陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556


RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:01 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Chinese Language as a Result of Betrayal of God


(2010-01-28 20:53:32)转载▼标签: 汉字汉语语言上帝孔子信仰契约法律巴别塔甲骨文杂谈































所有中国人都害怕将汉字看成一种落后的文字,害怕自己成为“汉奸”、“卖国贼”。就连看出了一些端倪的律师叶满天,也不得不在自己的文章一开始就交代:“ 首先,我要向大家表个态:中文,是我们的母语,是最美丽的语言。”然而,作者还是遭到了口诛笔伐的围剿。







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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Feb 14, 2012 3:18 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


(2012-02-14 23:08:42)








汉字最早产生时,一个汉字就是一个词,因此不存在分词连写问题。随着汉语汉字的发展,现在多字词已占越来越大的比重,特别是科技新词,大多是多音节词,如“多不饱和脂肪酸”、“电子计算机”、“磷酸脂酶”等。阅读实践表明,人在阅读时,输入的信息应该是以词或词组为最小单位来进行处理的。例如“爱因斯坦是个杰出的科学家”这句话,假如我们阅读时是看到一个字,头脑便处理一个字的话,那么看到第一个字“爱”字时,头脑便会反映出“爱情”、“恩爱”之类的概念,事实上并不是这样。有阅读经验的人在阅读时往往都是几个字几个字的跳读,把单字组成词或词组来理解。由于汉字文章不分词连写,这种跳读往往要往复几次,才能理解,大大影响阅读速度。如有一次我看到一本名叫《当代中医药名人录》的书,初一看,竟把“中医药名”划为词组,读不通后,才知道是“中医药”方面的“名人录”,又如,“本书由黄修已教授供稿,知识系统、准确、适于自学”这个句子我初看时也把“知识系统”划为一个词组,读不通后才明白原来“知识”是主语,“系统、准确”是谓语。又如86年12月15日《市场报》上有个报道,题为“捞刀河刀剪今胜昔”,初看时以为是“捞刀、河刀、剪 今胜昔”。但总觉得“捞刀”、“河刀”、不像词,看了文章的内容后才明白“捞刀河”是个地名,这地方的刀剪今胜昔。















1、 阿Q是一个谁都可以欺负的尼姑。
2、 修庵的尼姑们都可以欺负阿Q。






3、 表示所属的关系的词,有时也写作“底”:我的书。社会的性质。
4、 助词,用在句末,表示肯定的语气,常跟“是”相应:他是刚从北京来的,di4(箭靶的中心):中的。有的放矢。[目的]要达到的目标、境地:中国共产党的最终目的是实现共产主义。的,di2真实,实在:的当。的确如此。


(1) 表示假设的语气,常和话“话”连写成“的话”。例如:有时间的话,我一定来。
(2) 在某种场合代替“得”。例:“`````先使小喽罗或在东,或在西,引诱的秦明人困马乏,策立不定。”(水浒传)。又例:“周恩来来李说:你来的正好,毛主席正急于了解朝鲜战场的情况”。(注8)
( 3) 引出从句结构,在句子中可作以下成份:

1、 定语从句(或表语从句)
例B1:国务院 11月 10日发出关于打破地区封锁进一步搞活商品流通的 通知。
例B2:把对外开放和自力更生对立起来的 观点是不对的。(注9)
例B3:请认准空军石家庄医院仪器厂的 “华宝”牌电子鼻炎治疗仪。(注10)

2、 主语从句
例C1:许多同志的学习马克思列宁主义 似乎不是为了革命实践的需要。(注11)

3、 状语从句
例D1:还要抓好科技兴农,抓好农副产品收购,以及夺取明年农业丰收的 一切准备工作等。(注13)

4、 还有一些“的”字从句在句中的作用不明:
例E1:这种产品开发上的“时间差“、慢半拍”,恰恰是陷自行车王国于竞争的被动之地的 重要原因。(注15)










公式1  a2=b2+c2-2bc cosA
公式2  a2=2(b2+c2-bc cosA)



可以理解为:关于批判 继承问题的讨论。
也可以理解为:关于批判继承问题的 讨论。



例I1:PAL制逐行倒相克服色调畸变的 原理可用彩色矢量图2-49来说明。


学过英文的人都知道,英文用来修饰或限定主语和中心詞的手法非常丰富,因为它有’s, of, who, whom, that, which, to be等表示詞与词之间或句与句之间关系的詞或词组。汉语则缺乏这些关连词,因而往往是修饰或限定詞词组一长串排在主语或谓语中心詞前面。由于表达方式有限,人们要用汉语来表达一句概念准确的定义、法律条文或学术思想确不容易,而这种句子让人读起来也很难速读。请看下面这个句子:





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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:40 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


The Evil of Confucianism and the Harmful Effect of Chinese Language on Human Perception of Reality

(Addressed to People/parents of students of Hacienda La Puente Unified School District)

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 3/31/11, Reprint 9/7/2011)


Since the downfall of the Soviet Union and the world-wide recognition that communism is an evil ideology, realizing that communism has exhausted its usefulness for its tyrannical/criminal/atrocious rule over the Chinese population, the Chinese communist regime has increasingly been aggressive in promoting a native-born despotism based on an ancient totalitarian theory/ideology – Confucianism. As a result, “Confucian Socialism” (儒粹) is born and being spread around the world through hundreds “Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms”, in the name of promoting the learning of the Chinese language.

I now briefly list the evils of Confucianism and the harmful effects of Chinese character-based pictorial/syllabic language on human perception of reality and essence of human existence:

Confucianism is a political ideology and indoctrinated behavior code for stability of despotic/tyrannical regimes in China throughout its history.

1. Confucianism is intrinsically anti-freedom and anti-American.

In American Declaration of Independence, human freedom is promoted through the moral principle that all men are created equal with God-given rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. But Confucianism is promoting the exact opposite – an immoral and amoral human existence and behavior code based on inequality from one’s birth by his/her family background, by his/her race, by his/her gender, by his/her trade and profession, by his/her power in a social/cultural structure according to political power/government. According to Confucianism, emperor/power elite is at the top of the pyramid, women is below men, the young is below the old, the physical labor is below the mental labor, the powerless is below the powerful, etc.. Men with political power, not God, dictate the status of everyone else. Thus Confucianism is for absolute power by the government to control its people, exact opposite from American concept of “government of the people, by the people and for the people”.

2. Confucianism is a political doctrine, never a philosophy, for the dictators/despots against human freedom.

Confucianism instills that men with power in society – the emperor and power elite, decide what is best for the empire, without any attempt to establish any mechanism to control such power elite and the power they wield above the population. Therefore, the Chinese society has always been (for thousands of years) plagued by corruption and abuse from those who have power. Man-above/below-man, man-eating-man has always been the reality in China.

3. Confucianism is a tool for despots/tyrants to pacify/incapacitate the population and stabilize the power-elite’s control over it.

With individuals ready to accept their places in society by birth, by gender, by age, by trade/profession, by social status according to positions in government, passive acceptance of one’s fate without any struggle for one’s own freedom and happiness is the necessary result. A “zombified” population (castrated eunuchs, slaves, moral prostitutes) without soul/conscience is created. The despots/tyrants thus can better control their subjects. Confucianism, by its own very nature, is diametrically opposed to everything America stands for.

4. Some facts about Confucius:

• Confucius himself, by his belief that woman is inferior to man and despicable, had never accepted a single female student in his life time.

• Confucius himself was a murderer. He, as a government official, killed a scholar named Shao Zhengmou (少正卯), simply because he didn’t agree with him.

• Confucius himself was a petty government official and always yearned to climb the social ladder through pleasing the emperor and the court.

• Confucius himself only indoctrinated his students with his views, never allowing any questions and inquiries from others about what he thought. He ruled by his own doctrine – everything is according to birth, gender, age, power, status…, no questions asked.

The very phenomenon that the Chinese Confucian-minded School Board members – Jay Chen, Norman Hsu and Joseph Chang (Hacienda La-Puente Unified School Board) view themselves as the overlords of their constituency and somehow superior to different racial groups (Latinos, Blacks, Whites), while calling their opponents “racists” comes not as a surprise to me.

Chinese character-based pictorial syllabic language is very harmful for human perception of reality and therefore hampers human effort to understand the essence of things – the truth. Superficiality (all face) is intrinsically embedded in the very Chinese language:

1. A simple “I” can have dozens of expressions in Chinese language, according to whom you want to address in the order of Confucian society. To say that a language is neutral and does not carry moral values is a lie and an illusion.

2. Since human brain is separated by left and right hemisphere and each performs a different function, (the left side is in charge of language, mathematics, logical thinking and the right is in charge of music, image and artistic expressions, the Chinese language – a primitive, pictorial and syllabic language, confuses the function of both hemispheres by its own very method of input. As a result, logical thinking/creativity of the individual is severely harmed and hampered. Confusion, not clarity, is a necessary result often witnessed/observed by an English speaking person on/about a Chinese speaking person.

3. Inability to clarify and define concepts is a permanent/negative feature of the Chinese language users. No scientific paper has ever been written in Chinese language. As a result of such inabilities and confusions caused by the Chinese language itself, absolute power by force/violence/guns is a must to maintain temporary order. Logically, human conscience, morality, rationality have never been the foundation/focus of the Chinese population and society. Legitimacy of the government in the Chinese society thus has never had a peaceful origin and will never have, as long as Confucianism which propagates confusion and absolute unity is a dominant social/cultural doctrine, as long as Chinese language is being used to perceive and to communicate.

All societies plagued by Confucianism and Chinese character-based syllabic languages, such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, etc., have always been experiencing a perpetual vacuum in human creativity and individual initiatives. Their progress is due to the West/American influence. Their achievement is NEVER because of Confucianism and the primitive syllabic Chinese language, but instead of them.

America is a free society and anyone can use such freedoms to propagate anything, including poisons such as Islamic fundamentalism and Confucianism. Do you, the parents, want to immerse your children to such poisons, knowing the teacher views your children as inferior by his/her race, gender, age, individuality, knowing the teacher simply wants to promote his/her racial/cultural superiority/agenda by taming, civilizing, and domesticating a lesser/barbarian human being from birth?? Do you, the female students/parents/staff/associates feel comfortable knowing your School Board members with their Confucian/Chinese belief, take you as something lesser than them because of your gender?? Do you, the parents of Hacienda La Puente District students, feel it is OK to spread Confucianism as an anti-American ideology and poison the mind of your children?? Do you, as a human being, really think that all men should Not be created equal with rights from God, but only some pitiful creatures from nowhere yearning for some benefits and handouts from government and men, from someone superior???

The choice is yours.

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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:58 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


陈凯通告:3/28 我将就孔学堂在美国国会作证
Kai Chen Announcement: I Will Testify in US Congress



I will be testifying on the issue of Confucius Institutes/Classrooms at a US Congressional Hearing on March 28, 2012. I am glad finally the Congress is paying attention to this important issue.

The hearing is by the Foreign Affairs subcommittee on oversight and investigations will titled "The Price of Public Diplomacy with China" and it is on a broad range of topics involving China's public diplomacy efforts.

It will be in Rayburn 2127 at 2:30PM.

Hope you will attend and I will keep you all posted. Kai Chen

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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:17 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


“My Way" (Chinese Subtitles) Link:


“My Way" (English Subtitles) Link:


陈凯美國會聽證 警惕中共公共外交手段
Kai Chen and Others in US Congressional Hearing on Confucius Institutes/Classrooms

2012-03-30 00:54:10

Audio of the Hearing 音频连锁:


Video Link 视频连锁:



美國國會議員Dana Rohrabacher:「中共為何在美國到處建孔子學院﹖我想他們並不是因為他們喜歡我們、愛我們、對我們好,他們可能有其他的目的。」


人口研究所所長Steven Mosher:「孔子學院不僅與中共政府相關,而且也沒有自己的目標。他們依附於已有的大專院校。他們受國家漢語國際推廣領導小組辦公室領導,但他們在學術上受中國教育部管理,在實際操作上受中共統戰部領導。實際上,孔子學院的理事會主席是劉延東,她在2002年到2007年任統戰部部長。」

出席作證的人口研究所所長毛思迪(Steven Mosher)曾就讀於斯坦福大學。80年代早期,因毛思迪揭露了中共計劃生育中侵犯人權的做法,中共向斯坦福大學施加了巨大壓力,迫使該校拒絕授予他博士學位。

人口研究所所長Steven Mosher:「從個人經歷中,我看到中共為自己的利益有多麼殘酷,而一些美國學校管理者有多麼懦弱。」





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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:27 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts













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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:08 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Chinese language produces living dead 中文语言只制造活死人

邱震海新作《中國人成熟嗎?》的感想 - 華人精神盲點源於漢語邏輯







原來人類思想的構成機制並非由邏輯來主導的,最主要的主導原因是腦神經細胞之間的關聯性結構(Neuro-correlation)。 在語音思維形成的時候,音、意、景、物、形等的感覺會由產生的時候所觸動的所有腦細胞產生改變,並引發記憶區內的腦神經做出一系列的特定形態,並產生了一個特定的記憶的細胞群。

通過腦科學家的研究,當我們用中文來思考數學計算的時候,華人所用的大腦區間與美國人所用的大腦區間是不同的。這證明華人的思維方法,或是用中文來思考的方法與美國人是完全不一樣。 中國語言與文字在兒童成長期間內,已經在個人的大腦之內產生了其獨特的結構與聯繫模式,這個模式是一種長久性的結構化,除非該兒童在成長期內學習其他語言和文字,這種結構化會影響他的一生。










由於這種二元性的思維模式,使華人不容易產生一種具有邏輯性思考的方法 ,面對21世紀挑戰,中國要發展成為一個科技大國,國人必須加強有關邏輯性的思維教肓。




香港中文大學的張學新教授,發表了劃時代的N200 腦電圖的科研成果,並提出了漢語並非象形文字,而是一種獨有的視覺文字。漢語與世界各國的拼音文字有著本質上的差異,漢語有其獨有的羅輯糸統;這種「漢語羅輯」並不同於西方語言的傳統抽象羅輯。


形成「漢語羅輯」的獨特大腦神經結構是因為漢語文字的特性做成,眾所周知漢字是一種圖像文字或稱象形文字,它通過視覺神經進入大腦,相對其他拼音文字附號,漢字的圖像顯得復習得多,漢字之間的變化又大,漢字的數目又多;大腦需要更大的腦神經結集及運算,才能夠對每個進入大腦的漢字進行差異化、個別化、意像化的深層次分類;在進行思考的時候,漢語思維必然再一次從視覺神經區之中,重新接觸原來的視覺感官神結經結,提取關連的意竟,除去差異,再重新組合神經結。由於漢字的復習、多變和數量大,人類大腦的神經連結只是一個仿真系統(Analogue system) ,不可能在每次的組合過程都完美,結果的後果是意念的不準確變成普遍現象,大大影響到抽象概念化能力的產生。


由於華人長期使用漢語的原故,華人的思維模式也慢慢地變作漢語思維模式,若果這個人從嬰兒期到成年期之中,沒有接受外語教育的話,他的一生的思維模式將受到漢語思維的限制,很少人能夠跳出語言思維的困局。世界知名的思維學家Edward de Bono 曾經指出,每個人的思維能力與其所學的語言有極大的關係,要變做一個有創新能力的人,便先要衝破語言的鎖鏈。漢語是一種「感官語言」,它與使用者形成一套連結身體視覺、聽覺、觸覺、味覺及嗅覺等的全面性神經細胞連結系統,並產生出特有的漢語羅輯。


「漢語思維與羅輯」是華人走向現代文明的最大障礙。正所謂「成也蕭何,敗也蕭何」,漢語曾經幫助華人建立起輝煌的中華文化,唐朝是一個全球最繁榮昌盛的帝國,史稱「天朝」,宋朝時期,無論是文化藝術、飲食旅遊、衣服飾物及建築設計,都是別具一格,在人類美學歷史上留下印記。漢語是一種「感性的藝術語言」,漢語用來寫詩、作畫、寫意景,都是一流的文字;可惜的是,漢語並非萬能的,它並不是一種「理性的科學語言」,漢語用來寫現代法律、作數學運算、寫科學推論,都顯得不倫不類。正可能是這種「漢語的弱點」,引至華人的思想時常過於感性及單一,例如:見到長城便想流淚 — 華人情緒核心。













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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu Sep 26, 2013 3:39 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Hacienda La Puente school board member criticized over China trips
Board will consider whether to censure Joseph Chang in wake of district probe that found his trips created a conflict of interest. Chang denies wrongdoing, calls attacks politically motivated.

Hacienda La Puente school board member Joseph Chang gets ready for a news conference in Hacienda Heights at which he responded to accusations of conflict of interest. (Anne Cusack, Los Angeles Times / September 25, 2013)

By Cindy Chang
September 25, 2013, 9:11 p.m.

In an auditorium in eastern China, Hacienda La Puente school board member Joseph Chang posed for a photograph with 15 students who planned to spend their senior year at Wilson High.

Wearing a black suit and red tie, a beaming Chang was surrounded by teenagers whose parents would shell out tens of thousands of dollars for a year of secondary education in Hacienda Heights, ideally followed by a top American university.

Also at the school that day in August 2012 was Norman Hsu, a former school board member who now works for Bela Education Group, a private company that recruits Chinese students to study in the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District.

Chang is now facing questions over who paid his airfare to China and whether he used his elected position to benefit Hsu's company.

On Thursday, Chang's school board colleagues will consider whether to censure him after a district investigation found that the trip and several others created a conflict of interest. The Los Angeles County district attorney's office has written to the school district asking for documents relating to Chang's China travels.

"There are very questionable ties to existing and past board members," said school board President Jay Chen, who is critical of the arrangement with Bela. "There are far too many conflicts of interest, the kind of thing that really shakes public confidence in elected officials."

Chang held a news conference Wednesday to accuse Chen of attacking him for political gain. A math professor at Cal State Fullerton, Chang is up for reelection in November, with five other candidates competing for three seats.

"My Bela relationship is only to help them to establish the program," Chang said. "I don't have anything from Bela. Nothing. So this always tying me to Bela is a false accusation, trying to fabricate that I got profits from them. This is really, really dirty politicians trying to attack me."

In a December 2012 public disclosure, Chang declared that Bela had paid his $1,000 airfare for each of three recruiting trips to China. He said Wednesday that Hsu, who is Bela's managing director, picked up the tab, and that he has since reimbursed his friend.

Gifts to California elected officials are normally subject to a $420 limit, though some types of travel are exempt. Chang said his trips to China were legal because he was offering his expertise as an educator.

Chang's critics also allege that he has advocated to keep the district's international student tuition low so Bela can reap a higher profit, and that he has pressured school officials to accept unqualified Chinese students.

Under federal law, an international student who enrolls in a public high school must pay the full cost of his or her education. That means tuition in the neighborhood of $15,000 in some school districts.

The Hacienda La Puente district, which has about 20 students from China this year, initially charged $8,600, then raised its fee this summer to $12,900 with the support of all but one board member — still below the $14,459 that the district is spending per pupil this year.

Bela lists a tuition of nearly $15,000 on its website, along with fees for SAT classes, visa processing and room and board. In all, Chinese families pay Bela about $30,000.

In an interview Wednesday, Chang said he believed that the $12,900 tuition fee reflected the actual cost to the district. He also said that he has inquired about the status of some international student applications but never pushed school officials to change denials into acceptances.

Most Chinese students enrolled at Hacienda La Puente this year and last year were not directly associated with Bela, though receipts from the school district listed Chang or Hsu as the recruiter for some students. Bela's presence in the school district, which is already home to many Chinese families, will expand next year with 30 students.

Hsu, who served on the school board for two decades until 2011 and is still influential in the Hacienda Heights Chinese community, acknowledged that he works for Bela but said he is not involved in any programs related to the school district.

The district's May 2013 investigative report also found students living with host families who did not always provide them with adequate food, heat or supervision. School administrators have been taxed by the extra work of helping foreign students in the country without their families, the report said.

"It shouldn't be costing the district and overtaxing the teachers," said Jane Shults, head of the Hacienda La Puente Teachers Assn. "It's a great program to have, but we need to have enough money to take care of these kids."


District Attorney investigating two Hacienda La Puente board members

By Steve Scauzillo, San Gabriel Valley Tribune

Posted: 09/25/13, 9:56 PM

The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office has launched an investigation into two board members with the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District regarding possible illegalities stemming from unauthorized trips to China, the newspaper has learned.

A letter from District Attorney Jackie Lacey, dated Sept.  19, asks the school district for several documents, including economic interest forms filed by Gino Kwok and Joseph Chang. The forms declare gifts or other compensation received from outsiders.

According to the letter, the District Attorney’s Public Integrity Division, which looks into wrongdoing of public officials, “is conducting an investigation which requires access to certain documents  ...”

The letter is signed by Lacey and was addressed to HLPUSD Interim Superintendent Cynthia Parulan-Colfer.

District Attorney spokeswoman Jean Guccione, when asked if the D.A. had received any of the requested documents said: “We have no comment.”

The D.A. also is asking for board meeting minutes in which “trips to China involving any HLPUSD employee were approved,” the letter stated.

Finally, the letter asks the district for a copy of a report examining possible wrongdoings involving the district’s foreign student program. The D.A. asked for the non-redacted version of the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District Administrative Audit, which was prepared by Lozano Smith and attorneys, as well as private investigators from Norman A. Traub Associates.

According to an article from Sept.  12 in this newspaper, the report laid out serious problems with the program, including host homes with no heat and inadequate food, as well as students subject to verbal abuse and physical ailments.

The report also focused on four trips to China made by Chang with former board member Norman Hsu, who is affiliated with a private company called BELA Educational Group, which charges students to attend local high schools. Chang and Hsu were visiting schools in China and attempting to recruit Chinese students to attend Wilson High School in Hacienda Heights for a year.

Hsu, listed as CEO of BELA in a Chinese media report, was collecting $15,000 or more from each student to attend American high schools for a year, according to the report. The HLPUSD charged some of the lowest tuition fees in the region until the board tried to raise the tuition to $14,000. The raise was voted down by Chang and Kwok, who along with the board majority in July, voted to lower the fee to $12,900.

In comparison, Walnut Valley Unified School District charges $15,000 per student.

The report concluded that Chang did not tell the board about his trips to China with Hsu and were not authorized by the board. In the report, Chang said he was paid $3,000 for airfare from Hsu, but paid the money back. He said he did not act as an official board representative.

At a press conference in Hacienda Heights on Wednesday, Chang denied any wrongdoing.

“I made these trips with good intentions,” he told a mostly friendly audience of supporters gathered at the K-CAL Insurance Co. in a strip mall off Hacienda Boulevard.

“Hopefully, we can recruit good international students,” he said.

When a reporter asked him who paid for his trips to China, he said “my friend” — but when pressed to identify the individual, Chang refused.

Kwok, who attended the conference but did not make a statement, said in an interview that he was surprised his name was on the District Attorney’s letter. “I spoke to Superintendent Cynthia Parulan-Colfer recently, and she said that there is no reason for my name to be involved in any D.A. matter because my name is not even mentioned in any school district investigation,” he wrote in a prepared statement.

When asked if he took trips to China, he said: “No. Absolutely not.”

Hsu would not answer any questions about his organization BELA, his trips to China, how much revenue the organization receives per student, or the poor living conditions cited in the report in a few of the host homes.

He referred all inquiries to his lawyer. When asked to provide his lawyer’s name or contact, he refused.

“I am not a board member. So I can do anything I want, as long as it is legal,” Hsu said.

When asked about the accusations in the report about Chang asking a teacher to extend the one-year visa of a student from China or about pressuring the district to accept students from China who were not academically qualified, Chang either denied the allegation or blamed fellow board member Jay Chen.

“He (Chen) is attacking me  ... to develop his political career,” Chang said.

In November, Chen ran for Congress as a Democrat and lost to incumbent Rep. Ed Royce, R-Rowland Heights. Hsu and Chang were supporters of Royce.

Chen, reached by phone, said he did not know how to respond to such an allegation.

He has been raising the issue of the foreign student program for almost a year. He said he was concerned a board member or former board member may be profiting off of students that come to the district and take up an inordinate amount of teacher time, time that is taken away from the district’s resident students.

“I think this is a very serious matter,” Chen said. “The D.A. would not be putting forward this case unless there is significant indication some wrongdoing has taken place.”

He emphasized that the District Attorney is looking into two board members only and not the district or its administration. “The district has not been accused of doing anything wrong.”

At its meeting today, the school board has scheduled a censure of board member Chang.

A censure is a rebuke of a school board member’s behavior.

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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Sep 29, 2013 7:00 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Hacienda La Puente school district votes to censure Joseph Chang

By Steve Scauzillo, San Gabriel Valley Tribune

Posted: 09/27/13, 7:49 PM

The Hacienda La Puente Unified School District board censured fellow board member Joseph Chang on Thursday night, citing several ethics violations, including taking unauthorized trips to China to recruit foreign students, violating the board’s conflict of interest policy and overstepping his authority.

This was the first censure of a board member in the history of the district, according to school officials. Founded in 1970, HLPUSD is the largest school district in the San Gabriel Valley with 78,000 K-12 and adult students at 17 elementary, six K-8, four middle and five high schools and adult-education facilities.

The board voted 3-1 for censure. School board members Jay Chen, Anthony Duarte and Rudy Chavarria voted in favor, while Chang voted in opposition. Board member Gino Kwok abstained.

Censure is a rebuke by the board of Chang’s actions but holds no other legal ramifications. Chang can continue in his duties on the board and is also running for re-election on Nov. 5.

Earlier this month, Board member Anthony Duarte asked for the censure motion after a 66-page report authorized by the former superintendent said Chang’s trips were inappropriate and unauthorized. The report said his trips were paid for by BELA, a private recruiting firm, or by Norman Hsu, a former board member and the managing director of BELA. BELA can make between $7,500 and $15,000 over two years, according to the report. Chang’s participation, combined with his votes on the program and specifically on lowering district tuition for foreign students, could constitute a conflict of interest, according to the report.

Hsu, speaking through his attorneys at Dhillon & Smith, said in a written answer to questions that “BELA does not charge students to come to the United States.” The attorneys also wrote that BELA has not received compensation for housing students in the U.S.

The report also contends Chang may have pressured teachers at Wilson High School in Hacienda Heights to accept students from China who did not meet English language proficiency requirements in order to continue the flow of students into Wilson High. The report said Chang’s credibility could have been in question when he suggested a student from China continue attend district schools illegally, beyond the federal visa one-year limit.

“The consensus is the staff felt they were pressured and bullied by Dr. Chang,” Duarte said before voting in favor of censure.

He said the issue raised by other board members that the public may not have had adequate time to understand the censure was resolved, saying the community has read the report and many have expressed their views to the board since it was detailed in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune earlier this month.

Chang and Kwok are being investigated by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office Public Integrity Division, which has asked for the two board member’s economic interest forms and other pertinent board documents relating to unauthorized trips to China and the possible connection to BELA.

Kwok said his trip to China was authorized. He was not subject to censure.

Chang sat silent during most of the discussion on censure. After Chen read a lengthy motion citing the reasons for censure, Chang blurted out: “All these allegations are without proof. They were fabricated by you.”

Attorney Steven Haskins, with the law firm Arent Fox, read a letter to the board written by Chang’s main attorney, Stephen G. Larson, asking the board to hold off on a censure motion until the District Attorney’s investigation is concluded.

He also said the Fair Political Practices Commission is investigating.

“We are confident that, after these false claims are fully reviewed by the authorities, Dr. Chang will be found to be completely innocent of any allegation of wrongdoing,” Haskins read from the letter.

Longtime board critic Rudy Obad said during the public comment period that the international program should be suspended. “Mr. Chang, I say you should resign. But if you are proven guilty, I hope they lock you up.”

Margaret Caldera, CSEA spokesperson and 26-year employee, cited the problems listed in the report with some of the foreign students who were living in homes without adequate food and heat. One student reported to the district police that he was so stressed his hair was falling out.

“There were reports of child abuse and neglect. That is where our main focus should be,” she said. Caldera asked the board to examine the district’s police reports on the allegations of poor living conditions.

Chen said the censure action will help the board regain the trust of the public and help the district “to put this behind us.”

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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Nov 12, 2013 7:04 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Question from Jamie Glazov (Host of Glazov Gang Show):

Kai Chen -- Can you explain how by adopting the English language, China can more easily shed itself of totalitarianism and move toward freedom. What is it about the Chinese language that has ill effects on a culture and society?
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Virginia Dobel and 2 others like this.

Will Erickson All I can say is that I had a Japanese girlfriend once. She told me that she did not like to hear people speak Japanese, because it reminded her of how sexist and oppressive Japanese culture is.
17 hours ago · Unlike · 3

Will Erickson Language does effect the way people think. For example, Spanish does not have a word for 'earn'. They use the word 'ganar' - to win. Get it? People don't 'earn' of living. They get lucky and win, or beat it away from someone else.
17 hours ago · Edited · Like · 3

Jamie Glazov Will Erickson -- Right.....Kai Chen has some fascinating findings on this......It is very interesting how language itself either promotes or defeats individualism and pursuit of self-determination.
17 hours ago · Like · 2

Will Erickson Thanks Jamie, I will check it out.
17 hours ago · Like

Jamie Glazov We will wait for Kai Chen to comment here......
17 hours ago · Like · 2

Jamie Glazov I know in my own experience with the Chinese community for some 20 years......there was a huge disapprovingness from them toward me, as my nature is very individualistic and I am always doing what I want and vigorously crystallizing my own interests and desires and pursuing them. [This is obviously not mutually exclusive with generosity and compassion…which are obviously magnified when one is free rather than enslaved] …..

In any case I didn't know it was odd to be doing what one wants to do (i.e. dating a woman that one is attracted to, and not dating a woman that one isn’t attracted to, going to a gym because one wants to, eating what one wants to, pursuing professional and recreational activities that one likes, and actually understanding that one is allowed to like and have one one’s own interests and desires etc.).

It simply horrified them that a person would be going about one’s business ……I noticed how the children of many Chinese families I knew were almost indistinguishable from one another in character....they were not encouraged and inspired to develop separate personalities and interests, etc. And it was frowned upon if they did.

I got a profound insight into this from Jung Chang and Jon Halliday's "Mao: The Unknown Story" which, in describing the terror that mass murdered 70 million people ..... entailed the phenomenon of how the Chinese were purged of the dare to be different. The book describes how under Mao people began to censor themselves, their own individual emotions, interests ..... humor ..... thoughts..... everything ......Even Intriguingly enough, several Chinese explained to me that the language itself helps to keep these chains and cages against individualism in check. .... and that it is no coincidence why communism succeeded in China.

Kai Chen speaks of the Chinese language and how it aids in imprisoning humans. I will be very interested in his thoughts on this and feedback on my own experience.
16 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2

Will Erickson Interesting. I took Japanese in college. I met a girl that helped me a little bit. She informed me that I should not 'personalize' my speech. That conformity was expected. That there is no room for individuality in the Japanese language.
16 hours ago · Like · 2

Steven Ewing Jamie, what about the Russian language? Do you feel it hindered you or your parents "yearning to breath free"? I would think considering all the great Musicians, Composers, Dancers, Writers, ect... that the Russian language is very open to expression.
16 hours ago · Like

Sondra Anice Barnes July 31, 2009
Exclusive: Arabs’ Language Oppression Squelches Intellectual Growth
Dr. Sami Alrabaa Contributing Editor Dr. Sami Alrabaa, an ex-Muslim, is...See More
16 hours ago · Like · 1

Sondra Anice Barnes PART 2 OF ABOVE POST:Sixty percent of Arabs are still illiterate or semi-literate and thus
they are ostracized from reading and accessing education. The majority of
Arabs sparsely read. They hate the pedantic structure of Standard Arabic....See More
16 hours ago · Like · 1

Steven Ewing Isn't the problem in Arabic speaking countries more of an Islam/religion problem than a language problem?
16 hours ago · Like

Jamie Glazov Steven Ewing -- I don't know so much about my own language in this context.......in my own mind and what I see there is a lot of venue for individual expression.......but perhaps I am missing something.......several Russians have told me that they can ...See More
16 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1

Steven Ewing Jamie Glazov Do you know if there is a similar word in Russian (Русский язык) to the English word "busybody"? I heard Rush Limbaugh talking today on his show about the inclination of Socialists/Progressives to always want to control how everyone lives....See More
16 hours ago · Like

Jamie Glazov Steven Ewing V kaszhdooyoo boschkoo zadeechka (Into every hole in the bucket a filling).....it is a saying in Russian to describe an asshole who thinks he has the answer to every problem and is budding his nose into everyone's business and telling them how to live.
15 hours ago · Edited · Like

Sondra Anice Barnes Can you even guess how angry I was when I learned that here in Los Angeles, even if you live in a very nice apartment that is well cared for, that the "slum landlord police" (government workers) can enter your apartment even if you are not home and in...See More
15 hours ago · Unlike · 2

Kai Chen http://www.amazon.com/.../dp/0812237110/ref=sr_1_1...

The Writing on the Wall: How Asian Orthography Curbs Creativity (Encounters with Asia)
Students in Japan, China, and Korea are among the world's top performers on stan...
See More
14 hours ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Kai Chen http://www.youpai.org/forums/viewtopic.php...

右派论坛 Youpai Forum :: 阅读主题 - 孔儒说教的邪恶与中文语言对人认知真实的危害 The Evil of Confucianism
14 hours ago · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Kai Chen Jamie: I pasted above links to give you a little background of the complex issue you have touched by your question. I deeply appreciate your attention and curiosity on this very important issue. Every language has affected the related culture deepl...See More
14 hours ago · Like · 3

Kai Chen Morality, values, reasoning, culture are deeply related to the language one uses. Make no mistake about this.
14 hours ago · Like · 4

Steven Ewing Kai Chen--Do you believe the difference between the written Chinese and written Japanese (which is at least partly based on Chinese characters) and the resulting thinking and logic patterns is big enough to have allowed Japan to become a democratic country and prevent China from moving the same direction, or is there more/something else?
14 hours ago · Like · 1

Kai Chen There is no difference between Japanese and Chinese in that they are character-based. But there have been some reform in the Japanese language. Yet the system Japan has now is much due to the Americans after WWII, not due to the language and culture themselves. More correctly, democracy is possible not because of the Chinese character-based language, but despite it. As long as there is American influence, freedom has a chance to grow. Without American influence, no chance. Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines.., are only few such examples.
14 hours ago · Like · 4

Kai Chen The Chinese government is doing everything in China to prevent American influence from taking place. They have some effective measures set to counter such influence, such as corruption of the American businesses, setting up Confucius Institutes/Classr...See More
13 hours ago · Like · 2

Steven Castle Kenney Jr III More like easily communicate to us to disarm when they come here...
13 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1

Julie Worthey What a great conversation. I have always been interested and drawn to the subject of language and how it affects a person's perspective, thoughts, understanding..... Thank you.
12 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 3

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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:02 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

一只被砸烂的青蛙 -- 中国人的语言与无哲学
A Smashed Frog - Chinese Understanding of Truth Hampered by Their Character-based, Syllabic Language

陈凯一语 Kai Chen's Words:

中文是一个情感与艺术语言,是决不能用于逻辑与理性的交流的。 中文本身的无能造成了中国人病态的暴力语言。

用单音节象形文字的中文去追求真理有如用一把锤子去解剖一只青蛙。 你决得不到青蛙的生理知识。 你所得到的只是一只被砸烂的青蛙。 中国人的历史只是一个用尽心思相互杀戳争夺用那把锤子的历史。 他们所得到的也只能是一堆被砸烂的青蛙。

黎鸣先生只表述了他对中国人不求真理,没有哲学的恼怒。 但他没有挖出全部的病根。 中文作为工具不光无能,它也是消灭人类道德的病毒的传播体。 一个对真理绝缘的文化是绝不能建立健康的道德价值的。

Chinese language is an art to express emotions only. It can never be used to express ideas and thoughts with logic. As a result of Chinese language's inability, defects and inadequacy, it is very common for a "Chinese" to resort to violent language in debate and discussion.

Using the Chinese character-based, syllabic language to pursue knowledge and truth is like using a hammer to dissect a frog. In the end, you will not acquire any knowledge about the frog's physiology. Instead, you will only get a smashed frog. China's history can be described as a history of killing each other to grab that hammer. What the Chinese get in the end is never knowledge and truth of anything, but a pile of smashed frogs.

I can understand Mr. Liming's frustration about the Chinese tendency of never pursuing truth and knowledge, of never having anything close to a philosophical discourse. But he fails to dig up all the root causes of such a tendency. Chinese language as a tool is not only impotent in discovering truth, it is a media to spread viruses to contaminate human morality, for a language so impotent to pursue knowledge and truth is a language bound to breed distorted and perverted versions of reality.


Dear Visitors:

I will paste Mr. Liming's article 中国人为什么是个永远都在自我毁弃哲学的民族?here for you to read.

Mr. Liming has yet to grasp the root cause of China' anti-intellect culture -- the Chinese character-based syllabic language itself.

The anti-intellect intellectuals in China have been bred from the very beginning, since the time they pick up a brush to mimic their ancestors' calligraphy of the Chinese syllabic characters, to castrate themselves of their own capacity of any real intellectual debate and discourse. They are impotent facing unknown, facing nature, facing truth and knowledge. They are rendered helpless by their own ancestors' invention -- the Chinese character-based, syllabic language. If you have not grasped this crucial cause of China's problems and its perpetual despotism and tyranny, you are still trapped.

So think again and think hard. You may gradually get it.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯


Reprint of Liming's Article

2007年12月2日 星期日











可是这种伟大的思维逻辑,到了周文王、周公的手里,却变成了完全用来算命的工具——《周易》。从“易大象”到《周易》,这是在中国人的历史上发生的第一次最严重地自我毁弃哲学的事件。当周文王、周公急功近利地为伏羲的卦画进行具象的命名(乾坤震巽坎离艮兑等等),并把他们的最粗鄙的愿望(祷告辞)也都相应地变成了卦辞、爻辞之时,这就好有一比,伏羲发明的网状逻辑中的每一个网眼,都被周文王、周公们利用日常运用的语言垃圾给封堵死了。请大家想想,堵死了网眼的渔网能够捕鱼吗?不能。同理,堵死了“网眼”的网状逻辑也不再是能够“捕获”真理的真逻辑了,而只能是一堆废物。而《周易》,再加上儒家的所谓《易传》,其实就是不折不扣的一堆文字废物。正是因此,追求真理的伏羲,最后变成了无视真理的周文王、周公;相应地,创造了伟大的哲学逻辑的伏羲,最后也显然变成了完全无视和毁弃哲学逻辑的周文王、周公。这时的周文王、周公,作为人,他们实际上已经不自觉地完全丧失了追求真理的人类灵性的“自我”,而完全变成了盲目撞运气而向“天命”,其实是向“宿命”乞讨的乞儿,而且更糟糕的是,他们把自己的最粗鄙的生活经验、愿望(他们关于卦辞爻辞的祷告的祷辞),竟然变成了严重地影响了后来两三千年之中的中华民族所有后人的垃圾读物——《周易》,而使之陷入了让他们永远都只能极其狭隘地认识世界的 “深井”,而中华民族的后人,在后来的两千多年中,几乎真就全都变成了在这座深井之中坐井观天的“井底之蛙”,甚至直到今天,还难以爬出这座“井”来。而中华民族也只有自认倒霉,不能不变成了一个愈来愈逐渐向愚昧的深渊苦难地爬行的民族。然而,让《周易》直接变成中国人两千多年来的“垃圾读物”,甚至儿童发蒙“教材”的人,也即直接造成中国人从此对世界的认识深深地陷入了这座极其狭隘的坐井观天的“深井”中的人,他究竟是谁呢?我告诉大家,他正是中国人直到现在还在迷信、崇拜的“圣人”——孔子。尽管实际上,对于人类的智慧和文明来说,孔子确确实实只是一个满怀乡愿的十足的庸人,一根祸害中华民族文明的巨大的搅屎棍,一条实实在在长期以来糊弄中华文明的“丧家犬”。他一味只知道要尊崇君君臣臣等级制度的“周礼”,却根本就不知道人类最需要的本应是认识世界的真理。他或许本不是一个最坏最坏的人,但他的确为中华民族做了最坏最坏的事情;由于历代极权专制统治者对他和他的儒家的情有独钟的选择,从而他个人的愚昧和乡愿式的昏聩,事实上已经让中华民族整整愚昧、落后、遭罪了两千多年,也即让中华民族的文明和智慧整整停滞发展了两千多年。说白了,是让中华民族两千多年中所有曾经生活过的人们几乎全都毫无价值地也即不知真理为何物地白活了一生。关于孔子,有人说他和他的儒家只不过是历史的替罪羊(参见从台湾来的付佩荣先生)。这种说法本身即是盲目尊孔者的极其无知之谈,然而这种说法并不能丝毫减轻孔子及其儒家本身对于中华民族的严重的历史罪责。我后面还将继续讨论下去,直到中华民族子子孙孙中的绝大多数人能够真正从深深愚昧的历史重负之中完全清醒过来为止。








張貼者: NCN Editor 位於 12/02/2007 08:50:00 下午 標籤: 中国文化, 思想理论

Last edited Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:03 am | Scroll up


RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Dec 24, 2013 7:35 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts







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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu May 01, 2014 3:00 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

The Defect of Chinese Language

博主:长将  发表时间:2010-12-24 09:11:24

文化现象和文明是由人所创造的,文化创造者的行为结果,这个行为结果是群体中每一个个体所付出行为的总和,个人行为在大部份的情况下都是思维操作后的表现。 思维操作离不开思维工具,人类的主体思维工具为 “语言”和 “文字”,而使用了存有差别性的思维工具,则会导致在思维操作上形成不同的定势或倾向, 从而造成不一样的 “思维模式”。 作为思维工具, 语言和文字两者间也存在着因果关系,也就是语言的特点决定了表记这种语言的文字的形态。从不同的语言产生了各种的文字,以语言和文字作为人类的思维工具来操作思维过程,然后思维操作的结果被付诸行为,行为成为了思维结论的输出结果。而个体行为之总和就导致了我们所见的宏观的文化现象。语言是形成思维模式的第一因, 而思维模式则是造成文化现象的最根本因素,在这里并不是一概排除掉地理因素和历史偶然性对文明和文化现象的影响作用,不过这些因素只能位于语言和思维模式这些关键成因之后,地理因素只有在同一思维模式的圈子中起作用而造成同一圈子内各聚落群体的差异性,中国和西欧人在文化上的差异,思维模式则是造成这种现象的最根本原因,相比之下,地理因素可以忽略不计。

科学指的是思想,包括理论体系,逻辑系统和方法论,而技术指的是理论的输出部份,是行动部份与其结果,这是有形的实体和可感知的,理论与思想部份属于思维操作,较难作出比较,若要比较,也只能比较根据两者的观点在转化为行动后所带来的成果。例如甲宗教与乙宗教,就其纯理论来看,实在比较不出它们的好坏, 但是我们还是可以比较一下,以这两种宗教作生活指导的信徒在行为上的差异, 如果甲宗教信徒生活态度普遍积极活跃,但乙信教则生活消极,我们从此可以认为甲宗教要比乙宗教更值得推广。 在技术方面同理,不论是什么理论体系下的技术都可以通过其输出结果的合理性和实用性作出比较,例如对中医和西医甚至是巫医这些技术,我们都可以通过对治病的疗效来比较出高下,假如对某一种病,只有巫医才能治好的,我们就不得不承认巫医技术在这个疾病上要比中医和西医都更胜一筹。

以输出结果作为比较原则,中国与西方的 “科学技术”是可以进行比较的, 哪怕她们的理论和方法完全迴异。为了全面而彻底的解答 有关中国与西方在这方面的差异性,我们还需要深入认知东西方在科学技术中的理论系统和逻辑体系,中国和西方在科学技术发展上所走之路迴异,虽然如上所述以功效性可以对两者作客观比较,但在背后的发展理论,思想和逻辑却是完全不一样的,由此可以解释到中西方在技术水平上存在的差异性。 这种先进与落后的差异性是由道路的迴异性所造成的,那么这种迴异性是如何形成的,这就成为了另一个问题,还有为甚么中西方的发展不会合流,从而泯灭掉其中的迴异性,而事实就是因为不可泯灭才可能在这方面渐行渐远。

科学技术的发展属于文明和文化现象的一部份,它们都是思维模式的产物之一, 这就是说,中国和西方在思维模式上的分歧是造成两者在科技发展上走上迴异之路的原因。 中国的思维模式是“象化思维”模式,而西方的则称之为“量化思维”模式。 象化思维模式是可视化的思维模式,量化思维就是听觉式的思维模式。形成思维模式的第一因在语言文字,再准确来说,就是语言。中国人使用的语言—汉语属于“孤立语”,孤立语以单个音节(字节)指示概念,而且这个音节和所指示的概念不会因它们在句子中处于不同位置而改变,这就是汉语的孤立性。 而西方(西欧)语言为“印欧屈折语”, 屈折语中的词语由音素组合,而且音素之间的分界不明显,音素组合成的概念会因位置和语法意义的改变而变化。

世界上各种语言在最初期都经历过 “象形文字”的阶段,而只有孤立式的汉语最后发展成为今天的会意方块字,对于汉语的孤立性而言,音节(字音)是固定不变的,一旦以某一图形(方块字)作指示后,这个图形在任何情况下, 它的书写外形就不存在任何变动的必要。所以只有孤立语才能发展成为表意文字, 因为孤立语单词的读音是单音节的,而且发音不会随语法而变化,所以通过一个汉字来表记就可以。语言的特殊性直接决定了表记该种语言的文字的形态, 在这前后者间存在着因果关系。

古希腊被公认为西方文化思想的发祥地,古希腊人在为自己的语言创立这一套文字时,首先要认知自己的语言,在认识语言的过程中发现到,语言中的语音可以被分割到最小的单位,这就是音素,包括有元音和辅音,语言中的音节就是由这些不变的元音和辅音组合而成,这些元音和辅音的数量是有限的,只要分别以字母作表记, 就可以通过字母的组合表记出所有变化的语言,完全表音的希腊字母系统就是这样诞生了。在这里存在着一个 “定义性”模式的引入,也就是字母是通过定义过程来指示相对应的音素。在定义之前,字母的字形和音素不需要存在任何的关联性,因此也可以通过其它字母来指示音素,或把字母指向其它的非音素内容作重新定义。在这个认知过程中还涉及到“演释”的模式, 就是只有当单词中所有的字母都被确认后,这个单词的概念才可以被指示出来,一个字母的不明确可以令单词指向了其它的语意,这正如“三段论”所要求的,只有前两个条件都满足后,结论才可以成立。在这套完全表音字母系统里也涉及到一个 “确定性”的问题, 就是音素的确是不可再分的,只要用大脑来细细玩味其中的发音即可,我们不可能再把元音与辅音再作分割, 从大脑的经验可以肯定音素的不可分割性, 这就是对这种性质的“确定性”。

把语言分割成音素,再以字母表音素来记录语言,从此对语言的研究就不再需要以口语语言为对象,因为文字已经可以完全反映语言,所以古希腊人就把文字视作研究语言的对象,语言本来是主体,但是现在可以把对主体的认知转移到对客体身上,这就是“主客体分离”的认知模式。这种“主客体分离”的认知模式与“分解认知”模式是分不开的, 对主体的认知必须建立在对它作全面分解直至到最小而不可分解的元素上,而这些元素的不可再分解性要建立在以上所提的 “确定性”上, 然后再通过这些元素作重组并成为了对主体的“镜像”式体系,此为客体, 然后再通过客体作为媒体来认知客体。因此古希腊人发展的“量化思维”模式存在着“定义性”,“演绎性”,“确定性”,“分解认知”和 “主客体分离”这五个关键因素。

对语言的认知其实就是对听觉信息的认知,但对于人类来说,视觉接收的信息远比听觉为多,因此古希腊人就把这套从认知听觉信息总结而来的方式套用到视觉上。古希腊人把视觉图像进行分割, 直至最后只剩下点,直线和弧这三个最基本的元素。其实最基本的图像元素是点,点可以组成线与弧,但是抽象存在的点是不可见的,所以只有用直线与弧来表示点的存在,而直线与弧都是可见的,这就提供了确定性,而弧线就是圆的组成部份。古希腊人就是通过对几何学来认识外部的物质世界,所以他们十分重视几何学,古希腊的几何学不注重计量和数字,不像中国人那样,而是只研究空间的逻辑关系,他们只使用圆规和没有刻度的直尺来研究几何学。这种分割主体到最小单位,然后再组合客体,再对客体作认知的模式就是 “量化思维”模式的应用。

中国汉字有别于拼音文字,它是一种以字形表意的文字,这包括两个方面来表意,第一是通过辨认字形来确认汉字所指示的概念,这一点就有别于印欧屈折语的文字。辨认英语单词是需要在每一个字母都被确认的情况下,才可能把字母串合并指示出概念,这是“演绎”模式, 如果有一个字母不正确, 就有可能指向另一个概念,它们虽然只有一个字母也就是一个辅音之差,但是具有完全不一样的语意。 相反,汉字允许写得潦草一点,只要具备了基本字形就可以辨认,就像辨认视觉的图像一样,在光线不足,外形半遮和移动中的情况下, 我们都可以辨认物品,还有在认识了“杯” 这个对象后,我们也就知道眼前的这个像杯的对象也是杯,虽然这杯并不是刚才所见的杯。这是因为视觉辨认,或者称之为大脑处理视觉信息的方式, 就是对属性的辨认, 辨认对象外形的属性。因此两只茶杯只要具有相同的外形特征,另一只也会被认为是茶杯。 而且大脑在辨认过程中也不会关注具体的量化数字,例如茶杯的口径有多大, 杯耳弯曲的角度是多少等。 这等于我们见到熟人一样,一看就认出是他, 也看出他与上次见面时有点不同, 但是我们却很难说得出,我们是凭甚么量化的数据来认出这个朋友的, 造成这种情况是因为大脑对特征的处理都是在潜意识间进行的。

辨认汉字字形就好像辨认图像一样,这就是对图形的模拟。 在另一方面, 理解汉字的字义也需要模拟的操作, 通过汉字令大脑从图形的模拟提升到概念的层面。 例如,会意字“信”, 就是人言为信,“信”的概念带有“言语”的属性。 又如 “武”就是“止戈”, 表示 “武”与兵器和战争有关。指示字“上”, 以 “点”表示位于上方的信息。象形字如 “日”,说明太阳具有圆形的属性。形声字如 “江”, 说明了 “江”的概念与水有关,而且还带有“工”字的谐音, 这是一种谐意属性。 这种思维方式就是象化思维,一种以图像化概念为中心的思维方式,在图像化即“象化概念”中, 主要包含属性信息,象化思维就是一种处理属性的思维模式。人们使用汉字的过程就是训练这种处理属性的思维过程,长此下去就会形成象化思维模式并不继加固这种模式。大脑本身对视觉图像的处理以视觉机制来完成,因为汉字以图形示意,所以汉字令处理视觉信息的模式提升到处理概念的层面,概念图像化就形成了象化概念。除了象化概念外,象化思维将会以“包容递进性”和 “互属性”作为象化思维的逻辑机制,而“取象模拟”则是概念间的互动方式。



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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu Oct 09, 2014 6:31 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

CK’s Answers to Jay’s Quetionnaire

10/9/2014 by Kai Chen www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

Mr. Chen,

Below are the questions I hope you could answer for the article.

-Why do you oppose Confucius Institutes?

There are many reasons: First it is the Confucianism itself. It is a despotic doctrine every dynasty has to adhere to stabilize its reign over the population: Confucianism artificially divides the population by the individual's ascribed identity, not by the achieved identity. By such a doctrine, each dynasty does not have to worry or allow the population to question its legitimacy. It just demands the population to behave according to each individual's birth by social status, by gender, by age, by trade, etc. It is the ultimate "Rule by Law" in which the government is the ultimate arbiter to judge and control the individual, as against "Rule of Law" in which the government has to abide with the law to ensure God-given rights for its citizens. I have examined the Confucius Classrooms' material provided by the communist regime. I couldn't believe my eyes seeing so many brainwashing stories aimed at creating new zombies in the West and America.

Secondly, the communist dynasty establishes CIs to do only one thing - to muddle the world's conscience by making the world believe that there is no such thing as freedom, as free will. Each individual has already been predestined by his/hers ascribed identity from birth. By perverting the West with its tradition of rule of law, Beijing's rulers will feel safe seeing the world become just as dark, as confused, as morally muddle-headed as the Chinese population. In other words, if the entire world is polluted, no one will notice China's stink.

Thirdly, the communist regime can use Chinese language education by CIs as a pretense to identify potential communist regime's sympathizers, especially those with potential to hold positions in the US and Western governments. Also the regime can use CIs in US and Western universities and colleges to collect valuable economic, political, military, scientific information, making CIs as a legitimate/legal spy outposts.

-Do you think they pose a threat to academic freedom on campus? Do you think this is China's way of utilizing soft power?

Freedom means one is free to exercising his/her own natural right by God. Freedom does not mean one has the "rights" to restrict, interfere and control another person's thought. CIs precisely want to accomplish the latter. By restricting the information the students should seek, by distorting China's history (omitting subjects such as Mao's crimes against humanity - Great Leap Forward/Great Famine in which 45 million innocent people perished, the Cultural Revolution, Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, persecution of dissidents such as Liu Xiaobo and Fa Lungong practitioners, the atrocities due to China's "One Child" policy, etc.., CIs function as a brainwashing machine to make soulless zombies. Anyone who questions the regime's legitimacy will be ruthlessly repressed and persecuted.

China's has no soft power, for the Chinese regime was established on Mao's principle of "power comes only from guns and violence". A criminal regime that has no legitimacy and moral foundation will have no such thing as "soft power" which implies respect of an individual's free will. If you don't comply with the communist dynasty's version of history, you will be punished. That is "hard power".

-A representative from Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said the institutes are part of a larger plan to change the image of China in the west, when students are forming their opinions on the world. Do you agree?

Not entirely. Using offense as defense is a traditional Chinese tactic learned from dynasties of wars and intrigues. China, to protect its own communist dynasty, is actively engaged in changing the world according to the Chinese/Confucian mindset of despotism and tyranny. If the West and America are perverted by the mind-warping Chinese propaganda machine - the CIs (and the CCs - Confucius Classrooms to pervert American younger students' mind, then China will be safe and the regime's power secured. If America remains free with a strong moral foundation, then China, and the tyrannies around the world for that matter, will be endangered and their days will be numbered.

China does not care about the image it poses around the world. China cares great deal about imposing its own despotic version of history and its tyrannical vision around the world. If you go to China, you will find that the population has no soul. Most people worship only power. They care nothing about right or wrong, good or evil, truth or falsehood. That is why Mao's image is still being worshipped and revered. Most people believe in China that to curb evil, you don't need good. You need only bigger evil.

-Other countries including France, Germany, and the UK have institutes on campuses and corporations also donate money to schools. Do you oppose these sorts of organizations as well?

Anything projected by the Chinese government which is criminal and evil in nature should be objected by all countries and peoples with conscience and soul. What has been worrying me since I came to America is seeing that Americans, evidenced by the election of Obama, gradually forget what this great nation was established for. When Ronald Reagan was the President, every time he went to USSR, he demanded to meet with the dissidents first. He believed in the meaning and the provident existence of America by God. He talked over the tyrants to the people. He was right. But nowadays, America is in mortal danger, precisely because no President since Reagan has ever talked to the oppressed people with America's founding principles. They'd rather talk with the governments that oppress their people. This tendency since Reagan has greatly weakened America's soft power around the world, and has subtly and effectively perverted not only the images of America, but the moral essence by which America has lived.

Today, Liu Xiaobo, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, still sits in the Chinese jail for wanting freedom for the Chinese. Yet no Presidents of America utter any words to praise him and his spirit, for fear of the Chinese regime and for conforming with that omnipresent "political correctness". Cultures are never equal. Religions are never equal, languages are never equal, political institutions are never equal..., for they are all man-made. America's culture, language and religious background is the most close to the universal human aspirations. Therefore, America must be obliged by a moral duty to spread freedom around the world. It is not only for all the countries' good. It is fundamentally for America's health, meaning and security.

-Confucius Institutes often claim they have no influence over academics, but can rather only be involved in extracurricular programs. Do you buy into this claim?

Of course not. First, all languages carry values by themselves. The Chinese language carries a great deal of moral confusion, anti-reason illogic and despotic hierarchy in itself. It should only be studied as an art form or as an ancient linguistic phenomenon, never as a communication tool. Please check books written by William Hannas on Chinese character-based syllabic language's defects.

Do you believe any treaty made with despots and tyrants will be carried out, as the one between Hitler and Stalin? If not, then don't ever believe a word made by the Chinese government.

-UChicago and PennState recently eliminated their institutes. Do you think this is a step in the right direction?

Absolutely. It is only a logical extension of common sense. If you make a deal with the devil, you will bear all the consequences of the deal. When people start to realize the evil and insidious nature of CIs, they will logically rethink about their position of China as a normal country. The truth is: China has never been a nation state, as so many in the West imagines of fantasized. China has, from the ancient time when it came into existence, always been a despotic dynasty. Today's China? A communist party-dynasty that is just like any other dynasty in Chinese history that observes no rules but only power, that observes no borders but subjects, that has never had any moral foundation to seek freedom and happiness for its citizens, but to impose despotic rules over its population and all the subjects around its neighborhood. If possible, the party dynasty will impose its perverted culture and atrocious rule over the world.

-Anything else you would like to add?

I think I have said enough for now. But if you have any question, you can always call me or email me. I have not edited my answers. I only hope you understand my English.

Thanks so much. I look forward to hearing your answers.

Jay Panandiker

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RE: 从“文字笼罐”到“文字狱” From Chinese Language to Despotism

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu Oct 09, 2014 6:32 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

CK’s Answers to Jay’s Quetionnaire

10/9/2014 by Kai Chen www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

Mr. Chen,

Below are the questions I hope you could answer for the article.

-Why do you oppose Confucius Institutes?

There are many reasons: First it is the Confucianism itself. It is a despotic doctrine every dynasty has to adhere to stabilize its reign over the population: Confucianism artificially divides the population by the individual's ascribed identity, not by the achieved identity. By such a doctrine, each dynasty does not have to worry or allow the population to question its legitimacy. It just demands the population to behave according to each individual's birth by social status, by gender, by age, by trade, etc. It is the ultimate "Rule by Law" in which the government is the ultimate arbiter to judge and control the individual, as against "Rule of Law" in which the government has to abide with the law to ensure God-given rights for its citizens. I have examined the Confucius Classrooms' material provided by the communist regime. I couldn't believe my eyes seeing so many brainwashing stories aimed at creating new zombies in the West and America.

Secondly, the communist dynasty establishes CIs to do only one thing - to muddle the world's conscience by making the world believe that there is no such thing as freedom, as free will. Each individual has already been predestined by his/hers ascribed identity from birth. By perverting the West with its tradition of rule of law, Beijing's rulers will feel safe seeing the world become just as dark, as confused, as morally muddle-headed as the Chinese population. In other words, if the entire world is polluted, no one will notice China's stink.

Thirdly, the communist regime can use Chinese language education by CIs as a pretense to identify potential communist regime's sympathizers, especially those with potential to hold positions in the US and Western governments. Also the regime can use CIs in US and Western universities and colleges to collect valuable economic, political, military, scientific information, making CIs as a legitimate/legal spy outposts.

-Do you think they pose a threat to academic freedom on campus? Do you think this is China's way of utilizing soft power?

Freedom means one is free to exercising his/her own natural right by God. Freedom does not mean one has the "rights" to restrict, interfere and control another person's thought. CIs precisely want to accomplish the latter. By restricting the information the students should seek, by distorting China's history (omitting subjects such as Mao's crimes against humanity - Great Leap Forward/Great Famine in which 45 million innocent people perished, the Cultural Revolution, Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, persecution of dissidents such as Liu Xiaobo and Fa Lungong practitioners, the atrocities due to China's "One Child" policy, etc.., CIs function as a brainwashing machine to make soulless zombies. Anyone who questions the regime's legitimacy will be ruthlessly repressed and persecuted.

China's has no soft power, for the Chinese regime was established on Mao's principle of "power comes only from guns and violence". A criminal regime that has no legitimacy and moral foundation will have no such thing as "soft power" which implies respect of an individual's free will. If you don't comply with the communist dynasty's version of history, you will be punished. That is "hard power".

-A representative from Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said the institutes are part of a larger plan to change the image of China in the west, when students are forming their opinions on the world. Do you agree?

Not entirely. Using offense as defense is a traditional Chinese tactic learned from dynasties of wars and intrigues. China, to protect its own communist dynasty, is actively engaged in changing the world according to the Chinese/Confucian mindset of despotism and tyranny. If the West and America are perverted by the mind-warping Chinese propaganda machine - the CIs (and the CCs - Confucius Classrooms to pervert American younger students' mind, then China will be safe and the regime's power secured. If America remains free with a strong moral foundation, then China, and the tyrannies around the world for that matter, will be endangered and their days will be numbered.

China does not care about the image it poses around the world. China cares great deal about imposing its own despotic version of history and its tyrannical vision around the world. If you go to China, you will find that the population has no soul. Most people worship only power. They care nothing about right or wrong, good or evil, truth or falsehood. That is why Mao's image is still being worshipped and revered. Most people believe in China that to curb evil, you don't need good. You need only bigger evil.

-Other countries including France, Germany, and the UK have institutes on campuses and corporations also donate money to schools. Do you oppose these sorts of organizations as well?

Anything projected by the Chinese government which is criminal and evil in nature should be objected by all countries and peoples with conscience and soul. What has been worrying me since I came to America is seeing that Americans, evidenced by the election of Obama, gradually forget what this great nation was established for. When Ronald Reagan was the President, every time he went to USSR, he demanded to meet with the dissidents first. He believed in the meaning and the provident existence of America by God. He talked over the tyrants to the people. He was right. But nowadays, America is in mortal danger, precisely because no President since Reagan has ever talked to the oppressed people with America's founding principles. They'd rather talk with the governments that oppress their people. This tendency since Reagan has greatly weakened America's soft power around the world, and has subtly and effectively perverted not only the images of America, but the moral essence by which America has lived.

Today, Liu Xiaobo, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, still sits in the Chinese jail for wanting freedom for the Chinese. Yet no Presidents of America utter any words to praise him and his spirit, for fear of the Chinese regime and for conforming with that omnipresent "political correctness". Cultures are never equal. Religions are never equal, languages are never equal, political institutions are never equal..., for they are all man-made. America's culture, language and religious background is the most close to the universal human aspirations. Therefore, America must be obliged by a moral duty to spread freedom around the world. It is not only for all the countries' good. It is fundamentally for America's health, meaning and security.

-Confucius Institutes often claim they have no influence over academics, but can rather only be involved in extracurricular programs. Do you buy into this claim?

Of course not. First, all languages carry values by themselves. The Chinese language carries a great deal of moral confusion, anti-reason illogic and despotic hierarchy in itself. It should only be studied as an art form or as an ancient linguistic phenomenon, never as a communication tool. Please check books written by William Hannas on Chinese character-based syllabic language's defects.

Do you believe any treaty made with despots and tyrants will be carried out, as the one between Hitler and Stalin? If not, then don't ever believe a word made by the Chinese government.

-UChicago and PennState recently eliminated their institutes. Do you think this is a step in the right direction?

Absolutely. It is only a logical extension of common sense. If you make a deal with the devil, you will bear all the consequences of the deal. When people start to realize the evil and insidious nature of CIs, they will logically rethink about their position of China as a normal country. The truth is: China has never been a nation state, as so many in the West imagines of fantasized. China has, from the ancient time when it came into existence, always been a despotic dynasty. Today's China? A communist party-dynasty that is just like any other dynasty in Chinese history that observes no rules but only power, that observes no borders but subjects, that has never had any moral foundation to seek freedom and happiness for its citizens, but to impose despotic rules over its population and all the subjects around its neighborhood. If possible, the party dynasty will impose its perverted culture and atrocious rule over the world.

-Anything else you would like to add?

I think I have said enough for now. But if you have any question, you can always call me or email me. I have not edited my answers. I only hope you understand my English.


Thanks so much. I look forward to hearing your answers.

Jay Panandiker



Jay: I now forward this article I wrote about Hong Kong's protests. Hope this will supplement my answers to your questions.

I am worried about America, seeing so many in America losing the founding principles, divine to mankind, of America. I, as an immigrant from a despotic country, want to wake up America to this mortal danger - a numbness and a moral confusion permeated in today's society. I will do my best, my moral duty, to alert America of this danger: As long as America is free with its founding principles intact, no despots and tyrants will feel safe, no matter how powerful they are. But if America is perverted with its founding principles subverted for no apparent reason, then the world's despots and tyrants will feel safe. And the world may be thrust into another dark ages that may last decades, even centuries.

We are at a crossroad and America must wake up to redeem herself from her recent confusion and blunder by negligence and willful dereliction of her duty by God to the world. Without America moral leadership, mankind is in deep moral confusion without direction. Recent development around the world has demonstrated my point.

If you want me to add something to my answers to your questions, above are the words from my heart.

Best and send me a link if your article is published. Kai Chen

Last edited Thu Oct 09, 2014 7:18 pm | Scroll up

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