Tidal Wave Project (方案 Proposal)
Initiator: Kai Chen (Liberty League)
To combat the increasing infiltration, encroachment and growing corruption by the Chinese communist regime onto American political, social, moral and civic landscape, and to assert American values of freedom, justice and human dignity.
These communist regime’s activities include providing propaganda material and finance for the Chinese language schools in American to brainwash American-born youths, infiltration, bribery and intimidation of Chinese language media in America, establishing government funded “Confucian Institutes” world wide, encouraging civic moral corruption and immoral establishments such as “Mao’s Kitchen” in the Los Angeles, manufacturing Mao’s t-shirts and other Mao-related commodities, holding Mao’s birthday commemorations, etc. In glorifying and commercializing Mao’s (the biggest mass murderer in human history) images throughout America and the world, our very souls as dignified human beings are being degenerated and demoralized. A massive invasion of human decency and basic humanity is now taking place world wide under the government funding and meticulous planning of the communist regime in China. We as conscientious individuals must act to counter such insidious and pernicious scheme.
12:00 noon – 3:00 pm, Friday (or Saturday, lunch time) December 26 (or 27), 2008 (Mao’s birthday), in anticipation of the 20th anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre in 1989.
“Mao’s Kitchen” Diners in Melrose, San Gabriel and Venice. Demonstration to be held simultaneously at all locations.
Using cartoons, images, portraits and slogans linking Mao, Hitler and Stalin (Pol Pot, Castro, Hu Chiming, Bin Laden, Kim, etc), demonstration is to be held by the sidewalks in front of the diners.
1. All anti-communist individuals.
2. Falungong practitioners.
3. Christian groups (such as Hacienda Christian Fellowship with Pastor Eddie Romero)
4. Libertarian groups (Reason TV, Magazine)
5. Conservative groups as well as liberal groups (i.e. Freedom Center)
6. Jewish, Vietnamese, Cuban, Korean, Iranian ethnic groups.
7. Chinese democratic groups.
8. Taiwan progressive groups.
Media and Police notification:
Various Chinese and English media need to be informed about the event and police departments need to be notified prior to the “Tidal Wave Project”.
Kai Chen (elecshadow@aol.com)

Mao's Kitchen = Hitler's BBQ = Stalin's Banquet
毛的厨房 = 希特勒的烧烤 = 斯大林的人肉宴
Main Ingredients: tears, misery and death
Guest Chefs: Pol Pot, Kim Jong-il, Fidel Castro
Boycott Morally Perverted Businesses
70 million innocent lives perished under Mao’s regime and the atrocities continue today in China. Persecutions of Falungong practitioners, Christians, Tibet Buddhist monks, human rights activists have been intensified before, during and after the Beijing Olympics.
We call upon all conscientious people in the world to mobilize and combat the increasing infiltration, encroachment and growing corruption by the Chinese communist regime onto American political, social, moral and civic landscape, and to assert American values of freedom, justice and human dignity.
These communist regime's activities include providing propaganda material and finance for the Chinese language schools in American to brainwash American-born youths, infiltration, bribery and intimidation of Chinese language media in America, establishing government funded "Confucian Institutes" world wide, encouraging civic moral corruption and immoral establishments such as "Mao's Kitchen" in the Los Angeles, manufacturing Mao's t-shirts and other Mao-related commodities, holding Mao's birthday commemorations, etc. In glorifying and commercializing Mao's (the biggest mass murderer in human history) images throughout America and the world, our very souls as dignified human beings are being degenerated and demoralized. A massive invasion of human decency and basic humanity is now taking place world wide under the government funding and meticulous planning of the communist regime in China. We as conscientious individuals must act to counter such insidious and pernicious scheme.