陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556

对屎虼螂弹琴? Wanting Dung Beetles to Appreciate Human Values?

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:07 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


Wanting Dung Beetles to Appreciate Human Values?

In a Slave Society without “Human Beings”, Pursuit of Freedom, Not “Human Rights” is Paramount

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

陈凯 Kai Chen 1/20/2011 www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

自从里根总统执政后,就再也没有出现过一位高声为自由唱赞讴歌的美国政治领袖了。 世界的自由事业也就由此出现了停顿与倒退。 中共党奴朝的所谓“崛起”就是在这样一种美国的政治人物 对美国价值/使命的渎职与道德混乱中而产生的。 今天的奥巴马对胡锦涛的绥靖与他对世界专制政体的妥协与让步只不过是自里根总统执政后的美国历届执政者的对美国建国理念的渎职与道德混乱/腐败的必然结果。 物质/经济、金钱与对权力的争夺早已成了自里根以后的美国政界司空见惯的常态。 人们对美国建国者们在“独立宣言”与“美国宪法”中所阐扬的美国价值与人类的普世终极价值(生命、自由与对幸福的追求)不屑一顾、置若罔闻。

试想,如果世界上没有美国坚守人类自由与尊严的价值,哪一个社会与国度会承担这个主导人类走向自由的方向性的重任呢? 如果美国对中共的“软冷战”的新伎俩不知拒晓而被中共党朝的“精神与道德的艾滋病毒”所感染,(与遍身涂脂抹粉的染着艾滋病的“宦奴娼”的、用“虚无”消灭“存在”的中共党朝欢娱性交必会导致此种悲剧。)那美国的存在本身就毫无意义。 在这个基点上说,今天的美国执政者们背叛了美国的建国精神。 今天的美国正在背离美国建国者们的原则与理念,正在被中共党朝的“精神艾滋病毒”腐蚀侵害并走向“物化”与道德腐败。 我,作为一个真正的崇尚美国价值与建国理念的美国人,会做出我应有的努力去唤醒美国的民众为美国的精神与价值不懈地拼搏。 美国价值与理念的进取就是世界专制社会与国度的衰退与灭亡。

当一个人的行为与言论没有道德与真实的前提(moral and true premises)时,他的所作所为是毫无意义的。 当“精神艾滋病”侵染了人们的灵智的时候,他们竟会对一个没有“人”只有“奴”的社会讲什么虚无的“人权”。 当一个社会的政体是非法的罪犯政体的时候,他们竟会与这个政体进行交易建立条约。 当一个将人类历史上最大的杀人魔毛泽东的形象印在所有的钞票上去污染阉割世人的灵魂良知的时候,他们会向这些“崇魔”的刽子手要求所谓的“升高汇率”(currency appreciation), 等等、等等。

里根总统的简明、清晰与深刻的对人类社会走向的理解导致了他在对邪恶政体的博争中占有主动与道德的高点: 对苏联为首的共产政权,里根从不报任何幻想。 “他们撒谎”(They lie.)一句话就是里根对专制国度的定义。 “邪恶帝国”(Evil Empire) 一个词就是里根对共产社会的定义。 “我们必胜,它们必败”(We win. They lose.) 就是里根道德鲜明的政策取向。 里根的道德与理性的“前提”永远是清晰的与正义的。 也正是因为这种简明、清晰、正义与乐观的真正的“美国价值与精神”,共产邪恶势力才无从入手去击败自由。 苏联的垮台与共产邪念的破产在像里根一样的无畏的“美国人”面前只是一个“时间”问题而绝不是一个“是否”问题。

今天的奥巴马的道德腐败与混乱只不过是自里根以来的历届美国执政者们的“渎职”(a dereliction of moral duty) 的巅峰而已。 中共党朝与世界专制(如伊斯兰专制文化)的“蝇蚊”基于它们的专制直觉察觉到了美国“蛋”上的裂缝。 它们蜂拥而上,植入专制价值的腐卵与病毒(孔子学院/孔子课堂,伊斯兰庙/寺院等等)。 今天在美国的华语系人们也普遍扮演这种邪恶侵蚀的媒介。 哈崗学区的学委徐乃星(Norman Hsu) 就是这种媒介的典型例子:他在一封给中共“汉办”官员霍福海的电邮中公开声称他要竭力在南加州学区推广“孔子课堂”,并不是因为美国学生与美国社会的利益,而是因为他是一个“华人”愿为“泛华”的中共党朝而不遗余力。 他更无耻地献媚说他计划将十所“孔子课堂”引入哈崗周围的十个学区。 “来西方/美国学反西方/美国,用自由学灭自由”是普遍的华语系人们的病态心理。

当前世界最需要的是以美国为首的自由世界重新着力推动自由的事业。 依靠一个以古巴等专制为首的联合国“人权组织”去在世界众多的否认“人”的存在与自由的国度中要求所谓的“人权”只是一个自欺自辱的笑话。 在中共党奴朝的奴化的“无人”社会中去要求“人权”是与那些要求“平反六四”的人们的“屎虼螂滚屎球”的痴梦同出一辙的。 奥巴马与胡锦涛的没有“自由”与“个体人”的“人权”诉求自然地也就蜕变成了所谓的“吃饭权”、“生意权”、“生存权”、“发财权”与“发展权”。 这种“反人”的人权与纳粹的“强国强族”的“国权族权”是毫无区别的。

“人”的存在与自由是一切道德合法社会的首要前提。 不承认每一个“个体人”的自由意志与生命的尊严而将群体的“统一”、“和谐”、“繁荣”与“强大”作为伪价值的社会是没有资格谈什么“人权”的。 那些奢想与一个非法的罪犯政体—中共党奴朝搞生意谈条约的人们也必然会自食其果,将世界推向一个战争的边缘。 二战前的西方对纳粹德国的绥靖也会在这种要求“人权”的无奈、无知与无灵的高叫中重演。 我们都知道这种绥靖的结果是什么。

Last edited Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:15 am | Scroll up


RE: 对屎虼螂弹琴? Wanting Dung Beetles to Appreciate Human Values?

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:16 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

陈凯一语:Kai Chen's Words:

这位读者的观点反映了许多将“中共党奴朝”与“中国人”文化心态分离的人的思维谬误。 “政治上正确”被许多人用来否认真实,回避自身的怯懦。 说毛泽东身上没有秦始皇是对真实的污诋。 说“中国文化”可以用来解决中国的问题是“揪发助飞”的迷梦。 说“中国人”对当今的“中国道德黑洞”的状态没有个体责任而只有“中共”负责是长期吸食文化毒品的奴化心态的产物。 只有唤起每一个人的良知并诉诸每一个人的道德勇气,华语系的人们在能开始走上自由之路。

I am very glad to have a chance to clarify my points through this exchange with this sincere and thoughtful reader. He reflects the majority "anti-communist" people's view. Yet, "political correctness" often plays a big role in such a view. One must face the truth to solve the true problem. Avoiding the truth simply because the problem is too big will never help. My responsibility is to help people like these, with their good intentions, see the magnitude of the problem and to prepare themselves for the coming challenges. We must have will, courage and ability to see the truth to progress toward a better future.


"Ordinary Chinese" - Mao's Willing Executioners
普通“中国人”- 毛泽东的行刑者

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

A Meaningful Exchange with a Reader

(Thanks Wallace for a thoughtful message.)

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 5/22/2011)

The mistake commonly committed by people is that the fruit a tree bears has nothing to do with the tree, or with the soil, or with the climate. The truth is the fruit, in China's case, a most poisonous fruit, is the result of all the factors, not just the fruit itself, or the tree itself, but of the content of the soil and the climate.

No one wants to address the truth, because of "political correctness", or fear of its consequences. But without addressing the truth, the world will never progress. "Only truth shall set you free." There is a book on WWII Holocaust "Hitler's Willing Executioners", documenting how common Germans using Hitler's policy to benefit themselves, killing thousands of Jews in the process. By the same token, Mao himself will be never able to murder 80 million innocent lives during peace time in China. Then who killed? Now all the killers are hiding under the big umbrella of "victims" of Mao. But the truth is: The victims are often victimizers themselves, just as the willing slaves are often harboring evil intentions to become masters (not of themselves, but of others).

What I am addressing with my messages is the truth. As the Nobel Peace Prize winner Mr. Liu Xiaobo (who is still languishing in a Chinese prison) once pointed out: "The tragedies in Chinese history are made both by the victimizers and the victims. Everyone is a producer, a director and an actor in the two thousand years of Chinese tragedy." Most people don't want to face this truth, therefore don't want to face their own responsibilities in producing this tragedy. And you, Mr. Schwam, is not helping by sending a wrong message throughout your contact with the Chinese and others. You are, with your wrong messages, helping the Chinese themselves to omit/deny their own individual responsibilities, so they can go back to their nationalistic fervor against the universal values of freedom and dignity. They will continue to sing in praise of dung beetles in a culture of excrement, rejecting God's law of freedom, justice and truth.

A fish reared in a chamber pot is a sick and poisonous fish. Such a fish may not survive in the fresh water and ocean. It has long mutated into a warped state of being. To prepare the fish to live in a natural environment requires a painstaking effort. It requires will, courage and ability. I hope you pluck up your courage and moral clarity to see the truth, and help the Chinese and the oppressed in the world to wake up and bear their personal responsibilities.

I thank you for your meaningful message and hope to be in touch with you.

Best. Kai Chen


Message Attachment 附读者原文:

In a message dated 1/17/2011 6:17:54 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, 1c writes:

Greetings Kai Chen,

Sometimes, when I'm reading electricshadow, I feel that there is not enough distinction made between "China", the "Chinese Gov." and the "Chinese People".

As an American, I wish the Chinese People well. I look forward to the day when they will live under a representative government that cherishes freedom. Likewise, my attitude toward "China" is not necessarily hostile. I want China to be a great nation not a hegamoniacal menace. I want to see China so free and non threatening that Taiwan will want closer relations of its own accord. Nevertheless, we have to deal with the present Chinese government; A one party system, totalitarian in its mindset, trampling on dissent, striving to become a global censor. It's this government that we must oppose if the world it to avoid an Orwellian nightmare.

For the above reasons, we must find a way to criticize the Chinese Gov., while holding out hope to the Chinese people, in all of our communications.

With Best Wishes, Wallace Schwam

Last edited Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:17 am | Scroll up

陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556
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