陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556

"中国人"的三个绝缘体 The Three Chinese Impasses

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:14 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


The Three Chinese Impasses/Insulations

"Free Being" vs. "Chinese" Series

陈凯一语:Kai Chen's Words:




中国目前的与西方的沟通不过是用麻绳绑在电线上。 硬件与软件,表象与实质在中国人“难得糊涂”的“阴阳辩证”的“中“的陀螺的高速旋转中丧失了它们的本质区别。

The insulation (impasse) between the Chinese and reality/truth/abstract essence is the Chinese character-based, pictorial, syllabic language.

The insulation (impasse) between the Chinese and their own conscience/God/true faith represented by Christianity is the Chinese traditional Confucian culture that worships the collective and the cast system in that collective, the culture that forces everyone in it to lose his or her individual self-identity.

The insulation (impasse) between the Chinese and the Western democracy that is based on individual liberty is China's unity-oriented, power-worshipping, despotic polity and political system.

The current Chinese connection with the West, with America is only superficial much as someone using a rope to connect an electric wire. The qualitative difference between hardware and software, between appearance and essence is entirely lost in the "confusion-worshipping", "Yin-Yang dialectics" and the Chinese mindset of "middle-road as justice". And the "Chinese Top" 中 is still spinning with high speed like a top being whipped.


By Kai Chen 陈凯 (4/17/2006 Written, 8/31/2011 Reprint)

The three insulations (impasses) I mentioned above have to be drilled into the Chinese consciousness daily, constantly, to remind them of the difficult tasks and arduous journey facing them in the near future, if China is to have any hope of progress into the future joining the free world.

These three insulations (impasses) have to be dealt with simultaneously in order for China to move slowly, but surely, forward into the future with a moral compass as guidance.

Many Chinese have already realized how important to learn English if they want to succeed in the world of reality. At least most Chinese parents will push their children to be at least adequate, if not fluent in English. This is only a start, nonetheless a positive start.

To rid off the insulation (impasse) between the Chinese and their individual conscience to establish a true faith is a tough one. The recent protest launched by the so called "ten Chinese scholars" to resist Christmas celebration is only one such example how fearful and insecure the Chinese are with regard to their own self-image/identity, facing the loss of their own shackles and chains (their own despotic cultural tradition) to be free.

To destroy the current Chinese political system should not be as difficult as to banish the Chinese despotic culture represented by Confucianism. The current regime has already been shaken to the core and no one in China, including the communists, believes in communism anymore. But to make the Chinese see that their own ancestors/emperors indeed have never had any clothes on is not that easy. That is to say that to establish a free society with a solid moral foundation, on the ruins and swampland composed of the Chinese despotic, power-worshipping mindset, is indeed a daunting task.

Don't despair. Do start now. Do work to achieve the goal of freedom. Do begin and begin with only one spot -- you and me. Do begin with yourself.

Last edited Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:10 am | Scroll up


RE: "中国人"的三个绝缘体 The Three Chinese Impasses

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:12 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


陈凯一语: Kai Chen's Words:

直到今天,中国的人们仍在迷恋建立一个完美的专制制度。 对个体认同、个体价值、个体责任的恐惧与逃避使得中国的人们不愿意付出争取自由的代价。 不销毁这种基于群体的、崇尚专制的文化,自由将永远摈弃中国的人们。

Even today, the Chinese have yet to yearn for freedom. What they are still obsessed with is how to establish a perfect despotism. They fear and always try to escape individual identity, individuality, individual responsibility. They fear paying the necessary price to achieve freedom. With such a culture of collectivism and despotism, freedom will forever abandon the cowardice Chinese.


中国人的迷恋 - 建立完美的专制
A Chinese Obsession - Perfecting Despotism

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 4/23/2009, Reprint 8/30/2011)

Freedom is an alien concept to a Chinese. The Chinese are just too familiar with despotism and tyranny. Confucius and other Chinese thinkers could not escape this pattern. They had devised their rhetoric always around how to build a perfect despotic society.

Freedom as a concept has never been originated from China. It only came from Western philosophers. Even today freedom as a value is not accepted by the general population in China. Most people there fear freedom, doubt freedom, despise freedom, jeer freedom, hate freedom and will do everything to escape freedom, for only one reason - they fear the individual responsibility implied in the very concept.

The Chinese also fear being alone. You seldom see a Chinese person enjoying the state of being alone. Without being alone, the concept of individuality that is essential to individual liberty forever escapes the Chinese. They simply do not want to pay the necessary price to achieve freedom.

Thus we have a forever turning Chinese despotic dynastic cycle. No one is free and happy in that cycle of tyranny. Yet the Chinese fear even more without that tyranny, for they ultimately fear all the unknown. Despotism/tyranny is the only thing they know and feel kinship to.

This is a sharp contrast to what America is about. Everything America does is based on the principle of Freedom. The earliest population from Europe came here for only one thing - Freedom to worship. Americans paid dearly for their freedom and therefore they deserve the very freedom.

Those who do not want to pay the price for freedom will never deserve having freedom. In case they are liberated by others, they will not treasure the freedom. Destroying a despotic culture and establishing a culture of freedom thus becomes the foremost task for us.

I hope you all know what we are doing here in Youpai.org - destroying a culture of despotism and establishing a culture of freedom.



时间:2010-05-20 09:14








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