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不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
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从文字笼罐到文字狱 From Chinese Language to Despotism
RE: From Chinese Language to Despotism
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:31 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
保尔. 约翰逊(Paul Johnson)在如下文章中所阐述的观点与我几年前所撰文章(最佳社会四大要素Four Essentials)不谋而合。 语言本身携带价值或反价值/伪价值。 一个人要自由就必须逐渐减少中文(或其它语言)对自身的限制与影响而逐渐增加英文能力与影响。 灵比脸重要的多。
Paul Johnson's article on English language and Freedom coincides the points I made in my article "Four Essentials" a few years ago. Language itself is never value-free or value-neutral. If one wants to be free, he/she must gradually reduce the negative effect of his own mother language, be it Chinese or some others. And he/she must make an effort to improve his/her English ability. The health of the soul is always more important than a shiny face or a person's vanity.
Jewish World Review (Posted 6/1/2010, Reprint 9/7/2011)
The English Language and Freedom
By Paul Johnson
While playing a tiny part in Britain's recent election, I noted one aspect of it with concern: Some of the people to whom we'd given the right to vote spoke little or no English. As the electoral arguments, especially the televised debates between the party leaders, were conducted entirely in English, how could these voters know what they were voting for?
It's my view that Britain and the U.S. do not do enough to promote the spread of English, which thereby decelerates or even reverses the spread of democratic freedom. There's little doubt, for instance, that the hostility of the Muslim world toward the West is promoted by the failure of Muslim countries to develop democratic institutions, which, in turn, has been brought about by a resistance to the spread of English. Even among educated Muslims few have read the writings of British philosophers John Locke and Edmund Burke, not to mention those of America's Founding Fathers, which has lead directly to a lack of understanding of what the West is about.
This problem will intensify as China moves massively and confidently onto the world scene. Very few mainland Chinese speak English nor do they have any conception of the liberal tradition that the language enshrines. It's alarming to realize that the Chinese government is spending massive amounts of money and deploying large numbers of people (by one calculation more than 1 million) to spread its notions and influence in Africa--cultural and political ideas that differ greatly from the West's.
Fortunately it's a different story in India, and the responsibility for this rests largely with one man, the historian Thomas Babington Macaulay. In 1834 Macaulay was sent to India as an administrator, and the next year he found himself president of the Committee of Public Instruction for Bengal. As such, Macaulay made up his mind that Indians--there were then fewer than 250 million--must be taught English and be exposed to Western culture because it would, as he put it, give them the key "to all the vast intellectual wealth, which all the wisest nations of the Earth have created and hoarded in the course of 90 generations."
Macaulay's policy was adopted, and as a result large numbers of Indians, especially those in the ruling, intellectual and clerical classes, began to learn English. In the process they began to absorb cultural and political ideas from the West, especially the need to uphold and establish the rule of law and to set up representative institutions.
Since India gained its independence in 1947 English has continued to spread, and India--now with a population exceeding 1 billion--has maintained democratic structures and methods and free courts of law, despite what was once a situation of overwhelming poverty and many difficulties. The contrast with China is fundamental.
Moreover, because India remained attached to the English language umbilical cord, ideas, methods and technology flowed into its educated and commercial classes on a scale and in ways that China, especially since its years of Communist totalitarian rule, has been denied. This gave India the advantage of being able to bypass an updated version of the Industrial Revolution and embark straightaway upon the communications and Internet revolution.
But China--once its government relinquished total control of every aspect of the economy and made a bid to create consumer institutions and raise living standards rapidly--had no choice but to begin with old-style smokestack industrialization. With its ultracheap workforce, China has become good at building conventional mills and factories and exporting low-priced goods globally. It is accumulating huge currency reserves and is financing the expansion of its armed forces. But these advantages will not necessarily last, and China is in danger of landing itself with a prematurely outdated economy, mass unemployment and huge problems regarding pollution and industrial waste.
Insurance Policy
As the century progresses India has a good chance of moving to the head of the innovatory field. It has both the freedom and the language to be receptive to new ideas and is in a position to produce technologies of its own that may become global winners.
India is about to overtake China in terms of population and will also outdistance it economically and financially well before the end of the 21st century. Where India will stand in relation to the U.S. I don't know. But America, with its own soundly based democratic institutions and traditions of intellectual and economic freedom, will be well placed to remain in the front ranks. I predict this will be a neck-and-neck race, with China running a poor third and Russia and Europe limping in as also-rans.
In the meantime we must make a much more concerted and determined effort to repeat the Macaulay initiative, pushing to have English spoken and read in large portions of the world, especially in western Asia, Africa and Latin America.
International finance and commerce, investment and travel are to some extent furthering this aim. But government policy could do much to help. It's important that the Obama Administration and Britain's new government take this point. I would like to see all of their agents--from diplomats to administrators of aid programs to commanders in the armed forces--say to themselves: "Am I doing enough to help the spread of English and Western ideas?"
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Four Essentials of the Best Free Society
陈凯一语:Kai Chen's Words:
纵观世界,美国是人类历史上最自由,最进步,最繁荣,最道德,最具有活力与创造力的人的社会。 个体主义与个体价值,基督精神与终极道德感,联邦宪政与小政府大社会,英文作为法律教育科学的最佳用语是美国社会的四大要素。 世界上其它社会有的只有这四大要素的某些部分,如欧洲的大部分社会,亚洲的一些社会。 中国社会则根本没有任何的这些要素。 世界上人和社会的进步程度也都取决于它们在多大程度上与意愿上试图取得这四大要素。
If you study all the societies in the world, you will find that America is the freest, the most progressive, the most prosperous, the most ethical, the most lively and the most creative and productive country on earth. Individualism with God-given rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, Christianity with awareness of existence of moral absolutes, constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government, and English language as the communication tool used in law, education and sciences are the four essentials for all the achievements in American society. In comparison or contrast with other parts of the world, some such as those in Europe and some in Asia only have parts of the four elements. Others like China have none. Not surprisingly, the degree of freedom, prosperity, creativity and productivity, and the speed of progress of all the societies in the world vary according to whether or not any particular country has and is willing to acquire these four essentials.
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 1/13/2010, Reprint 9/7/2011)
* Individualism with God-given rights for each to pursue life, liberty and happiness
* Christianity with awareness of existence of moral absolutes
* Constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government
* English language as the communication tool used in law, education and sciences
I list these four essentials of a progressive society for all of you to ponder and examine. Those societies who measure up to these four fundamental elements are those who are doing well and progressing toward a better tomorrow. Those who do not measure up or those who reject these four essentials are those societies mired in stagnation and perpetual turmoil. They are going nowhere and they are going down the drain.
Let us examine these four essentials for a society's positive direction toward progress:
1. Individualism with God-given rights for each to pursue life, liberty and happiness
On this 50th anniversary of publication of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged", we will remind ourselves that Ayn Rand, like almost everyone in America, was an immigrant from Russia. She, much like Copernicus and Galileo in the realm of physical science, pointed out that in the realm of morality and human society it is the individual, NOT the society or any collective, that is the fountainhead of creativity and productivity. It is the individual, NOT the collective, that is the sun where the energy is produced and emitted. A society thus must be revolving around the individual, not the other way around. Hence, without this correct awareness of the objective reality, any society will never progress for it will suppress the very source of the energy and creativity.
2. Christianity with awareness of existence of moral absolutes
To interpret Ayn Rand's works mistakenly by injecting moral-relativism is a common mistake among the liberals and the American left. Absolute power, not truth, thus becomes the focal point of contention with the liberals and the left in large, much like the socialists and communists anywhere else in the world. America is never a nation with NO God like a communist country. America is never a nation OF God like a theocracy. America is a nation UNDER God, not men. Christianity thus establishes the moral foundation of America. The origin of life, the origin of consciousness, the origin of morality thus are explained via a life\freedom -affirming, happiness\joy oriented belief. Freedom will triumph over tyranny; truth will triumph over falsehood; life will triumph over death; good will triumph over evil; progress will triumph over stagnation; joy and happiness will triumph over misery and suffering.... By focusing on today's human behavior under a moral compass, a better tomorrow becomes a goal and possibility. Hope is thus instilled and inculcated into the human psyche.
3. Constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government
Separation of power, a government of the people, by the people and for the people, inner checks and balances and the principle of limited government all mark the American style constitutional federalism. Presidential election, not a parliamentary system with a prime minister, ensures a constant element of change and innovation in governmental reform and policy initiatives. Thus American society is endowed with a rare vitality and risk-taking innovations. Constant but limited human experiment by the government to ensure a freer society is thus implemented via a written constitution. Stagnation and rigidity hence are diminished. Small government and big society with powerful individuals are ensured.
4. English language as the communication tool used in law, education and sciences
Compared with other languages, English language lacks the rigidity and complexity which often constitute barriers in educating a society's population. It often has Latin roots, Greek roots, German roots, French roots.... It has no human restrictions put on it in its constant evolution and development, not like some other European languages such as French. English language is simple to use, free to create, and easy to understand. The best legal, literal and scientific minds of human history had mostly been written in English. And English-speaking countries lead the world in all the aspects of human endeavors. English language as a tool to conceptualize and interpret natural and human phenomena has greatly contributed to the history of human progress. Failure to recognize the contribution of the English language is to deny the simple fact and the truth all together.
The four essentials I list here are essentials for any human society to progress toward hope and a better tomorrow. I hope all of you think deeper into this issue and post your own opinions here on my forum.

RE: 从文字笼罐到文字狱 From Chinese Language to Despotism
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:38 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
扒粪取谷 华语系人们的善走捷径而误入歧途
Chinese Way -- Taking Shortcut
Taking Shortcut
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
陈凯 Kai Chen (Written 8/31/2010, Reprint 8/2/2011)
说华语系人们善于取益于他人与祖宗、善于偷窃、抄袭、剽窃、抢掠、骗取、缺失创造力与想象力、迷恋于作奴与作主已不是什么新闻。 但华语系的人们善走捷径而误入歧途的扒粪取谷心态情结仍常常使我惊叹沮丧不已。
我所观察过的中文系的人们常常由于他们的非理性、不一致与无道德常令人啼笑皆非: 有人反中共而不反中国的专制文化;有人反孔儒文化而不反中共党奴朝;有人反毛而不反共;有人反共而不反毛;有人向往自由而崇尚专制秩序;有人希望幸福但要仰望救星;有人渴望过有尊严的生活但拒绝付出代价从自身做起;有人愿意追求真实正义却不想承担个体责任;有人认知中国专制文化与中共暴政的关系但拒绝触动中文文字语言的圣牛、、。 他们都想用抱住身边的一个熟悉的伪概念、伪实体去走一个道德的捷径--不用认知真实就可以幸福自由。 然而他们都忽视了这一个真实:
那些想走捷径的人将永远误入歧途。那些相信有似人间天堂的乌托邦的人要么是想作奴隶、要么是想将奴役的锁链套在他人身上。 那些专制的救星们永远依靠奴隶们的仰望北斗星的被救求救心态奴役人类。
诚然,中文语言文字的不可再造性与文字定义的强权官方性与华语系人们的病态情结息息相关: 人们对手术刀、显微镜、望远镜般的英文语言拒绝从实质与道德上的认知。 人们迷恋在用祖宗留下来的粪耙子般的中文语言文字在历朝历代专制祖宗留下来的专制粪堆中扒粪取谷。 这一病态现象不光是由于缺失对上苍(God)的真实信仰、不光是由于缺失个体价值、不光是由于对强权地位的迷恋崇拜,也是由于数千年专制文化与单音节象形文字所造成的根深蒂固的病态文化习惯走捷径(Taking shortcut)。
画画儿附义伪造文字去描述表象而拒绝探求实质内涵是想走捷径;扒粪取谷去复古返祖不求创造是想走捷径;劫富济贫去偷抢他人所得以致富是想走捷径;拜偶像崇人间救星而回避自救自省是想走捷径;只记不思的抄袭、剽窃、模仿是想走捷径;随大流、攀大头、取悦于人爬社会阶梯式想走捷径;不用上苍所赐的良知理性去独立思考鉴别而去求枪杆子里出强权也是想走捷径。 可是,上苍(God)从没有祝福过那些想走捷径的蠢人们。 他们所得到的就是今天中文系的人们所得到的:一场无尽的噩梦;一个永远被鞭笞的陀螺;每一个人的默默的绝望与虚无。
在基督文化与信仰中产生了科学与进步并非偶然: 个体与上苍(God)的直接沟通导致了人们不相信走捷径是获取真知的途径。 只有对真实的追求才能使你自由(Only Truth shall set you free!)_基督的铭言照亮了世界上在黑暗中煎熬磨难的人们争取自由与真实幸福的路。 人们从此摈弃了用强权与自上而下的专制产生的走捷径病态情结,走上了不畏强权,不惑实利的追求真实的艰难而漫长的道德方向之路。 强权的鞭子抽打着的朝代循环的无望被动的陀螺心态被基督精神的道德指南彻底击毁。 人类社会从基督的道德指南走上了2010年的良知的路。 人们从基督的教义中认识到: 在追求自由与幸福欢乐的路上是没有捷径好走的。 Freedom indeed is not free. 自由从来就不意味着免费的午餐。 在个体与神(上苍、God)的沟通中,在人们对自由、尊严、正义与真实幸福的不懈追求中,人无畏地用艰辛的努力走向了未知的大海,用上苍(God)赋予每一个个体的良知与理性创造着科学的不断进步与物质财富的丰硕。
然而,图方便、不求真、迷捷径、走仕途的中文系的人们直到今天并不认同基督精神与人不走捷径而求真的道德心态。 沿袭中文与祖宗的病态专制、用祖宗留下的粪耙子(中文)在粪堆中扒粪取谷成了中文系的人们摄取伪价值的迷恋。 难怪饥荒、疾病与愚昧成了扒粪取谷的人们难以摆脱的恶现象。 学习与运用英文语言以摆脱奴而走入人的行列不光需要政治意愿、道德勇气与理性智慧,也必然需要人们彻底摆脱由于善走捷径的文化心态习性而误入歧途的朝代循环的无奈与无望。
进入英文语言系统绝不是另一个走捷径。 进入英文语言系统意味着脱离华人传统的专制语言与文化习惯,意味着从虚无走入存在、从思维混乱走入理性清晰、从邪恶的吃人循环走入创造价值的道德方向。 中文语言决不能成为伪信仰的圣牛而被作为工具而沿袭。 中文语言应被置放在人类语言博物馆中被作为警讯: 告知人们由中文语言所代表的专制是一条行不通的死路。 对中文语言与文化的研究也绝不是为了继承与发扬专制,而是告诫所有的人们中文语言文化是导致人类悲剧惨案的源头。
运用中文去偷、去抄、去抢、去骗、去模仿绝不是什么真实的创造价值的工作。 它与运用英文去理解、去探索、去创造有着本质的不同:后者是正向的道德的思维行为。 前者是负向的非道德思维行为。 中共党奴朝的反上苍(反良知)与美国的尊崇上苍是反向的区别。
中文的简洁与非定义性绝不是什么优秀与伟大,而是与中文系人们的善走捷径而误入歧途的悲剧历史息息相关、一脉相承的。 脱离中文语言文化的奴役,走入英文语言文化与基督精神是中文系人们必然要走的、理性的、道德的艰辛、漫长与曲折的通向自由、欢乐、希望与真实幸福的路。 选择在于你。 路要你自己走。
建议: 每一天学习理解一个英文语言概念。 每一天脱离一个中文等级表达习惯。 每一天尝试去做一件你从没有做过的事。 每一天去思考一个你从未想过的题目概念。 每一天从与你不同的人身上观察理解到一个正向的价值。

RE: 从文字笼罐到文字狱 From Chinese Language to Despotism
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:39 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Why are the Chinese so fund of semantic games?
综上,不难发现,中国式的文字游戏的确害莫大焉!!!公元前1400年,甲骨文诞生。至今,中国人仍然没有摆脱原始的巫术崇拜!所以,下面的结论就是再也自然不过的了:中国社会应该彻底开放,全体中国人都应该补课,学习别人的先进文明!否则,再过五千年,中国人仍然还是大玩文字游戏的愚蠢类人孩!That is terrible!昂山素季说:政治其实就是一个学习的过程。那么,学习是什么?其实就是学会说话。她说:尽管说出你心中的话,如有所言,当言无不尽。当我们持不同意见的时候我会提出反驳。而这也是民主主义中最基本的言论自由。王亚南在《中国官僚政治研究》一书中引用了一位西方学者的这句话:在专制体制下,只有两种人,一是哑巴,一是骗子。很显然,这两种人我们都不能做。

RE: 从文字笼罐到文字狱 From Chinese Language to Despotism
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:43 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
陈凯一语:Kai Chen's Words:
专制政体与文化依赖专制文字而生存奴役。英文字词的进入威胁了专制制度与文化的延续。 中共党奴朝直觉地感到了此威胁。 汉语与英语不能共存。 专制与自由不能共存。 我希望每一个华语系的人懂得其深层的哲学与道德的原由。
Despotism and slavery depend on the language of tyranny to exist. English words and phrases entering Chinese people's language/vocabulary threatens the very existence of despotism and tyranny in China. The despotic Chinese language can never coexist with English language that is based on individual freedom. It is the same that tyranny and freedom can never coexist. I hope all Chinese speaking people understand the deep philosophical and moral conflict between these two languages and these two cultures.
China bars English words in all publications
Dec 22 12:02 PM US/Eastern
Chinese newspapers, books and websites will no longer be allowed to use English words and phrases, the country's publishing body has announced, saying the "purity" of the Chinese language is in peril.
The General Administration of Press and Publication, which announced the new rule on Monday, said the increasing use of English words and abbreviations in Chinese texts had caused confusion and was a means of "abusing the language".
Such practices "severely damaged the standard and purity of the Chinese language and disrupted the harmonious and healthy language and cultural environment, causing negative social impacts," the body said on its website.
"It is banned to mix at will foreign language phrases such as English words or abbreviations with Chinese publications, creating words of vague meaning that are not exactly Chinese or of any foreign language," it said.
"Publishing houses and the media must further strengthen the regulated use of foreign languages and respect the structure, glossary and grammar of the Chinese and foreign languages."
GAPP said companies which violated the regulation would face "administrative punishment" without offering specifics.
English abbreviations such as NBA (National Basketball Association), GDP (gross domestic product), CPI (consumer price index) and WTO (World Trade Organization) are commonly used in Chinese publications.
They are also often used in everyday conversation, and government officials routinely use the abbreviations at press conferences.
The body left a small loophole, stipulating in the regulation that "if necessary", English terms could be used but must be followed by a direct translation of the abbreviation or an explanation in Chinese.
The names of people or places in English also must be translated.
One editor at a Beijing publishing house told the China Daily that the new GAPP regulation could actually result in reduced understanding.
"The intention of protecting the Chinese language is good. But in an age of globalisation, when some English acronyms like WTO have been widely accepted by readers, it might be too absolute to eliminate them," the editor said.
"Conversationally, people also use these words all the time, so the regulation could create discord between the oral and written uses of language."
China has launched several campaigns in recent years to try to root out poor grammar and misused vocabulary in official usage.
Sometimes those campaigns go awry, resulting in awkward Chinglish. In the run-up to last month's Asian Games in Guangzhou, signs were posted in the metro that read "Towards Jichang". "Jichang" means airport.
Earlier this year, China Central Television and Beijing Television told the China Daily that they had received notification from the government to avoid using certain English abbreviations on Chinese programmes.
But English abbreviations are still commonly heard on regular news and sports broadcasts.
The Global Times quoted an editor at a Beijing publishing house as saying finding translations for globally used acronyms would be time-consuming and confusing.
"I wonder how many people understand 'guoji shangye jiqi gongsi', when IBM is instantly recognisable," the editor said.

RE: 从文字笼罐到文字狱 From Chinese Language to Despotism
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:46 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Book Link 图书链锁: The Writing on the Wall" - How Asian Orthography Curbs Creativity
【显而易见 - 为什么亚洲基于汉语的象形文字损害阻碍人的创造力】
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
陈凯一语:Kai Chen's Words:
汉纳斯的关于汉语阻碍人的创造力、想象力的精彩论述"The Writing on the Wall" 【显而易见 - 为什么亚洲基于汉语的象形文字损害阻碍人的创造力】是每一个愿意并勇于了解自身文化语言的中文系的人们必读的良书。 望每一个汉语的受害者与害人者深思并寻找答案与替代语言。
William Hannas' courageous and deep analytical book on Chinese character-based Asian orthography needs to be read by everyone Chinese character-based Asian language user. Thus people can understand why the Asians lack creativity and imagination. Courage with strong will to face the truth is needed and only through a thorough understanding we can start to find solutions and replacement.
Creativity Only For The State
June 10, 2003
This review is from: The Writing on the Wall: How Asian Orthography Curbs Creativity (Encounters with Asia) (Hardcover)
by Lee
"The Writing On The Wall" by William Hannas opens eyes and minds to new arguments about nature or nurture. The timeworn topic is well worth exploring, and it is especially interesting when a Westerner looks across several Asian regions to address it. Fortunately, the author speaks Vietnamese, three dialects spoken in China, Japanese, and Korean. His perspective is unique among Westerners and his views are worthy of careful note.
The book reminds us that China was an empire with a central authority, and all were subordinated to the emperor. So it was for thousands of years; and so it is today with the Communist Party as emperor. Where is there a need to be creative unless it is to devise methods to bring greater glory and power to the State?
This seems similar to the Middle Ages in Europe. Kings and barons ruled fiefs, and their subordinates curried favor. Again, what else was there to do? But, when the kings and other powerbrokers began to speak and write the languages of the little people rather than Latin and French, things began to change. In East Asia today the powerbrokers write in a language [character based] that the little people do not easily comprehend. Memorizing 3,000 characters certainly supports exercising form over substance. And, as in Mandarin times, having completed the form, one could enter the elite. Today, one must perform what work to enter the elite? Answer: memorize 3,000 characters, perform exceptional Party (emperor) work, or be closely related to one who has.
The main job today in China is to accrue power and hegemony. There's little scope for creativity here, given the thousands of years China has practiced at it. So how creative does today's Chinese elite need to be? Only enough to keep the West away from the door, for example by fanning the fires in the Middle East and being able to hold the U.S. 7th Fleet at bay. These seem like simple tasks that can be accomplished with a bit of technology transfer to upgrade antiship weapons and build nuclear strategic deterrence. The technology transfer is well documented in the book and woe to the West for letting it happen so easily.
So is it nature or nurture? Hannas clearly notes that there are many Chinese who have emigrated to the West who have demonstrated creativity. The role of spoken and written Asian languages in creativity is worthy of consideration, and it is well covered in this book.

RE: 从文字笼罐到文字狱 From Chinese Language to Despotism
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:13 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
语言变革文化思维 - 土耳其摈弃传统语言的例子
Turkey's Example in Abolishing Their Own Language
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
价值一语: Words of Value:
The preservation of the means of knowledge among the lowest ranks is of more importance to the public than all the property of the rich men in the country. --- John Quincy Adams
使社会最底层的人们拥有取得知识的途径比全部在社会中富人的财富重要得多。 --- John Quincy Adams
Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 6/30/2006, Reprint 3/30/2011)
Recognizing the defects of their own ancestors' legacy is one attribute/aspect the Chinese still have to grasp and to acquire in their struggle to catch up with the modern world. But without this courageous recognition, China will continue to lag behind the world in its population's pursuit/comprehension of truth and reality. In this regard, Turkey has provided the world and especially China with one stunning/shining example that a people did indeed have the will, ability and courage to recognize the ills and defects of their own culture/language, and change it in order to progress toward a better future.
I visited Turkey in 1977 representing China to play a basketball tournament there. The country's ability to transform itself from a backward-thinking, Ottoman Turkish-language (character-based) dominated despotic society into a progressive, modern democratic society left an ever-lasting impression in my mind.
Situated between Europe and Asia, Turkey is the only democratic nation among the Muslim world that is pro-West. It has allied with America and joined NATO. For centuries, Turkey's written language was Ottoman Turkish, a complicated language written/based in Arabic characters, (much like the Chinese character-based syllabic language). It included words and grammar from the Arabic and Persian languages. Ottoman Turkish was so difficult that only scholars and the ruling class learned to read it, (much like what happened in the Chinese society). In 1928, the government established a new alphabet from scratch which is much like that of the West. It also ordered a language education program throughout the country and outlawed the use of Ottoman Turkish - a drastic/extreme measure indeed.
So now we have an established example that a traditional society can indeed recognize its own cultural and linguistic defects, thus actively has done something to change it. Surely being closer to Europe was one factor for such transformation to have occurred. But nonetheless, Turkey proves that such positive transformation can indeed occur due to the free will of a people yearning for freedom and a better tomorrow. Only with the right tools in their hands/mind, such a transformation can be possible.
Take a look at Asia, Singapore and Hong Kong have already been bi-lingual with English as the official language for legislative functions, legal matters, educational purposes and business transactions. In India - a democratic society, official language is English since the colonial days. Taiwan, with much of its elite educated in America and its Chinese-language material mostly nowadays based on English translation, is another Asian country with success story in transforming its own society. South Korea and Japan's transformation has been much due to American occupation/protection and presence since WWII. These Asian success stories should provide ample evidences that language sup-plantation/adoption (specifically from local language to English language) is crucial to a society's progress from traditional, regressive and despotic one toward modern, free and democratic one.
However, the Chinese language, due to its double defects - character-based pictorial written form and single syllable sounding, is more difficult to reform.
Vietnam provides us with its example of such reform failure: Though after the French colonial period, having alphabetized the written form in its own syllabic language, Vietnam remains despotic in nature. The language-reform failure is due much to the fact that its single syllable sounding remains intact. Alphabetizing the Chinese characters will have the same ill effect and render the language reform in vain, for one still has to fit many meanings into a single syllable. Stuffing/inundating meanings into a single syllable will still/always render the language impotent in defining meaning therefore negatively affect its clarity. Muddy and opaque expressions will still be featuring such a "reformed" language.
With 98% of Turkey's population as Muslim, the country has transformed itself away from the majority of Muslim countries, closer in essence to modern, Western societies. This amazing achievement is much due to the people's strong will to change themselves, away from their own ancestors, for the better, via a transformation of the tools they use to comprehend reality. Political will, reason/rationality, plus a belief of human freedom can indeed transform a traditional society into a modern, progressive, democratic society. One thing at a time: Language sup-plantation/adoption first.
My notion of first and foremost sup-planting/adopting English language as the official language (to replace the Chinese language), as the legal, educational and business tool (in order to foster clear thinking/grasp of reality and truth for the Chinese people), STANDS.

RE: 从文字笼罐到文字狱 From Chinese Language to Despotism
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:15 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Chinese Language is a Very Emotional Language
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
林思(2009-10-31 11:47:50)
如果郭沫若是个不通诗词的老粗,写出这样的赞语也还算有一点真情。而郭沫若本人写的词,要好过毛泽东百倍,所以郭沫若赞词全是违心的假话。不过郭沫若的假话却是一字千金,郭沫若等无行文人靠贩卖这些假话,房子、车子、票子什么都有了。其实凭芦笛先生的文才,到中国去贩卖谎文媚字的话,早就是坐着奔驰 在长安街上飞奔的芦老了,哪会是现在这样靠两条肉腿奔驰的老芦 呢?
我认为汉语和英文的最大区别之一,莫过于汉语的褒义词和贬义词很多,而中性词却很少。相反英文基本上都是中性词,褒义词和贬义词则很少。汉语文化的精髓其实就是褒贬二字。自从我们的老祖宗发明了褒君子、贬小人的春秋笔法,中华文化就一直贯穿着褒和贬的主线,把人物分成忠和奸 两派。褒忠者、贬奸者一直成为中国历代文人最大的责任和义务,如果有人敢违反中华文化中褒忠贬奸这一条铁则,就一定会被斥为不是中国人。
西方文化崇尚公正客观的公正性,中华文化却强调褒忠贬奸的偏向性,即所谓一边倒的表现手法。为了强调鲜明立场,中国人创造了很多褒贬之词。谈到政治问题时,汉语的每一句话似乎都带有褒贬之义的偏向性。比如我们只能说 美国敌视中国,这样才能表现作为一个中国人的立场,如果有人反过来说: 中国敌视美国,那肯定不会认为是中国人说的。然而欧美人谈到中国时,就不会用敌视这样带有浓厚感情色彩的贬义词。
再比如抗日战争是个褒义词,我们从字面上就可以直观地明白这场战争是中国正义,日本非正义。而中国的抗日战争翻译成英文,就变成非常罗嗦的the War of Resistance Against Japan,这显然不符合英文的表达习惯。而英文则用中日战争Sino-Japanese War这样简洁的中性词,我们从字面上无法直接看出谁正义、谁非正义。西方人用第二次世界大战这样的中性词,而不用抗德意日战争 这样的褒义词,最主要的原因是西方文化中没有褒忠贬奸的表现手法。
正因为中国的褒贬文化和西方的求实文化不同,中文翻成英文就要被中性化。比如汉语中的恶霸,翻成英文叫local tyrant,失去了中文原有的贬义。又比如蒋匪军的匪军,英文则硬翻成bandit troop,如果不作特别的解释,英国人还以为bandit troop是一支由职业强盗组成的强盗军团。其实蒋匪军倒是正规的政府军队,英美人怎么也不明白中国人为什么不喜欢如实地称呼国民党政府军,而喜欢用蒋匪军这样感情色彩十分浓厚的词汇。英美人没有用蒋匪、共匪、剿匪这样的贬义词来称呼敌军的习惯。美国独立战争时,英国人没有把临时拼凑起来的反英独立军称为匪军,美国人也只是中性地讲南北战争,没有人称林肯部队是在进行剿匪或讨逆。
相反英文翻成中文则要被褒贬感情化。在英文中hegemony(领导权,权威)这个词本来没有什么贬义,hegemonism翻成中文却成为贬义的霸权主义。西方人说 非人道本来是中性的表述,用汉语则感情地表现为惨无人道。中国人喜欢用日本鬼子、四人帮等贬义词,翻成英文也变成了日本人、四人集团这样的中性说法。
英文追求语言的精确性,而中文则追求语言的褒贬性。中国人善于用文字来进行 口诛笔伐,却不善于用文字进行客观评述。最近在中文网上,人们不遗余力地笔伐李登辉,贬称李登辉为李灯灰、日本狗之类,却很少看到站在中间立场上介绍李登辉其人其事的文章。好象大部分中国人上网的目的和兴趣似乎就是为了口诛笔伐,搞大批判,根本没有兴趣进行冷静求实的探讨和交换思想。
汉语经过汉代的赋,两晋的玄谈以后,形成了一种华而不实的文风。文章里尽是堆砌美丽的词藻,却没有什么具体的内容。比如司马相如的赋写到洛阳纸贵的地步,却没有任何具体的思想内涵。到了中唐以后,韩愈、柳宗元、欧阳修等人发起了古文复兴运动,提倡写简朴达意的古文,反对花哨做作的今文 ,也算是中国历史上一次文艺复兴运动。
我希望现在网上也能发起一次古文复兴运动,把网文复古到五四时代。五四时期的争论文章,固然言词激烈,但还没有出现丧家狗等骂语,这些话直到 1930年代才洋洋登场。鲁迅固然骂人,但也还没有写过撒尿当镜子照这样的粗人秽语。直到毛主席写出不须放屁这样的工农兵粗话,成为全国中小学必读诗词之后,中国人才把最后一块见不得人的脏皮也搬上了文坛,还自得其乐。
关于中文词多还是英文词多的问题,就不得不谈到中文和英文的词汇计算方法。比如英文的individual(个人,个人的)、 individualism(个人主义)、 individualistic(个人主义的)、individualist(个人主义者)就是单独的四个词,而中文只有个人和主义两个独立词,其它都是合成词。按照英文字典的计词方法,动辄几十万词,而按照中文的计词方法,只有5千个常用字和2万个基本词汇,其它词汇都可以通过这些基本字词来合成。
正由于汉文和英文的构词方法不同,明治时期的日本人翻译西方著作时,在怎样用汉字来表示欧文词汇的问题上,遇到了极大的困难。日本人把英文后缀- ism翻成主义,如Materialism(唯物主义)、Capitalism(资本主义)、 Nationalism(民族主义);把英文后缀-er翻成家,如Thinker(思想家)、 Writer(作家)、Painter(画家);英文后缀-ist也翻成家,如Scientist (科学家)、Capitalist(资本家)、Artist(艺术家)。后来中国人也照搬日本人发明的这种翻译方法,把Revisionism翻成修正主义,把Revelutionist翻成 革命家。
不过这种方法却不适用于把中文逆翻为英文,英文有Marxism(马克思主义)、 Leninism(列宁主义)、可是把毛泽东主义写成Mao Zedongism,英美人是无法看懂的,所以只好称Mao Zedong Thought(毛泽东思想)。中国人自创的洋式新词 洋奴哲学、爬行主义,也很难复原为英文。还有中国政治家的一些所谓名言:两条腿走路、摸着石头过河等,很难原汁原味地译成英文。
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
The Madness of Chinese Language
(2011-02-14 18:57:19)

RE: 从文字笼罐到文字狱 From Chinese Language to Despotism
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:18 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Kai Chen Reprint/Speaking of Man and Devil
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
陈凯一语:Kai Chen's Words:
"When you see a human, you speak human language; when you see a devil, you speak devil's language". This common expression in China is the demonstration of Chinese "virgin whore" complex and bipolar spirituality, is a constant excuse for a Chinese to escape his moral responsibility, is a definite sign for those who are shrewd but without intelligence and wisdom, is the origin of the vicious Chinese dynastic cycle."
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 11/4/2007, Reprint 3/8/2011)
When people in China are using such "human and devil" expressions, they don't realize that they themselves are exactly the problem and the origin of all the Chinese troubles/evils.
In China people think that everyone should not choose their moral orientation. Instead, they should just do anything they can to survive (cheat, lie, deceive, manipulate, self-castrate, even kill...), at the cost of being a devil (man-eater), or being a Eunuslawhore (eunuch, slave, whore rolled into one)themselves, or being both... They take being a "monkey king" able to change shape and form thousands of times in one second or a chameleon able to change colors all the time, as the ultimate Chinese wisdom and art of living. They jeer and laugh at Americans as "too simple, too naive, too dump, and too innocent", while they pride themselves as the inheritors of some "Ancient Oriental Wisdom"...
The Chinese really don't know it is they who are the stupid ones without intellectual capacity, without moral integrity, without a shred of wisdom, without common sense. It is they who are cheating themselves into a vicious cycle of man-eating-man-eating-man... It is they who are creating virgin whores. They are nothing but shrewd, cunning self-deceivers.
The Chinese never believe humans are free to create their own environment and to master their own fate. They always believe humans are born slaves of their own cultural and social environment and they are only passive receivers of their fate. They never understand that although we all have sins, we don't value and treasure our sins. We are only aware of them and making choices to stay away from the sins. In one word, We choose to be human by speaking human language. The moment we start to speak devil's language, the moment we will be morally confused sinners, for we choose to value devil.
This mortal cultural defect is not present in the West, because of largely the values of Christianity and the teachings of Christ. This is why in the West, history is objective and linear toward hope and better tomorrow, while the Chinese are mired in their never-ending cycles of destruction. In the West, people choose to be human. And they speak human language regardless what circumstance they are in. Thus they are using their own presence and existence to change and improve their environment constantly for the better. They believe in "Unmoveable Movers" -- Only those with firm moral stand on humanity can push history forward, toward a more human and humane tomorrow.
We must abandon the evil and degenerate "human devil" virgin-whore complex, and the practice of "speaking devil's language if we see a devil", if we ever hope for a better tomorrow. We must take a firm moral stand and be the "Unmoveable Movers" ourselves, in order to push the history toward one direction - hope and future.
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Of Human and Devil
- 从中国人两面中庸看中国的恶性朝代循环 对照西方基督文化的绝对道德价值及其方向性进步历史 -
陈凯 6/12/2006 (再版 Reprint 3/8/2011)
我常常听到中国人议论美国人(西方人)。 这些议论大都出不了几种范畴模式: 如美国文化跟中国文化不一样;或美国人简单,天真,傻,人情淡漠;或美国人没有文化传统,太自由,不规矩、、等等。 大部分的议论多是描述性的,时常暗示贬义的,有时中性无义的,有时讥讽的,有时嘲笑的、、。 很少有人对中美的政治文化进行有道德取向的,有逻辑推理的分析。更少有人褒扬美国人(西方人)的价值,道德取向。 似乎中国人就应该与美国人不一样 言外之意当然是中国文化的高深,中华文明的悠久,中国人原本应有的优越与高人一等、、。
甚至大部分所谓的中国精英们也在对中西文化分析中取折中,中庸之道。他们拼命地在东方专制的精神毒品中挖取伪价值,伪营养,将鸦片白面标签为传统养身秘方推销给那些没有价值取向的灵智弱残的人。 同时又拼命地在美国(西方)的线性的,方向性的进步历史中挖取那些早已被西方的绝对价值取向摈弃的负向行为理念和历史丑闻。似乎将美国(西方)早已从自身肌体排泄摈除的垃圾废物挖出来会使中国人的虚荣脸面得到某种补偿与满足。 甚至一些西方的左派们也用所谓完美社会说 抨击西方的方向性进步文化,并试图从东方,中国的精神毒素中汲取所谓智慧营养。文化等同论与道德相对论就是这些西方左棍们吸食中国精神鸦片白面所产生出的畸形怪物。
你看,美国也有过奴隶制,教会也迫害过哥白尼,伽利略,西方也有过中世纪的黑暗、、。 所以我们不能搞全盘西化,我们不能抛弃中国传统中的好东西、、。
中国的国粹者们也借西方左棍们的昏头舞唱着,跳着。一时大宣二十一世纪是中国世纪的狂言病语。 一些原主张全盘西化的人们也对自己的主张产生了一些踌躇,迷茫与犹豫。
那什么是西化呢? 西化就是人化,就是进步化,就是价值方向化。 衡量一个人的品行质量的标准并不在于他的一生经过了什么,而在于他在他一生的经历中学到了什么,得到了什么,有什么价值方向的取向。 衡量一个文化的优劣好坏的标准也是这样。 美国基于其宪法的价值绝没有将奴隶制,种族主义当作价值去褒扬追求。 相反的是,美国的内战是去消灭奴隶制的;美国的人权运动是去排除种族主义的残余的;美国的教科书,节假日纪念是林肯,马丁路德、金的。 哥白尼,伽利略是西方宣扬追求的偶像;那些中世纪的红衣主教们并不在人们的价值语言里。 我提倡全盘西化就是提倡建立导致人化,进步化,价值方向化的一套文化价值体系和政治架构。 这有如我想要的并不是一个毒瘾成性的,病态的,垂死的人的恶性循环的机能,机制与心态,而是一个健康的人的新陈代谢,良性循环的机能,机制与心态。这种良性机能,机制与心态可以排除糟粕,抵抗疾病,汲取营养,成长进化。
那什么是中化呢? 中化就是非人反人化,就是鬼化,奴化,就是价值浑浊化,就是恶性循环化,毒瘾成性化,停滞不前化。 一般中国人病态地,糊涂地认为:一个人的经历,环境为其优劣好坏下定义。 一个人的外表与血肉就是其存在的证明。 所以在中国有血肉筑长城的国歌。 灵魂与价值取向从不在中国人的语言里。 中国古代所有文学历史记载都是关于争权夺势,朝代循环,血肉生死的,从未有捍卫真理,追求精神价值,崇尚人的尊严与完整的 人的褒扬与记载。
中字本身的两种含义都是虚无价值和反价值的: 中央意味着等级制。基于这一层意思人与人,国与国之间都是不平等的。 君臣父子,进贡敬皇就是基于这个中的。 中庸是另一个含义:不辨真伪,不识好坏,不置可否,各打五十大板是这个中的引申,也是中国人对正义的歪解。 见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话是中国人普遍的行为规范,也是中国人自欺的,精明诡诈而毫无智慧的反价值哲学的写照。 孙猴子七十二变与变色龙是中国人对智慧的定义和对道德鉴别,道德责任的永远推卸的借口伎俩。
在中国人本善的哲学前提里,鬼的存在是被否认的。 鬼是被人恐惧的外来物,而不是人的灵魂的内在产生。 人们不光不知鬼,不觉鬼,人们反而学鬼,崇鬼,与鬼认同。 今天在中国崇毛,神毛的现象就是中国人由怕鬼而学鬼,崇鬼的灵魂的暴露。 中国人今天的自恨,自怨,自贬 (常反映在对他人的他恨,他怨,他贬上)就是中国人人鬼心态的外在表露。人们只是直觉感到毛就是他们灵魂中鬼的象征,但他们选择的不是用人限鬼,斗鬼,灭鬼,而是否认鬼的存在,与鬼谋和,与鬼谋存,供鬼求权(全),贡鬼求平免乱。 如果说西方基督文化价值中的忏悔 是人在灵魂中限鬼,斗鬼,灭鬼的工具途径,中国人亦不知灵魂是何物,更不要提将忏悔作为工具和武器。 基督精神中的承认鬼(devil)和 原弊(sin)的存在并与鬼和人的原弊斗争而走向人性与希望的教义是中国文化中从始就无的绝对道德概念。
人鬼不分,人鬼共存,人弱鬼强,人灭鬼兴在中国人灵魂中的腐败的积累使中国文化,中国人逐渐鬼化。 吃人成了中国鬼存活的必然途径。 人性在中国已在鬼性的强大打击下不断的削弱到了残喘的地步。 中国的阴阳符在近代与马克思的辩证法苟同结合更促进了中国人的鬼化。 人的道德,人的价值进一步被贬黜到了骇人听闻的地步。 在现代的中国人就是鬼,鬼就是人,是就是非,非就是是,白就是黑,黑就是白,真就是假,假就是真。 这阴阳符在辩证法的动力下高速旋转,将中国的恶性朝代循环推向了新的维度境界。 大多中国人不知这人鬼不分的危害,反而不以为耻反以为荣地将其作为中国文化与中国人的定义而引为骄傲。
一个赤足简衣,举止温和的木匠在中东与西方掀起了一场改变人类命运里程的默默的革命:他用自己的生命造就了人的自知,自省,自我完美。 他在人类灵魂的磁场中建立了一个指北针,告知了人们他们所要遵循的绝对道德价值。 人类从此在杀人吃人的恶性漩涡中自拔了出来,走上了通往自由的希望之路。 基督后的2006年的人类里程是一个从恶性循环走向线性方向,从绝望走向希望,从黑暗走向光明,从血肉走向灵魂,从死亡走向生命,从虚无走向意义,从奴役走向自由的里程。 这是一个以人拒鬼的里程。
在基督的道德价值中,人不论在任何场合,任何环境,任何时间都用绝对的道德价值说着人话。 他深知鬼的存在和他自身原弊的存在。 但他绝不向鬼与原弊认同。 他用虔诚的忏悔与鬼与原弊分道扬镳。 他用人的语言选择了人的道路,人的方向。 这世界从此从鬼性的泥潭中跳了出来,走向了人性的,无尽希望的海洋。
然而,直到今天,十三亿中国大陆的人们仍旧被人鬼不分的鬼性所缠绕而迷茫。他们的灵魂仍旧被他们的血肉所捆绑;他们的理性仍旧被他们的单音节象形文字所束缚;他们仍旧被精神与感知的混乱所淹没。 默默地绝望是他们唯一的真实存在。 我不得不向他们发问:
如果你们能在数学中接受阿拉伯数字,在音乐中接受五线谱,为什么不能在科学,教育与法律中接受以英文为主的多音节字母文字? 如果你们能允许毛共将马克思的辩证法用枪杆子强加给你们,为什么不能主动地用你们尚存的人性去接受基督的人的洗礼,使你们从此加入人类的人的行列,加入爱与理性的行列,加入生命,希望,自由的行列,加入那用绝对道德价值作为指北针的兴人驱鬼的欢乐的自由大军的行军行列中去?!
只有当你们彻底抛弃了你们的人鬼情结之后,你们才有可能在永恒价值的立足点上, 成为不可动摇的有着坚定信念的推动历史前进的有意义的人们 --- THE UNMOVABLE MOVERS.

RE: 从文字笼罐到文字狱 From Chinese Language to Despotism
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:20 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
National Symbols and Values
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
陈凯一语:Kai Chen's Words:
从中国的方块象形单音节文字到 龙凤图腾 到 毛像林立(毛魔钞票、僵尸祭堂) 到 戏剧脸谱 到 金瓦红墙紫禁宫到 狰狞金刚到 五星红旗 到 血肉长城、、、, 中国人的精神世界早已被专制奴役的标像符号的灭绝人性的无尽苦海而淹没。 无灵、无智、无目、无骨、无勇、无睾、无德、无创造的宦奴娼文化就此有了外在的代表与象征。
From the Chinese character-based syllabic language to the image of "Dragons and Phoenix", from the various masks in the Chinese opera to the omnipresent Mao portraits and statues, from golden tiles and red high walls of the Forbidden City to the Great Wall, from the scary faces of the Chinese gods/saints in the temples to the Confucius statue on Tiananmen Square..., the Chinese spiritual world has long been inundated and stifled by the oceans of despotic symbols that materialize a dehumanizing culture. Soulless, mindless, vision-less, gutless, boneless, soulless, ball-less, creativity-less Chinese "Eunuslawhores" (eunuchs, slaves, whores) who have roamed China since the first emperor/dynasty are the necessary origins of and products from such exterior symbols.
A Nation's Symbols and Values
Why the Despotic/Communist Symbols Must be Destroyed before A New China Can Finally Emerge
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
by Kai Chen 陈凯
Written Monday, May 8, 2006 5:40:48 AM (Reprint 1/21/2011)
【本文是《SYMBOLS AND A NATIONS VALUES》一文的中文版,http://www.youpai.org/read.php?id=646】
有人说过一个国度所建立的标像符号可以代表一个国度的人们的价值体现,品德状态与心理特征。 在一九八九年六四天安门大屠杀二十一年后的今天,在深深的反思反省之后,我不能不说这个说法是非常确切的。
坦克、机枪、火、烟、死伤的人们、眼泪、血、哀嚎、共党罪魁们的无情的无动于衷的木雕式的脸孔、自由女神像、中国歌颂血肉长城的国歌、天安门城楼上毛泽东像的无情的、冷漠的,残酷的眼光、、。 二十一年之后,所有的与那一天有关的信息与形象都被中国党朝当局从人们的眼睛中与记忆中清除掉了。 自由女神像只在香港与美国幸存延续了下来。 怪诞的与令人难解的是中国的人们似乎也想将那些血腥的景象和那一天从他们的知觉中与灵魂中永远地消除。 中国的人们今天所谈的都是如何挣钱,如何把自己的儿女送到海外就读,如何在中国的官途权途上向上爬,如何不要扰乱由中共党政所维持的死水臭水秩序(如何维护和谐与统一)。 是的,去记忆起那些惨痛的黑暗的时刻,并用良知与理性做出结论与鉴别却实让人痛苦难受与心神不定。 是的,去承认是我们自己在几十年中赡养了,纵容了与支持了一个罪恶的与压迫我们自身的政治文化与政体制度只能使我们感到自身的渺小、卑贱、内疚、无助于无望。
当一切都过去了之后,只有那些最压迫我们,最凌辱我们的形象永存了下来: 高挂在天安门城楼上的魔鬼般的暴君的毛泽东挂像的注视,贮存毛魔僵尸的压人对专制暴政顶礼膜拜的毛纪念堂,血红的天安门城墙和那城楼上悬挂着的象征专制集权的五星国旗与国徽、、。 现在又加上了一座弘扬古典专制暴政的腐儒孔子塑像。 真可谓砒霜加氢化钠 -- 毒上加毒,不能再毒。
我经常想到当中国的人们每一天从那个死神般的毛泽东的注视之下,在猩红色的五星国旗下走过,或骑着他们的单车,或在他们的汽车和公共汽车里通过长安街的时候,对那些剧毒的标像符号他们是怎么想的和感觉的。 我经常想到当人们掏出钱包抽出那带着毛像的人民币钞票的时候,他们是怎么想和感觉的。 我经常想到人们将如何在毛泽东的伪上帝般的塑像下告诉他们的后代他们在毛泽东的时代经过了些什么,做了些什么,鉴证了些什么。 我经常想到人们在六十多年的共产党统治中会记忆什么,学到什么,延续些什么、、。 他们会告诉他们的后代那些被他们自己的军队,坦克消灭压碎的人体与形象符号吗? 他们会用什么语言去形容那自由女神像呢? 他们怎么去解释中国的国旗、国歌代表着意味着什么呢?
见过天安门自由女神像的人们都会承认那个槊像是根据美国的自由女神槊像而仿造的。 两像都是女性。 两像都将火炬高举在她们头上。 两像都有美丽与尊严的外表。 但在两像的不同之处上却体现了两个社会与两种人们深刻的截然不同,甚至相反的价值取向。 美国的自由女神有着强烈的不容否认的宗教信仰内涵。 自由女神的头冠和其手中的圣经告诉我们她那不可动摇的对天良,对真理,对正义的精神信仰并确立它们是自由的基石。 她手中的象征着对未来的希望的火炬如果没有这些基石便只能是暗淡无光,毫无意义的。 只有在这火炬与圣经的联合体中,自由的象征才是真实的与有内涵的。
对照美国的自由女神,六四天安门前的中国自由女神即没有头冠也没有圣经。 她只用双手擎着火炬。 由于对自由这个字眼的避嫌与恐惧,中国的自由女神被中国人安上了一个民主的头衔:许多西方的价值词汇在中国(中文)都有着负向的内涵。 自由只是其中的一个。 信仰是另外的一个。 个人,资本主义,西方,理性,逻辑,推理等等,在中国都有着不同程度的贬义与被排斥的倾向。 然而,中国的人们完全没有理解在这自由女神手里的火炬,如果没有坚强的对真理,正义,自由与个体神圣的人权的精神信仰,决不会成为给与人们希望的光明。 在毫无精神信仰的、非理性无逻辑的人群中,这把火炬只能成为毁灭未来的手段和专制暴政的借口与遁词。 它决不会指引人们走向进步。 相反,它只会在盲目的愤怒和非理性的病态行为中,将不论新旧正邪的所有存在一起销毁。
对中国人对个体与自由的恐惧,鄙视与排斥,我们可以再追述的远一点,追述到中国古专制文化的标像符号 -- 那个无所不在的龙:
如果说当我们看到基督教的象征--耶稣被钉在十字架上的形象,我们会深感自身的不完美,我们会深切的悔过自身,深切的反省我们自身的失行失德,并由之认识到天良与进步只有在我们真实的认识自身的作为人的缺陷,但不挠的去追求那些永恒价值的时候才会真正来到人间。 当我们看到中国的象征--龙的时候,我们所感到的只是我们作为个体的渺小与无助,和那不容置疑的,无所不在的,无所不能的国家、族群与政治机器的的强权。 我们从那龙的形象中所看到的和感到的是一个我们今天都在相信的伪真理:那就是无边无际的国权、政权、皇权、族群权是我们在道德上唯一的,去鉴别是非,好坏,真假与正义与否的准则。 正因如此,我们所见所感所接受的是软弱无力的个体意志与无法定义的群体利益对个人自由的肆无忌惮的践踏。
我们自然而然的会由中国的龙联想到那代表中国的,到处皆是的长城的形象。 这两个形象都反映了那族群一统的皇权在每一个中国人头上的巨大淫威。 这两个形象都建立在为了那个神秘的黄色种族的存在而必取的人的道德的沦丧、人的无穷无尽的痛苦与受难上的。 这两个形象都体现了那深刻的狭隘,闭塞,排外的群体压个体的心态情结。 这两个形象都依存在那座写着我什么都不是,我们才是一切文化碑石上的。 这两个形象对每个个人所产生的情态只有一个: 那就是强烈的恐惧感与恐慌感。 这两个形象企图对每个个人所影响而产生的行为取向只有一个: 那就是个体对群体的绝对屈从、绝对随和与崇拜。
我曾在1978年随中国国家篮球队来美比赛并访问了五个城市,其中之一是美国首都华盛顿。 几年以前我又再度游览了这个城市。 我深思了在华盛顿的那些政府建筑与纪念美国国父们的标像符号。 我不光对它们的魅力与辉煌而惊叹不已,我更欣赏由它们的造型而代表的、无形的深刻意义与内涵。 就是那些深刻的意义内涵使我今天骄傲的宣称: 我是个纯粹的美国人。 我生来就从不是一个中国人(党朝奴)。 我生来就已经是一个美国人(自由人)。 只是我生错了地方。
白宅 (the White House) (并不是由中国人专制意念曲解而译为的白宫)与美国国会大厦是用一种开放的形式而建立的:它们反映了美国宪政政体的合法性来自自由的个体与民主程序。 它们的大门是向民众敞开的。 但美国最高法院建筑却截然不同:它并不自开放形式而建,也不对公众开放。它反映了宪法与法律绝不应受公众数量和公众政治的影响。 宪法与法律应是正义的与客观的,并只对上苍/绝对道德与良知/理性负责的。 由此社会才有道德指南,历史才有向前演进的方向(而绝非原地打转的驴拉磨与抽陀螺)。 华盛顿纪念碑的简单设计使我联想到美国首届总统决立新律而拒绝了那些劝他称王称帝的所有建议。 林肯纪念堂用它那独特的风格向人们大声宣告着美国的价值--所有人被(上苍)创来平等。 杰弗逊纪念堂使我联想到美国的宪政精神与它所倡导的人类永恒的价值--生命,自由,与对幸福的向往与追求。 面对这些美国价值的象征,不论你来自何方,你都会感到你个体人生的宝贵与存在的意义,你都会感到人的创造精神的伟大,你都会对人类走向未来与进步充满希望。
只瞟一眼美中两国的国旗你便看出两种国度所代表的两种截然相反的价值:美国国旗的红蓝白三色与其五十个同样大小的星代表着联邦精神,代表着平等(在上苍与法律面前),自由,正义与勇气。 中共党朝的国旗则用它的猩红色,用它的四个小黄星围绕着一个大黄星宣扬着它的专制族群价值: 流血杀人,国家强权,民靠政府,种族(大汉)优先,个体服从群体,等级至上,盲目屈从、、。 一个有灵有智的人不能不问: 如果一个政府能将其执政机构建在像(俄国)克林姆林宫或(中国)紫禁宫里的时候,这将给与其民众及其心态什么样的信号与影响呢? 除去使其国度的民众感到这个政府与其前权贵者的沙皇与皇帝毫无区别,还能有什么呢? 这真是一个公正与残酷的公断与结局:斯大林与毛泽东正是这个无情的逻辑的必然引申。
混淆与混乱,非理性,残忍,迷信,朝代循环,无尽的流血,专制,绝望,消极与无奈,遐想与逃避,病态幻觉,无法无天,头脑奴化,群压个与个依群,拆墙脚与毁灭,压抑智慧天才,打击创造 ,盲目追从,欣赏糊涂与无知、、。 我还可以列出许多,这里就不多叙。
且不说中国传统专制的标像符号,就从1949年起自中共党朝掌权之后所建立的标像符号谈起,不能不让人哀叹不止: 毛象林立,红旗招展,魔尸纪念堂,百万人大广场,大阅兵,大会堂,大字报 ,大游行,大跃进,大革命,大标语,人民二字满天飞、、等等。 这些标像符号进一步强化了中国人的病态心理情结,使他们更感到个体的渺小与无奈无助。 对现实、对自我的憎恶与对过去的幻觉憧憬使他们走到了默默绝望的深渊。
我一直认为即使在中共倒后,中国的人们仍面临着重大的重建一个健康道德的政治文化与经济结构,重建个体认同的良知心态的挑战。 被中国古代与现代的各种专制标像符号所强化的腐朽的病态文化心理情结是不容忽视的,在建立新的自由社会时的重大障碍与阻挠。 事情在变好之前可能会变得更坏。 这绝不意味我支持中共党朝的继续延喘:中共党朝必先倒,中国才有可能有转机的希望与向前演进的机会。 中共党朝不倒,不光没有转机的可能,中国人们的事态、心态、德态必然每况愈下。
倒共只能是一场革命: 销毁去除毛像、毛尸、国旗、国徽、国歌等专制极权的标像符号不可能不是一场深刻的文化心态的革命。 共后的新政府决不能放置在紫禁宫。 天安门广场也决不能再成为群压个的炫耀武力与流血的政治广场。 恶性朝代循环(驴拉磨、抽陀螺)决不能在中国再重演。 三权分立的联邦宪政一定要用全新的标像符号与建筑群来完整地体现。 新的自由文化主导的社会一定要建立新的标像符号(歌曲、口号、旗帜、色彩、服装、标志、塑像、建筑、等等)。
当一个中国人站在天安门前毛像下的时候,不管他怎样否认,在他的良心深处他都会承认他眼前的那个形象就是人类与中国历史上最大的、反人类的、杀害了迫害了无数无辜的罪犯。 在毛泽东与中共党朝的罪恶统治下,人的灵魂与心态受到了极大的摧残与扭曲。 今天中国人已堕落到不识好坏,不辨真假,不知是非,毫无正义感,胆小如鼠的、灵智至残的怪物。 当人们在毛的邪恶僵尸前尊敬地、小心翼翼地走过时,你能说他们的灵魂与理性是健全的吗? 当五星血旗飘扬在你头上的时候,你在想什么? 当你面对那个张牙舞爪的中国龙的形象的时候,你又感到了什么? 是爱吗? 是进步吗? 是宽容吗? 是幸福吗? 是创造吗? 是自省自悟吗? 你作为一个中国人在看到、想到我所提及的这些标像符号的时候,感觉如何呢?
事实往往与我们想象的逻辑结果所不同: 大部分中国人在看着国旗,听着血肉长城的国歌的时候感到热血沸腾,骄傲无比。 但一个有良知,有思维,有逻辑理性,有正义感与尊严的个人本应对此感到巨大的耻辱,巨大的反悔,巨大的悲哀,巨大的愤怒,并由此而产生巨大的动力去摈弃旧文化、旧心态以开拓新的道路。 不言而喻,在此婊子牌坊的两极心态与人鬼情结导致着中国人的精神分裂症与双重人格: 他们可以在白天向美国大使馆扔石头表愤怒,但在晚上去美国大使馆排队签证,奋勇争先。 这是一种什么样的人? 这是一种什么样的心态? 他是一个存在还是一个虚无? 世人可见。
醒醒吧,人们! 意识到我们灵魂中的堕落与腐败吧! 只有首先意识到这种堕落与腐败我们才有可能重新建立人的天良与尊严,回到造人造物的上苍面前。 只有在中共党朝消亡之后(历史已清楚证实没有一个专制政权可以自己改革、改良。)我们才能最终将那天安门城楼上的屠夫罪犯的魔像,和那具在天安门广场上的被人血浸泡的罪恶的魔尸,才能将那专制血旗与血肉国歌,以及由它们所代表的专制暴政在我们灵魂中的污染与压迫统统送进历史的垃圾箱里去。 那时,当我们消除了那些象征腐朽压迫、专制极权的标像符号以后,我们才能开始清洗素毒我们的心态,才能开始谈论未来,才能决然抛弃恶性专制朝代的循环,在道德指南之下向前、向未知、向希望迈进。

RE: 从文字笼罐到文字狱 From Chinese Language to Despotism
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:22 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
陈凯再版/不脱中国不成人-- 人vs.宦奴娼
Kai Chen Reprint/Free Yourself from "China"
"China" is the Shackle on Free Beings
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
陈凯 Kai Chen (5/9/2006 Written, 2/5/2011 Reprint)
这个主题(脱中国)的逻辑在此:没有真正的人- 自由人便不会有真实的中国。
人先于国国才有意义。 现实的中国没有真实的人(自由人)。 因为中国是以消灭真实的人(自由人)而立国的,所以中国没有真正的人。 真正的人(自由人)也不会建立以消灭人性为目的的国。 只有灭绝人性的人们(奴)才能建立灭绝人性的国度(党奴朝)。 要建立/回复真正的人就要销毁现实的中国。 灭国而复人爱人而绝非救国而杀人灭人是唯一理性与道德的选择。 在现实中国框架中生活的并与其认同的人不会是真正的人。 他们只能是奴隶,宦官,小偷,强盗,强奸者,卖淫者,御用者,皇权崇拜者,贿赂者,文化吸毒并毒瘾成性者,难得糊涂者,诡而无智者,肉而无灵者,群而无个者,虚而无实者,崇权疾贤者,苟且偷生者,胆小无为者,精神分裂者,两极阴阳者,人鬼不分者
所谓的中国人,国人,国民 其实是自相矛盾的名词。 有中国处便无人,便无自由。 在中国与国的压迫下,人何谓人? 民无人而何谓民? 中国其实应称鬼国。 在鬼国中,人是鬼,是魔,是怪,是奴,是妓,是虚,是无。 在鬼国中,鬼吃人,鬼变人,鬼惑人,鬼拌人,鬼扰人,鬼杀人,鬼灭人
什么是人? 人不同于畜与物。
人有灵: 人能识好坏良莠。 人能辩真假是非。人能知进步与落后。 人能自知、自省、自悟、自由选择追求幸福。
人有智: 人能基逻辑而推理。 人能凭学习而进步。 人能借探求未知而积累知识,走向希望与未来。 人能籍反省历史而汲取教训,不重蹈覆辙。
人有欲: 人有幸福欲、欢乐欲、求知欲、表现欲、信仰欲、满足欲、食欲、性欲、自由欲
人有感: 人有爱感、悲感、崇高感、卑贱感、内疚感、使命感、同情感、希望感、绝望感、满足感、平静感
人有尊严: 人有作人的天赋尊严。 无人可以用任何人作为达到目的的手段。
人有权利: 人有作人的天赋权利。 人有言论权、表达权、创造权、生命权、追求幸福权、生育权、爱情权
人有意志: 人有上苍赋予的自由。 人有选择并为其承担责任。
人有个体性: 猪猡不知它与它猪有何不同。 人却深知个人的独特。
什么是中国? 什么是中国人的国?
中国人没有灵,只有忠: 灵乃上苍所赐。 忠乃皇帝,国家所给。 忠君忠国之人不识好坏良莠,不辩真假是非,不知进步与落后。 忠君忠国之人没有自知、自省、自悟、自由意志与选择。
中国人没有智,只有愚伪: 对中国人而言,欺人欺己便是智,昏头混脑便是明。非逻辑,无推理,不学只记,不创只仿,怕探求,惧未知。 如此中国,何谓希望与未来,何谓真实历史。 一国两制与专制下的自由 是中国人愚智恶智的胎儿。
中国人崇灭欲: 欲在中国乃是罪。怕欲、抵欲、消欲、灭欲乃世人所求。 无欲无求乃世人所取。
中国人怕表达感情: 感情外露为耻。 感情隐藏,感情压抑,感情消灭为荣。 中国人的爱是无性的爱。 中国人的性是无爱的性。
中国人不知何为尊严: 用人与被人用是中国人际关系的定义,是中国特色的奴化。
中国人没有真实信仰,不知何为天赋人权: 混淆权利(Rights)与强权(Power)是中国专制的特征。 一切来自政府、国家与皇帝乃是中国人对人权(Human Rights)的认识。
中国人不知人有自由意志: 笼中奴隶圈中猪是中国人唯一所知的生存状态。 大多中国人离了笼子枷锁便不知如何生活。 自由对中国人而言是毫无责任、毫无理性、毫无人性、毫无良知的胡作非为。
中国人没有个性与独立人格: 枪打出头鸟、人怕出名猪怕壮 消灭所有有个性与人格(尊严)尚存的人是中国文化负向筛选(孔儒精神阉割术)的唯一特征。 二代三代海外华人与大陆华人/新移民的不同由此略见一癍。
无庸赘述,有中国后便无人 是有理而存的。 中国二字就像压在人头上的一座大山。 在这座大山下人是变态的,病态的,扭曲的,非人的怪物与魔鬼。 吃人是它们唯一的生存手段;他人的痛苦便是鬼怪们的欢乐;认知自然规律与道德法则的人成了傻瓜而被虐、被杀、被灭;自阉忠君的宦官成了人上人;社会成了卖身者与卖尊者的乐园吸毒院;国家成了专制者用人试验的实验场;人成了无灵,无智的血肉之躯被权贵们用来建造那庞大虚无的,只产生苦难、毁灭与死亡的长城- 围绕着,保卫着那非人、反人的、杀人与灭人的中国。
这就是中国;这就是那人死鬼兴的世界;这就是那痛苦的根源。 要建新中国,必先重建人。 让人归回到他的本源、本性,归回到造人、造物主(Creator/God) 的面前。 只有这样,将来的中国才是有意义的中国,才会是道德的中国,才是人的,而不是鬼的,中国。 这样的中国才有成为伟大国度的可能。

RE: 从文字笼罐到文字狱 From Chinese Language to Despotism
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:28 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
The central theme of all human endeavor is to seek meaning in life. This differentiates humans from animals. Yet true meaning, truth and essence of things can only exist in abstraction. In another word, true reality only exists in abstraction, not appearance. Chinese character-based syllabic language with its pictorial superficial appearance obstructs and distorts true reality and essence in existence, therefore making Chinese society a nihilistic morass with illusions and fake reality. Soulless "walking dead" as a form of survival physically in China is only a necessary result.
人类全部活动的中心是对生命意义的追寻。 这就是人与动物的根本区别。 生命意义,事物实质与客观真理只能在抽象维度中存在。 也就是说,真实只存在于抽象之中。 表象往往是主观与不真实的。 中国的单音节表象文字,基于它的表象性与主观性,只对事物实质与客观真理的发现起到阻碍与扭曲的作用。 由此,这种文字的运用必然导致中国社会的虚无与虚假性。 毫无灵魂的行尸走肉,作为一种生理存活的无意义表象形式,便成为了中国人的行为定义。
Chinese - Distortion of Reality and Truth
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 9/29/2006, Reprint 9/25/2011)
If you translate English text into Chinese, everything will be distorted and misconceived, making the translated text either untrue in its original meaning, unreadable or worse, totally opposite of its original meaning.
Let's look some examples: sin - 原罪? God - 上帝? President - 总统? White House - 白宫? Democracy - 民主? Liberty - 自由? human being - 人? United States - 美国? People - 人民?
The list is endless. The distortion is endless. The misunderstanding is endless. The misconception is endless. The anti-meaning is endless. The opposite interpretation of original essence is endless.... Almost everything essential contained in the original English words will be either entirely lost, distorted or reversely understood.
I have written numerous essays to impart the truth about Chinese character-based, syllabic language, based on my many years as translator and my reading of related literature. I stress here again:
It cannot be more important for the Chinese to realize the harmful effect of the language their ancestors have bestowed upon them. It has made them entirely impotent and handicapped in facing a true world, in understanding reality and seeking truth in abstraction. Only when they abandon the use of the Chinese language as a viable tool to understand, organize, store and communicate information among humans, only when they adopt English (an alphabetic language) as the official language as the tool to understand, store, organize and propagate information within and without the Chinese society, and only when they adopt English (an alphabetic language) as the effective tool to seek reality and truth, though the appearances and superficiality they encounter, China can begin to walk toward being a normal society with a vision for the future, for only then China can be free from its illusory and dellusional understanding of their surroundings and reestablish themselves as constructive and creative part of humanity.

RE: 从文字笼罐到文字狱 From Chinese Language to Despotism
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:42 pmby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
陈凯一语:Kai Chen's Words:
拼音不可能解决中文的单音节弊病。 而单音节本身是中文弊病的主要症结。
Pinyin can not solve the syllabic problem in Chinese language. The "single syllable issue" is among the fundamental problems in Chinese.
Chinese Language: The Root of China's Despotism
作者: 唐肆啼
● 編者按:對漢字的評價及中國文字改革問題,早在五四時代就有過相當熱烈的討論。經過中共政權推動簡體字與漢語拼音六十年,來到電腦時代又有不少的爭議。本文是一位熟悉現代中文的西方人,經過長期觀察與體驗提出的意見,認為應該以拼音代替漢字。
據研究,中國小孩學會看和寫字至少需要比英國小孩學英文多花一年時間。(不是北方小孩當然要更長時間)。 很多中國的小孩一點娛樂、體育時間都沒有,體力很差。最近香港媒體報導亞洲病人的故事:最近俄羅斯少年隊跟中國少年隊踢了一場足球比賽,雖然那些中國的小孩平均比俄羅斯小孩個子高一頭,但是還是以十五比零輸了。更可悲的是,只踢了四十分鐘,因為中方體育老師說中國隊員沒力氣踢九十分鐘的足球。有的父母跟我說中國小孩子不覺得學習漢字難,這就像文革時期中國人都說文革好,像裹腳的老太太說走路很方便一樣。還有中國人跟我說他們的孩子覺得英文更難學,這當然不是同類比較。
(Kai Chen's opinion: Pinyin can not solve the syllabic problem in Chinese language. The "single syllable issue" is among the fundamental problems in Chinese. 陈凯 按:拼音不可能解决中文的单音节弊病。 而单音节本身是中文弊病的主要症结。)
(Kai Chen's opinion: Pinyin can not solve the syllabic problem in Chinese language. The "single syllable issue" is among the fundamental problems in Chinese. 陈凯 按:拼音不可能解决中文的单音节弊病。 而单音节本身是中文弊病的主要症结。)

RE: 从文字笼罐到文字狱 From Chinese Language to Despotism
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:37 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Comment by John Wu 1/3/2012
我们先从数字来说, 我们知道, 只用1234567890这十个数字就能表示从零到无穷大的整数. 你想表示比十万多1的数,好办, 100001就能表示了. 如果加上小数点,还能表示从1到2之间的无限个小数. 如果加上-就能表示无穷小的数. ............全中国13亿人的电话号码都能用只用数字而不用其他符号表示出来,而不会出现两个人同一个号码的情况.
计算机, 只用0和1就能显示出我们人类不能达到的很多功能. 这是为什么呢? 因为这是一种进制语言. 上面说的是十进制和二进制. 进制语言追求的是精确, 你要多大,他就能表示多大. 你要多小,他就能表示多小. 他在从小到大里可以很细致连续的表示出来.(请注意连续一个词,实数就是连续的,有理数是不连续的.)
进制语言除了可以表达你所需要的任何数外,他还有无限扩充的能力. 从整数扩充到小数和分数.从小数和分数再扩充到无理数,然后扩充到实数,很多人以为实数以后就没有什么数了. 到高中时还有复数.以后还会扩充么? 肯定会.
好了,回到英语,英语也是一种进制语言,采用的是26进制,使用了26个符号(拉丁字母) 他们是有序列的,就像10个数字加上一些符号可以表达你所要大的数,也能表达你所要小的数. 英语也一样,他能表达你所能看到的客观世界, 情感世界, 未知世界, 而且能像1.1 1.2 1.3 那样精确的表达一个从低到高,从大到小, 等不同程度的问题. 也就是说, 英语这门进制语言, 可以做到很精确的情况. 所以大部分科学技术都是使用进制语言的人发明的......
英语除了精确,也像数字一样可以无限扩充,这种扩充能力使人想到即可做到. 发明创造就是基于这种特性. 比如三角形, 每个点的表示, 使用ABC. 说汉语的人就没有把三角形的三个顶点用汉语世界里的符号表示. 不能表示,知识就不能传递.
abc除了表示英语的语音外还可以表示世界任何一种物体.数学公式, 物理公式,化学反应都能用26进制的abc表示.
在数字之外的客观世界,使用另外一套进制符号来表示, 这就是科学发展的基本条件.英语国家使用10进制的数字表示你所能想到的数,使用26进制的字母表示你所能想到的任何事物. 这两种进制语言的结合,使英语达到一种想到就能做到的境界.
汉语呢? 汉语不是一门进制语言. 他没有基本的符号, 符号之间不能排序. 不能排序的语言就不能很好的表达从低到高,从大到小等不同程度的问题.计算机不是中国人发明的就是一种必然, 而不是一种偶然.
那么汉语有没有序列呢? 有, 甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸等天干,还有子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥等表示序列的地支. 这些汉字为中国历史的年份表达起到很大的作用, 然而, 因为他们不能表示足够大,也不能表示足够小,他们互相组合从甲子到癸亥能精确的表示60年.之后有从甲子开始往复,因此就不能表示精确的时间. 比如,我们看古典小说时会看到, "午时三刻."这样的表示时间的文字, 还会看到,古人在深夜时用三更半夜等词语. 那么表示比午时三刻多10秒钟的时刻怎么表示呢? 汉语不能表示. 直到阿拉伯数字引进中国才能表示.
甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥等这些汉字并不是汉语的基本符号. 到现在汉语世界里还没有概括出一套有序列的基本符号来.
所以说汉语的人没有发明电, 没有发明声音的录制,没有发明视像的录制, 等等. 甚至圆珠笔,这个使中国人脱离毛笔大大方便书写交流的工具,都不是中国人发明的.
因此, 汉语的一个发展方向是要有一套可以排序的基本符号. 这对促进思维的发展有很大好处.
说英语是线性语言,汉语是非线性语言, 可能没有说到要害. 我们这样说, 英语是一门进制语言,而汉语是一门非进制语言. 进制语言是高级语言的一个特征, 而汉语不是进制语言,所以汉语是低级语言.

RE: 从文字笼罐到文字狱 From Chinese Language to Despotism
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:32 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Trio of Tyranny in China
中国专制的三暴虐 - 文字,文化与政治
China's Despotism - From linguistic tyranny, to cultural tyranny, to governmental tyranny
"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series
- The trio of tyrannies and its horrific effect on the formation of Chinese slave mindset a treatise and indictment on the Chinese dehumanization process -
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 4/10/2006, Reprint 1/19/2012)
As people puzzled over the persistence of the Chinese communist regime after the collapse of the communism as an ideology world wide, only a few saw the roots of the Chinese despotism. Many are not willing, some not able, others lacking courage to recognize the connection between the Chinese traditional culture and the current deplorable state of affairs in China. Almost all reject even the slightest suggestion that the Chinese character-based, syllabic language has something to do with the formation of Chinese mind-set which can only be properly coined complete slavery and dehumanization of human beings.
Some even suggest that preservation of a Confucian culture is paramount in reforming the Chinese society and curing the ills in the Chinese mind. To me this suggestion is tantamount to saying that solution to communist tyranny and dictatorship is the communist party, and the cure of AIDS is introducing more HIV virus. Some, with various motives and deep secret complex, come in a hurry to defend the indefensible cruel Chinese feudal culture. And they defend even with more vehemence than the despotic masters the origin of the Chinese tyranny the character-based, syllabic Chinese language. The panic feels like as if someone is digging into their ancestors untouchable graves. It is as if someone is touching that sacred cow in their hearts. No matter how much they hate the Chinese communist party and its despotic regime, they are willing to defend the roots of it with their blood and lives. Sounds comically contradictory, doesnt it? Some, even come with more hilarious accusation against those who point out the intrinsic and inseparable connection between the Chinese language and culture with the miserable human condition in China today, calling them traitors of the Chinese race and harboring ulterior motives to demean the Chinese, and potential dictators in the future
Their entire defense not only fails to exonerate the evil culture that has been created to destroy individuals, humanity and freedom, their preposterous accusation against those who see the evil shows exactly how their mind-set of cultural, linguistic and governmental slavery has been formed. That mind-set is the living proof of the existence of evil.
The following is a treatise to detail the process of Chinese dehumanization of individuals through this trio of tyranny and an indictment against this evil origin of the complete alienation and enslavement of Chinese mind over their own existence.
Chinese Linguistic Tyranny 中国文字语言的暴虐
(Since Chinese society is patriarchal in nature, I will use man and he in the composition of this essay. This is not to demean or ignore female human beings.)
From the moment a Chinese toddler starts to put sounds and symbols together, he is handed a brush with ink as his writing tool. (Nowadays a pen or pencil is usually the case) He is presented with a paper with lines and usually a series of rectangle boxes with four evenly divided quadrants in each box. In front of him is a text of writing samples dated maybe hundreds of years back to his ancestors. He is told that his task of learning to write is first and foremost to mimic the perfect symmetry and forms in those pictorial images his ancestors left for him. During this process of repetition, copy, mimic of his ancestors leftover in his initial contact with human knowledge, his own dehumanization against his own individuality has formally begun.
He learns that creativity and initiatives are not important; conformity is. He learns that his own mind is not important; his ancestors legacy is. He learns that he as an individual is not important; competing with others to see who comes closer to the original forms left by his ancestors is. He learns that meaning and substance of the word is not important; the appearance - the formation, the image and the shell is. He is further confounded, yet not knowing consciously, with the fact that language is not a tool to comprehend and analyze phenomena to reach to reality, rather it is an artistic endeavor to please the eye, and the others. However, in this supposed artistic endeavor, he is not allowed to create and produce. He is forced to copy, to memorize, to follow
His two hemispheres of the brain are inundated with conflicting input of symbols and images. (We now know that all humans have the same structure in their brains one hemisphere in charge of language, analysis, abstract thinking, logic, rationality.., and the other art, music, concrete images, creative impulses
) His analytical hemisphere is being force-fed with pictorial images, instead of abstract symbols, while his artistic hemisphere is starved with a strict and deliberate stifling of his instinct and impulse to create. In learning to write the Chinese characters, he is weaving and knitting an elaborate and intricate mesh to smother his own brain, to restrict his own initiatives, to deny his individual uniqueness.
While humans are endowed by our creator to have a unique human quality to create, change and reform our surroundings and environment to serve our own purposes, as a distinctive quality from other creatures, the cruel and inhumane process of Chinese systematic stripping of this unique human quality has effectively taken place with their young, in the form of indoctrination of a confusing and crippling linguistic system. The very possibility of human creative spark is effectively eliminated. One does not have to snip the bud. The bud has never appeared for it has died long before it can ever manifest itself. The very mind of each distinct individual is thus insidiously being forced into a tiny rectangle box from which he will never be allowed to escape to return to his nature of free being.
By the time he is taught to compose sentences, he is further stripped of concept of time by a lack of tense in the Chinese verbs. Though the adverbs are constantly put in to modify the verbs, he has been reduced to never have had a strong sense of sequential events according to time. As his study of Chinese language progresses, he has found that he lacks a distinction between individual and collective, for in Chinese verbs there is no such differentiation of plural and singular. People can be viewed as something like an inseparable entity while an individuals uniqueness is severely diminished. Last time I checked, a fascist view of collective as a living entity has the same connotation. He further learns that in pronunciation of chinese third personnel, there is no distinction between genders and between humans and animals or between humans and a rock. The dehumanization process is deepening.
He finds that he cannot read and write to communicate till he is six or seven years old, with barely enough storage of Chinese characters laden with pictorial images, memorized through repetition in his analytical hemisphere of the brain. He is forever crippled in coming up with new abstract ideas.
As he goes further in his study of his ancestors leftovers/feces, he finds that he is strictly forbidden from creating any new Chinese character by himself. All 50,000 Chinese characters are all he can copy and use in his understanding of his world of reality, though only about 5,000 in normal usage. By definition, all human knowledge on earth has stopped within the confinement of these 50,000 some Chinese characters. He can only try to manipulate, combine the existing characters to describe what he sees, not to invent new concepts. Thus the primary function of Chinese language is to describe, not to prescribe, is to inherit, not to expand, is to please, not to pursue, is to control, not to discover, is to possess, not to enjoy. the alienation is thus thorough and complete the tool has become the master to be served with total devotion of chinese human lives. The creators of the language have become the slaves of the same language.
With the rigid and stagnant Chinese language in place and in charge, humans are not here to create; they are only here to procreate. Humans are not individuals with indivisible integrity, dignity and uniqueness; humans are only an indistinguishable blob of flesh and blood of fleeting images, banded together by a tiny rectangle box to experience excruciating pain and suffering, much like a contortionist. Conclusion: The Chinese language is an inhuman and inhumane language which only facilitates a perverse dehumanization process among the Chinese masses/population.
In sharp contrast, English, as a multi-syllable, alphabetic language, takes the premise that humans are free and unique beings. Language is their tool to serve their lives purpose, not their master to dominate and control their existence. With English language, children as early as three years old can read and write and communicate effectively with their peers. The abstract, alphabetic symbols of the language the letters can be easily and freely assembled and dissembled and resembled to create new words that represent new discoveries and new concepts. They are designed to be abstract to input information into human brains abstract hemisphere. and the meaning of the word and compositions, not calligraphy, is the most important aspect of learning such a language. With this language, humans are allowed to be humans free, creative and exploratative. With the way human brain is hardwired, there is no doubt that English language (alphabetic and multi-syllable) is a human and humane language.
Chinese Cultural Tyranny 中国专制文化的暴虐
From the moment a spark of consciousness starts to flicker, a Chinese youth witnesses at first hand, how humans treat each other and how he is treated by these humans around him. Another dimension of Chinese dehumanization process is taking place in his perception of reality a cultural tyranny starts to dominate his life.
When the infant starts to observe his surroundings and tries to make sense out of them, the first thing that enters his mind is the fearsome hierarchy everyone carefully follows and obeys. In this invisible hierarchy, everyones identity is predetermined by his birth and gender. He discovers that one cannot open his mouth unless he does so according to the echelon he occupies in this hierarchy. He has to find out how old he is, how much money he makes, what connections his family has in relations with this classification of superiority and inferiority. He has to know his gender stratification, male as always being on top of female. He has to know every title and name in the generation differentiation and address his peers by proper titles and names. He has to know exactly all of these before he can open his mouth.
He is conditioned to know that the highest echelon in the hierarchy is the ubiquitous officialdom in the government, and the highest judicial judge in morals and all affairs affecting him is the highest official in this government the emperor, chairman, president. He now knows that the God in his life is China itself a nation with a border, a population with the same racial and ethnic features, a way to behave and think never disturbing the existing order. China is the combination of all the desirable values in his life. He will be dedicating his entire life to this invisible God.
As he continues to grow up and further immerses himself in the Chinese literature, cultural habits and order of things, he finds that he himself as a person gradually dissolved and disappeared in the cultural soup everyone is stirring to cook into a shapeless entity. Everyone starts to behave in the same manner according to this invisible hierarchy, and no one is distinct and unique by himself. For the first time, he tastes the fearsome power of his cultural environment. That faceless everyone is called Big Family which he is obligated to preserve and please. Everyone seems to want to please everyone else and no one however, wants to initiate anything. Passivity is the order of the day and fate is everyones master. Learning to patiently live with desperation and helplessness is a must if he wants to survive. And it even becomes an art. He starts to cheat, lie, manipulate, intimidate, pretend
Anything he does is alright so long as he is to preserve and please the big family. Saving face is the biggest concern for everyone, from top down. The Big Family and the government that represents it has become his overlord and his entire individual worth is to be judged by only it.
He practices hard to write beautiful calligraphy, for he knows without the beautiful and unobtrusive appearance, everything else is meaningless. One will have hard time climbing the social ladder if ones calligraphy is no good. The more he self-effacing his own being, the more likely he will climb high. He learns to entertain himself by practicing Chinese violin, but finds that the bow is stuck between the strings and he can only play one string at a time. The music that comes out of the instrument always bears a sad, lonely, helpless tone he can never escape. He picks a brush to paint a picture, but finds that only water color is available. The painting comes out will always be smeared and blurred. The human image that comes out of the water color has no spirit, no deep feelings, no facial expressions, and no passion (not to mention there is no shades and no one know where the light comes from). Even this dubious representation of humans on paper cannot last long. The water color always fades over time. A blurred image of reality for others to guess and feel is the standard of art.
He is frustrated, trying to find and etch a permanent mark for himself in the history of China. He starts to read the Chinese classic literatures, for in there he can find all kinds of intrigues, plots, manipulation of emotions, pretentious grace.., widely applied in the chinese officialdom. He attends school to memorize and mimic all the tactics and tricks to use, abuse and manipulate others humans so he can climb over their corpses to advance in this hierarchy. He learns how to mesmerize his victims by pretending to be their savior, making them believe they are all victims of others. Like a king cobra, he wants to desensitize and distract his prey by letting them focus on his beautiful and symmetrical markings, the carefully planned, mesmerizing movements, the ingenious camouflage, and the speedy and powerful strikes. He does not want others to know his nature. He is doing everything to hide it. He has learned all these through the books he has read and observation he has made and he is well versed in all of them. None of the education process has focused on the nature, the essence, and the substance of things and phenomena. No moral judgment has ever been rendered. So he is not about to start to attract others attention on his deadliness and his poisonous-ness. He has become the master of all his ancestors teachings. His only goal: to acquire power as much as he can. The more power he has, the more he is close to the omnipotent and arbitrary head of the big family, and the more he approaches God/being God.
However, he is very unhappy and insecure, for every step up he climbs, he is losing something - something he could not describe and may never recover. But he somehow senses that something is essential for his fulfillment and happiness. He becomes more and more drained and emptied, but the urge to climb even higher is so great that he cannot stop. It is just like, no, it is exactly like a narcotic addiction. The more you have, the more you want to have, even knowing it is killing your organs, killing your humanity. He now is in the deep grip of a powerful, enticing presence he can never escape without help from outside/divine forces.
But the outside help never comes. All the cultural narcotic addicts never admit they are addicts. He is no exception. His mental health starts to deteriorate. He can not distinguish right from wrong, illusions from reality, truth from falsehood, what is good for him from what is harmful
. Yet he continues the path of climbing toward that illusive peak in the officialdom, knocking down adversaries ruthlessly with no mercy. He never feels safe, for everyone else is doing just the same. He is exhausted but he dares not to stop or relax. Momentary reflection of himself scares the hell out of him, for he does not have guts to admit how deep and how far he has embarked on this road of self-destruction. And he knows it is all his making. and relentlessly, the atrocious/miserable/meaningless end is coming.
One day, a more ruthless and poisonous adversary knocks him off the ladder of officialdom. He falls and ready to give up and die. Before he dies, he curses the enemy; he curses back luck; he curses fate; he curses all others. He even curses the system for failing him, not knowing or admitting he is exactly the essential part of it, the foundation of it. His only lesson from all this is: (and he will tell all his children about it) next time, if there is ever going to be one, I will be more ruthless, poisonous and deadly. In the process of victimizing each other, everyone becomes inescapably victimized. The cycle of men-eating-men is thus completed.
Such is a soulless lifes story. Such is a loveless life. Such is a joyless existence. Such is a zombies journey. Such is a definition of evil and corruption. Such is the portrait of a Chinese cultural slave - a Eunuslawhore (eunuch, slave, prostitute).
Contrast distinctly from this cycle of dehumanization, Christian ethics stresses exactly the opposite of this men-eating. It preaches that every individual human being is an entirely unique universe, a beginning and end in himself. He is not to be used, abused and abandoned as some used-up tools by others, no matter how many they are in quantity. In short, he is not to be a mean to an end, but an end in itself. Because of such an inalienable and inseparable nature of the entity, he is endowed by god to have rights and freedom; therefore, he has the possibility to be happy and joyful. No one, no matter how powerful he is as in the case of a government, should be morally justified to define such a being. He is indeed a sacred creation and only god can design him and make possible for him to discover that sacred design. Bias, prejudice, power for the sake of control and self-degradation are detested in such an ethics and culture. Dignity and respect are coined to depict such a being as unique and irreplaceable. Nothing can be ever justified without his own individual consent, for only he knows his own values and worth. Group and government oppression is viewed as the embodiment of evil. Servitude and slavery is as insidiously detrimental to human mental and spiritual health as viruses and narcotic addiction. Equality among humans is a natural extension in the very fact that each and every one of individuals must ultimately face god and himself, not others and governments. Conscience and spiritual integrity is established in such a cultural environment. Self-direction rather than others-direction becomes the orientation of such moral being. Creativity and productivity, Not robbing, begging, cheating and stealing, flows like fountainhead, nourishing a new generation of such free beings. Values are constantly produced and nothingness inevitably sneered and discarded.
Such is a human ethics. Such is a human culture. Such will be the humanity's future.
Tyranny of Chinese Political Institutions 中国古今政体的暴虐
When a crippled Chinese adult, mentally and spiritually ill-equipped, enters into the political arena characterized by the omnipresent Chinese officialdom, he painfully discovers that he is further trapped and demeaned by the very institutions his ancestors left to control him. He is viewed as nothing more than a cog on an enormous grinder aimed to mix truth with falsehood, right with wrong, black with white, existence with nothingness. Every ounce of everyones individual energy is absorbed and usurped to contribute to the speed of the spinning machine. In the cultural soup it produces, nothing is distinct and unique and nothing can be used as values, particles and concrete foundation to build anything. The only function of such a political machine is to drown everyone with this toxic cultural soup and make him a part of its ingredient to kill still many others.
Fostered and boosted by the linguistic tyranny and cultural tyranny, the political machine his ancestors created and left for him is a ferocious and insatiable beast of destruction.
As his maturing consciousness starts to question his own being in his political surroundings, he finds that no one is in charge and henceforth no one is able to change this political environment. Everyone is only operating in it, much like everyone is using the same Chinese characters to write. No one is able to create anything in this political environment, much like no one is able or supposed to create any Chinese character by himself. He is trapped. He further finds that in this political culture, government precedes people. Government is viewed to have existed even before humans appear on earth. Government authority comes from the mysterious heaven and it has nothing to do with human beings. So the emperors have all been called sons of heaven and everyone who dares to question this order and authority is doomed to hell and eternal ostracism.
Thus, the government has always been viewed as parents, and the masses under it have always been viewed as some infantile children in need of care. Government officials are endowed with titles such as parental officials and the people children people. A person is born not free, but underneath this parental government and the power it wields. Any limited freedom is freedom in a cage, and freedom to obey and conform, for he is reared and raised by the government and the emperors. He has been taught that when the big river has water, the small creeks will flow. Even God in heaven is with a title jade emperor. It is the emperor that gives people their clothes and food. It is the nation and government that give people their livelihood and meaning of life.
He has read from all the literature that his ancestors have left that all heroes in Chinese history are nation loving heroes. All immortals he ever worships are ancestral officials in the emperors court. Everything that has any values in China is tied with officialdom. Government and officialdom is not only he depends on for his livelihood, but he depends on for his meaning of life. All the educational institutions have one aim to produce nation loving and emperor loving officials in the echelon of governmental hierarchy. The higher he climbs in the official ladder, the more power he acquires and hence the more meaning in life he has. Thus, he stops/kills all his other interests and endeavors and focuses only on one thing joining officialdom to climb the ladder.
In the process of climbing the ladder, he learns further from his ancestors and the knowledge they have left via those rectangle boxes written in those thread-bond books all the official tricks, plots, deceits, maneuvers, manipulations. He is well versed in the spirit all these books and the ultimate message they espouse the end always justify the means. So long as he is for others and for the helpless masses, all his excessive tactics and murderous methods are thoroughly justified. His only slogans in his heart are loyal to the emperors, loyal to the nation/party-dynasty, loyal to the ancestors and all the language, institutions, culture they have left to him.
He has learned that the most effective method of controlling the masses with their infantile and meaningless existence is to hold their loved ones, their family, and anything including their own profession they love, hostage. If one offends the order of the court, the entire family suffers, the generations related to the person in anyway suffers. No one is responsible for himself anyway, so everyone else around him must be responsible. Here is the most effective weapon in his arsenal, among others like confusion, fatalism, superstition, jealousy, denial, blindness to truth
Though he himself is subjected to the same control mechanism, he is nonetheless enthusiastically enforcing the order using these means, for the illusion is the higher one climbs, the freer one becomes.
Not only family is used to be the hostage in this scheme of things, family is used as the very control mechanism to subdue everyone in it. Family has become the very basic unit of the government, to serve the government. The very word nation (Guo, Jia 国家) in Chinese is simply composed with two characters nation and family. The saint of all Chinese Confucius has long deemed the Chinese moral order to be inviolable emperor to subordinates, father to sons. The bigger the government, the better, and since family has become the basic unit of the government, the entire society does not only belong to the government, it is indeed the government itself. Separation of government and society has never existed in China. Any political order in China is only the extension of personal order of the individual and his identity. An ingenious design it is indeed, by the ancestral saint-the Confucius.
In the later years of China's modern history, Mao only further inherited/enhanced this very Chinese tradition of building the entire China into a giant prison, in which everyone can be potential a spy to report on others to the authority, particular within the family. So why build prisons to hold those unruly scoundrels like in the USSR under Stalin? Instead, the chinese under mao have followed our ancestors under emperors and confucius: They make the entire society governmental, and make the entire population prisoners of their own family, or their own relations with others. Yes indeed this is exactly what has happened during the notorious cultural revolution. The poison has seeped through every pore of the society and the corruption via total surrender by the individuals is thorough and complete.
America represents the exact opposite of the Chinese experience: It is based on individual freedom with a solid foundation in Christian faith; therefore each and every individual is fully aware of his or her responsibility to his own conscience and action. Its political institutions are established on the premise of human fallibility and subsequent potential abuse by government and majority. Separation of power, checks and balances within the political power structure, a constitutional base to limit government and guaranty individual rights, federalism to ensure a bottom-up direction from individual sovereignty to local autonomy to limited federal government.., all are the healthy and necessary institutions aimed at expanding individual freedom. Government is contracted to serve peoples purposes, not the other way around people are subdued to serve the government. Legitimacy, transparency and openness are understood to be the concern of all the individual citizens in their eternal vigilance to guard their liberty and rights against tyranny. American political institutions are human institutions for human interests, freedom and happiness.
Conclusion 结论
Over two thousand years ago on this land that humans inhabited, a divergence of humanity began to emerge. In the East over the vast land of Asia, a process of dehumanization started with the unification by an emperor with his swords, bloodshed, and oppressive force over the population on his domain. Through the intrinsic defects of its own language, the facilitation of eunuch official intellectuals, and the state power, human beings had become the subjects and slaves of their own creation. They have been terrorized by the very alienation they created ever since and become deformed humans with twisted mind-set. A stagnant and vicious circular course of history has been the order even today.
About the same period over on the other side of the planet, a quiet and powerful revolution to recognize and confirm humanity also began to take shape, championed not by someone with swords, but by a mild-mannered man dressed in rags who never held any official position. A new kind of values was being preached upon the population and into the very soul of humans truth, liberty, equality, individuality, fraternity, tolerance, creativity
Through the sparks he has ignited, a torch has been lit to light up the course of human history. History would never be a circle to trap humans with their corpses and misery. History started to advance toward life, freedom and joy. Humans are no longer the slaves of their own creations. They have become their own masters over their own language, their own culture and their own political institutions. A liberation of the human souls has enables them to advance through darkness toward better and better future. America is the epitome of this very advancement.
In the West, human beings continue to advance along the line of liberty for humanity. in the East, human beings continue to be trapped by the tyranny of their own culture and government. They are nothing but slaves of their own cultural conditioning and tools of the despotic state they have created and passively obeyed. The gap is gigantic.
In view and analysis of what has impeded Chinese society from entering modern history and join the community of free nations, I am confident that these three mountains the three tyrannies that have oppressed the Chinese people without them knowing the nature of the tyrannies, must be removed before any healthy human institutions can be developed. The dehumanization process via these three tyrannies must be stopped and destroyed. Human beings must be returned to their original form intended by their creator free, full of life, joyful and creative, the masters of their own environment, their own language, their own culture, their own political institutions, their own fate, their own future. The thorough and complete alienation of individual human beings to their creations must be reversed. The vicious dynastic cycles must be reviled, condemned and eliminated. a society of individual human beings, by individual human beings, for individual human beings must be finally realized. China must join the post-historical America by emulating its examples to release the tremendous energy of human creativity and productivity of its own citizens. Lets start to remove the three mountains and the tyranny they have imposed on the Chinese people for thousands of years. Let's start this process from ourselves as free and responsible individuals.

RE: 从文字笼罐到文字狱 From Chinese Language to Despotism
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:47 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Chinese Characters are Witchcraft
(2010-02-02 12:56:13)转载▼标签: 汉字文字教祖宗崇拜人治法治上帝契约宗教信仰杂谈

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