陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556

哈岗学委会放弃中共资金与教师 Hacienda gives up on Chinese funding

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:18 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

圖:例行會議上的哈崗學區教委。左起:Rudy Chavarria,張金生,徐乃星,陳介飛,Anita Perez和學區總監中岡(Barbara Nakaoka)。(攝影:劉菲/大紀元)



虽然这一仗以正义的人们的胜利而结束,保卫美国的自由与人类的终极价值不被污染与腐蚀的战争仍在每一个人的身边,在每一分钟进行着。 我希望我们每一个人保持着那个坚定的信念: 正义永远会战胜邪恶 - 因为正义只有一个敌人 - 邪恶; 而邪恶却永远有两个敌人 - 正义与邪恶本身

Kai Chen's Words:

Although we, the freedom loving folks, have won this battle, the war to safeguard freedom and American values from corruption and degradation continues. It continues every moment in our lives, in everyone's soul. I hope all of us are firm in our faith/belief: Good will always triumph over evil, for good only has one enemy - evil, while evil has two enemies - good and evil itself.


Hacienda La Puente Unified gives up on Chinese funding for Confucius Classroom


By Maritza Velazquez, Staff Writer
Posted: 09/10/2010 04:54:37 PM PDT


- After months of emotional debate that made national headlines, Hacienda La Puente Unified school officials Thursday night announced that they would not accept money from the Chinese government to fund its Chinese language and culture program, although it will still operate a program under the name "Confucius Classroom."

The issue was becoming a distraction, said Superintendent Barbara Nakaoka.

"What I wanted to do is make sure that we are keeping our eye on the ball and our eye should be on the students," she said.

The Chinese Language Council International, or Hanban, would have provided $30,000 a year to fund the program at Cedarlane Middle School. The money would come from China's government and would have funded curriculum and a teacher's aid for one classroom.

Board members voted 4-1 to approve the agreement with the Hanban in January.

A group of area residents were furious at the move, saying that a communist country should not have a hand in educating children in the United States.

Opponents for months aggressively sought to persuade the district to cut ties with with Hanban because of concerns that it would brainwash kids with Communist ideals.

The tone at board meetings has been contentious as audience members often jeered speakers and board members, raising concerns about tolerance and racism.

The district has responded by reading its policy regarding etiquette during public comment and included an additional security guard during the meetings.

The hubbub led to the fight making headlines, and Comedy Central's "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" featured the issue in June.

Board member Jay Chen said he was disappointed that there was such a big opposition in the community, especially since other districts use the same program.

"We are trying to do the best to serve our students," he said. "Unfortunately we are the only community where this outrage has erupted."

There are nearly 40 Confucius Classroom programs in the United States, according to the Hanban's Web site.

The district will still use textbooks and other materials provided by the organization after a committee screens them, Nakaoka said.

The process will take a month or so, she said.

A Chinese language and culture program was in existence at the Hacienda Heights campus before the agreement, officials said.

Those opposed to the program were happy to hear the news. But they want more attention drawn to the influence China has in the educational community and other parts of American culture.

"This brief battle ended, but the war continues," said Kai Chen, an activist and Los Angeles resident.

Chen said the concerns have nothing to do with race.

"Tolerance does not mean tolerance of evil," he said.


626-962-8811, ext. 2718

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RE: 哈岗学委会放弃中共资金与教师 Hacienda gives up on Chinese funding

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:20 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


专制文化与自由文化的区别在于: 自由文化将腐败作为腐败堕落去制裁;专制文化将腐败作为贤明智慧去褒扬。 将政府与先贤(而不是将God)作为道德的来源是中文系人们腐败的死结。

Kai Chen's Words:

The difference between a culture of freedom and a culture of despotism is such that in a culture of freedom, corruption is treated/viewed and punished as corruption, while in a culture of despotism, corruption is espoused/extolled and propagated as virtue and wisdom. Taking Not God,but government and ancestors as the origin of morality, is the origin of all evil in China.

陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com



Corruption in the Name of Culture
中国文化的实质是腐败 - 用文化名义散布腐败

By Wu Zhong, China Editor

HONG KONG - Mengzi (372- 289 BC) is perhaps the second-greatest scholar in ancient China after Confucius (551-479 BC). One of the best-known quotations from Mengzi is, "Whatever the superior loves, his inferiors will be found to love exceedingly."

The original meaning was that if a superior official shows sincerity in observing li (rituals, roughly equivalent to moral code), then his subordinates would show even greater sincerity in doing so. But, the saying is also often quoted to mean the opposite: if a higher-ranking official has some bad habits, then his subordinates would love them even more.

And, if applied to modern China, the saying could be used to describe the common malpractice of local officials who twist policies from Beijing to serve their own interests. Like the old saw says, today's officials carry such policies out with so much excessive effort that, in fact, the original purpose is distorted.

A major target of Beijing's macro-economic control policy is to curb government investment in fixed assets. China's economic leaders see excessive investment as a cause for the overheating economy. However, it seems savvy local officials have found ways to get around the curb.

Figures from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) show that fixed-asset investment in the country totaled 8.49 trillion yuan (US$1.24 trillion) in the first eight months of this year, up 27.4% from a year ago. By comparison, total fixed-asset investment in the whole of last year grew 24.8% to 13.72 trillion yuan.

One way local officials evade Beijing's curb on investment is to make developments in the name of "cultural renaissance". To fill the ideological vacuum left after abandoning orthodox Marxist and Maoist dogmas, Chinese leaders - including President Hu Jintao and his predecessor Jiang Zemin - have encouraged the search for a new moral code for Chinese culture.

Quite a few scholars have made big money by writing books and giving lectures on reinterpretations of Chinese classics. Some local governments, however, have seen the cultural renaissance campaign as a prime opportunity to increase their spending on infrastructure projects.

In fact, some local officials have made great efforts to dig up anything of historical significance within their jurisdiction so that they could develop the surrounding area in the name of commemoration.

As reported, Shandong province planned to build a huge Chinese Cultural Symbolic City in Confucius' hometown in northern Shandong, which would cost at least 30 billion yuan ($4.3 billion) according to estimated budget in 2004 (Stumbling towards Confucius-ville, Asia Times Online, March 20, 2008.)

Shandong's city of Linyi is the home town of Wang Xizhi (303-361 AD), known as the greatest Chinese calligrapher in history. A few years ago, the Linyi city government spent 100 million yuan to rebuild Wang's home as a tourist attraction. Last month, the city government announced it had begun the construction of a 200,000 square meter "City of Chinese Calligraphy". But it stopped short of saying how much it would cost.

Well-known Tang Dynasty poet Liu Yuxi (772-842 AD) was a native of Xuzhou, Jiangsu province. But he was once appointed as an official in Hexian county in Anhui province, where he wrote a famous poem about his shabby room. Now Hexian, a relatively poor place, plans to invest 10 million yuan to rebuild Liu's once-shabby lodging.

According to a traditional Chinese belief, there was a hell where everyone went after death to face judgment from the King of Hell, or Yanluo. Those who had led moral lives were sent for rebirth as human beings. Immoral people were tortured and then reborn as animals.

The Chinese classic, Journey to the West, has a vivid description how the Monkey King, Sun Wukong, created a tremendous uproar in hell by beating up guards and officials of King Yanluo. Folklore has it that this hell is in Fengdu, also known as the City of Ghosts, which now is under the jurisdiction of Chongqing municipality.

Tourists who take a Three Gorges boat trip downstream from Chongqing are likely to visit the Temple of King Yanluo in Fengdu on the way. Chongqing municipal government has just announced a 650 million yuan renovation of the City of Ghosts.

Southern Guangdong province once held a barbarous reputation in Chinese history. But now Shenzhen, a modern city built on paddy fields over just the past three decades, wants to build a Laozi Cultural Park on the city's Wutong Hill.

Laozi, the founder of Taoism, lived in the 6th century BC. It is highly doubtful he had ever been to Guangdong, let alone Shenzhen. But now a tourism company in Shenzhen claims that Wutong Hill is one of the 36 most sacred Taoist sites in history. Today, there is nothing but green trees on the hill (which is known as the "city lung" of industrial Shenzhen) and the company wants to invest 900 million yuan to transform the area into a Laozi park.

Because the economy in Shenzhen is more market-oriented, it is suspected that the city government wants, via the company, to start property development projects in the Wutong Hill area. All in the name of Laozi.

All these cases have at least a tenuous, albeit in Shenzen's case far-fetched, connection to China's cultural past. But in other areas, if nothing related to cultural heritage can be found, it has done little to thwart the plans of developers. Some local officials have even begun "celebrating" modern cultural landmarks.

Well-known contemporary writer Yu Qiuyu (born in 1946), a native from Qiaotou township in Cixi city in Zhejiang province, lives and works in Shanghai. But the municipality of Qiaotou has announced it will seek approval to name the house where Yu spent his childhood as a cultural relic - despite the fact that Yu is still alive. If the proposal is granted, Qiaotou township could get funding for the protection of the cultural relic and to build relevant facilities.

Local officials are eager to launch such projects because they have the potential to boost the gross domestic product (GDP) of their respective areas. They are also eager to leave tangible accomplishments during their terms in office; many simply want to be remembered.

These are just a few cases exposed by Chinese media in past weeks. It can be assumed that there are similar cases across the country. To an extent, such construction projects in the name of cultural renaissance jeopardize Beijing's macro-control policy. The malpractice also greatly distorts Beijing's intention for a national revival of the arts and a celebration of China's rich history.

Meanwhile, as local governments seek funds to build so-called cultural sites they are neglecting funding for education. Alongside local promises to erect tourist attractions are unfortunate reports about defaults on teachers' salaries and of children dropping out of schools because their families cannot afford to pay.

For a true cultural renaissance, China needs to produce contemporary thinkers, philosophers, artists, scientists and scholars. For this, education is a must. Without educated talents, there can be no cultural renaissance, regardless of how many historical and cultural sites are rebuilt.

(Copyright 2008 Asia Times Online (Holdings) Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact us about sales, syndication and republishing.)

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RE: 哈岗学委会放弃中共资金与教师 Hacienda gives up on Chinese funding

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:52 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com


从与这个已被共产毒素侵害的、被陈介飞等学委操控的学生(Jeffrey)的对话中不难看出共产专制的毒素早已在毒害着美国(尤其是那些亚裔华裔)的学生们。 我只希望我们之间的对话是一些道德混乱的人们逐渐清醒过来。

Kai Chen's Words:

From my conversation with Jeffrey, a Chinese-American student (Hacienda La Puente School District) who supports "Confucius Classroom" program, under the control of the likes of Jay Chen (a ultra-leftist/Marxist School Board member), you can clearly see the extent of communist influence/poison upon American students in our schools. I hope this conversation serves to clear some people's heads, from their moral stupor and confusion.

My Conversation with a Student Proponent in My Blog

Jeffrey said...

Dear Mr. Chen,

Do you not find it peculiar how there are absolutely no student representation that is against the Confucius course? This is a new generation, and it is time to relinquish the irrational fear of communism and begin to understand that America is a diverse nation, a nation where individuals have the very right to believe in any political system they so choose, A nation where our land is offered as a sanctuary for those who are in search of economic success, security, and most importantly, freedom.

This freedom I so speak of is one that of which you have infringed upon through your adversive attacks targeted against the establishment of this course. As a resident of Hacienda Heights, and a current student in the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District, I find myself qualified to say that students are not as ignorant and tolerant as you have chosen to believe. Since you have shared a story with me about your life, it would only be fair if I told you a bit about my life--primarily when I was still a student at Cedarlane Middle School. Five years ago, when Cedarlane was only a middle school, I embarked on my adventure, along with other 6th grade student, ready to receive a higher-level education. To our surprise, this was not what we had expected. When in history class, it became apparent to us that the textbooks we so diligently studied with were clearly biased, portraying information that made America the grandiose of the countries in the world. In retrospect, our assertions were correct; America is not the perfect and powerful nation, as the diction used in the textbooks had us to believe—deception.

You stated at tonight’s district board meeting (September 23, 2010) that you are "against learning from anything without moral judgment."

I am not sure how current and up-to-date your knowledge of China is, but if you do plan on visiting, you will find a wide degree of moral judgment, whether it be educating students to become well-rounded individuals, or giving a handful of children who are living in poverty a foothold to receive the education needed to thrive in such a globally competitive world we live in today.

If your fear is that we, as students, will grow up without moral judgment, then I do advise you to not worry a bit. High school students in this district are required to read novels that open our minds to higher-level questions such as, "What is morality? What is truth?" Essays are based on the purpose of getting students to make a valid argument, which questions both sides of the story, rather than mediating bigoted and irrational opinion through the text with little to no support.

We have made up our decision, and it is reflected through the lack of students who are against this Confucius course. Do no forget, education is established for the students, in this case being us.

September 23, 2010 11:10 PM

Kai Chen 陈凯 said...

Dear Jeffrey:

From the way you presented yourself in the School Board meetings and the information I have retained about you (your intention to join a Norman Hsu organized tourist group to China with public resources unethically, maybe illegally), using lack of knowledge and judgement to describe you is an understatement.

Diversity is never the goal of America. Freedom is. We are diverse not because we take diversity as a goal, but because all of us are seeking individual freedom in this great country. Diversity is only a result, never a stated/manufactured goal as some leftists in America misunderstand and misstate. Secondly, you and your group, with a constant contact with Jay Chen (Vice President of the School Board) under his instruction and order, are morally confused to say the least: Pleasing authority, not the truth, not God, not your own conscience, is the goal of you and your group. The fear of authority, especially Jay Chen and his cohorts on the School Board, is written all on your face. From the way you talk and write, the Marxist slogans and labels embedded in your language are all signs of brainwashing. I am just too familiar with it not to recognize it.

Jay Chen belongs to a ultra-leftist group in America (People for the American Way). He and his boss want to "fundamentally transform America", according to some Marxist utopian "Heaven on Earth", much like the Chinese communists and despots believe. You and your group, young and ignorant in their formative years, but with some political ambition to climb the social ladder, are easy prey for people like Jay Chen. I know this kind of mentality from youths like you. I was there myself.

You claim you and your group represent the students in Hacienda La Puente. This reflects your arrogance and a thorough lack of sense of reality. Your group is there because of the spell and control from Jay Chen and his likes. Some of you who talk in the meeting cannot even read a written statement in coherent fashion in English. Now you want to learn Chinese. I have pity on you. Some of you cannot even talk with a whole sentence and their eyes are always on their controller - Jay Chen and his girlfriend, and a group leader (hope you don't become a thug) like you, Jeffrey. Fear is their biggest motivation. So please drop your nonsense of "no student opponents".

Most students in the District are busy studying English and math. They don't have time and knowledge of the issue (communist atrocities and crimes against humanity in the world) to participate. That is understandable. It is only curious for me to see you and your group, herded by your protege - Jay Chen and your own eagerness to please authority and your ambition to climb social ladder. This phenomenon only solidifies my conviction of fighting the communist infiltration and contamination into America. The insidious scheme of "Confucius Classroom" is the same as that of American leftist/Marxist creatures - all in the name of politically correct "progress and diversity".

Hope one day you will wake up and finally find you actually are in a nightmare. Best wishes to you still. Kai Chen.

September 24, 2010 8:08 AM

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