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不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
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反竞争、反真实 中国专制文化心态
反竞争、反真实 中国专制文化心态
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:34 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
反竞争、反真实 中国专制文化心态的实质
Anti-Competition, Anti-Truth The Core of Chinese Despotic Culture
Free Beings vs. Chinese Series
By Kai Chen 陈凯 7/10/11 www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
反竞争的体育、反市场的经济、反多党的政治、反真实的文化、反自由与尊严的个人、、, 是我一直反复地强调的中国人的病态文化心理: 几乎所有的人都是胜王败寇的、见风使舵的墙头草。 输赢而不是对错,得失而不是真假, 权势而不是是非是所有中国人关注的焦点。 朝代的恶性循环而不是历史的良性演进也就必然成为中国的专制特色。 这是一个逻辑的必然延伸: 中国人迷恋在输赢、得失与权势的抽陀螺的术与谋中而不能进入追求向前行的哲学与智慧的开拓也就成了撰写孙子兵法、三国演义、儒林外史与 厚黑学的动机。 玩儿心术、斗心眼儿、杀人越权的巫术小人如毛泽东也自然地成了中国人崇拜仿效的偶像。 道德与智慧的典范如林昭在中国也必然成为虚无与人所回避、敬而远之甚至诽谤唾弃的言论禁区。 推进世界历史向前演进了2011年的基督的道德智慧也被中国人不屑一顾地认为只是西方外来的怪物怪癖。 (例:中国的人们从不过问为什么一个星期有七天。)
为什么中国几千年的历史从没有产生过体育运动的概念与现象? 回答是很简单的: 因为中国反竞争的专制文化心态的强大禁锢。 杀人是消灭竞争的最佳手段。 中国的历史从一开始是一部王朝的杀人史。 从秦始皇到毛泽东, 谁杀人越多,谁在中国的历史上就越伟大辉煌,谁就越得到中国人的崇拜与青睐。 中国古代的擂台也都只能是一些毫无规则法律的打死为止的合法杀人场所。 中国的商业也只能是一个害人、骗人、掠夺越货的无商不奸的坑人场。 中国的政治当然也都是无官不贪的杀人越权的官场谋略。 自此,杀人也就成了中国文化的精髓。
中国人从不懂得人被上苍(God)所创与人的存在的伟大,就如中国人从不懂得体育精神的伟大并不在输赢一样: 中国体育的举国体制就是要消灭在中国国内的体育竞争的。 为什么中国国内的(反竞争)体育运动与中国国内的(反竞争)官僚经济一样,都是腐败的呢? 国家队、八一队的组建与长期存在就说明中国国内的体育运动是反竞争的: 政府、军队有权将最优秀的体育天才充公。 这样,所有的民间培养体育人才的机制就被消灭殆尽。 奴役制的文化洗脑又将这种充公说成是民间应有的为国为民族奉献的骄傲。 人们不以为耻,反以为荣地将这种非人(非个体)的举国体制说成是有中国特色的体育。
对比美国的NBA选材机制,你就不难鉴别自由竞争的真实文化与消灭竞争的虚假文化: 每一年的NBA的选材是由往年比赛成绩最差的队公平抽签最先取材的。 导致最大、最自由的竞争的基点是不断完善 法律与规则。 NBA的篮球竞赛规则也是不断根据竞争、娱乐与经济效益的目标不断进行新的尝试、调整与改变的。 裁判的误判漏判也因实行了即时审查录像的新规则而减少到最低。 客观的胜负就此成为可能与现实。 运动员、教练员的个体品质、努力、发挥与天才就此成为输赢的最关键因素。 体育的求真的精神实质就此被求真的美国政治文化逐渐完整地体现出来。
真实(Truth)并不总是使人高兴与快乐, 但只有对真实(Truth)的不懈追求才能使人自由,才能使历史向前演进。 体育运动本身对真实(Truth)的暴露往往是无情的与残酷的,但只有这种无情与残酷的暴露才是公正的(Just, Fair)。 在昨天女足世界杯的四分之一决赛中,日本女足以1:0战胜了东道主德国女足,以弱胜强。 德国的女足姑娘们虽然进了最大的努力,拼搏了120分钟,但终因发挥失常而败。 许多人因而懊悔落泪。 但真实毕竟是真实。 真实的、伟大的体育精神是通过真实的、公平的、客观的、透明的体育竞争而产生的。 做了手脚的体育竞争如充公、黑哨、受贿、赌博、举国、吃激素而产生的输赢胜负是腐败虚假的自欺欺人。 为了伪政权的合法性而建立的体育是伪体育。 在这种伪体育中,金牌是以人(个体)的道德沦丧为代价的。 中国人的金牌数量不过是道德腐败的人们减轻自己因道德虚无而产生的失落感不断为自己打的吗啡针,是因恐惧与逃避真实(Truth)麻醉自己而吸食的可可因罢了。
一个真正的体育家的伟大精神在于他的真实: 他真实地面对自身,真实地面对世界,无所畏惧地在客观的、无情的竞争中投入自己全部的品质、意志、能力、努力、、。 流血、流汗、伤痛、挫败、讥讽、嘲笑、、,他必须勇敢地面对这一切。 他完整地、激情地投入他的全部,但绝没有成功与胜利的保证与许诺。 当我观看一次拳击冠军赛时看到拳手的血流满面的博争,我不禁为运动家们的体育精神所深深感动。 每一次的体育竞争都是一个体育家自身品质与意义的真实体现。 他们在这种残酷、无情、公正与透明的激烈角逐中体验着自身的存在与意义。 他们在那真实的一瞬间体验着人生的 永恒。 奇怪的是,大多数的中国人惧怕、回避、憎恨这种残酷、无情、公正与透明的激烈角逐。 他们会用野蛮等字眼去描述这种体育竞争。 但扭曲与冲突的是这些中国人也会无条件地服从专制并接受/欣赏毛泽东杀了八千万无辜人们的伟业。 他们用对自由与个体责任的恐惧与逃避尊崇着那些杀人魔,也从来不认为这些无视生命、自由与尊严的杀人魔们是野蛮。 多么病态的人们啊!
有意义的体育是道德的、客观的竞争体育。 有意义的社会是道德的、自由的、通过竞争而体现真实的正义社会。 有意义的个体是敢于面对自己、不懈追求真实的勇者。 有意义/合法的政体是一个通过自由竞争而产生的被赋政者们(Government by the consent of the governed)认可同意的政体。 中国并不是一个有意义的国(Nation-state)。 中国只是一个非程序法(无选举)、非道德法(无真实信仰与人性)的党政(Party-state)或更真实地说是一个党朝(Party dynasty)。 中国的体育运动也只是一个虚假的为非法的党政、党朝服务的御用工具与吗啡针、可可因罢了。 如果李娜能为60万人民币而昧着良心改嘴说假话为中共党朝唱赞歌,那她的网球冠军又能代表着什么呢? 是真实吗(Truth)? 是道德 (Morality)吗? 是意义(Meaning)吗? 是良知(Conscience)吗? 是正义感(Justice)吗?
如果钱(Money)与权(Power)能收买一切,如果输赢、胜败、权势、地位能决定一切,那中国到底是什么呢、到底代表什么呢? 这样的中国人不作也罢。

RE: 反竞争、反真实 中国专制文化心态
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:02 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Great Individual Spirit of a Pugilist
价值一语: Words of Value:
Show me the man you honor, and I will know what kind of a man you are, for it shows me what your ideal of manhood is, and what kind of a man you long to be. --- Thomas Carlyle
告诉我你崇敬什么样的人,我就知道你是什么样的人。 因为你告诉了我你心目中的理想的人的形象,我就知道你想做什么样的人。 --- Thoma Carlyle
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 9/29/2011)
Last night's fight between Taylor and Wright ended up a draw. But it was still a great fight. Both gave 100% of their effort and showed their strong will, individual character, talent and skills. Both deserve our admiration.
I love boxing, though I don't play the sport. I loved it the first time I watched a boxing match. Though there have been some bad conduct and behavior such as Tyson biting people, boxing is still one of my favorite sports to watch.
I will always be moved to see that a boxer gets knocked down but stands up again to knock the other guy out. I always admire those who beat each other bloody but show tremendous respect for the rules of the sport and the opponents' talent and courage. There is something great and noble in Boxing: People come from different backgrounds but they all demonstrate their individuality in the ring. Boxing is a sport that the players in it can never hide his true color and true character from anyone including himself. It is a ruthless display of reality. I love it.
I guess I love boxing because I love reality and loath deception and illusion. I love boxing for I admire the integrity of a boxer -- the unity of his will, his talent, his courage, his skills... What shows inside the ring is a reflection of how the boxer lives outside the ring. It is just like what I always say about a basketball player:
"The way you play basketball on the court shows exactly what kind person you are and how you conduct your life off the court."
I love boxing also because I love individualism. Inside the ring, a boxer has nowhere to escape but to face the danger, the pain, the possibility of defeat, the risk that associated with reality, one word, to face himself and who he really is. No one can replace anyone inside the ring. There is no one else to depend on. It is a full display of the essence and character of a person. I love it.
China had never had Boxing until only a couple of decades ago. Under communism boxing had always been banned. I always think the dislike and distaste of boxing by Chinese shows their contempt for individualism, objectivity and reality. For a culture that is built upon escapism, confusion and self-deception, boxing is a needle in the Chinese eyes. Many times I have heard the Chinese comment about the existence of Boxing in the west, especially in America (with the idols such as Ali, Robbinson, Marciano..,) with disdain, saying it is uncivilized, brutal, dangerous and idiotic. No wonder the Chinese value their intrigues, plots, deception and confusion as the treasures of their "civilization". Every time I watch the Chinese gossip with jealousy, or put down on individual greatness, I feel only nauciating repulsion. To see "small men" commenting and putting down greatness of individuals makes my stomach turn every time.
A nation of groups with no individual deserves NO greatness. Any so called greatness in such a setting is nothing but an illusion.
I have always thought that if the first emperor did not destroy all weapons in the civil society, if the Chinese had ever had a tradition of "Duel" to solve individual conflict, much like what had existed in the West, the Chinese character would not be so small and despicable, the Chinese civil society would not be so weak and meaningless. A society not willing to admit and treasure individual greatness, not willing to see reality in a boxing ring, not willing to see pain, blood, tears, effort, courage, integrity, respect, logically ends up as a society consist of a whole bunch "blood-thirst" parasites and man-eaters.

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