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不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
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in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:36 pmby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Universal/Eternal Human Values vs. Chinese Characteristics
Establishing a Free Culture is more important than Overthrowing Communist Regime
自由人 对抗中国人序列
Free Beings vs. Chinese Series
By Kai Chen 陈凯 11/22/2011 www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
许多海外反共人士们常常哀叹、诧异中共的迟迟不倒。 他们也常撰写文章分析其中的原因。 殊不知他们自身的用中国的传统专制倒共的逻辑使他们自己成为了中共不倒的主要原因。 他们自身的逻辑与道德的虚无与混乱正是问题的症结,而绝非解决问题的对症下药。
当人们高喊民主、人权的时候,他们从不意识到中共在反国民党取得政权之前喊得是同样的口号。 被长期欺骗的中国的人们自然地会做出一个无奈的但逻辑的结论 有什么用?(言外之意:谁也不是什么好东西。) 迷恋于追求完美的专制而从不相信有普世终极的人的价值导致了中国的人们对一个不可能完美但永远向前的自由社会无动于衷。 甚至有人常常撰文抨击美国的自由宪政文化,指责其太自由了。 太自由社会就会大乱,有了枪那还得了,我们中国就是要有中国的特色,中国人就是要有人管、、,如此论调比比皆是。
中共当局也乘机、乘乱、乘糊涂而入,不断用什么新文化洗脑运动告诉人们: 世界上没有什么好与坏、真与假、对与错、进步与落后,正义与邪恶,更没有什么普世终极的人的价值。 既然世界上一切都是黑的,都是以强弱、内外、你我、上下的利益而定的,那一个人的选择就是在你的黑与我的黑之间,在中国的邪恶与西方/美国的邪恶之间,在我们的枪杆子/强权与他们的枪杆子/强权之间。 当然了,在龙的传人的道德虚无的心态中,选择中国的与祖宗的黑与邪恶是理所当然的了。
我常说: 在西方/美国不是没有邪恶,但西方的基督文化告诉人们邪恶绝不是良德。 在一个自由社会中,人们认知自身的原弊/不完美也懂得人是绝成不了神的。 由此人们从不期待有原弊的人会建立一个完美的社会与制度。 人们只基于普世终极的价值去着力建立与维护人的生命、自由、尊严与对个体幸福追求的权利。 基于对普世终极的价值的存在的信仰,西方/美国的人们不断地用基督精神的指南走入未知、创造求新、走向未来与希望。 这是一个方向性的(向前行的)文化心态。
在中国,人们的文化心态则是与西方/美国相反。 在几千年的驴拉磨、抽陀螺的专制朝代文化的心态中,人们用道德虚无/道德相对的心态建立与维护了一个好就是坏、真就是假、黑就是白的强权/杀人决定一切的人鬼文化。 繁荣富强、为国为民族、和谐小康等用群压个用权压值用多压少用枪/强欺弱成了中国人的普世终极的具有中国特色的反价值的病态迷恋。 在中国,邪恶被认为是良德,精明的欺骗被认为是智慧, 偷抢骗被认为是赚钱,愤青报国被认为是勇敢,抄袭、剽窃、模仿被认为是创造,送红包、拍马屁、受贿行贿被认为是有中国特色的关系学,强奸、诱奸、卖淫被认为是爱情的同义语,没有尊严的混日子被认为是生活。
对照一下这两种文化心态,你还能说希望与绝望、存在与虚无是一回事儿吗? 你还能说在尿盆里扑腾的黄色文化与在自然界的大海中畅游的蓝色文化是一回事儿吗? 你也可能会说: 有什么不一样? 都是液体,都是咸的,尿盆里的尿撒多了(GDP)人就可以浮起来。 只不过我们是中国特色 黄的。 你也可能会说: 有什么不一样? 在西方/美国也一样:有时左、有时右、有时快、有时慢。 驴拉磨/抽陀螺与向前行的感觉不都是一样的吗? 最终你也可以说: 反正人总得死。 死与生没有什么本质区别。 下辈子又是一个人。 无怪乎中国人活着的时候好像他们永远都死不了,死的时候又好像他们一分钟都没有活过。
中共党朝不倒,事情只能越来越坏。 中共党朝倒了,事情也不一定就会变好。 伊朗与埃及就是例子。 共产党曾高叫: 只要打到了蒋家王朝,中国就会有希望/民主。 真的吗?!
中国的共产王朝就如同中国的历代王朝一样,都逃不过衰败、腐朽、灭亡的朝代规律与命运。 它的末日就在眼前。 一个被蛀虫蛀空的,腐烂的树是没有生机的,必然倒塌的死木头。 像中国专制的许多王朝一样,中共党朝的倒台很有可能并不是由于外部力量的推挤,而是在于内部的腐败与分赃不均而引起的。 这就说明共后社会的心态与价值的准备(用什么来取代中共党朝?这一命题)比倒共本身重要一百倍。
中共必倒这一事实绝不等于说共后的社会就自然是一个自由的道德社会。 人们今天更需要将注意力放到共后社会的建立上: 但至今我还没有看到一点迹象表明人们在对未来有设想、准备与行动。 我曾在共后时代的标像符号及语言/一些构想一文中表达了我的观点。 我也希望更多的人们将注意力集中到共后自由社会的建立上。 什么样的文化心态、政治构架、宗教信仰、宪法法律、语言艺术、标像符号等等是人们要从头开始建立的? 什么样的文化心态、政治构架、宗教信仰、宪法法律、语言艺术、标像符号等等是要被彻底摈弃的? 人们是否还想用追求完美专制的心态去自上而下地走捷径而再误入驴拉磨抽陀螺的专制朝代的无奈循环的歧途? 中国人对邪恶的无限容忍与对良知真理漠视的能力总是能让我膛目结舌。
共产王朝比国民党邪恶一百倍。 谁又能保证返祖复古的共后王朝不比共产王朝再邪恶一百倍呢? 为什么人们总是在坏与更坏之间无奈徘徊而拒绝建立方向性的,基普世终极价值而在好与更好之间做出个体的选择并承担后果与责任呢? 婊子牌坊的中间道路是没有的。 你必须选择。

RE: 学海中游泳还是仍旧在尿盆里扑腾
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:38 pmby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Washington DC Monuments 华盛顿的纪念建筑
艾未未Fuck天安门 Ai Weiwei Fucks Tiananmen
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Symbolism after Communism/Some Thoughts
Truth, Justice, Liberty, Dignity
陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:
中共政权的末日即将来到。 一个重大的、急切的任务是在后共时代建立新的崇尚真理,正义,自由与尊严的文化和政体。 反映这些新的价值的标像符号及语言词汇是绝对必要的与迫切的。 这需要人的正向的清晰的道德标准和人的广博的想象力。 反映负向价值的标像符号及语言词汇一定要尽快消亡。 反映正向价值的标像符号及语言词汇一定要尽快建立。
The beginning of the downfall of the China's communist regime has already arrived. An urgent task of an utmost importance in the post-communist era will face us very soon. We must establish an entirely new form of government based on an entirely new culture that values Truth, Justice, Liberty and Human Dignity. To do so means first to establish a set of new symbols and a set of new vocabulary, possibly based on a new language. It is not easy but it must be done.
To establish this new culture and a new form of government, one must have moral clarity and abundant imaginations. Nonetheless, old symbolism, vocabulary and language that reflect the values of despotism and tyranny must be replaced by a new set of symbols and vocabulary, by a new language that reflects human yearning for freedom and happiness. And this must be done as soon as possible.
By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Reprint 7/20/2011)
We can all sense the coming demise of the Chinese communist regime. And they, the communists themselves, know as well that their reign of tyranny is coming to an end soon. We must now ask ourselves that whether or not we are ready for a new society, a new set of human values, an entirely new kind of culture and an entirely new form of government. We must ask ourselves whether or not our own mind is still controlled by the old symbols, old vocabulary, old language, old habits and old patterns of behavior. If we are not aware of the fact that the poisons in us by our slave masters from the past still effect the way we think and behave, we are doomed to repeat the history.
I now want to establish a survey here to arouse your own imagination, to challenge your own old habits, to question your own mindset and to cleanse your own cultural poisons by generations and dynasties of despotism. By doing so, you may start a new culture yourself here. You may live in a new state of consciousness. You may finally embark on your own journey, away from the vicious Chinese dynastic cycles, toward human dignity, human freedom and human happiness.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯
下面就是新标像符号与语言词汇的普查 (请贴回复):
The following is a survey, as well as my own view, on what you would like to establish in terms of symbolism and language in the post-communist era: (You can post your response)
1. 国号:
The New Nation's Title:
My Own View: United Federation of East Asia (UFEA)
2. 国歌:
The New Nation's National Anthem:
My Own View: It must be newly composed. It must reflect the meaning and values of the new nation -- freedom, human yearning for dignity and happiness.
3. 国旗:
The New National Flag:
My Own View: It must reflect the values of Freedom (color blue must be added). It must reject despotic unity and social hierarchy (no big and small stars). It must reject racism (no color yellow)
象征自由的蓝色一定要有。 反映等级与专制大一统的标志(大小)一定要拒绝。 反映种族主义与狭隘族群心态的标志(黄色)一定要拒绝。
4. 政府建筑:
Governmental Structures:
My Own View: New governmental structures must be built to reflect the principles of "Separation of Powers" and "Checks and Balances" within the government. Absolutely no past palaces and old structures can be used for new government.
新的政府一定不能在旧宫殿与旧政府建筑中执政。 新政府建筑一定要体现新的分权,相互制约与服务于人的基本原则。
5. 天安门广场:
Tiananmen Square in Beijing:
My Own View: Old communist symbols on the square must be entirely eliminated. Tiananmen Gate can only be part of the old museum and can not be used for political purposes. Tiananmen Square must be a giant garden and lawn for people to enjoy life.
天安门广场上的共产时期的标像符号一定要被销毁。 天安门城楼将被立法成为非政治文物,成为只是故宫博物院的一部分。 天安门广场将被改为一个大花园与草坪供人们休闲消遣。
6. 法律与教育语言:
Language to Establish the Constitution and laws. Language for a Foundation of New Educational System:
My Own View: Constitutions and laws must be written first in English and any confusion in the vocabulary must be clarified by English first. English must be the base language in reestablishing the educational system. Chinese language must be secondary and gradually fade away to become only an art form.
以英文为底书写宪法与法律,以英文为底建立新的教育系统。 中文将逐渐从社会中淡化,至终只淡化为一种艺术。
7. 新标像符号取代旧标像符号:
New Symbolism Replacing Old Symbolism:
My Own View: The Chinese Statue of Liberty in 1989 should be the new symbol on Tiananmen Square and nation-wide in general. New symbols reflecting Truth, Justice, Liberty and Human Dignity, such as statues, arts, buildings, etc. must be erected nation-wide.
1989 的天安门自由女神像一定要成为在东亚大陆上人们新价值的标志。 反映真理,正义,自由与人的尊严的雕像,艺术与建筑一定要在东亚大陆各地大量广泛地建立。
8. 各独立联邦体自立称号,自立标像符号:
Each Political Entities Establish Their Own Symbolism:
My View: Each political entity under the constitution within the Federation must be independent to establish their own set of symbols such as anthems, songs, flowers, animal, flags, etc..
[b]9. 禁毛像与共产标像符号:
Ban Mao's Image and Communist Symbols:
The new nation's legislature should legislate to ban public display of Mao's image and symbols of communism such as sickle and hammer/communist regime's flag.
My View: The new nation's citizens will be fined or sentenced to public services for displaying Mao's image and communist symbols.
Reply by Sue Jason 14 hours ago
"The beginning of the downfall of the China's communist regime has already arrived. An urgent task of an utmost importance in the post-communist era will face us very soon."
Kai, what's causing the downfall... economy collapsing, uprising by the people? Both?
Reply by Kai Chen 14 hours ago
No Chinese dynasties can escape the cyclic downfall. Communist Pary-Dynasty is the same. The end is coming soon, due not just to the economic collapse (inflation, unemployment, etc), but mostly from people's including party officials' realization that this immoral/amoral system just cannot go on. People simply feel degraded toward a morass all the time. People simple cannot live in a lie forever. Most Americans fail to appreciate the morality in the American culture (social trust based on a Christian value). So most Americans only focus on the economic issues nowadays. This is a huge mistake which can imply severe consequences.
USSR's downfall was not anticipated by the West, due to the failure to understand the role of morality in a society. China's downfall will be because of the same issue. It has already begun: If you go to Vencouver, you can see the real estate market is pumped up to overpass NY, due to the Chinese "escape money" pouring in. Officials have already sent their families overseas with their corrupt money. They know the end is near.
Best. Kai Chen www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Reply by charles royer sr. 14 hours ago
As we say here in America "how ya gonna keep em down on the farm after they've seen Paris."
Reply by Douglas G. Pollard Sr. 13 hours ago
I of course being American cannot help with you're questionnaire except in one sense. We had the Kings of Europe to break away from. The Chinese have communism and kings before that. My early American ancestors were subjects of the King of England. They could never be anything else. No matter where they went or settled in the world that would always be the kings Subjects as would their children and Grand children. I would still be a kings pawn. The only way the could end that was a revolution and the force of arms. They would become Sovereign individuals living in sovereign states. The constitution was written to protect that condition. The country was to be a republic and a Democracy only as the second condition of the people in the hope that we individuals would protect the republic from the Democracy that was sure to become corrupted. We are always trying to get other countries to become Democracies and with out there having a Republic based on their own history they generally fail. China must build a Republic for their Great Great Great grand children to protect. It is the dedicated protection of the rights by the Chinese people that can make the Chinese people free for generations. We Americans had our own devils to escape from and china has hers. Only China can decide how and when they will do that. God love them, I hope they are successful. Freedom is a wonderful thing as we here in America are now remembering,
Reply by Luis522 13 hours ago
Great post, Mr Chen!
I'd like to say that this part of your statement stood out: "old habits and old patterns of behavior".
That does seem to be a HUMAN PROBLEM in general, doesn't it?! Getting people to change a century of behavior is a large task -- especially in a nation such as China, where tyranny and oppression has been engrained so profoundly.
Communism had been conceived in the American society decades ago. At the rate that we've been going, over the past decade-plus, the USA may be feeling its OWN BIRTH PANGS of communism easily within the next two decades.
The only visible difference between the Rs and the Ds is that the Rs want to get us there slowly (They're so kind!), and the Ds are in a MAJOR HURRY to get to their Godless "social paradise"!
More power to you, Mr Chen!
God Bless

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