive invasion of human decency and basic humanity is now taking place world wide under the government funding and meticulous planning of the communist regime in China. We as conscientious individuals must act to counter such insidious and pernicious scheme.


    12:00 noon – 3:00 pm, Friday (or Saturday, lunch time) December 26 (or 27), 2008 (Mao’s birthday), in anticipation of the 20th anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre in 1989.


    “Mao’s Kitchen” Diners in Melrose, San Gabriel and Venice. Demonstration to be held simultaneously at all locations.


    Using cartoons, images, portraits and slogans linking Mao, Hitler and Stalin (Pol Pot, Castro, Hu Chiming, Bin Laden, Kim, etc), demonstration is to be held by the sidewalks in front of the diners.


    1. All anti-communist individuals.
    2. Falungong practitioners.
    3. Christian groups (such as Hacienda Christian Fellowship with Pastor Eddie Romero)
    4. Libertarian groups (Reason TV, Magazine)
    5. Conservative groups as well as liberal groups (i.e. Freedom Center)
    6. Jewish, Vietnamese, Cuban, Korean, Iranian ethnic groups.
    7. Chinese democratic groups.
    8. Taiwan progressive groups.

    Media and Police notification:

    Various Chinese and English media need to be informed about the event and police departments need to be notified prior to the “Tidal Wave Project”.


    Kai Chen (elecshadow@aol.com)

    Mao's Kitchen = Hitler's BBQ = Stalin's Banquet
    毛的厨房 = 希特勒的烧烤 = 斯大林的人肉宴

    Main Ingredients: tears, misery and death
    Guest Chefs: Pol Pot, Kim Jong-il, Fidel Castro


    Boycott Morally Perverted Businesses


    70 million innocent lives perished under Mao’s regime and the atrocities continue today in China. Persecutions of Falungong practitioners, Christians, Tibet Buddhist monks, human rights activists have been intensified before, during and after the Beijing Olympics.

    We call upon all conscientious people in the world to mobilize and combat the increasing infiltration, encroachment and growing corruption by the Chinese communist regime onto American political, social, moral and civic landscape, and to assert American values of freedom, justice and human dignity.

    These communist regime's activities include providing propaganda material and finance for the Chinese language schools in American to brainwash American-born youths, infiltration, bribery and intimidation of Chinese language media in America, establishing government funded "Confucian Institutes" world wide, encouraging civic moral corruption and immoral establishments such as "Mao's Kitchen" in the Los Angeles, manufacturing Mao's t-shirts and other Mao-related commodities, holding Mao's birthday commemorations, etc. In glorifying and commercializing Mao's (the biggest mass murderer in human history) images throughout America and the world, our very souls as dignified human beings are being degenerated and demoralized. A massive invasion of human decency and basic humanity is now taking place world wide under the government funding and meticulous planning of the communist regime in China. We as conscientious individuals must act to counter such insidious and pernicious scheme.

  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    Yao Ming: You can't be free and a slave at the same time


    姚明一定要在奴役与自由之间做出选择。 犹豫彷徨是一个运动员最大的敌人。 姚明一定要懂得他的篮球生涯与他的道德选择息息相关。 婊子与牌坊不能并立。 --- 陈凯

    Yao Ming has to choose between slavery and freedom. Hesitation with confusion is the biggest enemy of an athlete. Yao Ming's basketball career is intrinsically tied to his moral choices. He must realize/understand that. There is no such thing as a virgin whore. --- Kai Chen


    Dear Visitors:

    I have always maintained that Yao Ming cannot function as a basketball player, while being a slave for China and wanting to be free in NBA. He must make a moral choice very soon. He is being pulled apart by the Chinese political machine on one side and his yearning for freedom on the other.

    If he does not have the courage to make the necessary choice, his career will be over soon. No one can sustain the pull of the evil forces while functioning as a dedicated basketball player. I know it. Watch my DVD (My Way), you will understand.

    Best to you all. Kai Chen 陈凯


    据姚明友人透露,姚明亲口证实了退出国家队的想法。图为姚明今年8月的档案照片。(Phil Walter/Getty Images)

    [size=24]真打不动了 姚明想退出国家队?[/size]





    东方体育日报报导,北京奥运会是姚明参加的第三届奥运会,现在看来,更像是一个分水岭。这之后,姚明可以不再想要两全其美,转而变成国家男篮的一个象征,全力以赴争取自己职业生涯的一个高峰—— NBA总冠军。


  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...


    Quote From News Source:






    Yao Ming is Wrong/No Comparison, only Contrast


    将铁柱与Chamberlain相比有如将中国的豆腐渣工程与美国的摩天大楼相比,有如将假货与真货相比,有如将专制与自由民主相比,有如将虚无与存在相比。 这是一个头脑与道德的混乱与腐败。 --- 陈凯

    To compare Mu with Chamberlain is like to compare the shoddy Chinese school building in Sichuan with the Empire State Building in New York, is like to compare the fake with the real, is like to compare evil despotism with freedom/democracy, is like to compare nothingness with existence. Such a comparison only shows one's intellectual and moral confusion and corruption. --- Kai Chen


    [size=18]没有比较,只有对照。 There is no comparison between Mu and Chamberlain. There is only contrast. [/size]

    Dear Visitors:

    Yao Ming has commented that Mu was like Wilt Chamberlain in China. This is a gross exaggeration and a total untruth about Mu. It is an insult to the great Wilt Chamberlain.

    Chamberlain was not only tall, he was very athletic and had great an individual character with dignity. Mu was not such at all and had none of Chamberlain's ability. Mu was never a starter in the team as Chamberlain always was. Physically Mu was abnormal with a condition called gigantism while Chamberlain was a healthy normal person. Mu was only tall and that maybe the only commonality he had with Chamberlain.

    Mu had no individual dignity with principles. He once threw a game to his old Jinan Military Team when we played in the National Championships in Xian, 1976. He had repeatedly betrayed basketball. He often used his basketball to bargain with authority for a little material benefit, such as joining the party, promotion, housing, marriage, etc... Beside sometimes bursting into a childish/infantile temper tantrum, he exhibited no courage against authority. To me he was only a pathetic victim of the Chinese despotism/tyranny. And he had always played the authorities' games.

    We used to protect Mu when he was out, for people in China treated him as a freak, a deformed animal. They threw stones at him just for fun. We often had to chase those hooligans and beat them up after they called Mu names and humiliated him. But later it was Mu that had made me lose all respect for him.

    In my years with Mu, he was humiliated many times and sent back to his original unit from the August 1st Team. The reason was that the authorities didn't think his appearance/awkwardness was good for China. In their eyes, he would lose face for China. But eventually they had to admit him just to give the team an edge. But he did nothing to protest, to fight back, to show some dignity and self-respect. Rather, he was thankful for the authorities and he played their games without a bit of repugnance. How could he endure the utter humiliation? That was beyond me.

    When Yao Ming made a comparison like this, I only feel a great injustice, a great deception done to all the people who have no knowledge of the history. Besides, it is a great insult to my basketball hero -- Wilt Chamberlain.

    Take care. Kai Chen 陈凯

  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    Don't Avoid/Escape Your Moral Choices


    反共的不一定都是好人。 亲共的没一个好人。
    亲美的不一定都是好人。 反美的没一个好人。

    将“反共”作为逃避个体道德混乱,道德怯懦,道德腐败,作为回避个体每日道德选择的心理倾向是中国家庭文化,团体组织文化的通病。 个体道德的操守只能通过个体对自身良知的不断反省,对每日道德选择的清晰判断来体现。 对亲人,朋友的有勇气的道德态度与立场比对敌人的态度更能说明一个人的品行。

    我从不相信朽木锈钉会建立起道德制度的大厦。 --- 陈凯

    Those who are anti-communist may not be good people. But those who are pro-communist are never good people.

    Those who are pro-American may not be good people. But those who are anti-American are never good people.

    Using "anti-communism" as some kind of pretense to escape one's individual responsibility, individual integrity, individual moral judgment, and to excuse one's own moral confusion, corruption and cowardice in one's every day life is a wide-spread pathological/corrupt phenomenon in Chinese families and organizations. Moral clarity and courage can only be manifested through an individual's judgment and behavior via the individual's every day moral choices. To maintain a consistent moral standard toward one's own family and friends is much more telling of one's content of character than one's attitude toward his/her enemies.

    I have never believed that rotten materials can be utilized to maintain and sustain the moral foundation of any just system/society. --- Kai Chen


    Dear Visitors:

    Many I have met within the Chinese community manifest a disturbing but prevalent phenomenon -- they are tougher toward the known enemy (the communist regime in China) than the moral corruption and confusion existed in the Chinese families and organizations. Many times I sense that "anti-communist regime in China" has often become the Chinese pretense to excuse their own moral confusion, corruption and cowardice toward the wrong doings among their own family members and friends.

    They simply, by a cultural habit, want to sweep everything dirty under the rug in their own families and organizations, just to maintain a superficial facade of calm. Some even pity those who raped and abused them in their own families, rather than standing up to them and drawing a moral line between the good and evil. This Mr. Q's self deceptive device to cheat oneself into a self-imposed moral superiority by forgetting and forgiving evil-doers before they pay the price and offer apologies is such a pathetic/nauseating one that simply thinking of it makes me want to throw up.

    Yet, this sickness in the Chinese families and organizations persists in a most tenacious fashion, many times not being even detected by the perpetrators/victims themselves, till tremendous harms are done.

    So ask yourself in your every day life whether you make good and moral choices most of the time. And only by doing that, a better future is possible. Only by doing that, the Chinese can truly start to break free from a self-imposed, paralyzing sick culture of despotism/nihilism toward a more normal, healthier society.

    Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

  • 中俄腐败职业政客vs.道德非职业美国ÞDateSat Oct 15, 2011 11:11 am
    Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    Palaces vs. White House

    反共 -- 利益权力的职业 vs. 道德价值的事业 (中国致力自由民主人士的良知选择)


    美国的立国者们无一是靠独立革命赚钱糊口的人。 中共苏俄的建政者们无一不是靠“革命”谋取利益权力的人。 美国的立国者们用枪杆子维护自由尊严的道德理念。 中共苏俄的建政者们用枪杆子保卫利益强权的专制威严。 美国的立国者们建立了三权鼎立的民主。 中共苏俄的建政者们用钻进紫禁宫,克里姆林宫来巩固他们的暴力政权。

    今天的中国“民运”仍旧逃不出“职业政客、革命家”的腐败思维圈子。 追求利益与权力地位仍旧是绝大部分民运人士的首要考量。 --- 陈凯

    None of the American founders was a professional revolutionary, depending on the revolution for their livelihood. None of the Chinese and Russian revolutionaries was NOT a professional agitator. They all depended on "Revolutions" for their livelihood. American founders used violence to defend human freedom and dignity. Chinese and Russian revolutionaries used violence to establish absolute tyranny/despotism. American founders established checks and balances within the government. Chinese and Russian revolutionaries entered the Forbidden City and the Kremlin to fortify their despotic power/legitimacy.

    In today's Chinese "democratic movement" circle, people still are unable to escape the corrupt mindset of the "professional revolutionaries". Pursuing personal interests, status and power, not the eternal moral values of humanity, is still the first and foremost on the mind of most "anti-communist" revolutionaries. --- Kai Chen


    Dear Visitors:

    In my association and experiences with most people in overseas "democratic movement" circle (Falungong is an exception), I have encountered many Chinese revolutionaries who know nothing about life or making a living besides "Revolution/Democratic Movement". The corrupt and vicious cycle of Chinese dynasties continues. "Revolution" has simply become another word for many of the Chinese activists as "making a living".

    All of their activities are simply motivated by their need to satisfy their interests and power-thirst. Moral and value-oriented pursuits are simply NOT in their mind at all. They treat everyone just like the communist regime does, as tools and corrupt partners in their pursuit of power/status. Somehow many of them do not even realize that there is corruption, human defect and down-right evil in their daily conduct. They set out to dictate/educate others as how to defeat the communist regime without realizing that there is basically NO difference between themselves and those in power in China.

    I will have to say that Falungong practitioners are much more value-oriented and morally conscious in their own daily lives. A breath of fresh air in the toxic/polluted Chinese cultural environment indeed, as far as I can sense. Surely no one is perfect. But the orientation/direction one heads makes the essential difference. Positive or negative, value pursuit or interest pursuit, self-restraint or suppression of others, moral/ethical or corrupt/confused..., these are 180 degree departures.

    Surely I cannot demand everyone to act according to a moral code. But I do indeed demand myself to act according to the eternal human values: Truth, Justice, Liberty, and Human Dignity. I urge all of you to reflect constantly with these values on your own conduct daily, for only the righteous people can succeed in accomplishing righteous goals.

    Best wishes to you all. Kai Chen 陈凯

  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    Without Individuals -- People = Government


    在一个没有个体的社会中,人民就是政府的代言词。 在中国,如果你将所有标号中的“人民”换成“政府”,你就会看到中国社会真实的性质。 为人民服务=为政府服务。 --- 陈凯

    In a society without individual identity, "people" is only another phrase for "government". In China, if you replace all the phrase "people" with the phrase "government", you can clearly see the nature of the Chinese society. "Serve the people" actually means "Serve the government". --- Kai Chen


    Dear Visitors:

    In all the despotic tyrannies, "people" is a holy word and worshipped by all. But if you think a little deeper, you will see that the word "people" is only synonymous with the word "government". In those societies, the first task for the despots to stabilize their regimes is always to replace the word "government" with the word "people".

    Semantic deception serves a tyranny very well. Today in China, still very few people can see this truth. And somehow the phrase "people", actually the phrase "government", is still like God to be worshipped. If the Chinese will ever wake up from their spiritual and intellectual stupor, they can finally see that they are the biggest victims of their own deceptive language. Then and maybe then, they can finally muster some courage and clarity to say:

    "The hell with "people". I have had enough of this bull shit. Fuck "people"! I want my own liberty and dignity."

    Serve the people = Serve the government

    People's Republic of China = Government's Republic of China

    People's Liberation Army = Government's Liberation Army

    People's Court = Government's Court

    People's police = Government's police

    To give just a few examples. Maybe when you finally see what I see, you can finally start to establish some individual identity of yourself. That is the true beginning of freedom/liberty in China. That is the true foundation of any meaningful democracy.

    Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...


    Content of Individual Character - Ward Connerly


    从群体认同(国家,种族,阶级)到个体自由是一个从表象到内在,从肉体到精神,从对个体责任的逃避到对个体责任与品行的确立的过程。 个体品行的内容是每一个自由社会鉴别良莠的唯一标准。 --- 陈凯

    From a collective identity (nation, race, class, sex...) to an individual identity is a progress from superficial to substantial, from a physical existence to a spiritual existence, from an evasion of individual responsibility to a conviction of taking individual responsibility. The content of personal character is the only criterion to judge a person's worth. --- Kai Chen


    Dear Visitors:

    Today I attended a Freedom Center event. Ward Connerly gave a spirited speech and then he had a book signing. His new book's title is "Lessons from My Uncle James -- Beyond skin color to the content of our character".

    I have followed Ward Connerly in his fight to abolish Affirmative Action during his stay in the UC Regency. His courage and conviction has moved and impressed me. Throughout his crusade Ward Connerly exhibited an extraordinary personal integrity and character. He is no doubt one of my heroes. I hope you read his book and absorb moral strength from it.

    Skin color, nationality, age and gender should no longer play a role in judge an individual's character and worth. We came along too far to backtrack. Obama, as I asked Ward of his opinion on the election, will definitely prolong the insidious policy of Affirmative Action, therefore backtrack to the old policies of judging a person's worth by his appearance.

    I urge you to use your vote to defeat Obama and advance this great country into the future.

    Best. Kai Chen


    Supplemental Article in Chinese:

    [size=24]自由社会就是责任社会 [/size]





      一方面,到处都是脱衣舞俱乐部,另一方面,在办公室说个黄段子都可能被起诉,这里面有矛盾吗?其实没有。去脱衣舞俱乐部是一个成人的自由选择,但在办公室听到黄段子,不是一个人的自由选择,当一个人的自由可能伤害他人的自由时,他就必须征得对方的同意,而且是“信息充分前提下的同意” (informed consent)。自由的真谛,恰恰在于这种“同意精神”,而不是为所欲为。试想如果一个人开车想怎么闯红灯就怎么闯红灯,喜欢哪个美女直接就把她拽到家里去,他倒是自由了,但代价却是别人的不自由。所以,自由的悖论恰恰在于,自由的保障,来自对自由的限制。


      2007年3月,“菜单食品”公司发布了一个收回令:收回它在宠物粮市场上的6000万罐猫狗粮,原因是已经确认有16只猫狗死于它所生产的一种宠物粮(实际死亡数量可能达上千只,但难以确证)。该宠物粮食的一种原料是从中国某公司进口的麦麸,这些麦麸中含有一种会导致动物肾衰竭的元素。“菜单食品” 总部在加拿大,但是美国是其主要销售对象。这事越闹越大,最后有100多个品牌的动物食物被“收回”。美国FDA(食品药品管理局)积极参与了调查,连参议院都于5月2日通过议案,要求对动物食品的生产程序和标签内容做出更严格的规定。中国政府也逮捕了相关责任人。






  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    The Lasting Effect of Olympic Freedom T-shirt


    奥运自由衫全球运动已在北京奥运结束时告一段落。 但它长久而深远的影响将持续下去。 我深深钦佩胡佳与齐志勇先生的道德勇气并衷心感谢他们把奥运自由衫的精神通过他们的行动传遍全球。 --- 陈凯

    Olympic Freedom T-shirt Global Movement has ended with the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. But the profound impact this movement generated will last for a long time to come. I admire the moral courage of Mr. Hu Jia and Mr. Qi Zhiyong for their conscientious actions to bring the spirit of this movement throughout China and the world. --- Kai Chen




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  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    崇祖崇国vs.崇尚自由=末日vs.未来 Why Chinese Children Have No Future


    从豆腐渣工程,到崇孔返祖,到奥运爱国,到奶粉掺毒,中国的儿童们是最大的受害者与牺牲品。 这不只是一种制度的腐败。 这也是一种文化与道德的腐败。 不脱离这种腐败,中国人只能等待末日。 脱离这种腐败,未来与希望才会成为可能。 --- 陈凯

    Demand children to serve the adults, demand next generation to serve the previous generation, demand all the people to serve their ancestors, emperors, country.... Such a "backward" mentality causes the Chinese children to have become the biggest victims of abuses not only from the despots/despotism, but from an entrenched despotic culture shared by everyone. With such an evil mentality, China can only face its end. Depart from such a mentality, China can possibly have a future, and finally, hope. --- Kai Chen


    Dear Visitors:

    I pity Chinese children, not just in China, but everywhere in the world. They are the most oppressed people on earth. This oppression is not just from their government, from their schools, but mostly from an evil mentality manifested by their own peers, their own families, and themselves as well.

    Filial Piety is probably most representative among all the oppressing elements. In China and a Chinese mind, children are the most enslaved by the culture and adults. They have no freedom to choose their own lives, for anything they choose must have a goal to benefit the parents, the families, the country, the government, their ancestors' face, and all others. All in all, they must think of all others before they think about themselves - what they want to do with their own lives.

    I always say that China's culture can be defined as a regressive atavism. Atavism (返祖现象) is a phenomenon that an organism retreats toward past from what God intends it(toward future and hope). It is the most reactionary phenomenon in human social development. Yet China falls exactly into this category.

    No wonder many Chinese children nowadays commit suicide to escape such a hopeless and futureless life. If they don't kill themselves, the Chinese society and families will somehow manage to kill them off anyway. Even if they somehow manage to survive the onslaught, they often come out deformed, warped, drugged, handicapped, not able to be independent, not courageous enough to face the nature/world alone. A typical Chinese student, no matter where in the world, is often the most educated, most cowardice, most uninformed, most un-original, most un-creative, most morally corrupt, most psychologically abnormal, most unimaginative, most conforming, most obedient/subservient, most docile, most boring, most mediocre, most nihilistic, most reactionary, most unsure, most unhappy, most negative, most self-destructive creature one can ever witness.

    Many Chinese children will not leave their parents at home even in their 20s and 30s. Some will stay forever with their parents, in the name of filial piety, not knowing such an arrangement is most damaging to their own children. There seems no point of separation between children and their parents in a Chinese family, emotionally, financially, psychologically. The children forever remain infantile in front of their parents, just as the people in China forever remain infantile to a dominant parental government.

    Just as a song in America indicates: "Someone wants to abuse you. Someone wants to be abused.", this vicious circle continues. It is up to you the individual to break the cycle. Are you ready? Are you brave enough? Are you willing enough? Are you wise enough?
    My prayer is with you.

    Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    Gigantism - China Faces the End


    中国官方媒体对铁柱早亡过分青睐的报道,对巨人症事实的掩盖,及令人肉麻的不符事实的赞美在中国人潜意识里有自我暴露的倾向。 姚明将铁柱与Chamberlain相比其实是欺人盗世地将病态的巨人症社会与正常的健康民主社会相比。 中国社会政治与经济的病态失控就是典型的“巨人症现象”。 它的末日(早瘁的命运)已经不远了。 --- 陈凯

    The Chinese official media had an exceptionally possitive coverage over Mu's death. It praised Mu with many undeserved comments and embellished his life with many lies. To me, it only has a self-revealing effect as far as the Chinese society goes. Yao Ming's comparison of Mu with Chamberlain also subconsciously plays into the official scheme of comparing a terminally ill society with a healthy society. Mu's gigantism is only a perfectly prophetic analogy of what China is today - a society with an incurable gigantism. The abnormal uncontrolled growth eventually will soon break down the weak social structures of communist government. China's end is near much the same as Mu's gigantism led to his early death. --- Kai Chen


    Dear Visitors:

    I have long compared China with Mu, even when I was playing with Mu in the August 1st Team and China's National Team.

    A society with a tumor in its brain that leads to uncontrolled growth outside and uncontrolled breakdown inside. Nothing describes China better than a tumor in the brain which causes a societal gigantism. With all the structural apparatus remains the same under Mao's communism, China today has no necessary political, social, spiritual and psychological structure to sustain an out of control economic growth. The breakdown is coming quickly. How can a cordial-vascular system that can only sustain a 100 pound person now struggle to sustain 500 pound person?? Operating in such a condition surely will lead to disaster.

    When all the "angry youths" cheer for China and demean those who tell the truth, they only have an illusion of a giant physical shape they take as a pride. They refuse to see the pathological, abnormal condition of gigantism caused by the tumor growing fast in the brain.

    When the breakdown comes, don't be surprised. I warned you.

    Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    穆铁柱 - 中国专制虚无的牺牲品
    Mu - A Victim of Chinese Despotic Nihilism




    铁柱死了。 这个与我同队六年的队友,(从国家体委集训到八一队到国家队),这个我曾动拳头与他打过架的队友,死了(59岁)。 我竟然找不出任何评价他的话。 他的一生是典型在专制下虚无度过的一生。 他的一生没有任何属于自己自由意志的价值。 他的身高,他的出名,他的婚姻,他的几乎一切都与他的自由意志无关。 它是一个被命运驱使的肉体存活。 他的死甚至也被专制官方利用来稳定其统治。 哀哉! --- 陈凯

    Mu died. He was my teammate for six years or more (from the National Training Camp to August 1st Team to the National Team in 1978). One time we even had a fist fight on the court in a training session. He died at age 59. The ironic thing is that, unlike the time when Coach Qian died, I can't find any words of value to comment on him. His life was an example of lives under despotic nihilism. In his life, nothing seemed to have belonged to him or up to his own free will. His height, his fame, his marriage, his promotion, etc. all were up to others and the government. He was a victim and slave of his own fate. Even his death is now being used by the official media to promote the government's agenda. Sad, isn't it? --- Kai Chen


    [size=18]官方媒体对穆铁柱死讯与生平的报道 Link to Official Chinese media: [/size]


    Dear Visitors:

    I learned about Mu's death early in the morning (9/14/2008) from another (August 1st Team) teammate of mine. I watched the official Chinese media about his death and his life. I was in some of the photos they had shown in the video clip.

    Sadly, I had very little emotional reaction to his death. Am I too cold and cruel? No. I don't think that my reaction to his death is a sign of my cruelty. Yet as I dwell deep into the origin of my emotion, I realized how meaningless Mu's life was and how nihilistic his life was about. His free will made no imprint on his own life if there was any free will on his part. Nothing was up to him at all. He merely existed in a form of slavery and nothingness to entertain a crowd of zombies/vampires. I had only pity and a bit of sadness toward him.

    When we were teammates, I occasionally witnessed his rebellion against the inhuman system, throwing temper tantrum toward the authorities. I often enjoyed that. But it was the fact that one time he threw a game to the Jinan Military District, showed me that he had no principles and morals. Everything was interest-driven to him. Satisfying his physical needs/saving face was the only thing he was concerned about. He was his own worst enemy. He lived a life of humiliation with no dignity, partly because of himself, because of his own valuelessness. He bought into the official nihilism and allowed only the government and others to define him.

    He started with nothingness. He went through nothingness. He served nothingness. He was defined by nothingness. Now even after he is dead, he is continuously being used by the official nothingness. He, as I now view him, is the typical representative of nothingness promoted by the Chinese despotic tyranny.

    I pasted a link above and here for you to judge his life yourself. This is the official view of him from China.


    By the way, have you noticed that Mu's forehead grew out two horns, a sign of out of control Gigantism. But the official conclusion is that he died of heart failure. If the heart failure was not from the Gigantism, I don't know what was. The lie continues.

    Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    Enjoy "The Fountainhead" and "The Inner Circle"


    “源泉”是安. 兰德的代表作。 1949年被制成电影。 这部著作反映了美国个体自由的原则,有力地抨击了所有已群体为基点的社会主义专制制度。 “内情”是一部1991年摄制的美国影片。 它以一个真实的克格勃人员的故事揭露了斯大林时代的腐败。 从哲学到现实,我向各位真诚得推荐这两部优秀的影片。 --- 陈凯

    "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand was made a movie in 1949. It is the signature work of Ayn Rand. It denounces all tyranny based on collectivism and espouses the principle of American individualism. "The Inner Circle" (1991) is about a true story by a KGB officer, a projectionist in the Kremlin. It exposes the corruption and evil of Stalin and his cohorts. From philosophy to reality, I sincerely recommend these two movies to all of you. --- Kai Chen

    [size=24]The Fountainhead[/size]

    Made in 1949

    To order "The Fountainhead", click the link below:



    Long treasured as a masterpiece of camp, THE FOUNTAINHEAD stars Gary Cooper as architect Howard Roark. A paragon of integrity, he refuses to create buildings that violate his sense of aesthetic value, choosing instead to work as laborer until he can find funding for his own projects. He becomes involved with wealthy Dominique (Patricia Neal), a woman who combines sexual aggressiveness with an abiding belief that a woman must be subdued in order to love. Roark accepts a commission to build a public-housing project provided that no changes be made to his radical design. When a team of architects is employed to humanize his work, the enraged architect blows up the entire complex. He's placed on trial and is forced to defend the extremity of his action. One of the most unusual artifacts ever to emerge from Hollywood, Ayn Rand's adaptation of her novel is a contradictory hodgepodge of sub-Nietzschean musing, so laden with wooden rhetoric and hysterical ranting that it could never be mistaken for any speech ever uttered on this planet. The bizarre miscasting of Cooper as an arrogant Ubermann and Patricia Neal as a mildly sadomasochistic intellectual only add to the fun. In the legendary scene in which Dominique watches Roark pound his pneumatic drill into the quarry rockface, there's no mistaking the beatific look on her face for intellectual excitement.


    [size=24]The Inner Circle[/size]

    Made in 1991

    To order "The Inner Circle", click the link below:



    Andrei Konchalovsky have always been my favorite russian director, but this is his best film. It tells us about a national tragedy: Stalin tirany. Some wonderful forgein actors also add to the success of the film. They are Tom Hulce, Lolita Davidovich (Indictment: The McMartin Trial (HBO:1995)), Bess Meyer is wonderful as the Jweish girl Katya. The scene of Stalin's funeral is so shocking and touching when Katya is trying to get close to the coffin with Stalin and Ivan (Tom Hulce) is holding her because she could got killed. The most horrible thing about Katya's thoughts is that she is so devoted to comrade Stalin, she says that it's just because of her she is an educated person, she lives okay (really horrible), but 'twas Stalin who arrested her parents only because they're Jewish people. She says: What profession can I get - I am a Jew, you know. That shocks. There's no a thind more horrible than when since his or hers childhood a preson thinks that he/she is worse than the others... Thank you, Andrei Sergeevich for this wonderful and touching masterpiece.

  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    自由vs.专制 = 记忆vs.失忆
    Freedom vs. Tyranny = Memory vs. Amnesia


    自由意味着永恒的记忆。 专制则意味着健忘症与选择性失忆。 自由意味着历史的完整与延续。 专制则意味着历史的残缺与断续。 自由人有勇气面对痛苦与折磨而学习进步。 奴隶们只会胆怯地回避与逃避真实的发生而苟且偷生。 自由人是一个完整的人。 奴隶们只是精神上残缺不全的怪物。 --- 陈凯

    Freedom means intact memory. Tyranny only means amnesia and situational memory. Freedom demands true history. Despotism depends on fake history. A free man has the courage to face pain/misery in the past in order to learn and progress. A slave only wants to escape pain/misery in his past in order to satisfy his physical needs. A free man is an integrated being to pursue spiritual fulfillment. A slave is only a spiritual pervert kneeling down in front of power. --- Kai Chen


    Dear Visitors:

    Do you have the courage to face the truth in your past, no matter how painful and humiliating it was? Or do you constantly want to forget your own painful past, just to numb your senses to survive the day? Memory or Amnesia, which one do you prefer?

    This is the litmus test for everyone to see if you are a free being or you are just a slave of the circumstances occurred in the past. A free man is one who does not want to omit any detail in his own history. He wants to remember everything, in order not to repeat the mistakes, in order to progress toward a better future. An enslaved being only wants to remember those occurrences in his past that enhance his status and power in front of others in the present. He is such a pervert that despots and tyrants depend on for perpetuating their evil power.

    Look around you and test yourself and others with this criterion. You will find the truth in my point. I hope you will remember, and you will never forget.

    Best. Kai Chen

  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    Announcement: CW is Out of My Forum


    I have just deleted CW's personal attacks on me with vicious ranting and name calling because of my previous comments (with my laying down the rules/focus of this forum) on his piece as shown above.

    There is no room for hatred and venomous personal attack in any form or shape among rational beings in this forum. If his piece is against the "50 cent" communist agents, I may leave it here. But he wants to target the host of this forum with a personal/face-saving agenda and cause in-fighting among us to distract what we want to accomplish here. That is not to be tolerated. CW showed that he is not capable of engaging in reasoned dialogues to achieve valued goals. He has reverted to his old schizophrenic/bipolar self and retreated to his old poisonous cocoon, resentful of those who have the courage and are able to fly out of it. This forum is not for the cure of the mentally ill. He needs to see a psychiatrist.

    CW has thus exhibited the worst traits and characteristics only a schizophrenic/bipolar patient can exhibit. Yet unfortunately this is the typical mindset of a person who identifies himself as "Chinese" first. This is what I call the "Monkey King Syndrome" so prevalent among the Chinese speaking population:

    A Warrior toward Free Beings, A Coward toward Evil Despots

    A typical Chinese mindset is such (Monkey King Syndrome 孙猴子情结):

    He is not willing and able to lift himself up; yet he is immensely willing and able to put others down.

    He is not interested in searching for truth; yet he is immensely capable of manufacturing illusions and creating lies, and even perfectly willing to believe in them himself.

    He has no courage to find and face reality through which he can possibly have a healthy personal growth; yet he has immense audacity and countless tricks to escape it and all he wants is personal attention (no matter good or bad) to himself from others.

    He is never interested in curing his own mental and spiritual diseases; yet he is perfectly enthusiastic and able to spread these diseases among others so he can feel a little normalcy himself.

    He is never interested in looking for his own happiness; yet he finds immense pleasure in causing misery, distress and mental anguish onto others.

    He is not capable of exchanging constructive ideas with others in a rational dialogue; yet he is perfectly content spreading rumors and engaging in endless street-corner gossips, as though this is where his spiritual orgasm comes from.

    He is pathologically fearful of evil despotism (as of in China) with a permanent paranoia/paralysis, and he will tolerate evil to an extreme extent to preserve his physical safety selling out his integrity and dignity with no guilt at all; yet he always finds immense energy and satisfaction in a venomous infighting among those who have no intention of harming him.

    He is not interested in understanding the concept of freedom with its necessary attachment of personal responsibility, individual decency and virtue; yet he has immense reverence for tyranny and the existential certainty that tyranny brings to him.... Power struggle is the only game he plays.

    As the host of "Kai Chen Forum", I have the responsibility and duty to maintain the quality of the messages and the integrity of the forum's agenda. From now on, CW will be out of this forum. I have given him a chance to prove to himself that he is worthy of this forum. Apparently he failed miserably. This last piece by CW is what you will see him here on my forum for the last time.

    Best wishes to you all. Kai Chen


    [size=18]My previous message to CW: [/size]

    Dear CW:

    Please bear in mind that this forum is established with specific purposes - to advance human freedom by defeating despotism and tyranny and to seek meaning in life by defeating nihilism, passivity, helplessness and despair.

    Nothingness is NOT existence. Slavery is NOT a natural form of human life that God has intended. Paralysis is NOT what a healthy person should have. Simply being here by being born does not earn one an iota of respect and freedom. Respect, love, friendship, dignity are values to be earned with paying a hefty price. That price is to live as one preaches. I know that most people in the world don't want to pay that price. That is why most people in the world still live in slavery. Simply because most people live in slavery, does that make slavery acceptable? Or does that make those who seek freedom by paying a price (sometimes the price is their own lives) idiots?

    This forum is not for graffiti artists, or some kind of gossip column, or for apologists of a despotic culture that promotes human slavery of mind and meaninglessness in human existence. If someone simply wants or insists on wanting to vomit on this forum and brand the undigested garbage as something of value, something they "want the readers to make sense of" (narcotics are made for the weak to escape reality and once you get into it, you don't make sense of anything. And I know the Chinese are very good at manufacturing spiritual designer narcotics.), I will have to clean it up as a responsible host of "Kai Chen Forum".

    I hope I have made myself very clear. And I don't want to waste my time making myself clear again and again.

    Best. Kai Chen

  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    The Olympic Games: A Propaganda Victory for China? 陈凯访谈


    The Olympic Games: A Propaganda Victory for China?

    By FrontPage Magazine

    FrontPageMagazine.com | Friday, August 22, 2008

    Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Kai Chen, a victim of China's Cultural Revolution who fled his home at the age of 15. He found salvation in basketball and rose to became a member of the Chinese National Team. He used this athletic skill to escape China and to eventually settle in the U.S. He is the founder of the Olympic Freedom T-shirt Movement and author of One In A Billion: Journey Toward Freedom.

    FP: Kai Chen, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

    Chen: Thank you.

    FP: The current Olympic Games are being portrayed as a propaganda victory for China. Do you think that the Chinese government has succeeded in concealing the real nature of Chinese society from the international media? Has the international media attempted to look behind the new bamboo curtain?

    Chen: The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is, and has always been, a corrupt organization. There has never been any control mechanism within that organization. It has paid only lip service on the human rights issues in China, and entirely ignored the illegitimate nature of the Chinese communist regime. In a big way, the IOC helps conceal the nature of the Chinese society - a post communist, but neo-Nazi society, and deceive the world as the Chinese communist regime intended to. I have to say that the IOC is a big sham in a big scheme to legitimize an illegitimate government. In some way the criminal communist regime has already succeeded in their deception from the start: President Bush was there, wasn't he?

    With countless violations and tragedies caused by the Beijing Olympics Preparation Organization under the Chinese government, have you ever heard IOC squeeze a f--- toward the Chinese government. NBC which covers the Beijing Olympics, often using Tiananmen Square as the back drop, fails to mention Tiananmen Massacre in 1989. A deal somehow has been struck between IOC and NBC, wouldn't you say so?

    But the real nature of the Chinese society as a real issue will never go away. The criminal government with its countless atrocities against humanity in the past and present has caused more than 70 million innocent lives in peace time. That issue will never go away, unless God is blind. The current anti-humanity activities by the Chinese criminal regime is still continuing. Falungong, Tibet, Christians, dissidents, one-child policy, corruption, supporting all the criminal regimes and groups around the world from Darfur to Burma to North Korea to Latin America with weapons and money. The world has to wake up to the Chinese threat, a threat to our own conscience, an invasion of our souls.

    FP: One of the submotifs of the Games is China's apparent willingness to cheat to win. They hardly fielded a women's swimming team because their swimmers, once dominant, were decimated by doping violations. And now there are allegations that they have altered the ages of their gymnasts in violation of international rules. What does this say about Chinese society?

    Chen: Nothing surprises me or shocks me in China. When I represented China in many international situations, my passport was civilian, even though I was an army man. Though in the 1970, illegal doping was unknown in China, because the regime was ignorant about it, by the beginning of 1990s, with the import of many East German coaches, doping was instituted as a government program to many athletes, especially women athletes. But just like in East Germany, (all the doping scandals only came out with evidence after the collapse of the Berlin Wall) the Chinese doping scandals will be exposed only after the future collapse of the communist regime with its archives eventually opened to the public.

    The moral issue facing the individual Chinese athletes is: Does anyone eventually come forward to confess to the world of their drug use (forced or voluntary) under the supervision of the communist regime. Do they really want to return their gold medals? Does the under aged gold medalist have the freedom and courage to defy the entire Chinese society, their own families, their own community to admit these violations? If not, what is the moral consequences they will have to bear in their entire lives?

    FP: One of the stories of the Chinese Games--even though it has not been deeply probed by the media--is the environmental devastation of the Chinese environment. How deep a problem is it? Is it possible for any environmental movement (outside a governmentally sanctioned one) to take on these problems in the way that western environmentalists have in their societies?

    Chen: By Western standards, China should be officially defined as uninhabitable. The pollution issue is so big that no one in China, in the Chinese government, and possibly in the world, wants to face it, for the bigger, more pressing issue to the regime is how to deceive the entire population, how to prolong their control over the Chinese people by spiritually drugging them, how to stabilize a fundamentally unjust society (an impossible task). Food must be on the table, unemployment must be kept to the manageable level, dissidents must be crushed, the increasingly restless population must be pacified. Pollution and environment damage? What pollution and environmental damage?

    Quite a few teammates of mine have already died of cancer in their 40s and 50s. Are they going to find out what caused their cancer? Do they have the means to find out? Quite unlikely.

    FP: Some analysts have said that the "openness" shown by the Chinese government in terms of media coverage of the earthquake, combined with the international media's presence at the Olympics, will have a modest but permanent liberalizing effect on Chinese society. Is this so?

    Chen: If there has been an "openness," it is not because the Chinese government wants to open, but because they have to change their policies in order to maintain their control over the population. On the one hand, they will have to continue to attract foreign investment to keep the economy humming. On the other hand, they also will have continue to build the information "firewall" - a new kind Chinese Great Wall, to keep all threatening elements, such as Christianity, Falungong, ideas of freedom and democracy out of the reach of the Chinese people. They now have employed 200,000 internet police to monitor the society. They also hired countless "50 cent" propaganda amateurs to help "lead" the public opinions toward government side, by demonizing the West, America, Christianity, Falungong, and people like me. My email contacts were recently attacked with viruses systematically from an unknown source.

    "Open" or "closed" is only a tactic in the hands of an illegitimate government, insecure about its own future for the crimes it has committed against the entire population over the past 60 years.

    FP: As you look behind the imagery of the Olympics--undoubtedly glamorous, but also airbrushed and sanitized, according to critics of the coverage--what kind of society do you see?

    Chen: China is a fascist and neo-Nazi society. No one nowadays, including members of the communist party, believes in the ideology of communism - an ideology discredited world wide with the collapse of the USSR. But the Party-State structure left by the previous founders such as Mao is still very much intact. To make Mao's image everywhere in China, on the currency, in school campuses, on Tiananmen Square is a crucial government policy to numb the Chinese people's senses. To dismantle Mao's image, the National Anthem what espouses despotism, the National Flag that symbolizes individuals' submission to the collective, and the entire communistic organizational structure is not a task the communist party will ever possibly engage itself in. It depends on the organizational structure to survive another few years.

    Evil's triumph is because not enough good people stand up. And no evil will disappear by itself.

    FP: Kai Chen, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

    Chen: Thank you.

  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    Chinese Medalists - Lost Individuals


    在中国奖牌得主中,没有一个人在得奖后向观众席上观望,寻找自己的亲友去分享自己的成功。 从他们表演给他人的微笑中,我只看到了失落的个体孤魂,我只看到了屈辱和痛苦。 他们在心理上和良知上会为此承受严重的后果。 --- 陈凯

    If you pay attention to the Chinese medallists in the Beijing Olympics, as always, you will find that none of them look toward the audience to find their family and friends to share their success. They only respond to the coaches and leaders. From the fake smiles designed to perform for others, and to cover their own pain/misery, I only see some lonely hearts lost in the crowds who care nothing about these athletes but want to steal something from them. I only see humiliation and excruciating pain. They will have to bear grave consequences of selling themselves to an entity that entirely dehumanizes them as individual beings. --- Kai Chen


    Dear Visitors:

    Have you seen any smile from the Chinese athletes in Beijing that is from the bottom of their hearts? Can't you see that all the smiles are only put on their face to show others?

    All the Chinese athletes will eventually have to face themselves and ask themselves: "Is this worth it to sell one's freedom and dignity for something that oppresses their own very individuality?"

    Many Chinese athletes are picked from very young age and separated from their families ever since. Their own families are also willing to leave them to the cruelty and inhumanity of the athletic environment under Chinese despotic culture/government. No one knows their pain, inner torment and suffering. They are pressured from outside, not driven from inside, to succeed. And when they achieve, their achievement is stolen by the country, by their leaders, by the crowds that know and care nothing about them. The people around them only care about using them and their achievement to add some ingredients into their designer narcotics, so they will have a grand illusion to escape the true state of their own mind, the true meaning in their own lives. Who do they want to share their old medals if they are robbed from their youth of their own loved ones, of their own very individual identity, of something that is most precious as a human being?? The fake entities of course - the party, the collective, the country, the team, the leaders, the Chinese people.....

    Contrast to the Chinese athletes, American athletes will first look into the audience to find their loved ones to share their success. That is what things are supposed to be and should be, for freedom and joy from inside of each athlete is the ultimate reward to himself/herself.

    Have you wondered why the Chinese got more gold medals than Americans while in overall medal counts they are trailing?

    In China, the system has no just and fair selective process to decide who is going to make the roster for the Olympics. In America, the process is just, open and fair: You have to qualify in an objective standard/system in the Olympic Qualifying Events. As long as you are qualified via fair competition, no one has any power to reject you from the roster. In China, the selective process to decide who is on the roster is purely political/arbitrary. The leaders first consider your chance to get the gold medal (besides your loyalty to them/collective/country), for only the gold medal can ensure the Party-state's National Anthem be played for the audience. Only the gold medal has the maximum effect to drug the Chinese population and induce maximum illusions. If you are considered just another athlete with minimum chance to win the gold, you are pushed behind and diminished as a less-valued asset, for your value as a narcotic ingredient to drug the population is negligible.

    This collective-first mindset has caused countless misery and tragedies among the Chinese athletes. Yet in China no one knows the athletes' pain and suffering. No one cares. They are just some tools with talents to be used and abandoned. Everyone, not just the Chinese authority, in China views athletes like that, views all the people themselves like that. So strictly speaking, the Chinese are the victims of their own despotic and inhuman mentality. Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony is the epitome of such a collective/despotic mentality.

    I, as an athlete having survived that inhuman system, now only want to tell you the truth - the truth no one wants to hear. Yet, here I am. I exist. I am not afraid. I will speak.

    Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

  • Topic by fountainheadkc. Forum: 陈凯෹...

    Chinese Medalists - Lost Individuals


    在中国奖牌得主中,没有一个人在得奖后向观众席上观望,寻找自己的亲友去分享自己的成功。 从他们表演给他人的微笑中,我只看到了失落的个体孤魂,我只看到了屈辱和痛苦。 他们在心理上和良知上会为此承受严重的后果。 --- 陈凯

    If you pay attention to the Chinese medallists in the Beijing Olympics, as always, you will find that none of them look toward the audience to find their family and friends to share their success. They only respond to the coaches and leaders. From the fake smiles designed to perform for others, and to cover their own pain/misery, I only see some lonely hearts lost in the crowds who care nothing about these athletes but want to steal something from them. I only see humiliation and excruciating pain. They will have to bear grave consequences of selling themselves to an entity that entirely dehumanizes them as individual beings. --- Kai Chen


    Dear Visitors:

    Have you seen any smile from the Chinese athletes in Beijing that is from the bottom of their hearts? Can't you see that all the smiles are only put on their face to show others?

    All the Chinese athletes will eventually have to face themselves and ask themselves: "Is this worth it to sell one's freedom and dignity for something that oppresses their own very individuality?"

    Many Chinese athletes are picked from very young age and separated from their families ever since. Their own families are also willing to leave them to the cruelty and inhumanity of the athletic environment under Chinese despotic culture/government. No one knows their pain, inner torment and suffering. They are pressured from outside, not driven from inside, to succeed. And when they achieve, their achievement is stolen by the country, by their leaders, by the crowds that know and care nothing about them. The people around them only care about using them and their achievement to add some ingredients into their designer narcotics, so they will have a grand illusion to escape the true state of their own mind, the true meaning in their own lives. Who do they want to share their old medals if they are robbed from their youth of their own loved ones, of their own very individual identity, of something that is most precious as a human being?? The fake entities of course - the party, the collective, the country, the team, the leaders, the Chinese people.....

    Contrast to the Chinese athletes, American athletes will first look into the audience to find their loved ones to share their success. That is what things are supposed to be and should be, for freedom and joy from inside of each athlete is the ultimate reward to himself/herself.

    Have you wondered why the Chinese got more gold medals than Americans while in overall medal counts they are trailing?

    In China, the system has no just and fair selective process to decide who is going to make the roster for the Olympics. In America, the process is just, open and fair: You have to qualify in an objective standard/system in the Olympic Qualifying Events. As long as you are qualified via fair competition, no one has any power to reject you from the roster. In China, the selective process to decide who is on the roster is purely political/arbitrary. The leaders first consider your chance to get the gold medal (besides your loyalty to them/collective/country), for only the gold medal can ensure the Party-state's National Anthem be played for the audience. Only the gold medal has the maximum effect to drug the Chinese population and induce maximum illusions. If you are considered just another athlete with minimum chance to win the gold, you are pushed behind and diminished as a less-valued asset, for your value as a narcotic ingredient to drug the population is negligible.

    This collective-first mindset has caused countless misery and tragedies among the Chinese athletes. Yet in China no one knows the athletes' pain and suffering. No one cares. They are just some tools with talents to be used and abandoned. Everyone, not just the Chinese authority, in China views athletes like that, views all the people themselves like that. So strictly speaking, the Chinese are the victims of their own despotic and inhuman mentality. Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony is the epitome of such a collective/despotic mentality.

    I, as an athlete having survived that inhuman system, now only want to tell you the truth - the truth no one wants to hear. Yet, here I am. I exist. I am not afraid. I will speak.

    Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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