陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556


从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:52 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

陈凯访谈/解读中文语言的专制密码 Decipher Despotism in Chinese Language

Kai Chen Protests Confucius Classroom 陈凯抗议“孔学堂”


From Chinese Language to Despotism/Tyranny

从中国文字的虚无特质到中国专制文化的虚无特质 – 看中国单音节形象文字与中国专制政治文化的必然联系
From Nihilism in Chinese Language to Nihilism in Chinese Political Culture

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 5/18/2006 Reprint 9/4/2011)

将这一话题提出实有如有人大叫“皇帝没有穿衣服”一样,定会引起哗然大波。 但我想在人们在恼怒成羞,或恼羞成怒之后,定睛定神地仔细看一看,也许一些人会静下来想一想。 也许一些人会反思反省一下,意识到也许自己的意识形成确实受到了中国单音节形象文字的负向影响与滕缚。

我想我现在的尝试是一个前所未有的开拓: 试图用一种以虚无作特质的文字去阐述一个真实存在的概念。 按逻辑这有如用笼子去解放概念,用镣铐去使奴隶自由。 我曾用英文阐述过这个观点。 那并不难, 基于英文的内在的自由,抽象,逻辑,定义与附义的特质。 英文作底与说英文的人们也很容易懂得我的观点。 但用一种病语去分析,阐述此语的病态,却需要相当的努力,耐心,小心,技巧与勇气。 我决定还是试一下,因为我的读者与听众是运用此病语的人们,(虽然他们的大多数还没有意识到)也是深受其害的人们。

如果说语言文字是运送、交流信息知识的,内附价值体系的运送工具(Vehicle),中国单音节象形文字有如一辆辆悬空的“笼罐”式无马,无辕,无轮的旧马车。 说“笼”是因为它的囚禁人的思维的特质。但人在笼中最少还能向外看。我用“罐”是指人进入这个牢中后连向外看的可能都被杜绝了。 只有很少的光线可以透过“哈哈玻璃”进入罐内。 自罐中向外望,所有的事物都是畸形的伪物,无一真实。 说“旧”是因为中国文字的甲骨,巫术符号的几千年古源。 说“马车”是因为它起码还是一种语言文字。 说“悬空”是因为它既不前行,也无方向。 说无马是因为它没有始动力。 说无辕是因为它无从依附。 说无轮是说它无路可行。

在此我给这旧马车加一个力,那就是我。 我也给它加上一个辕与轮,那就是我的自知。 我也给这马车一条实路,那就是英文作底。 我现在试图用我的力量与自知在英文的底线上将一个真实的概念向前拖。 我不知结果会如何。 但我尽力而为。


1. 中文的“不可再造”性: 中文有50,000 多字,全是中国人祖先创造遗留下来的。 没有任何个人可以造字。
2. 改造中文的“官方”性: 只有代表整体的政府,如中共政权,才可简化文字并用权力传播它。

基于这两大性质,我可用逻辑引申为: 中文创始的前提是人的不自由化、 非个体化与奴役化。 这个前提是:世界上所有的知识与概念已被中国的祖先所发现,所创造。所有后来的中国人只是去记忆,去继承,去遵循,去服从。大部分中国人都认为人没有个人意志,也无个人选择,他只是环境,文化,制度的产物。 这种对人的认识与他们对中文文字的无能为力,和他们的被传统文字,文化奴役感质为相关。 所以讲中文作为中国专制文化制度的帮凶是不为过的。

另一个引申是:由于这两种性质,中国人的个性从一开始就被灭绝在摇篮里了。 中国人对群体与政府的尊崇是绝对的和来自官方的绝对的文字垄断权上的。

中国人的无神崇祖的现象从其始就与中国文字的僵化,绝对性相关,基于中文的不可再造性。 中文的创始者从一开始就没有将中国人视为自由的个体。 这种文字产生的基点并不是将语言作为工具,将人作为自由的,主动的,独立的个体去发挥,解放人的创造力的,而是将人作为被动的,消极的奴隶去控制,限制与奴化侍皇,侍群的。 当一个中国的孩子拿起毛笔临摹他祖先的笔法的时候 就是他在开始编织奴役自己的牢笼的时候。从那一刻起,残忍地与必然地,已经没有人将他作为一个自由人。 他自己也将自己的自由锁在那“笼罐”的悬空马车里了。 他将对那灵魂与头脑的自我禁锢付出沉重的代价。 如果他有意愿,能力与勇气,他也要用时间与巨大的努力去打破那他祖先留下的,他自己编造的灵智牢笼,寻求再生。 那是多大的浪费呀! 且不说事实证实只有极少数的人能打破中文的强大禁锢。


1. 由于人的生理局限,在五万中文字中,只有五千中文字是常用字。在几千年人类知识的积累中,已经超载的中文字在近代又受到了信息爆炸的巨大冲击。 字义的超载量已远远超出每个中文字的在古代的原设计值。 一字多义,多字一义,一音多字,一字多音,更将原来定义化就低的中文字进一步浑浊化。 每一辆旧马车其实已在这信息爆炸中被炸得粉碎。 或者说每一辆旧马车的过度超载已将中文字浑义,淡义到近于无义,虚义,甚至反义的地步。 试图用这旧马车去装载航天穿梭机只是一个病态人的臆想幻梦。

仅举“法治”一词为例: 人们从不分“法治”与“法制”之间的区别。我也不知他们之间有何区别。 但在英文中,“Rule of Law”与“Rule by Law”是反义。 前者有“人以法治政”,后者有“政以法制人”的含义。 两词的中译都是“法治”(或法制),孰不知前者是民主中的成分,后者是专制的定义。既不知什么是“法治”,何谓“法治人治”之争。 中国古代的“法家”应解为“君以法治人”,“儒家”应解为“君以礼治人”。两者都以维君权为目的,无本质区别。“儒法之争”也只是虚无的“权力之争”而已,旨在蒙人混脑。

这种“混义”,“反义”造成了中文的“不赋义”或“泛赋义”性。 任何人都可以将任何字在任何时间,任何地点歪释曲解,随机而用,使中文完全成为主观文字。 这种主观文字只能被定义为“虚无文字”/“专制文字”,因为只有那些手握枪杆子的人才有“语言权”并为他们虚设的伪词汇定义。 基此而言,任何的虚无文字只能作为玩弄“文字游戏”的专制者的专权刑具,而绝不能成为建树未来的民主者的追求自由的客观工具。

2. 基于人脑两半球的感知分工,中文用形象文字的表象加义输入人的抽象半脑,造成表象与抽象实质在思维时的颠倒与混乱。中国人在辩论,交流时不能在抽象实质的理性空间交锋,而常常沦落到猜忌与人身攻击的权力斗争的泥坑里,沦落到“救脸护皮”的俗套中,就是这个道理。 中文基其形象表达本应输入在人的艺术创作半脑中,这种“理,艺”的冲突输入就是“黄河浑水”的源泉。

由于冲突输入而导致的思维混乱大大降低了中国人自由,独立的程度与人格人质。 群体的专制(大政府,无社会)便成为了暂时维持表面秩序的唯一共有选择。

3. 中文中在名词与动词上无复数单数之分。 这直接导致了中国人误将复数群体作为不可分的有机单元。 个附群,群压个,个群不分便成为了与法西斯,纳粹理论有同无异的逻辑特质。人可有可无。 国不可不无。

4.中文字动词缺少时态。 这导致了中国人思维方向性的经常混乱。 过去,现在与将来在中国人的思维中常常颠三倒四,严重危害了中国人的客观历史感。

5. 因中文文字音形分离,儿童学习中文字时只通过记忆。这导致了中国儿童晚期阅读,往往比英文儿童晚三年。人的创造力来自拆散组合。 中文因不给人拆散组合的机会而窒息人的创造力。

6. 由于中文的不定义性,多义性,主观性与虚无性,中文绝不可作为科学与法律语言。 从古至今中国在自然科学与社会科学领域里是真空,与中文的虚无性因果相关。

7. 简化中文只是掩耳盗铃之技,解决不了中文的本质的单音节形象弊症,解决不了中文固有的虚无性。

8. 中文的形象构成与音字分离的特性造成了人们在信息组织与储存(information organization and storage)、信息查找与抽取(indexation)、概念形成与创造(concept development and creation)、新概念的表达(new concept expression)等至关重要的精神理性领域中的重大与不可逾越的障碍。

中文对人的异化是中国专制文化,中国专制制度对人的异化的基点组成环节。 中文早就应该进入文字考古博物馆里去,早就应该只作为艺术供人研究与欣赏,而绝不能作为工具为人所用创造未来。

中国人的祖先,由于形象文字的输入和限制,对自然界的认知只能停滞在表象的“金,木,水,火,土”上,而用不能借逻辑的力量走入分子,原子,电子,中子的层次上。 也就如中国的五音乐理,简谱在音乐领域中永远写不出表达多层次的人的心灵感情的宏伟的交响乐章,只有西乐“五线谱”才能承此大任。 再者,你可以想象如没有阿拉伯数字(1、2、3、4、、),你能用中文的“一,二,三,四、、”去产生与研究数学吗?

以英文为主的西方多音节字母文字是符合人的生理结构的“人”的文字。 它以抽象符号的自由组合与拆散组词、赋义输入人脑的抽象、理性的语言半球。人由此自由于表象与实质的输入冲突。 它以人的自由,独立为前提而设。它是为人服务的交流,储藏工具。 任何人可在任何时间,任何地点,出于任何目的将字母拆散组合,自造新字去表达新创造,新概念,用不着任何人的许可。 它的内在的逻辑性,定义性,客观性使它成为理想的科学与法律语言。 它是自由的语言,解放人的创造力的语言,表达人性,人的灵智的语言。 它是道德的语言。

用英文取代中文,成为中国人共用的法律、科学、教育语言,成为中国人走入人性,走向未来的工具,已是理不容辞,德不容辞,大势所趋。 陷在“国粹”的怪圈里的,崇祖拜中文的人们应该醒醒了。 请用你们头脑中的人性特质去思考,用逻辑,理性,道德去反省反思,而不要用你们的脸面,肤色,文化习性与虚无的群体认同去思考。 1+1 在任何人的脑子里都等于2。



陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

陈凯再版: 从“人”字看中国专制价值与奴役制文化
Kai Chen Reprint: From Chinese Character “人”to See Despotic Mindset

“Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

Kai Chen 陈凯 (2007-1-21 Written, 9/4/2011 Reprint)


人在中国被当作任人杀戳的牲畜,被当作任人利用的工具,被当作在一步机器中任人放置的部件。人在中国被当作政府的负担。尤其是在一胎制之后,中国人更被作为一种污染被政府控制以至灭绝。 在文化与哲学上我们也应该承认,虽然有时我们还不能用语言表达,在中国“人”只被看作血肉之躯,只被看作是毫无意义的,瞬息即逝的影像。 每一个在中国的个人都像是每一个中国字一样,自身并不立义。他一定要与其他人合为群体才似乎给自身附意义。那些不知为何拒绝承认中国的单音节象形文字与中国人不把人当人有关的人,应该有起码的良知承认最少这是一个事实。

为人民服务,为国家服务,为民族服务早已成为“中国人”人生的唯一意义。 中国的运动员,中国的知识分子,中国的官员, 中国的普通人都逃不脱这个虚无与奴役的模式。从文革时人为救集体财产而死而伤,到今天中国奥运运动员为祖国争光,一切人的行为都是围绕着人用人、人压人、人虐人、人杀人去为人所创造的东西服务,为语言,为文化,为皇帝, 为政权,为国家尽忠服务,而不是相反。 这与西方的自由文化/价值形成鲜明的对照。

这个病态的“人为其所创造的环境献身服务的怪诞邪像”直到今天仍没有被提到“中国人”的知觉中来, 仍没有被作为人的基本状态的重大扭曲而被提出,而被辩论,而被讨论与阐述。 这难道不是一个怪现象吗? 这难道不是一个最大的邪恶吗?

为什么几千年来“中国人”不把人当作人?为什么“中国人”只把人当作血肉之躯的表像,而从没把人看作有思有灵的、自由的、天赋人权的实体?为什么“中国人”从没有领悟过独特的、与畜与物不同的、人的抽象概念?为什么“中国人”只注重表像如“脸”、“皮”、“他人印象”、“群体感情”、“社会地位”,而从不注重作为一个完整宇宙,作为一个自始自终的个人的尊严,幸福,独立与自由呢? 为什么“中国人”从不领悟将人作为达到目的的手段是不道德的,是邪恶的定义呢?为什么“中国人”永远是一群毫无灵魂的躯壳、一群行尸走肉的吸血鬼、一群为族群作奴而虐人与自虐的“宦奴娼”呢? 为什么“中国人”存在的唯一目的就是吃掉那些灵魂尚存的人,直到所有的人都变成魔鬼呢?


“人”,由于中文字本身的形象性质,是中文中唯一描述人的中文字。这与崇尚人的价值/自由的英文形成鲜明对照。在英文中描述与阐述人的名词有很多。如:human, human being, humanoid, man, individual 等等。这个“人”的中文字样:行走中的两条腿,无头无身无手 -- 一个无所作为的行走肉体,就是“中国人”从古至今对人的理解与定义:一个毫无抽象意义的物理存像。 它只占有物理空间。 这个“人”是“中国人”唯一依赖的代表人的形象信号/符号输入。 “众”是由三个物理形象的“人”组成。 由此可见,通过形象文字输入的物理表像,而不是通过抽象文字输入的抽象的实质意义去认知“人”,成为“中国人”对人理解的焦点中心。

由于中文的形象输入而形成的“中国人”对“人”的非人理解对中国人的心理/心态模式形成了深远的、重大的负面恶性影响。它直接导致了“中国人”的非人心态和由其而引起的虚无与虐待心理情结。 在“中国人”的心态情结中,人不过是毫无意义的血肉形体。 毛泽东曾威胁要用牺牲一半中国人口的方式,通过战争称霸世界。 今天的中国“一胎制”也将人作为党朝中国的负担。 解决人口负担已成为所谓“中华民族振兴”的必要途径。 如果你懂得“中国人”如何理解“人”对待“人”的话,你就会懂得“中国人”对“人”的暴政是不足为奇的。 对他们来说,“人”不过是长者两条腿的物理形象,没有感情,没有思想理念,没有尊严,没有精神渴望,没有任何意义、、。 他/它们的唯一意义与作用就是:有如中国的国歌所高声唱赞的 “用他们的血肉筑起一座新的长城 ”。

吃人一直是“中国人”历史的一部分。 从古至今,从泄恨到用人体制药,到饥荒食人,到今天的掠用贩卖人体器官,人的非人化与人的道德沦丧一直伴随着“中国人”的历史。 臭名远扬的“中国人”对动物的残忍只不过是“中国人”对人的残忍的一个延伸罢了。

在这个非人化与人的沦丧的过程中,只有一个伪价值成为“中国人”的存在焦点 - “国/族”。 对“中国人”来言,“国/族”就是“上帝”。 一个“崇国崇族”的文化就此形成并打烙成为所有“中国人”的个体认同。 既然一个两腿存物并没有任何意义,“中国人”对意义的追求就集中在那看不见摸不着的,但又无所不在,无所不能的“国/族”里了。 全部“中国人”的传统道德都集中在“忠于皇上与国家”与“忠于民族与政府”。 几乎所有中国的歌都是歌颂皇帝与国家(祖国与民族)的。所有“中国人”的伪价值就是:如果没有国/族/皇/政,个人就毫无意义。 所有中国的寓言与古话都在宣扬“大河有水小河满,大河无水小河干”。 从没有人怀疑过这种逻辑并向此发问“大河的水是从哪儿来的”。如果有人敢怀疑与发问,他就是汉奸,叛徒,败类,民族大敌。 专制的实质就是这样的被伪价值保护着,宣扬着,传播到一代又一代的“中国人”头脑中。 唯权主义和极权主义就这样在这块被无数血肉之尸滋养的“中国人”的非人沃土上昌盛兴旺,循环不已。

在中国存活的人们并没有真正的生命:存在被虚无窒息了;混日子与寻求长生不老淹没了人对生命意义的追求和对精神满足的渴望;人身洞穴的生理活动压倒了人类头脑的功能;教育成为了制造一代又一代“精忠报国”的政府奴隶的手段。 这些皇权的奴隶们既没有独立精神,更没有创造能力。“脸“,“皮”,“钱”与“权力” 早已成为“中国人“的真实定义。

人性 -- 个人与真实的人早已从有了象形的中文字“人“的那一天在中国逐渐淡漠与消失。 自从有了中国的象形单音节文字以后,中国的非人化便在加速。 我们难道还在期待用这种促進非人化的象形文字去建设一个真正的人的未来吗?



From Tony: Genius, inspiring! Want to read more on it. Can you write more detailed article on it?

Reply by Kai Chen:


If you want to learn more about this subject, you can visit these links:

从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

Flying Dragon on defects of Chinese language:


Book Link 书籍连锁: (William Hannas)



Last edited Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:37 am | Scroll up


RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:49 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


The Evil of Confucianism and the Harmful Effect of Chinese Language on Human Perception of Reality

(Addressed to People/parents of students of Hacienda La Puente Unified School District)

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 3/31/2011, Reprint 8/4/2011)

Since the downfall of the Soviet Union and the world-wide recognition that communism is an evil ideology, realizing that communism has exhausted its usefulness for its tyrannical/criminal/atrocious rule over the Chinese population, the Chinese communist regime has increasingly been aggressive in promoting a native-born despotism based on an ancient totalitarian theory/ideology – Confucianism. As a result, “Confucian Socialism” (儒粹) is born and being spread around the world through hundreds “Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms”, in the name of promoting the learning of the Chinese language.

I now briefly list the evils of Confucianism and the harmful effects of Chinese character-based pictorial/syllabic language on human perception of reality and essence of human existence:

Confucianism is a political ideology and indoctrinated behavior code for stability of despotic/tyrannical regimes in China throughout its history.

1. Confucianism is intrinsically anti-freedom and anti-American.

In American Declaration of Independence, human freedom is promoted through the moral principle that all men are created equal with God-given rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. But Confucianism is promoting the exact opposite – an immoral and amoral human existence and behavior code based on inequality from one’s birth by his/her family background, by his/her race, by his/her gender, by his/her trade and profession, by his/her power in a social/cultural structure according to political power/government. According to Confucianism, emperor/power elite is at the top of the pyramid, women is below men, the young is below the old, the physical labor is below the mental labor, the powerless is below the powerful, etc.. Men with political power, not God, dictate the status of everyone else. Thus Confucianism is for absolute power by the government to control its people, exact opposite from American concept of “government of the people, by the people and for the people”.

2. Confucianism is a political doctrine, never a philosophy, for the dictators/despots against human freedom.

Confucianism instills that men with power in society – the emperor and power elite, decide what is best for the empire, without any attempt to establish any mechanism to control such power elite and the power they wield above the population. Therefore, the Chinese society has always been (for thousands of years) plagued by corruption and abuse from those who have power. Man-above/below-man, man-eating-man has always been the reality in China.

3. Confucianism is a tool for despots/tyrants to pacify/incapacitate the population and stabilize the power-elite’s control over it.

With individuals ready to accept their places in society by birth, by gender, by age, by trade/profession, by social status according to positions in government, passive acceptance of one’s fate without any struggle for one’s own freedom and happiness is the necessary result. A “zombified” population (castrated eunuchs, slaves, moral prostitutes) without soul/conscience is created. The despots/tyrants thus can better control their subjects. Confucianism, by its own very nature, is diametrically opposed to everything America stands for.

4. Some facts about Confucius:

• Confucius himself, by his belief that woman is inferior to man and despicable, had never accepted a single female student in his life time.

• Confucius himself was a murderer. He, as a government official, killed a scholar named Shao Zhengmou (少正卯), simply because he didn’t agree with him.

• Confucius himself was a petty government official and always yearned to climb the social ladder through pleasing the emperor and the court.

• Confucius himself only indoctrinated his students with his views, never allowing any questions and inquiries from others about what he thought. He ruled by his own doctrine – everything is according to birth, gender, age, power, status…, no questions asked.

The very phenomenon that the Chinese Confucian-minded School Board members – Jay Chen, Norman Hsu and Joseph Chang (Hacienda La-Puente Unified School Board) view themselves as the overlords of their constituency and somehow superior to different racial groups (Latinos, Blacks, Whites), while calling their opponents “racists” comes not as a surprise to me.

Chinese character-based pictorial syllabic language is very harmful for human perception of reality and therefore hampers human effort to understand the essence of things – the truth. Superficiality (all face) is intrinsically embedded in the very Chinese language:

1. A simple “I” can have dozens of expressions in Chinese language, according to whom you want to address in the order of Confucian society. To say that a language is neutral and does not carry moral values is a lie and an illusion.

2. Since human brain is separated by left and right hemisphere and each performs a different function, (the left side is in charge of language, mathematics, logical thinking and the right is in charge of music, image and artistic expressions, the Chinese language – a primitive, pictorial and syllabic language, confuses the function of both hemispheres by its own very method of input. As a result, logical thinking/creativity of the individual is severely harmed and hampered. Confusion, not clarity, is a necessary result often witnessed/observed by an English speaking person on/about a Chinese speaking person.

3. Inability to clarify and define concepts is a permanent/negative feature of the Chinese language users. No scientific paper has ever been written in Chinese language. As a result of such inabilities and confusions caused by the Chinese language itself, absolute power by force/violence/guns is a must to maintain temporary order. Logically, human conscience, morality, rationality have never been the foundation/focus of the Chinese population and society. Legitimacy of the government in the Chinese society thus has never had a peaceful origin and will never have, as long as Confucianism which propagates confusion and absolute unity is a dominant social/cultural doctrine, as long as Chinese language is being used to perceive and to communicate.

All societies plagued by Confucianism and Chinese character-based syllabic languages, such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, etc., have always been experiencing a perpetual vacuum in human creativity and individual initiatives. Their progress is due to the West/American influence. Their achievement is NEVER because of Confucianism and the primitive syllabic Chinese language, but instead of them.

America is a free society and anyone can use such freedoms to propagate anything, including poisons such as Islamic fundamentalism and Confucianism. Do you, the parents, want to immerse your children to such poisons, knowing the teacher views your children as inferior by his/her race, gender, age, individuality, knowing the teacher simply wants to promote his/her racial/cultural superiority/agenda by taming, civilizing, and domesticating a lesser/barbarian human being from birth?? Do you, the female students/parents/staff/associates feel comfortable knowing your School Board members with their Confucian/Chinese belief, take you as something lesser than them because of your gender?? Do you, the parents of Hacienda La Puente District students, feel it is OK to spread Confucianism as an anti-American ideology and poison the mind of your children?? Do you, as a human being, really think that all men should Not be created equal with rights from God, but only some pitiful creatures from nowhere yearning for some benefits and handouts from government and men, from someone superior???

The choice is yours.


* Book/reading recommended on the subject of Chinese language being harmful when used to perceive reality and communicate:

“The Writing on the Wall – How Chinese character-based syllabic language curbs creativity” by William Hannas (a renowned linguist in America). Hannas has a series books addressing this subject.

Posted by Kai Chen 陈凯 at 9:36 AM



Larva in the Cocoon - Chinese Language Lovers

陈凯一语 Kai Chen's Words:

茧中蛹不可飞。 家中顽童无作为。 牢中囚永悲哀。 中文作底无创造。

Butterfly can never take to the sky without leaving its cocoon. Children seldom become independent without leaving home. Slaves in a cage will never find happiness. Using Chinese language as tools to think will impede your creativity.


Chinese language can only be a form of art for people to study and enjoy, but can never be tool to construct, produce and create.

自由于翅膀的蝴蝶飞不了。 自由于头脑的人想不了。 自由于勇气的人受煎熬。 自由于灵魂的人永堕落。

Butterfly can't fly without wings. A human can't think without brain. Those who want to be free but lack courage will be forever in limbo. Those who are without soul will be forever corrupt.

Last edited Mon Dec 30, 2013 7:30 am | Scroll up


RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:52 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


陈凯再版: 从“人”字看中国专制价值与奴役制文化
Kai Chen Reprint: From Chinese Character “人”to See Despotic Mindset

“Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

Kai Chen 陈凯 (2007-1-21 Written, 2/8/2011 Reprint)


人在中国被当作任人杀戳的牲畜,被当作任人利用的工具,被当作在一步机器中任人放置的部件。人在中国被当作政府的负担。尤其是在一胎制之后,中国人更被作为一种污染被政府控制以至灭绝。 在文化与哲学上我们也应该承认,虽然有时我们还不能用语言表达,在中国“人”只被看作血肉之躯,只被看作是毫无意义的,瞬息即逝的影像。 每一个在中国的个人都像是每一个中国字一样,自身并不立义。他一定要与其他人合为群体才似乎给自身附意义。那些不知为何拒绝承认中国的单音节象形文字与中国人不把人当人有关的人,应该有起码的良知承认最少这是一个事实。

为人民服务,为国家服务,为民族服务早已成为“中国人”人生的唯一意义。 中国的运动员,中国的知识分子,中国的官员, 中国的普通人都逃不脱这个虚无与奴役的模式。从文革时人为救集体财产而死而伤,到今天中国奥运运动员为祖国争光,一切人的行为都是围绕着人用人、人压人、人虐人、人杀人去为人所创造的东西服务,为语言,为文化,为皇帝, 为政权,为国家尽忠服务,而不是相反。 这与西方的自由文化/价值形成鲜明的对照。

这个病态的“人为其所创造的环境献身服务的怪诞邪像”直到今天仍没有被提到“中国人”的知觉中来, 仍没有被作为人的基本状态的重大扭曲而被提出,而被辩论,而被讨论与阐述。 这难道不是一个怪现象吗? 这难道不是一个最大的邪恶吗?

为什么几千年来“中国人”不把人当作人?为什么“中国人”只把人当作血肉之躯的表像,而从没把人看作有思有灵的、自由的、天赋人权的实体?为什么“中国人”从没有领悟过独特的、与畜与物不同的、人的抽象概念?为什么“中国人”只注重表像如“脸”、“皮”、“他人印象”、“群体感情”、“社会地位”,而从不注重作为一个完整宇宙,作为一个自始自终的个人的尊严,幸福,独立与自由呢? 为什么“中国人”从不领悟将人作为达到目的的手段是不道德的,是邪恶的定义呢?为什么“中国人”永远是一群毫无灵魂的躯壳、一群行尸走肉的吸血鬼、一群为族群作奴而虐人与自虐的“宦奴娼”呢? 为什么“中国人”存在的唯一目的就是吃掉那些灵魂尚存的人,直到所有的人都变成魔鬼呢?


“人”,由于中文字本身的形象性质,是中文中唯一描述人的中文字。这与崇尚人的价值/自由的英文形成鲜明对照。在英文中描述与阐述人的名词有很多。如:human, human being, humanoid, man, individual 等等。这个“人”的中文字样:行走中的两条腿,无头无身无手 -- 一个无所作为的行走肉体,就是“中国人”从古至今对人的理解与定义:一个毫无抽象意义的物理存像。 它只占有物理空间。 这个“人”是“中国人”唯一依赖的代表人的形象信号/符号输入。 “众”是由三个物理形象的“人”组成。 由此可见,通过形象文字输入的物理表像,而不是通过抽象文字输入的抽象的实质意义去认知“人”,成为“中国人”对人理解的焦点中心。

由于中文的形象输入而形成的“中国人”对“人”的非人理解对中国人的心理/心态模式形成了深远的、重大的负面恶性影响。它直接导致了“中国人”的非人心态和由其而引起的虚无与虐待心理情结。 在“中国人”的心态情结中,人不过是毫无意义的血肉形体。 毛泽东曾威胁要用牺牲一半中国人口的方式,通过战争称霸世界。 今天的中国“一胎制”也将人作为党朝中国的负担。 解决人口负担已成为所谓“中华民族振兴”的必要途径。 如果你懂得“中国人”如何理解“人”对待“人”的话,你就会懂得“中国人”对“人”的暴政是不足为奇的。 对他们来说,“人”不过是长者两条腿的物理形象,没有感情,没有思想理念,没有尊严,没有精神渴望,没有任何意义、、。 他/它们的唯一意义与作用就是:有如中国的国歌所高声唱赞的 “用他们的血肉筑起一座新的长城 ”。

吃人一直是“中国人”历史的一部分。 从古至今,从泄恨到用人体制药,到饥荒食人,到今天的掠用贩卖人体器官,人的非人化与人的道德沦丧一直伴随着“中国人”的历史。 臭名远扬的“中国人”对动物的残忍只不过是“中国人”对人的残忍的一个延伸罢了。

在这个非人化与人的沦丧的过程中,只有一个伪价值成为“中国人”的存在焦点 - “国/族”。 对“中国人”来言,“国/族”就是“上帝”。 一个“崇国崇族”的文化就此形成并打烙成为所有“中国人”的个体认同。 既然一个两腿存物并没有任何意义,“中国人”对意义的追求就集中在那看不见摸不着的,但又无所不在,无所不能的“国/族”里了。 全部“中国人”的传统道德都集中在“忠于皇上与国家”与“忠于民族与政府”。 几乎所有中国的歌都是歌颂皇帝与国家(祖国与民族)的。所有“中国人”的伪价值就是:如果没有国/族/皇/政,个人就毫无意义。 所有中国的寓言与古话都在宣扬“大河有水小河满,大河无水小河干”。 从没有人怀疑过这种逻辑并向此发问“大河的水是从哪儿来的”。如果有人敢怀疑与发问,他就是汉奸,叛徒,败类,民族大敌。 专制的实质就是这样的被伪价值保护着,宣扬着,传播到一代又一代的“中国人”头脑中。 唯权主义和极权主义就这样在这块被无数血肉之尸滋养的“中国人”的非人沃土上昌盛兴旺,循环不已。

在中国存活的人们并没有真正的生命:存在被虚无窒息了;混日子与寻求长生不老淹没了人对生命意义的追求和对精神满足的渴望;人身洞穴的生理活动压倒了人类头脑的功能;教育成为了制造一代又一代“精忠报国”的政府奴隶的手段。 这些皇权的奴隶们既没有独立精神,更没有创造能力。“脸“,“皮”,“钱”与“权力” 早已成为“中国人“的真实定义。

人性 -- 个人与真实的人早已从有了象形的中文字“人“的那一天在中国逐渐淡漠与消失。 自从有了中国的象形单音节文字以后,中国的非人化便在加速。 我们难道还在期待用这种促進非人化的象形文字去建设一个真正的人的未来吗?

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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:12 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


The Three Chinese Impasses/Insulators

"Free Being" vs. "Chinese" Series

陈凯一语:Kai Chen's Words:




中国目前的与西方的沟通不过是用麻绳绑在电线上。 硬件与软件,表象与实质在中国人“难得糊涂”的“阴阳辩证”的“中“的陀螺的高速旋转中丧失了它们的本质区别。

The insulator (impasse) between the Chinese and reality/truth/abstract essence is the Chinese character-based, pictorial, syllabic language.

The insulator (impasse) between the Chinese and their own conscience/God/true faith represented by Christianity is the Chinese traditional Confucian culture that worships the collective and the cast system in that collective, the culture that forces everyone in it to lose his or her individual self-identity.

The insulator (impasse) between the Chinese and the Western democracy that is based on individual liberty is China's unity-oriented, power-worshiping, despotic polity and political system.

The current Chinese connection with the West, with America is only superficial much as someone using a rope to connect an electric wire. The qualitative difference between hardware and software, between appearance and essence is entirely lost in the "confusion-worshiping", "Yin-Yang dialectics" and the Chinese mindset of "middle-road as justice". And the "Chinese Top" 中 is still spinning with high speed like a top being whipped.


By Kai Chen 陈凯 (4/17/2006 Written, 8/31/2011 Reprint)

The three insulators (impasses) I mentioned above have to be drilled into the Chinese consciousness daily, constantly, to remind them of the difficult tasks and arduous journey facing them in the near future, if China is to have any hope of progress into the future joining the free world.

These three insulators (impasses) have to be dealt with simultaneously in order for China to move slowly, but surely, forward into the future with a moral compass as guidance.

Many Chinese have already realized how important to learn English if they want to succeed in the world of reality. At least most Chinese parents will push their children to be at least adequate, if not fluent in English. This is only a start, nonetheless a positive start.

To rid off the insulators (impasses) between the Chinese and their individual conscience to establish a true faith is a tough one. The recent protest launched by the so called "ten Chinese scholars" to resist Christmas celebration is only one such example how fearful and insecure the Chinese are with regard to their own self-image/identity, facing the loss of their own shackles and chains (their own despotic cultural tradition) to be free.

To destroy the current Chinese political system should not be as difficult as to banish the Chinese despotic culture represented by Confucianism. The current regime has already been shaken to the core and no one in China, including the communists, believes in communism anymore. But to make the Chinese see that their own ancestors/emperors indeed have never had any clothes on is not that easy. That is to say that to establish a free society with a solid moral foundation, on the ruins and swampland composed of the Chinese despotic, power-worshiping mindset, is indeed a daunting task.

Don't despair. Do start now. Do work to achieve the goal of freedom. Do begin and begin with only one spot -- you and me. Do begin with yourself.

Last edited Thu Jun 13, 2019 6:26 am | Scroll up


RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:13 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


“人民”、“大家”、、-- 浸满专制剧毒的俗用语
"Human People","Big Family"? - Poisons/Narcotics


"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

陈凯 Kai Chen (Written 2/18/2010, Reprint 7/29/2011)

关于中文本身的弊病及其固有的专制虚无的性质,我已在“从文字笼罐到文字狱” ( http://www.kaichenforum.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5410 ) 一文中作了阐述。 每一次当我在自己的脑中从英文语言系思维(阅读)转入中文语言系思维(阅读)的时候,我都有一种从真实的存在消失在虚无幻梦中的感觉。 由此我仔细地思考了这种感觉从何而来并对中文词汇中浸满专制剧毒的大众俗用语做了进一步的分析。 我的结论是中文系统的人们必须对中文的专制常用语有深刻的自省与评判。 他们必须选择去尽量避免使用那些浸满剧毒的专制中文俗用词汇,并尽可能地创造选用那些毒素较少的中文词汇 (一个暂时的缓解毒素的方法)。

好意的人们曾将美国的“独立宣言”翻译成中文,试图去正面影响那些仍在理念与灵魂中被专制绑架的人们。 但他们(翻译者)竟然对自身的被中文的专制与虚无性绑架的真实状态毫无所知、毫无自省。 不求“真”、不认“真”、无神崇祖、用宏大虚无逃避自由与个体责任的中文系的人们竟将“All men are created equal”胡乱翻译成“人人生而平等”。 无怪乎专制共产在中国有着肥沃的语言土壤。“All men are created equal”相对真实一些的中文翻译应是“所有人被创而平等”。 但去进入真实的美国精神意味着一个人必须首先进入信仰基督(神)的精神。 相信“进化论”(We are born equal or We are evolved equal)的人们、 无神崇祖的人们是无法进入真实的美国自由精神的,也因此无法理解自由、人、个体、尊严与生命的意义的真谛的。 安. 兰德的“Atlas Shrugged”被中文系的人们直译成了表象的“阿特拉斯耸耸肩”而完全丧失了“无奈大力神”的本意。 我更不敢想象当那些不知中文本身专制虚无性质的人们在翻译“圣经”与其他西方的著作的时候会出什么样的荒唐的反义的理解与领悟了。 我只知道说中文的教堂与说英文的教堂有着本质的区别: 在中文的教堂中人们常常为自己祈祷更好一些的物质肉体的存活与社会地位的提升。 在英文教堂中人们则为自身的美德与灵魂所祈祷。


“人民”--- “人”与“民”是在哲学与字义上说是属于截然不同的两个范畴: “人”一字在中文中就已经被混淆扭曲了。 它的哲学属性与它的物理属性在中文中被搅在一起成为虚无(我曾在“从‘人’字看中国专制价值与奴役制文化” http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2009/01/21/a248804.html 一文中阐述过此观点)。 在这个唯一描述“Human”的中文象形文字中,人已被物化了。 但“人民”中的人本应该是一个哲学意义文字基其个体的属性。 “民”则应是一个群体属性的客观描述字 – 中性而无价值意义。 英文中“people”(无价值中性字)是“individual”的多数 – 个体为本、群体为虚。 英文用具有复数单数的动词去阐述复数单数的名词以使概念清晰化。 英文系的人们也就因英文语言本身的定义与清晰特质不会(并拒绝与避免)将虚无的群体词汇作为不可分的单元。 而中文的动词并没有此特性并因此从基点上混淆了“个体的本”与“群体的虚”。 虚无的群体在病态中文里成了“不可分”的基原本位。 “以民压人”,“以群压个”,“以 多压少”,“以强压弱”则是由中文专制属性而来的必然结果。 中国的人们由此永远认为群体是永恒的与强大的,个体是无奈的、无意义的和被群体定义的。 每一个在中国受辱、受迫害、受奴役的人也在这个病态的语系与对人的变态理解中,不知不觉地成为了自己祖语的最大最终的受害者与害人者。 “人民”在今日的中共党奴朝成了满天飞的“圣牛”也就不足为怪了。

建议: 请用“人们”、“人”、“民众”等毒素较少的词字替代剧毒的“人民”。

“大家” --- 这是一个在中文系中人们最常俗用的浸满剧毒的专制词汇。 “Big Family”是中文系中编造出来的供个体逃避、掩藏实质与责任的独有伪概念。 将所有的人用“大家”笼罩在一个专制的屋檐之下是今天中国的人们进入不了“真实、正义、自由、尊严”的普世永恒的人的价值的重要原因之一。 今天的台湾居然有众多的人们认为“统一”的“大家”比“自由”的“分家”更重要就是一个中文系语言病态的实例。

建议: 请用毒素较少的“各位”、“各位好”去取代剧毒的“大家”、“大家好”。

“中国” --- 剧毒的专制伪概念: “中国五千年”是弥天大谎。 “中国”的伪专制概念只有近百年的历史。 “中”所意味的“中央”是“朝拜进贡”的“族群沙文主义”的毒发明。 “中”所意味的“中庸、中间”则是中文系中人们不辨真假、不知好坏、不鉴是非的道德虚无、毫无正义感的源头。 所谓的“中国”以前是朝代的无穷轮替,现在则是“中共党奴王朝”的苟延残喘。 “中国”从来也不曾是“国Nation”,今天更不是。 一个“国”(A Nation)一定要有一个被所在民众认可合法的、有基道德理性的政府的、有人的尊严的社会。 今日的亚洲大陆不存在这样一个政体。 用枪杆子、暴力、杀人、囚禁去威逼人作奴的王朝根本就不能称为“国”,更不要说“共和”。 (注:“中”的象形图像实际是一个原地打转、永不向前行的陀螺。)

建议: 请用“支那王朝”和“中共党奴朝”的毒素较少的重组词汇取代剧毒的“中国”。 (我本人也从此尽可能不用“中国”一词。)

“民族” --- 另一个专制中文编造的剧毒词汇: “People Race”是一个英文系中的人们会费解的伪词汇。 这是因为“种族”的恶毒内涵实质是要被专制政治的洗脑机器用“人民”的圣牛美化并遮盖起来去麻痹、蒙骗人的灵智的。 事实是: 谁进入“民族”的伪概念,谁就是专制的维系者与御用者。

建议: 请用“种族”、“族群”、“民众”等毒素较少的词汇取代剧毒的“民族”。

“国家”--- “Nation Family”的伪概念来自腐儒的“君臣父子”的“父母官”与“子民”的腐朽剧毒的专制理念。 进入“国家”伪词汇与概念,“人”就成了永远长不大,站不起来的、叼着专制奶头吸奴奶的奴才。 “Parental Government – Nanny State”保姆政府是对自由与人的尊严的反动。 难怪“不花钱的午餐”与“好政府”和“大救星”是几乎所有中文系的人们所共同向往的。 “完美的专制”也就此成了中国奴的最终理想。

建议: 请用毒素较少的“国度”取代剧毒的“国家”。

“国人” --- 剧毒的专制奴性词汇: 人被上苍(神)所创而非被“国”所限、所奴、所定义。 在自由中每个个体首先属于生命创始者与自我而绝非属于任何“国”、“群”、“族”、“祖”、“家”、、。

建议: 直呼人名或用“人们”、“民众”的毒素较少的词汇取代剧毒的“国人”。

“同胞” --- 剧毒的“血缘论”、“血统论”词汇: 同样肤色的人并不一定有血缘关系。 “同胞”一词是打压人的人性的、只重亲缘祖宗的反价值伪词汇。 我可以有原因尊重热爱那些值得我尊重热爱的人,不论他们的种族、血缘、肤色有什么不同。 我没有理由(责任、义务)首先要考虑服务那些与我同宗、同语、肤色相近的人。

建议: 请用“亚裔人”、“华语系人”等毒素较少的表达取代剧毒的“同胞”。

专制剧毒的词汇与翻译语多不胜数: 如“白宫”本应翻为“白宅”、“上帝”本应翻为“上苍或神”、“原罪”本应翻为“原弊”、“总统”本应翻为“主持人”等等、等等、、。

我只希望中文系的人们在运用中文专制病语撰文、交流的时候意识到中文本身的弊病与专制(表象与虚无)的本质。 试图改变中文是徒劳无义的。 用英文替代中文成为人们追求真实、正义、自由与尊严的工具是理不容辞、德不容辞的必然。 中文本身只能作为艺术(NBA的职蓝球员常把中文字刺在身上作为美观装饰)或人类语言发展的研究进入人类语言的博物馆,而决不能作为人们前行走向未来与希望、建立并传播终极价值的法律、科学、经济、财政与教育的载体。 望人们在写作、会话、交流时三思后再用词用语。

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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:19 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


The Evil of Confucianism and the Harmful Effect of Chinese Language on Human Perception of Reality

(Addressed to People/parents of students of Hacienda La Puente Unified School District)

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 3/31/11, Reprint 9/7/2011)


Since the downfall of the Soviet Union and the world-wide recognition that communism is an evil ideology, realizing that communism has exhausted its usefulness for its tyrannical/criminal/atrocious rule over the Chinese population, the Chinese communist regime has increasingly been aggressive in promoting a native-born despotism based on an ancient totalitarian theory/ideology – Confucianism. As a result, “Confucian Socialism” (儒粹) is born and being spread around the world through hundreds “Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms”, in the name of promoting the learning of the Chinese language.

I now briefly list the evils of Confucianism and the harmful effects of Chinese character-based pictorial/syllabic language on human perception of reality and essence of human existence:

Confucianism is a political ideology and indoctrinated behavior code for stability of despotic/tyrannical regimes in China throughout its history.

1. Confucianism is intrinsically anti-freedom and anti-American.

In American Declaration of Independence, human freedom is promoted through the moral principle that all men are created equal with God-given rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. But Confucianism is promoting the exact opposite – an immoral and amoral human existence and behavior code based on inequality from one’s birth by his/her family background, by his/her race, by his/her gender, by his/her trade and profession, by his/her power in a social/cultural structure according to political power/government. According to Confucianism, emperor/power elite is at the top of the pyramid, women is below men, the young is below the old, the physical labor is below the mental labor, the powerless is below the powerful, etc.. Men with political power, not God, dictate the status of everyone else. Thus Confucianism is for absolute power by the government to control its people, exact opposite from American concept of “government of the people, by the people and for the people”.

2. Confucianism is a political doctrine, never a philosophy, for the dictators/despots against human freedom.

Confucianism instills that men with power in society – the emperor and power elite, decide what is best for the empire, without any attempt to establish any mechanism to control such power elite and the power they wield above the population. Therefore, the Chinese society has always been (for thousands of years) plagued by corruption and abuse from those who have power. Man-above/below-man, man-eating-man has always been the reality in China.

3. Confucianism is a tool for despots/tyrants to pacify/incapacitate the population and stabilize the power-elite’s control over it.

With individuals ready to accept their places in society by birth, by gender, by age, by trade/profession, by social status according to positions in government, passive acceptance of one’s fate without any struggle for one’s own freedom and happiness is the necessary result. A “zombified” population (castrated eunuchs, slaves, moral prostitutes) without soul/conscience is created. The despots/tyrants thus can better control their subjects. Confucianism, by its own very nature, is diametrically opposed to everything America stands for.

4. Some facts about Confucius:

• Confucius himself, by his belief that woman is inferior to man and despicable, had never accepted a single female student in his life time.

• Confucius himself was a murderer. He, as a government official, killed a scholar named Shao Zhengmou (少正卯), simply because he didn’t agree with him.

• Confucius himself was a petty government official and always yearned to climb the social ladder through pleasing the emperor and the court.

• Confucius himself only indoctrinated his students with his views, never allowing any questions and inquiries from others about what he thought. He ruled by his own doctrine – everything is according to birth, gender, age, power, status…, no questions asked.

The very phenomenon that the Chinese Confucian-minded School Board members – Jay Chen, Norman Hsu and Joseph Chang (Hacienda La-Puente Unified School Board) view themselves as the overlords of their constituency and somehow superior to different racial groups (Latinos, Blacks, Whites), while calling their opponents “racists” comes not as a surprise to me.

Chinese character-based pictorial syllabic language is very harmful for human perception of reality and therefore hampers human effort to understand the essence of things – the truth. Superficiality (all face) is intrinsically embedded in the very Chinese language:

1. A simple “I” can have dozens of expressions in Chinese language, according to whom you want to address in the order of Confucian society. To say that a language is neutral and does not carry moral values is a lie and an illusion.

2. Since human brain is separated by left and right hemisphere and each performs a different function, (the left side is in charge of language, mathematics, logical thinking and the right is in charge of music, image and artistic expressions, the Chinese language – a primitive, pictorial and syllabic language, confuses the function of both hemispheres by its own very method of input. As a result, logical thinking/creativity of the individual is severely harmed and hampered. Confusion, not clarity, is a necessary result often witnessed/observed by an English speaking person on/about a Chinese speaking person.

3. Inability to clarify and define concepts is a permanent/negative feature of the Chinese language users. No scientific paper has ever been written in Chinese language. As a result of such inabilities and confusions caused by the Chinese language itself, absolute power by force/violence/guns is a must to maintain temporary order. Logically, human conscience, morality, rationality have never been the foundation/focus of the Chinese population and society. Legitimacy of the government in the Chinese society thus has never had a peaceful origin and will never have, as long as Confucianism which propagates confusion and absolute unity is a dominant social/cultural doctrine, as long as Chinese language is being used to perceive and to communicate.

All societies plagued by Confucianism and Chinese character-based syllabic languages, such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, etc., have always been experiencing a perpetual vacuum in human creativity and individual initiatives. Their progress is due to the West/American influence. Their achievement is NEVER because of Confucianism and the primitive syllabic Chinese language, but instead of them.

America is a free society and anyone can use such freedoms to propagate anything, including poisons such as Islamic fundamentalism and Confucianism. Do you, the parents, want to immerse your children to such poisons, knowing the teacher views your children as inferior by his/her race, gender, age, individuality, knowing the teacher simply wants to promote his/her racial/cultural superiority/agenda by taming, civilizing, and domesticating a lesser/barbarian human being from birth?? Do you, the female students/parents/staff/associates feel comfortable knowing your School Board members with their Confucian/Chinese belief, take you as something lesser than them because of your gender?? Do you, the parents of Hacienda La Puente District students, feel it is OK to spread Confucianism as an anti-American ideology and poison the mind of your children?? Do you, as a human being, really think that all men should Not be created equal with rights from God, but only some pitiful creatures from nowhere yearning for some benefits and handouts from government and men, from someone superior???

The choice is yours.

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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:21 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


Pictorial/Syllabic Chinese vs. Alphabetic/Analytical English

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:

你能用形象图画语言准确表达实质抽象概念吗? 你能用主观表述语言做工具去发现与分析在抽象中的客观真理吗? 你能用浑浊的字词句(黄河浊流)去理清概念洗涤你头脑中的文化污浊与污染吗? 你能用破坏逻辑的语言去建树一个创造性的未来吗? 你能用虚无的语言去表达真实的人的存在吗? 如果你的回答是否定的,那请你现在就进入英文世界而只将中文作为你业余的艺术爱好。

Can you use a pictorial syllabic language to accurately express substantial, abstract ideas and concepts? Can you use a subjective, descriptive language as a tool to analyze phenomena and discover the objective truth in them? Can you use the muddy, confusing characters, phrases and sentences (muddy water in the Yellow River) to cleanse the filth and decay accumulated in your mind and spirit through hundreds of years of cultural pollution? Can you use a language that is intended to destroy logic and rationality to attempt to build a constructive and creative future? Can you use a nihilistic language to depict reality and search for truth in human existence?

If your answer is negative, then please make no excuses to abolish the Chinese language as a tool and indulge in it only as your artistic hobby. And please make an effort to enter the English world as soon as you can.

Book Link 书籍连锁:



By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 11/4/2007, Reprint 4/19/2011)

I have elaborated quite a bit on the subject of harmful effect from using Chinese character-based, pictorial, syllabic language as a tool in human endeavors to understand the reality in the world and discover the objective truth in life. I now list the contrasting effect between Chinese and English. Hopefully this will make things easier and clearer for you to understand.

汉字 -- “礼”; 英文 -- 理

Chinese language leads to Confucian cultural pollution of "Ritualized Conformity". English language facilitates reasoning, logic and understanding of essence in reality/truth.

汉字 -- 表象形象(脸); 英文 -- 实质抽象(自知)

Chinese language is primitive and based on superficial and pictorial images (Face is the most important notion to the Chinese). English is based on abstract symbols and intended for the user to discover abstract truth in reality, to understand his own inner world/soul/mind/emotions.

汉字 -- 模仿描述; 英文 -- 分析创造

Chinese language emphasizes imitation, inheritance, copying and description. English language stresses analysis, creativity and intrinsic logic and rationality in understanding phenomena in existence.

汉字 -- 血肉存活; 英文 -- 灵理存在

Chinese language leads to a nihilistic "passing time" for humans' illusory and delusional existence. English language advocates a true, meaningful human existence based on mind, spirit, joy and happiness.

汉字 -- 非人反人; 英文 -- “人”至上

Chinese language leads to a culture of inhumanity and anti-humanity by ritualizing "nation family", "emperor", government and authorities as the sacred entities and humans only as meaningless subjects and slaves that can be used and sacrificed any time in any way to preserve those oppressive/nihilistic entities. English language spiritualizes humans as the ultimate existence that is both sacred and eternal, and all other entities (nation, leaders, government, cultures and authorities) are only subservient as servants of/to humans.

汉字 -- 等级专制; 英文 -- 自由平等

Chinese language facilitates a system that is hierarchical and despotic. English language propagates a system that values freedom and equality before our creator/God.

汉字 -- 混乱与人吃人; 英文 -- 法律与秩序

Chinese language leads to an absolute chaos in society and vicious/eternal dynastic cycles of man eating man. English language guides humans along a moral line to progress, social order and rule of law.

Am I clear enough?

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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:23 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


(Post on Tuesday, April 7, 2009, Reprint 8/6/2011

The Chinese Cultural & Genetic Incest

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

陈凯一语 Kai Chen's Words:

中国的方块,相形的单音节文字导致了乱赋义,无赋义与泛赋义的文字强奸与乱伦。 中国从秦皇到共产的“井田制”与“户口”造成了中国人生理基因的近亲乱伦与退化。 中国文化的闭塞与其内交乱伦造成了中国人畸形病态的“人鬼情结”,“孙猴子情结”与“阴阳宦官情结“,造成了中国人自欺败坏的道德虚无, 道德相对心态。 "内交”,“自交”,“他阉”与“自阉”是中国人习以为常的普遍行为。 畸形丑陋的产物便是必然。

只有自由是上苍的人的真正伦理。 中国人到了该用上苍的人的真正伦理为中国的文字,文化,生理与政治“正伦”的时候了。

The Chinese square-looking, pictorial, character-based syllabic language, from its beginning, has led to a linguistic nihilism, a subjective and despotic rape of human reasoning faculties, an linguistic incest that causes distortion of reality and deformity of human psyche. From the first Chinese emperor's invention of "Well-to-Farmland" system that chained humans to their geographical location, to the modern Chinese communists' inheritance of it by the system of "Residential Registration", the physiological degeneration of human genetics by close-relative incest among the Chinese families, by the xenophobic racist tendencies coupled with a negative "cultural selection" has caused invisible but real and grave damaging consequences. The Chinese cultural incest originated from a closed and stagnant cultural environment in an Oriental despotic setting, has caused inevitably the Chinese warped perception of reality, the distorted sense of logic and rationality and the moral relativism and nihilism. The "human-devil complex", the "Monkey King complex", "the self-castrating eunuch complex" and the "Yin-Yang existence" are the necessary products from such incest,ugly and deformed as they always have to be.

Only freedom is the normal, the natural, the healthy, the true way of life from God. Now it is time to use Freedom as the antidote to cure the sickness and deformity from the Chinese incest in their language, culture, genetics and political institutions.


Kai Chen Reprint 9/4/2011

Chinese Language is an Evil Cult




殷商王,就是巫王;殷商統治階層,就是一群巫覡;所謂的殷商文化,就是巫術文化,就是巫師文化,就是巫祭文化,就是使用巫文字(甲骨文)的巫文化,就是巫文化;這種巫術文化與其所用的巫文字,一直在大陸延用與延續至今,它並沒有讓大陸人離開,它所精心設計的“屬於高度專制、奴隸與集體意識等”文化型態(Idea Type of Elaboration)。






甲骨文是殷商統治者祭祀時的文字,它通常被刻在龜甲、獸骨、人骨或人頭骨上。這種文字是屬於殷商統治者專用的文字,也是殷商統治者用來迷惑與愚弄人心的“巫文字咒語與符號”; 甲骨文在殷商時代,並不是通行於民間的文字,也不是統治者為人民設計的通行文字;它是統治者神權政治的工具,它是統治者迷惑與愚弄人心的“巫術咒語與符號”,它是壓迫與剝削人民的工具,它也是奴役、獸化、物化、白癡化、非理性化與鬼化人的工具。


巫王用這種帶有“巫術咒語與符號”的甲骨文,來強化其絕對神權的政治,來鞏固其絕對政教合一的政治,來達成其絕對專制與中央集權的政治,這樣的文字,根本地具有藐視人權與人尊嚴的特質;這種具有高度專制與奴隸意識的甲骨文,逐漸演變成後來的金文、篆文、漢隸與漢文字,那麼漢文字能夠好到那裏去?它會有什麼Human Right與道德性可言?







甲骨文裏的“民”,象“以銳器刺左目”,就是“奴隸”的意思,那麼所謂的民主,豈不是代表“奴隸作主人”?這無怪乎後來共產黨所實行的民主專政,“人民依舊還是奴隸”! 甲骨文裏的“人”,象“半面人”與“側面人”,這種不能“正面而立的全人”與“面對真實道德與世界的人”,如何具有Human、People、Person、Human being、Individual、有Soul|、self-control、commandment與moral的Human等意義?

甲骨文裏的“法”(同“廢”),象“逐水草而居”,指“逐水草而居”經常要棄去舊地尋新處,因此有“廢”的意義;事實上,古代殷商的統治者,根本沒有現代法治的概念,他的話就是“法” ,他的手杖就是“權威”,他的好惡與自由意志就是“律”,他擁有無上的權威與決定人生死等大權,這可從甲骨文裏的“君”、“王”(手執斧鉞)、“伊” 、“尹”(手執權杖)、“伊”、“父”(手執石斧) 、“教”(手執杖要人服從王占卜的爻辭) 、“司”、“伐”、“辟”、“御”(雙手持棒活埋人)等字可知,這種統治者無上權威與絕對宰制人民的意識,一直在大陸延續至今,因此在漢文界談“法治”是不是很可笑?

請不要忽略了漢文字與漢文化意識,對阻絕與阻隔西方“Human、People、Person、Human being、Individual、有Soul|、self-control、commandment與moral的Human等”文化的事實,這是21世紀大陸人民要面對的主要問題,這個問題遠比發動民主革命更重要;在大陸人民還沒有建立真正的“Human、People、Person、Human being、Individual、有Soul|、self-control、commandment與moral的Human等”意識前,如何能談真正Human的民主革命?過去近百年大陸的民主革命歷史,已經證明了這個十分簡單的概念與論題。

未來大陸該如何徹底擺脫,這種千年以來的巫術崇拜、巫術迷信、巫文化與巫文字?很簡單,必須以“《聖經》中Human、People、Person、Human being、Individual、有Soul|、self-control、commandment與moral的Human等”意識,來取代漢人的“人”、“民”與“奴”等意識;必須以“《聖經》中Human、People、Person、Human being、Individual、有Soul|、self-control、commandment與moral的Human等”意識,來取代漢人藐視“Human性與Individual價值”與輕視“Human Right、Freedom、Egality等”的文化意識。

必須以《聖經》中絕對的道德理念,來取代儒家的相對道德、情境決定論與具有功利主義特質等倫理思想; 必須以《聖經》中有Soul|、self-control、commandment與moral的Human等意識,來取代漢人的“非Human”與奴隸文化意識; 必須以《聖經》中人人平等、寬容與愛仇敵的道德理念,來取代漢人的沙文主義、自我中心主義與排外思想。

必須以“《聖經》中尊重Human的選擇權利與Individual道德自律理念”與“美國聯邦憲政與三權分立的政治”,來取代漢人的專制、中央集權與大一統政治; 必須以具有抽象與邏輯性的英文,來取代單音節與象形性的漢文字,否則大陸該如何能夠真正Human化、Individual化、Democracy化、Freedom化與Egality化?

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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:26 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


Trio of Tyranny in China
中国专制的三暴虐 - 文字,文化与政治

China's Despotism - From linguistic tyranny, to cultural tyranny, to governmental tyranny

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

  - The trio of tyrannies and its horrific effect on the formation of Chinese slave mindset – a treatise and indictment on the Chinese dehumanization process -
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 4/10/2006, Reprint 8/29/2011)
  As people puzzled over the persistence of the Chinese communist regime after the collapse of the communism as an ideology world wide, only a few saw the roots of the Chinese despotism. Many are not willing, some not able, others lacking courage to recognize the connection between the Chinese traditional culture and the current deplorable state of affairs in China. Almost all reject even the slightest suggestion that the Chinese character-based, syllabic language has something to do with the formation of Chinese mind-set which can only be properly coined “complete slavery and dehumanization of human beings”.
  Some even suggest that preservation of a Confucian culture is paramount in reforming the Chinese society and curing the ills in the Chinese mind. To me this suggestion is tantamount to saying that solution to communist tyranny and dictatorship is the communist party, and the cure of AIDS is introducing more HIV virus. Some, with various motives and deep secret complex, come in a hurry to defend the indefensible cruel Chinese feudal culture. And they defend even with more vehemence than the despotic masters the origin of the Chinese tyranny – the character-based, syllabic Chinese language. The panic feels like as if someone is digging into their ancestors’ untouchable graves. It is as if someone is touching that “sacred cow” in their hearts. No matter how much they hate the Chinese communist party and its despotic regime, they are willing to defend the roots of it with their blood and lives. Sounds comically contradictory, doesn’t it? Some, even come with more hilarious accusation against those who point out the intrinsic and inseparable connection between the Chinese language and culture with the miserable human condition in China today, calling them “traitors of the Chinese race” and “harboring ulterior motives to demean the Chinese”, and “potential dictators in the future”….
  Their entire defense not only fails to exonerate the evil culture that has been created to destroy individuals, humanity and freedom, their preposterous accusation against those who see the evil shows exactly how their mind-set of cultural, linguistic and governmental slavery has been formed. That mind-set is the living proof of the existence of evil.
  The following is a treatise to detail the process of Chinese dehumanization of individuals through this “trio of tyrannies” and an indictment against this evil origin of the complete alienation and enslavement of Chinese mind over their own existence.
  Chinese Linguistic Tyranny
   (Since Chinese society is patriarchal in nature, I will use “man” and “he” in the composition of this essay. This is not to demean or ignore female human beings.)
  From the moment a Chinese toddler starts to put sounds and symbols together, he is handed a brush with ink as his writing tool. (Nowadays a pen or pencil is usually the case) He is presented with a paper with lines and usually a series of rectangle boxes with four evenly divided quadrants in each box. In front of him is a text of writing samples dated maybe hundreds of years back to his ancestors. He is told that his task of learning to write is first and foremost to mimic the perfect symmetry and forms in those pictorial images his ancestors left for him. During this process of repetition, copy, mimic of his ancestors’ leftover in his initial contact with human knowledge, his own dehumanization against his own individuality has formally begun.

  He learns that creativity and initiatives are not important; conformity is. He learns that his own mind is not important; his ancestors’ legacy is. He learns that he as an individual is not important; competing with others to see who comes closer to the original forms left by his ancestors is. He learns that meaning and substance of the word is not important; the appearance - the formation, the image and the shell is. He is further confounded, yet not knowing consciously, with the fact that language is not a tool to comprehend and analyze phenomena to reach to reality, rather it is an artistic endeavor to please the eye, and the others. However, in this supposed artistic endeavor, he is not allowed to create and produce. He is forced to copy, to memorize, to follow… His two hemispheres of the brain are inundated with conflicting input of symbols and images. (We now know that all humans have the same structure in their brains – one hemisphere in charge of language, analysis, abstract thinking, logic, rationality.., and the other art, music, concrete images, creative impulses…) His analytical hemisphere is being force-fed with pictorial images, instead of abstract symbols, while his artistic hemisphere is starved with a strict and deliberate stifling of his instinct and impulse to create. In learning to write the Chinese characters, he is weaving and knitting an elaborate and intricate mesh to smother his own brain, to restrict his own initiatives, to deny his individual uniqueness.
  While humans are endowed by our creator to have a unique human quality to create, change and reform our surroundings and environment to serve our own purposes, as a distinctive quality from other creatures, the cruel and inhumane process of Chinese systematic stripping of this unique human quality has effectively taken place with their young, in the form of indoctrination of a confusing and crippling linguistic system. The very possibility of human creative spark is effectively eliminated. One does not have to snip the bud. The bud has never appeared for it has died long before it can ever manifest itself. The very mind of each distinct individual is thus insidiously being forced into a tiny rectangle box from which he will never be allowed to escape to return to his nature of free being.
  By the time he is taught to compose sentences, he is further stripped of concept of time by a lack of tense in the Chinese verbs. Though the adverbs are constantly put in to modify the verbs, he has been reduced to never have had a strong sense of sequential events according to time. As his study of Chinese language progresses, he has found that he lacks a distinction between individual and collective, for in Chinese verbs there is no such differentiation of plural and singular. “People” can be viewed as something like an inseparable entity while an individual’s uniqueness is severely diminished. Last time I checked, a fascist view of collective as a living entity has the same connotation. He further learns that in pronunciation of chinese third personnel, there is no distinction between genders and between humans and animals or between humans and a rock. The dehumanization process is deepening.
  He finds that he cannot read and write to communicate till he is six or seven years old, with barely enough storage of Chinese characters laden with pictorial images, memorized through repetition in his analytical hemisphere of the brain. He is forever crippled in coming up with new abstract ideas.
  As he goes further in his study of his ancestors’ leftovers/feces, he finds that he is strictly forbidden from creating any new Chinese character by himself. All 50,000 Chinese characters are all he can copy and use in his understanding of his world of reality, though only about 5,000 in normal usage. By definition, all human knowledge on earth has stopped within the confinement of these 50,000 some Chinese characters. He can only try to manipulate, combine the existing characters to describe what he sees, not to invent new concepts. Thus the primary function of Chinese language is to describe, not to prescribe, is to inherit, not to expand, is to please, not to pursue, is to control, not to discover, is to possess, not to enjoy. the alienation is thus thorough and complete – the tool has become the master to be served with total devotion of chinese human lives. The creators of the language have become the slaves of the same language.
  With the rigid and stagnant Chinese language in place and in charge, humans are not here to create; they are only here to procreate. Humans are not individuals with indivisible integrity, dignity and uniqueness; humans are only an indistinguishable blob of flesh and blood of fleeting images, banded together by a tiny rectangle box to experience excruciating pain and suffering, much like a contortionist. Conclusion: The Chinese language is an inhuman and inhumane language which only facilitates a perverse dehumanization process among the Chinese masses/population.
  In sharp contrast, English, as a multi-syllable, alphabetic language, takes the premise that humans are free and unique beings. Language is their tool to serve their lives’ purpose, not their master to dominate and control their existence. With English language, children as early as three years old can read and write and communicate effectively with their peers. The abstract, alphabetic symbols of the language – the letters can be easily and freely assembled and dissembled and resembled to create new words that represent new discoveries and new concepts. They are designed to be abstract to input information into human brain’s abstract hemisphere. and the meaning of the word and compositions, not calligraphy, is the most important aspect of learning such a language. With this language, humans are allowed to be humans – free, creative and exploratative. With the way human brain is hardwired, there is no doubt that English language (alphabetic and multi-syllable) is a human and humane language.
  Chinese Cultural Tyranny
  From the moment a spark of consciousness start to flicker, a Chinese youth witnesses at first hand, how humans treat each other and how he is treated by these humans around him. Another dimension of Chinese dehumanization process is taking place in his perception of reality – a cultural tyranny starts to dominate his life.
  When the infant starts to observe his surroundings and tries to make sense out of them, the first thing that enters his mind is the fearsome hierarchy everyone carefully follows and obeys. In this invisible hierarchy, everyone’s identity is predetermined by his birth and gender. He discovers that one cannot open his mouth unless he does so according to the echelon he occupies in this hierarchy. He has to find out how old he is, how much money he makes, what connections his family has in relations with this classification of superiority and inferiority. He has to know his gender stratification, male as always being on top of female. He has to know every title and name in the generation differentiation and address his peers by proper titles and names. He has to know exactly all of these before he can open his mouth.
  He is conditioned to know that the highest echelon in the hierarchy is the ubiquitous officialdom in the government, and the highest judicial judge in morals and all affairs affecting him is the highest official in this government – the emperor, chairman, president. He now knows that the God in his life is China itself – a nation with a border, a population with the same racial and ethnic features, a way to behave and think – never disturbing the existing order. China is the combination of all the desirable values in his life. He will be dedicating his entire life to this invisible God.
  As he continues to grow up and further immerses himself in the Chinese literature, cultural habits and order of things, he finds that he himself as a person gradually dissolved and disappeared in the cultural soup everyone is stirring to cook into a shapeless entity. Everyone starts to behave in the same manner according to this invisible hierarchy, and no one is distinct and unique by himself. For the first time, he tastes the fearsome power of his cultural environment. That faceless everyone is called Big Family which he is obligated to preserve and please. Everyone seems to want to please everyone else and no one however, wants to initiate anything. Passivity is the order of the day and fate is everyone’s master. Learning to patiently live with desperation and helplessness is a must if he wants to survive. And it even becomes an art. He starts to cheat, lie, manipulate, intimidate, pretend… Anything he does is alright so long as he is to preserve and please the big family. Saving face is the biggest concern for everyone, from top down. The Big Family and the government that represents it has become his overlord and his entire individual worth is to be judged by only it.
  He practices hard to write beautiful calligraphy, for he knows without the beautiful and unobtrusive appearance, everything else is meaningless. One will have hard time climbing the social ladder if one’s calligraphy is no good. The more he self-effacing his own being, the more likely he will climb high. He learns to entertain himself by practicing Chinese violin, but finds that the bow is stuck between the strings and he can only play one string at a time. The music that comes out of the instrument always bears a sad, lonely, helpless tone he can never escape. He picks a brush to paint a picture, but finds that only water color is available. The painting comes out will always be smeared and blurred. The human image that comes out of the water color has no spirit, no deep feelings, no facial expressions, and no passion (not to mention there is no shades and no one know where the light comes from). Even this dubious representation of humans on paper cannot last long. The water color always fades over time. A blurred image of reality for others to guess and feel is the standard of art.
  He is frustrated, trying to find and etch a permanent mark for himself in the history of China. He starts to read the Chinese classic literatures, for in there he can find all kinds of intrigues, plots, manipulation of emotions, pretentious grace.., widely applied in the chinese officialdom. He attends school to memorize and mimic all the tactics and tricks to use, abuse and manipulate others humans so he can climb over their corpses to advance in this hierarchy. He learns how to mesmerize his victims by pretending to be their savior, making them believe they are all victims of others. Like a king cobra, he wants to desensitize and distract his prey by letting them focus on his beautiful and symmetrical markings, the carefully planned, mesmerizing movements, the ingenious camouflage, and the speedy and powerful strikes. He does not want others to know his nature. He is doing everything to hide it. He has learned all these through the books he has read and observation he has made and he is well versed in all of them. None of the education process has focused on the nature, the essence, and the substance of things and phenomena. No moral judgment has ever been rendered. So he is not about to start to attract others’ attention on his deadliness and his poisonous-ness. He has become the master of all his ancestors’ teachings. His only goal: to acquire power as much as he can. The more power he has, the more he is close to the omnipotent and arbitrary head of the big family, and the more he approaches God/being God.
  However, he is very unhappy and insecure, for every step up he climbs, he is losing something - something he could not describe and may never recover. But he somehow senses that something is essential for his fulfillment and happiness. He becomes more and more drained and emptied, but the urge to climb even higher is so great that he cannot stop. It is just like, no, it is exactly like a narcotic addiction. The more you have, the more you want to have, even knowing it is killing your organs, killing your humanity. He now is in the deep grip of a powerful, enticing presence he can never escape without help from outside/divine forces.
  But the outside help never comes. All the cultural narcotic addicts never admit they are addicts. He is no exception. His mental health starts to deteriorate. He can not distinguish right from wrong, illusions from reality, truth from falsehood, what is good for him from what is harmful…. Yet he continues the path of climbing toward that illusive peak in the officialdom, knocking down adversaries ruthlessly with no mercy. He never feels safe, for everyone else is doing just the same. He is exhausted but he dares not to stop or relax. Momentary reflection of himself scares the hell out of him, for he does not have guts to admit how deep and how far he has embarked on this road of self-destruction. And he knows it is all his making. and relentlessly, the atrocious/miserable/meaningless end is coming.
  One day, a more ruthless and poisonous adversary knocks him off the ladder of officialdom. He falls and ready to give up and die. Before he dies, he curses the enemy; he curses back luck; he curses fate; he curses all others. He even curses the system for failing him, not knowing or admitting he is exactly the essential part of it, the foundation of it. His only lesson from all this is: (and he will tell all his children about it) next time, if there is ever going to be one, I will be more ruthless, poisonous and deadly. In the process of victimizing each other, everyone becomes inescapably victimized. The cycle of men-eating-men is thus completed.
  Such is a soulless life’s story. Such is a loveless life. Such is a joyless existence. Such is a zombie’s journey. Such is a definition of evil and corruption. Such is the portrait of a Chinese cultural slave - a Eunuslawhore (eunuch, slave, prostitute).
  Contrast distinctly from this cycle of dehumanization, Christian ethics stresses exactly the opposite of this men-eating. It preaches that every individual human being is an entirely unique universe, a beginning and end in himself. He is not to be used, abused and abandoned as some used-up tools by others, no matter how many they are in quantity. In short, he is not to be a mean to an end, but an end in itself. Because of such an inalienable and inseparable nature of the entity, he is endowed by god to have rights and freedom; therefore, he has the possibility to be happy and joyful. No one, no matter how powerful he is as in the case of a government, should be morally justified to define such a being. He is indeed a sacred creation and only god can design him and make possible for him to discover that sacred design. Bias, prejudice, power for the sake of control and self-degradation are detested in such an ethics and culture. Dignity and respect are coined to depict such a being as unique and irreplaceable. Nothing can be ever justified without his own individual consent, for only he knows his own values and worth. Group and government oppression is viewed as the embodiment of evil. Servitude and slavery is as insidiously detrimental to human mental and spiritual health as viruses and narcotic addiction. Equality among humans is a natural extension in the very fact that each and every one of individuals must ultimately face god and himself, not others and governments. Conscience and spiritual integrity is established in such a cultural environment. Self-direction rather than others-direction becomes the orientation of such moral being. Creativity and productivity, Not robbing, begging, cheating and stealing, flows like fountainhead, nourishing a new generation of such free beings. Values are constantly produced and nothingness inevitably sneered and discarded.
  Such is a human ethics. Such is a human culture. Such will be the humanity's future.
  Tyranny of Chinese Political Institutions
  When a crippled Chinese adult, mentally and spiritually ill-equipped, enters into the political arena characterized by the omnipresent Chinese officialdom, he painfully discovers that he is further trapped and demeaned by the very institutions his ancestors left to control him. He is viewed as nothing more than a cog on an enormous grinder aimed to mix truth with falsehood, right with wrong, black with white, existence with nothingness. Every ounce of everyone’s individual energy is absorbed and usurped to contribute to the speed of the spinning machine. In the cultural soup it produces, nothing is distinct and unique and nothing can be used as values, particles and concrete foundation to build anything. The only function of such a political machine is to drown everyone with this toxic cultural soup and make him a part of its ingredient to kill still many others.
  Fostered and boosted by the linguistic tyranny and cultural tyranny, the political machine his ancestors created and left for him is a ferocious and insatiable beast of destruction.
  As his maturing consciousness starts to question his own being in his political surroundings, he finds that no one is in charge and henceforth no one is able to change this political environment. Everyone is only operating in it, much like everyone is using the same Chinese characters to write. No one is able to create anything in this political environment, much like no one is able or supposed to create any Chinese character by himself. He is trapped. He further finds that in this political culture, government precedes people. Government is viewed to have existed even before humans appear on earth. Government authority comes from the mysterious “heaven” and it has nothing to do with human beings. So the emperors have all been called “sons of heaven” and everyone who dares to question this order and authority is doomed to “hell” and eternal ostracism.
  Thus, the government has always been viewed as parents, and the masses under it have always been viewed as some infantile children in need of care. Government officials are endowed with titles such as “parental officials” and the people “children people”. A person is born not free, but underneath this parental government and the power it wields. Any limited freedom is freedom in a cage, and freedom to obey and conform, for he is reared and raised by the government and the emperors. He has been taught that when the big river has water, the small creeks will flow. Even God in heaven is with a title “jade emperor”. It is the emperor that gives people their clothes and food. It is the nation and government that give people their livelihood and meaning of life.
  He has read from all the literature that his ancestors have left that all heroes in Chinese history are “nation loving” heroes. All immortals he ever worships are ancestral officials in the emperors’ court. Everything that has any values in China is tied with officialdom. Government and officialdom is not only he depends on for his livelihood, but he depends on for his meaning of life. All the educational institutions have one aim – to produce “nation loving” and “emperor loving” officials in the echelon of governmental hierarchy. The higher he climbs in the official ladder, the more power he acquires and hence the more meaning in life he has. Thus, he stops/kills all his other interests and endeavors and focuses only on one thing – joining officialdom to climb the ladder.
  In the process of climbing the ladder, he learns further from his ancestors and the knowledge they have left via those rectangle boxes written in those thread-bond books all the official tricks, plots, deceits, maneuvers, manipulations. He is well versed in the spirit all these books and the ultimate message they espouse – “the end always justify the means”. So long as he is for others and for the helpless masses, all his excessive tactics and murderous methods are thoroughly justified. His only slogans in his heart are “loyal to the emperors, loyal to the nation/party-dynasty, loyal to the ancestors and all the language, institutions, culture they have left to him.”
  He has learned that the most effective method of controlling the masses with their infantile and meaningless existence is to hold their loved ones, their family, and anything including their own profession they love, hostage. If one offends the order of the court, the entire family suffers, the generations related to the person in anyway suffers. No one is responsible for himself anyway, so everyone else around him must be responsible. Here is the most effective weapon in his arsenal, among others like confusion, fatalism, superstition, jealousy, denial, blindness to truth… Though he himself is subjected to the same control mechanism, he is nonetheless enthusiastically enforcing the order using these means, for the illusion is the higher one climbs, the freer one becomes.
  Not only family is used to be the hostage in this scheme of things, family is used as the very control mechanism to subdue everyone in it. Family has become the very basic unit of the government, to serve the government. The very word “nation” (Guo, Jia 国家) in Chinese is simply composed with two characters – nation and family. The saint of all Chinese – Confucius has long deemed the Chinese moral order to be inviolable – “emperor to subordinates, father to sons”. The bigger the government, the better, and since family has become the basic unit of the government, the entire society does not only belong to the government, it is indeed the government itself. Separation of government and society has never existed in China. Any political order in China is only the extension of personal order of the individual and his identity. An ingenious design it is indeed, by the ancestral saint-the Confucius.
  In the later years of China's modern history, Mao only further inherited/enhanced this very Chinese tradition of building the entire China into a giant prison, in which everyone can be potential a spy to report on others to the authority, particular within the family. So why build prisons to hold those unruly scoundrels like in the USSR under Stalin? Instead, the chinese under mao have followed our ancestors under emperors and confucius: They make the entire society governmental, and make the entire population prisoners of their own family, or their own relations with others. Yes indeed this is exactly what has happened during the notorious cultural revolution. The poison has seeped through every pore of the society and the corruption via total surrender by the individuals is thorough and complete.
  America represents the exact opposite of the Chinese experience: It is based on individual freedom with a solid foundation in Christian faith; therefore each and every individual is fully aware of his or her responsibility to his own conscience and action. Its political institutions are established on the premise of human fallibility and subsequent potential abuse by government and majority. Separation of power, checks and balances within the political power structure, a constitutional base to limit government and guaranty individual rights, federalism to ensure a bottom-up direction from individual sovereignty to local autonomy to limited federal government.., all are the healthy and necessary institutions aimed at expanding individual freedom. Government is contracted to serve people’s purposes, not the other way around – people are subdued to serve the government. Legitimacy, transparency and openness are understood to be the concern of all the individual citizens in their eternal vigilance to guard their liberty and rights against tyranny. American political institutions are human institutions for human interests, freedom and happiness.
  Over two thousand years ago on this land that humans inhabited, a divergence of humanity began to emerge. In the East over the vast land of Asia, a process of dehumanization started with the unification by an emperor with his swords, bloodshed, and oppressive force over the population on his domain. Through the intrinsic defects of its own language, the facilitation of eunuch official intellectuals, and the state power, human beings had become the subjects and slaves of their own creation. They have been terrorized by the very alienation they created ever since and become deformed humans with twisted mind-set. A stagnant and vicious circular course of history has been the order even today.
  About the same period over on the other side of the planet, a quiet and powerful revolution to recognize and confirm humanity also began to take shape, championed not by someone with swords, but by a mild-mannered man dressed in rags who never held any official position. A new kind of values was being preached upon the population and into the very soul of humans – truth, liberty, equality, individuality, fraternity, tolerance, creativity… Through the sparks he has ignited, a torch has been lit to light up the course of human history. History would never be a circle to trap humans with their corpses and misery. History started to advance toward life, freedom and joy. Humans are no longer the slaves of their own creations. They have become their own masters over their own language, their own culture and their own political institutions. A liberation of the human souls has enables them to advance through darkness toward better and better future. America is the epitome of this very advancement.
  In the West, human beings continue to advance along the line of liberty for humanity. in the East, human beings continue to be trapped by the tyranny of their own culture and government. They are nothing but slaves of their own cultural conditioning and tools of the despotic state they have created and passively obeyed. The gap is gigantic.
  In view and analysis of what has impeded Chinese society from entering modern history and join the community of free nations, I am confident that these three mountains – the three tyrannies that have oppressed the Chinese people without them knowing the nature of the tyrannies, must be removed before any healthy human institutions can be developed. The dehumanization process via these three tyrannies must be stopped and destroyed. Human beings must be returned to their original form intended by their creator – free, full of life, joyful and creative, the masters of their own environment, their own language, their own culture, their own political institutions, their own fate, their own future. The thorough and complete alienation of individual human beings to their creations must be reversed. The vicious dynastic cycles must be reviled, condemned and eliminated. a society of individual human beings, by individual human beings, for individual human beings must be finally realized. China must join the post-historical America by emulating its examples to release the tremendous energy of human creativity and productivity of its own citizens. Let’s start to remove the three mountains and the tyranny they have imposed on the Chinese people for thousands of years. Let's start this process from ourselves as free and responsible individuals.

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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:44 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:

The central theme of all human endeavor is to seek meaning in life. This differentiates humans from animals. Yet true meaning, truth and essence of things can only exist in abstraction. In another word, true reality only exists in abstraction, not appearance. Chinese character-based syllabic language with its pictorial superficial appearance obstructs and distorts true reality and essence in existence, therefore making Chinese society a nihilistic morass with illusions and fake reality. Soulless "walking dead" as a form of survival physically in China is only a necessary result.

人类全部活动的中心是对生命意义的追寻。 这就是人与动物的根本区别。 生命意义,事物实质与客观真理只能在抽象维度中存在。 也就是说,真实只存在于抽象之中。 表象往往是主观与不真实的。 中国的单音节表象文字,基于它的表象性与主观性,只对事物实质与客观真理的发现起到阻碍与扭曲的作用。 由此,这种文字的运用必然导致中国社会的虚无与虚假性。 毫无灵魂的行尸走肉,作为一种生理存活的无意义表象形式,便成为了中国人的行为定义。


Chinese - Distortion of Reality and Truth

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 9/29/2006, Reprint 9/25/2011)

If you translate English text into Chinese, everything will be distorted and misconceived, making the translated text either untrue in its original meaning, unreadable or worse, totally opposite of its original meaning.

Let's look some examples: sin - 原罪? God - 上帝? President - 总统? White House - 白宫? Democracy - 民主? Liberty - 自由? human being - 人? United States - 美国? People - 人民?

The list is endless. The distortion is endless. The misunderstanding is endless. The misconception is endless. The anti-meaning is endless. The opposite interpretation of original essence is endless.... Almost everything essential contained in the original English words will be either entirely lost, distorted or reversely understood.

I have written numerous essays to impart the truth about Chinese character-based, syllabic language, based on my many years as translator and my reading of related literature. I stress here again:

It cannot be more important for the Chinese to realize the harmful effect of the language their ancestors have bestowed upon them. It has made them entirely impotent and handicapped in facing a true world, in understanding reality and seeking truth in abstraction. Only when they abandon the use of the Chinese language as a viable tool to understand, organize, store and communicate information among humans, only when they adopt English (an alphabetic language) as the official language as the tool to understand, store, organize and propagate information within and without the Chinese society, and only when they adopt English (an alphabetic language) as the effective tool to seek reality and truth, though the appearances and superficiality they encounter, China can begin to walk toward being a normal society with a vision for the future, for only then China can be free from its illusory and dellusional understanding of their surroundings and reestablish themselves as constructive and creative part of humanity.

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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:51 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

顯而易见 - 中文语言危害人的创造力想象力

Chinese Language - Only an Ancient Art, Not a Modern Tool

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

A Language That Belongs to The Past, Not Present and Future -

(On the Harmful Effect of Chinese Language in Perceiving Reality and Achieving Objectivity and Progress)

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 3/20/2006, Reprint 9/11/2011)

Watching a contortionist perform on stage is probably one of the most amusing, amazing, yet one of most painful and excruciating experience in one’s life. An adult, full-sized human being, in a self-torturing fashion, can somehow fit himself into a tiny square box, with his body twisted and warped to an unshapely and unrecognizable condition. Yet, this is exactly what the Chinese character-based syllabic language does to a human mind, with a distorted reality and helpless sense of imprisonment and slavery, and all the side-effects that come with this condition.

William C. Hannas, an American linguist, in his 2005 book “THE WRITING ON THE WALL” detailed, with empirical and scientific evidence and proof, the ill and harmful effect of Chinese language (speaking, listening, reading and writing) on human mind. It impedes the development of human abstract thinking, analytical faculties, and creative expressions. He pointed out that the most important invention in human history is not as some Chinese nationalists allege: the so called four big inventions in China - gun power, compass, paper and printing. The single most important invention in human progressive history is Alphabetic Language, initiated by the Greeks more than 2000 years ago. Only after the Greeks invented the alphabet, the concept of abstract thinking with the progressive effect it brought to human mind started to appear and flourish. It was never coincidental that the Greeks were the ones that first came up with concepts such as “logic, reason, analysis, reality, objective and subjective, deductive and inductive, abstract and concrete, meaning, progress, debate, dialogue, freedom, democracy, etc.” I will leave the scientific analysis and proof, such as how human brain functions with its two hemispheres, how biological make-up of humans determines how they perceive reality, to the readers of Hannas‘ book.

As a long time interpreter and translator between Chinese and English, I can not agree with the author more.

When I was in China, as I had thought about many things and tried to analyze them to make sense and meaning from them, a sense of helplessness and frustration had always plagued me and my thoughts could never dwell deeper into the depth of phenomena that I had expected I would. And I failed to find the reason why. Now I am very certain that the single syllable, square-shaped Chinese character-based language had greatly hampered my effort to know truth, the essence, the substance and the meaning of many apparent occurrences. What can you do if you have to put so much meaning into only one syllable? What can you do if you have to fit so much substance into a square box that represents the four-sided Chinese written language? All the characteristics of Chinese language point toward one reality - Limitation, Restriction, Stagnation, Destruction of Logic and Reality, Distortion of Reality, Warping of Reason, Castration of Essence, Destruction of Progress, Demeaning of Soul and Spirit, Belittling Individuals and render them impotent and helpless eunuchs.

This harsh indictment would no doubt infuriate many of my dear fellow countrymen with their intense nationalistic feelings. Yet truth is truth and can only be in the making of God and nature, not the product of some sentimental feelings based on one’s skin color, cultural heritage, hatred of the West, or their ability to deny. For the Chinese to progress out of the devastating vicious Dynastic Cycle they never seem to extract themselves from, one must face truth. Truth can only be discovered, observed, and expressed, and can never be manufactured, imagined and propagated.

It always seems that anything that the Chinese want to adopt from West via borrowing and translating the Western works end up in distorting of truth and reality, from the era of Kingdom of Heavenly Peace, to the Reforms of Kang Yuwei and Liang Qichao, to many others with good intention but ill ending. Some intellectuals in China had blamed the Chinese traditional institutions, oppressive regimes and the ignorance and prejudice of the masses. Yet they were missing the crucial culprit in all the Chinese failures - the very language the Chinese use to describe and interpret the world and universe. It is a taboo subject, much like the tradition of Chinese ancestor-worshipping. Many took the form of Chinese character-based language not as a handicap, but as a source of pride and identity. And they want their children to take it as such.

Chinese children are perhaps the biggest victim of this perversion of Chinese language. Most children in the West can read and write at age three, the Chinese children cannot achieve the simple comprehension in reading till they are six or seven. All of them have to memorize enough characters just to read, even more ridiculously, they have to copy with outrageous numbers of repetition, the different style of calligraphy from ancient Chinese. Spending hours each day just to master the “correct” proportion of a character is the daunting, yet normal practice of all the Chinese children. What a waste of time and energy! It is equivalent of one spending a good portion of his life manufacturing elaborate chains and shackles to enslave one’s own mind, and mastering the art of castrating one‘s originality and creativity.

A simply analogy would demonstrate how inept the Chinese language in developing human mind. If one wants to perform surgery to cure disease, all he has is a hammer. There is no scalpel. How will the task be accomplished? Helplessness is the only feeling and result one can think of in this situation. This is exactly how inept and incapable a Chinese language using person feels when he faces a modern world, with immense information to be absorbed and digested. It is no surprise that there has never been applicable and enforceable law in China, and there has never been any theoretical scientist emerged in Chinese history. Much like many Chinese musical instruments, with bows stuck in between the strings, the expression of their musical scope is tremendously limited and not surprisingly, no such thing as symphony has ever appeared in Chinese traditional performing art. As one undeniable fact presented to many of us - reasonable and freedom-loving individuals with spiritual yearning for fulfillment in life, the Chinese masses appear often absent-minded, ignorance of such things as logic, rationality, meaning and essence of existence. They too often are money-worshipping and power-worshipping. I often termed them the “walking dead” and “soulless“. It seems that physical survival, to the Chinese, is much more important than mental and spiritual fulfillment. Safety, security and false sense of certainty are the preoccupations of most Chinese, not freedom and liberty, not meaning of life, not pursuit of happiness. Flesh and blood has taken over, since God knows how long ago, as the most important aspect of human life. Even the Chinese National Anthem extols such an idea - “Using the Chinese Flesh and Blood to Build a New Great Wall.”

In a negative fashion, the Chinese characters not only failed to appeal and assist in human reasoning and rationality, they often appeals to the worst of human psyche - the sensational, the descriptive, the emotional, the primitive impulses, the demeaning and belittling of others, much due to its pictorial appearance and none-precise nature in conveying meaning and communication. All the Big-Character Posters during the Cultural Revolution had never appealed to reason, conscience, and human decency. All one could get from them was violence, twisted facts, spin in logic to confuse and suppress, blood-boiling slogans aimed at only destruction, blind following and conformity, and passive waiting for the fate for fall on one’s head. I had been through it all and I know how it was and felt like.

Many attributed this negative characteristics of Chinese existence to the oppressive governments and institutions. Some even dwelled deeper into blaming the Chinese culture. Yet, till today, no one has seriously taken a look at the very tool the Chinese use to input and output information - the Chinese character-based, single syllable language. It is so telling that even the very book that analyzes this ill phenomenon is written in English, by an American. Yet it is very logical, for only the person with the tool - an alphabetic language can truly decipher, analyze and depict reality. Nonetheless, I thank the author and applaud his effort to tell the world the undeniable truth - as obvious as WRITING ON THE WALL, oblivious and resisted only by the victims and victimizers of the Chinese language users - the Chinese themselves.

Due to this serious handicap of the Chinese population, with no tools to accurately depict reality and analyze existing world, logic, rationality, reason - the indispensable prerequisites to establish a truthful, just and free society, the Chinese have found themselves incapable of coming up with scientific papers, and written, definable laws. With the Chinese characters’ undeniable trait (many characters of same meaning and many meanings with same character,) the very imprecise nature of such language impedes the Chinese ability to compose understandable science papers and enforceable laws.

With many eastern European countries abandoning communism and abolishing communist parties, a curious phenomenon of lasting Chinese communist party puzzles many. Even with the Chinese communist party openly advocates private property rights and open market, contrary to the communist doctrine, symbolized by the official motto: “One Country, Two Systems,” the party itself seems secure in its ruling position, though still oppressive and suppressive of freedom of expression and basic human rights. Anti-matter and matter seem combined together without explosion, oil and water seem percolated in the same engine and still able to power it. These phenomena exist all thanks to the illogical Chinese mind fostered by the contortionist Chinese character-based language. Somehow the despotic regimes are able to sell the narcotics to the Chinese population without much resistance. This phenomenon will never occur and has never occurred in a society with alphabetic language, such as Russia. The very first thing the Russian people want to get rid of, after they abandoned communism, is the communist party itself.

Yet, the Chinese want to fit everything from the universe, neatly and squarely, in their little square boxes, in their single string instrument, in their single syllable tones. Moral, spiritual, intellectual and philosophical components of human mind seemed missing, and the existence of the collective, the nation, the yellow race, the stagnant order of things had to come first, before the individuals, before rationality, before progress, before freedom.

With all the empirical evidences presented here and in Hannas’ book, one cannot but marvel how the simple little magic box - the Chinese character has been so omnipotent in keeping the Chinese in the dark for centuries, and the darkness lasts even today. Thanks for many overseas Chinese with their mastering of alphabetic language, largely English, they can contribute to the world of science and human progress. It is no wonder why the Chinese societies out of the mainland have all progressed along with the rest of humanity, such as those in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and North America. All the Chinese leaders in those societies have been educated in the West, in an environment dominated by alphabetic language.

It is paramount and crucial, if China is to progress, to introduce (NOT to reform or alphabetize the Chinese characters) alphabetic language, in the best case, English, into the mainstream Chinese society on the mainland, and to educate the country’s elite in English speaking countries. Then and only then, meaningful human endeavor can be possible, pursuit of freedom and happiness can be possible, creative scientific achievement can be possible, law and order can be possible, understandable and meaningful constitution and laws can be written and enforced.

Chinese character-based language belongs only to the past, to the realm of archeological linguistic studies, not present and future, absolutely NOT as a tool we can rely on to build a free, democratic, progressive and meaningful society.

Let’s make an effort: The official Chinese language must be English.

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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:55 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Chinese Cultural Incest and Degeneration



从William C. Hannas的“The writing on the wall: How Asian orthography curbs creativity”与“Asia’s Orthographic Dilemma”两本书,使我彻底领悟到汉文字的邪恶性与贫困症,也使我彻底理解到汉文字对东亚大陆文化的严重危害性。


陈凯在“中国文字,文化与基因的近亲乱伦一文”指出,“中国的方块,相形的单音节文字 导致了乱赋义,无赋义与泛赋义的文字强姦与乱伦。中国从秦皇到共產的‘井田制’与‘户口’造成了中国人生理基因的近亲乱伦与退化。中国文化的闭塞与其内交 乱伦造成了中国人畸形病态的‘人鬼情结’,‘孙猴子情结’与‘阴阳宦官情结’,造成了中国人自欺败坏的道德虚无、道德相对心态。‘内交’,‘自交’,‘他 阉’与‘自阉’是中国人习以為常的普遍行為。畸形丑陋的產物便是必然。”

我认為,所谓的“中国”、“中国人”与“中国文化”等概念,是汉种族沙文主义与大一统意识下的变态產物;它们应该正名為“东亚大陆”、“那群使用汉文字与 接受汉文化的人”、“汉文化”,否则岂不承认了汉种族沙文主义与大一统意识的合法性?否则岂不否定了人民自治与联邦政治的合法性?


单音节图像式的汉文字,屠杀了学习者与使用者所有的左脑思维机会、逻辑与分析能力、抽象思考与基本智力、创造力、良性神经性的基因文化;这可以清楚解释自 从秦始皇大一统至今,东亚大陆人根本没有任何的创造力、科学与科技发明物等的原因,以及还有许多秦始皇时代的科技至今东亚大陆人都还不能达到的原因。

任何熟悉英文的人,只要拿一本英文文法书,仔细用其文法与时态,核对中文的相对应句子与文法,不就可以知道中文句子与文法的“奇穷与贫困”吗?任何熟悉英 文的人,只要拿英文字母排列组合一下,就可以自我训练抽象与逻辑思维,就可以组合创造新词意与单字;只要你能合理地对这个新造字赋予意义,它立刻就可以成 為人类通行的辞汇,这不就是人类文明创造力的根源?如果没有这种文字的自由创造性机制,人类如何谈创新?

任何一个曾经翻阅过佛经的人都知道,佛经大部分的名词根本翻译不出来,佛经有许多的名词根本是音译或代用字,如果没通佛理者讲解,你如何能明白?你懂“喃 无阿弥陀佛”(梵音為Namas Amita Buddha,意思是“归依那无边无量智光福寿的圣人”)的意思吗?这是什麼原因?

不仅佛经,凡是翻译希腊文、拉丁文、希伯莱文、德文、法文、英文等抽象哲学的汉文书,不都是如此吗?你怎麼可能用视觉性的图像字,去翻译抽象性的概念?那 不就是用竹篮子提水,如何能装得住?不就是一堆自说自话与自相矛盾的虚偽译文?不信,你去问那些真正精通汉文与所译外文者,有关汉译的外文哲学的书,他一 定会在你面前笑掉大牙的!





一个清楚的事实,只有离开“使用汉文字与汉文化社会”的人,才有可能成為有成就的人,例如,美国的优秀亚裔学生与亚裔得诺贝尔科学奖者,这不就是东亚大陆 文化总是走永恒“负向筛选”的方式吗?这不就是不是人种的原因,而是“汉文字与汉文化”总是朝“负向筛选”的问题吗?这不就是“汉文字与汉文化” ,总是走“恶性向下循环与堕落”的事实吗?


我并不反对汉人的人,我爱汉人的人,因為他的本质是可敬与可爱的“人”;但是我反对绑架汉“人”的“汉文字与汉文化”,因為它代表专制与邪恶,因為它是撒 旦与黑暗势力,所以我一定要彻底地剷除它;我不是用我个人的力量来剷除它,我可没这个力量,我是用耶穌的光来照它,让所有人能看清楚它邪恶的本质,然后联 合所有人心中的良心与光来剷除它。

除非东亚大陆全盘废除汉文字与汉文化,全盘耶穌化、全盘耶穌博爱与道德化、全盘英文化、全盘美国精神化、全盘美国式宪政化、全盘人民自治化、全盘民主化、 全盘自由化、全盘三权分立化、全盘教育独立化、全盘私有财產化、全盘美国式联邦化、全盘自由市场经济化、全盘资本主义化等,否则我实在看不出来,未来东亚 大陆人的民主革命有何意义?其自由与幸福有何希望?


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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:46 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

"YOU"/英文 解放了亚洲人
English Language Liberates the Asians

陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:

Language itself not only is a media to transmit knowledge, it is also a media to transmit values and morals. Different languages have different innate moral components in their formation from the very beginning.

语言本身不止是传播知识的媒介,它也是传播价值与道德的媒介。 不同的语言有着不同的内在的道德组成部分。 这些内在的价值道德从语言形成的一开始就在其中。


By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 10/2/2011)

In my previous articles such as "从文字笼罐到文字狱“,"崇中文者作茧自缚”,“中文是甲骨艺术不是工具”.., I have repeatedly stated that using a certain language means using a certain set of morals and values, for these morals and values are in-built from the beginning of the formation of the language.

Today in LA Times, Connie Kang's article "To Know You is to Love You" further enhances and illustrates my point of view. I hope you guys takes times to read this article. From four levels of "You" in Korean language to many descriptions of one's relatives in generational hierarchy in Chinese to how Japanese address people according to their social status, one can only come up with a conclusion that languages either enslave or liberate. English, in its moral components from the begining of its formation, liberates us all, making us free beings with equality, humanity and spirituality of progress.

I now paste this article by Connie Kang whom I once got to know personally after a rally to rescue Wei Jingsheng in Los Angeles in 1997:


To Know You Is to Love You

A Korean-born reporter's embrace of an egalitarian English pronoun freed her from the hierarchal strictures of her native tongue.

By K. Connie Kang, Times Staff Writer
July 24, 2006

It's all about you.

I fell in love with this English pronoun when I first met it on my father's knees more than half a century ago in Seoul.

Initially, it was the sound that captivated me.

Later, as I continued to study English under my father's tutelage — he was a pioneering scholar of English and German at South Korea's Seoul National University — I began to love this three-letter word for the way it made me feel.

"Good morning to you," I said with emphasis whenever American and Canadian Presbyterian missionaries visited our home.

When they responded with a big smile and "Good morning to you too," I was in heaven.

You was an ally that empowered me.

It freed me from the encumbrances of my mother tongue, which is one of the world's most complicated and nuanced languages, laden with honorifics. You pushed me out of the confines of Confucian-steeped, hierarchal Korean language into a world of egalitarian impulses.

To be sure, Korean is a wonderfully poetic language, full of alliteration and onomatopoeia. And I love listening to well-spoken Korean.

But navigating it is another story.

Korean has no fewer than six speech levels — each with a unique set of verb endings to indicate the degree of formality, ranging from extremely polite to actively impolite — and many gradations in between.

Other languages employ varying degrees of address. For two of the world's more popular languages, two levels suffice — vous and tu in French, usted and tu in Spanish.

But Korean has four words for you. The irony is we go out of our way to find substitutes so we won't have to use them.

This formality — and the impulses to maintain or reject it — colors not just how many Korean Americans speak Korean, but our English. It's a spin on the classic tale of assimilation, when two cultures meet and create something uniquely American.

Sometimes it's an odd blend. Koreans are a communal people who prefer an unassuming "we" over a bold, American "I."

A Korean woman always refers to her husband as "our husband" — oori nampyon. And we say, "our mother, our father."

"In English, you can't imagine saying, 'our husband,' " said Kichung Kim of San Jose, a Korean American scholar and writer.

To the Korean ear, "our mother" creates a "connection to home, family and all that. That feeling is absent in English," Kim said. "The only time we say 'our father' in English is in the Lord's Prayer."

I have a friend who often ends our phone conversation with "Love you." After hearing me repeatedly reply, 'We do too,' my Anglo friend figured it out. "Your reluctance to say 'I' is a Korean thing."

You bet.

In English, birds sing. In Korean, birds cry. Traditional Korean songs are plaintive — played in minor keys. In English, nouns and verbs rule. In Korean, adjectives and adverbs do.

"Korean is so expressive and emotional," said Los Angeles-born Aram Kim, an honor student at Van Nuys High School who is studying at one of the many Korean-language schools in the region.

David Mo, a fellow student, agrees and says he'll take the Korean Ahn-young-ha-sae-yo (Are you well?) to "Hi" any day.

" 'Hi' is so simple," he said, explaining that the Korean greeting has depth.

Still, experts say that Korean, spoken by 79 million people worldwide and more than 1 million in the United States, is one of the most difficult languages to learn. Aram Kim acknowledges that even a routine query, such as "Have you eaten?" can get complicated in Korean.

To navigate this linguistic maze, we use our well-honed sixth sense called nunchi — literally, "measure of the eye" — to size up age, education and social and professional position.

Then, we choose from two types of language within the language: a "respectable" form known as jondae-mal, and informal talk called ban-mal, literally meaning "half-talk."

For me, you helped me bypass all that. The word let me enjoy conversations with people older than me — a rare thing in my culture, where older people talk and younger ones listen unless asked to speak.

I attended an American primary school when I lived in Asia, so I had the rare privilege of using the English you when I was a child, without offending Korean sensibilities.

When I came to the United States in 1961, blending American informality with Korean linguistic tradition wasn't an issue because there were so few Koreans to talk to.

These days in California's Korean community — estimated at 500,000, the largest outside Asia — many Korean Americans share my fondness for the all-too-embraceable you.

"You represents the essence of democracy," said attorney Tong S. Suhr, a community leader. "You liberates us from that [Korean] caste system, and it makes life so much easier."

Korean-born Kay S. Duncan, director of production with Jarrow Formulas in West Hollywood, says you helped transform her from a shy Asian woman who preferred to sit in the back of the room to an assertive executive equal to those around her.

"You can say, 'You did this, or you did that,' even if you're addressing the CEO of your company," Duncan said.

By contrast, Ho-min Sohn, professor of Korean linguistics at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, says he has never felt at home with this three-letter word.

Sohn, who came to the U.S. in 1965 from South Korea to work on a doctorate in linguistics, managed to get his degree without once using you when addressing his professors. It seemed so out of place for a student to claim equality with his professor.

Kim, the writer from San Jose, finds you more comfortable in writing than in speech.

Even in English, he said, "you seems a little abrupt. Koreans are careful with you because of our tradition. We are much more culturally and interpersonally civilized in discourses. We may be brutal in real life, but we, at least, have that pretense."

In Korean, you comes in at least four forms: gwiha, dangshin, jahnae and nuh. And yet none is quite like you.

Gwiha is "your excellency" and your honor" rolled into one, used to address a person in a high position.

Dangshin is the formal you, but it can be misconstrued if used carelessly. When a smiling wife calls her husband dangshin and snuggles up to him, it is a term of endearment.

"But use it with a stranger," Suhr said, "and it becomes a 'fighting word.' " (Think of the classic New Yorkism, "What are you looking at?")

Jahnae is used among school chums or by older people addressing young adults, like a man talking to his son-in-law.

Nuh is for children and younger siblings.

But even with youths, if they're in high school, Koreans prefer to address them with the generic title haksaeng, meaning "student," over nuh.

We love titles. Sonsaeng-nim (honorable teacher) is a respectable title for all professionals over 40. Even journalists get titles. Koreans call me Kang kija-nim ("Honorable reporter Kang").

It gets more complicated speaking to people of high rank. A subordinate would not address his company's president in the second person, even the formal version.

Professor Sohn explains that when the subordinate wants to tell his boss, "It's time for you to go," he'll switch to the third person: "The honorable president should go."

But in Southern California, you pops up in the middle of Korean sentences, like an odd bead in a string of cultured pearls. Listen to Korean Americans talk in Korean restaurants and church gatherings and you witness an evolving Konglish where you plays a key role.

Among friends who are bilingual, one might say: "You-neun-uh-tuk-hae-saeng-gak-hae?"

Translation: "What do you think?"

Then there are those situations that seem to defy you — whether in English or Korean.

Kay Duncan's husband, historian John B. Duncan, is director of UCLA's Center for Korean Studies and a fluent Korean speaker. When they were dating and their two cultures began to clash as well as merge, John and Kay grappled with how they should address each other.

They considered dangshin (formal you) and informal nuh, as well as the English honey and yobo, the Korean equivalent of "dear" or "honey."

"Dangshin sounded cold and distant," he said.

"Honey gave me shivers," she said. It was too touchy-feely.

They settled on the French tu.

More than three decades later, they still start their birthday and Valentine cards with "Dear tu" and end with "Your tu."

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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:18 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Why Chinese Language Impedes Progress


Why Chinese Language Impedes Progress

视频链锁 Video Link:









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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:23 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:

中文是一个专制语言,基于它的词汇的混义、多义、复义、反义、无义。 只有那些有枪有强权的人才有给词语定义的地位与权力。 中文决不能用于科学、法律与教育。 中文是一种感性文字基于其艺术输入,由此它是不能作为理性交流与知识储藏的工具。 中文造就应该进入人类的“语言博物馆”里去了。

Chinese language fosters despotism, for the Chinese vocabulary is extremely confusing, to the degree that it is so undefinable that it is entirely subjective. Only those with guns and power can use force and coercion to define/dictate what their words mean. The Chinese language cannot be applied to science, law and education, for it is sensation/art/image based. Therefore the Chinese language is too defective a tool to be used for communication and storage of knowledge (Indexation is a huge problem.) This pictorial language, along with other primitive languages based on syllabic characters, should have put into the human language museum long time ago.





While China’s rise is real, Chinese is in no way rising at the same rate. Robert Lane Greene explains why ...

When I get into cocktail-party conversation about language and politics, someone inevitably says “and of course there’s the rise of China.” It seems like any conversation these days has to work in the rise-of-China angle. Technology is changing society? Well, it’s the flood of cheap tech from China. Worried about your job? It’s the rise of China. Terrified of nuclear Iran? If only that rising China would stop resisting sanctions. What’s for lunch? Well, we’d all better develop a taste for Chinese food.

I was reminded of this walking down New York’s Park Avenue last night, when I saw a pre-school offering immersion courses in French, Italian, Spanish and Chinese. For years now, we’ve been seeing stories like this: Manhattan parents, always eager to steal some advantage for their children, are hiring Mandarin-speaking nannies, so their children can learn what some see as the language of the future.

But while China’s rise is real, Chinese is in no way rising at the same rate. Yes, Mandarin Chinese is the world’s most commonly spoken language, if you simply count the number of speakers. But the rub is that they’re almost all in China. Yes, we’ve also read that Mandarin is advancing in Hong Kong, Taiwan and overseas Chinese communities (which have traditionally spoken one of China’s other languages, such as Cantonese). And China is trying to expand the use of the language through the expansion of its overseas Confucius Institutes. But English remains the world’s most important language. America’s superpower status has made it everyone’s favourite second language. This is where its power lies. A Japanese businessman does deals in Sweden in English. A German airline pilot landing in Milan speaks English to the tower. English is also the language of writing intended for an international audience, whether scientific, commercial or literary.

Could Chinese gradually assume this role as the world’s language of communication? I'll venture a prediction: No. Not as long as Chinese is written in traditional Chinese characters.

It’s not terrifyingly hard to learn to speak Chinese. Mandarin has few of the blistering array of case- and verb-endings that make languages like Russian or Arabic so difficult. Sentences are built on a simple system that can seem odd and ungrammatical to outsiders. (Sentences like wo shi zhong guo ren can be translated bit-by-bit as I yes middle country person, meaning “I am Chinese.”) The hardest part for non-Asians is probably mastering the “tones”: “shi” pronounced with a falling pitch means something completely different than “shi” pronounced with a rising, flat or dipping pitch.

But writing is a different story. Normal adult literacy requires a knowledge of about 6,000 characters, which must be memorised to be deciphered. Recurring symbols within characters can offer clues to sound and meaning, but they don't quite clarify the whole. Chinese people take years to learn the basics and many more to comprehend a full range of characters (the biggest dictionaries have more than 60,000 of them). For a foreigner, the task is immense—a mammoth memorisation challenge on top of the ordinary one of learning to speak a foreign tongue, usually undertaken in adulthood, without the benefit of immersion.

There is, of course, an alternative. Chinese can be written with the Roman alphabet (there’s an official system called pinyin), for the benefit of foreigners. Chinese people also use pinyin to enter Chinese characters on a standard computer keyboard. But China has resisted all attempts to simply switch to the alphabet for typical reasons: tradition and nationalism.

So should you teach your kids Chinese? Well, foreign languages are always a good thing to know, and if you really want them to live and work intensively in China, sure. But despite China’s rise, Chinese isn’t the world language of the future; the writing system simply makes it far too hard for the vast majority of the world’s people to use if they care to reach for the widest possible audience. I simply can’t imagine a Dutch physicist in 2110 learning Chinese in order to write up his research, or Finnish musicians recording in Chinese, the language “everybody” knows.

If China switches to an alphabet? That’s a different story.
(Robert Lane Greene is an international correspondent for The Economist and is writing a book about the politics of language around the world. He last wrote for More Intelligent Life about the phrase "beg the question".)

Last edited Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:24 am | Scroll up

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