Don't Avoid/Escape Your Moral Choices
反共的不一定都是好人。 亲共的没一个好人。
亲美的不一定都是好人。 反美的没一个好人。
将“反共”作为逃避个体道德混乱,道德怯懦,道德腐败,作为回避个体每日道德选择的心理倾向是中国家庭文化,团体组织文化的通病。 个体道德的操守只能通过个体对自身良知的不断反省,对每日道德选择的清晰判断来体现。 对亲人,朋友的有勇气的道德态度与立场比对敌人的态度更能说明一个人的品行。
我从不相信朽木锈钉会建立起道德制度的大厦。 --- 陈凯
Those who are anti-communist may not be good people. But those who are pro-communist are never good people.
Those who are pro-American may not be good people. But those who are anti-American are never good people.
Using "anti-communism" as some kind of pretense to escape one's individual responsibility, individual integrity, individual moral judgment, and to excuse one's own moral confusion, corruption and cowardice in one's every day life is a wide-spread pathological/corrupt phenomenon in Chinese families and organizations. Moral clarity and courage can only be manifested through an individual's judgment and behavior via the individual's every day moral choices. To maintain a consistent moral standard toward one's own family and friends is much more telling of one's content of character than one's attitude toward his/her enemies.
I have never believed that rotten materials can be utilized to maintain and sustain the moral foundation of any just system/society. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
Many I have met within the Chinese community manifest a disturbing but prevalent phenomenon -- they are tougher toward the known enemy (the communist regime in China) than the moral corruption and confusion existed in the Chinese families and organizations. Many times I sense that "anti-communist regime in China" has often become the Chinese pretense to excuse their own moral confusion, corruption and cowardice toward the wrong doings among their own family members and friends.
They simply, by a cultural habit, want to sweep everything dirty under the rug in their own families and organizations, just to maintain a superficial facade of calm. Some even pity those who raped and abused them in their own families, rather than standing up to them and drawing a moral line between the good and evil. This Mr. Q's self deceptive device to cheat oneself into a self-imposed moral superiority by forgetting and forgiving evil-doers before they pay the price and offer apologies is such a pathetic/nauseating one that simply thinking of it makes me want to throw up.
Yet, this sickness in the Chinese families and organizations persists in a most tenacious fashion, many times not being even detected by the perpetrators/victims themselves, till tremendous harms are done.
So ask yourself in your every day life whether you make good and moral choices most of the time. And only by doing that, a better future is possible. Only by doing that, the Chinese can truly start to break free from a self-imposed, paralyzing sick culture of despotism/nihilism toward a more normal, healthier society.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯