Quote From News Source:

Yao Ming is Wrong/No Comparison, only Contrast
将铁柱与Chamberlain相比有如将中国的豆腐渣工程与美国的摩天大楼相比,有如将假货与真货相比,有如将专制与自由民主相比,有如将虚无与存在相比。 这是一个头脑与道德的混乱与腐败。 --- 陈凯
To compare Mu with Chamberlain is like to compare the shoddy Chinese school building in Sichuan with the Empire State Building in New York, is like to compare the fake with the real, is like to compare evil despotism with freedom/democracy, is like to compare nothingness with existence. Such a comparison only shows one's intellectual and moral confusion and corruption. --- Kai Chen
[size=18]没有比较,只有对照。 There is no comparison between Mu and Chamberlain. There is only contrast. [/size]
Dear Visitors:
Yao Ming has commented that Mu was like Wilt Chamberlain in China. This is a gross exaggeration and a total untruth about Mu. It is an insult to the great Wilt Chamberlain.
Chamberlain was not only tall, he was very athletic and had great an individual character with dignity. Mu was not such at all and had none of Chamberlain's ability. Mu was never a starter in the team as Chamberlain always was. Physically Mu was abnormal with a condition called gigantism while Chamberlain was a healthy normal person. Mu was only tall and that maybe the only commonality he had with Chamberlain.
Mu had no individual dignity with principles. He once threw a game to his old Jinan Military Team when we played in the National Championships in Xian, 1976. He had repeatedly betrayed basketball. He often used his basketball to bargain with authority for a little material benefit, such as joining the party, promotion, housing, marriage, etc... Beside sometimes bursting into a childish/infantile temper tantrum, he exhibited no courage against authority. To me he was only a pathetic victim of the Chinese despotism/tyranny. And he had always played the authorities' games.
We used to protect Mu when he was out, for people in China treated him as a freak, a deformed animal. They threw stones at him just for fun. We often had to chase those hooligans and beat them up after they called Mu names and humiliated him. But later it was Mu that had made me lose all respect for him.
In my years with Mu, he was humiliated many times and sent back to his original unit from the August 1st Team. The reason was that the authorities didn't think his appearance/awkwardness was good for China. In their eyes, he would lose face for China. But eventually they had to admit him just to give the team an edge. But he did nothing to protest, to fight back, to show some dignity and self-respect. Rather, he was thankful for the authorities and he played their games without a bit of repugnance. How could he endure the utter humiliation? That was beyond me.
When Yao Ming made a comparison like this, I only feel a great injustice, a great deception done to all the people who have no knowledge of the history. Besides, it is a great insult to my basketball hero -- Wilt Chamberlain.
Take care. Kai Chen 陈凯