陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum
不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
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陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com
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罗纳德. 米勒赞荐陈凯“四大要素” Ron Miller on Kai C
罗纳德. 米勒赞荐陈凯“四大要素” Ron Miller on Kai Chen's "Four Essentials"
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:17 pmby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Four Essentials
Article Link: http://kaichenblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/four-essentials.html
罗纳德. 米勒赞荐陈凯“四大要素”
Ron Miller on Kai Chen's "Four Essentials"
罗纳德. 米勒博客 Ron Miller Blog:
罗纳德. 米勒 Ron Miller Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/TeamRonMiller?ref=mf
Facebook Comment by Ron Miller: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profi...100000684355823
Ron Miller Comments:
My friend Kai Chen is a Chinese immigrant who came to America with practically nothing, worked at a fast food restaurant, got his degree from UCLA, and is now a successful businessman. He is also a tireless advocate for America and its values. I embrace the words and deeds of someone who knows the difference between tyranny and liberty, as opposed to these limousine liberals and their sycophants, who've never tasted true oppression and embrace some of the world's most evil regimes over their own homeland. Try exercising your rights in a Muslim nation, or Venezuela, and you'll know true oppression - if you're allowed to live.
罗纳德. 米勒评陈凯宣扬美国价值:
我的朋友陈凯是一个从中国大陆来美的移民。 他刚来美国的时候身无分文,在餐馆打过工,后来在UCLA政治科学系毕业,现在是一个颇为成功的商业人士。 他也激情不倦地弘扬着美国的价值与精神。 我完整地拥抱陈凯的言行与价值,因为他是懂得自由与专制本质的人。 那些自我陶醉的、驾着豪华车的、美国左派的富翁们是不会懂得一个曾在专制极权下生活过的向往自由的人的心态的: 他们甚至不惜丢掉灵魂去拥抱那些专制极权政体,并无耻地漫骂他们居住的自由美国。 他们应到那些穆斯林国度,或委内瑞拉去住住看。 可能那会儿他们才能懂得什么是压迫与非人的生活。
Four Essentials
Link: http://kaichenblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/four-essentials.html
纵观世界,美国是人类历史上最自由,最进步,最繁荣,最道德,最具有活力与创造力的人的社会。 个体主义与个体价值,基督精神与终极道德感,联邦宪政与小政府大社会,英文作为法律教育科学的最佳用语是美国社会的四大要素。 世界上其它社会有的只有这四大要素的某些部分,如欧洲的大部分社会,亚洲的一些社会。 中国社会则根本没有任何的这些要素。 世界上人和社会的进步程度也都取决于它们在多大程度上与意愿上试图取得这四大要素。 --- 陈凯
Kai Chen's Words:
If you study all the societies in the world, you will find that America is the freest, the most progressive, the most prosperous, the most ethical, the most lively and the most creative and productive country on earth. Individualism with God-given rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, Christianity with awareness of existence of moral absolutes, constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government, and English language as the communication tool used in law, education and sciences are the four essentials for all the achievements in American society. In comparison or contrast with other parts of the world, some such as those in Europe and some in Asia only have parts of the four elements. Others like China have none. Not surprisingly, the degree of freedom, prosperity, creativity and productivity, and the speed of progress of all the societies in the world vary according to whether or not any particular country has and is willing to acquire these four essentials.
* Individualism with God-given rights for each to pursue life, liberty and happiness
* Christianity with awareness of existence of moral absolutes
* Constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government
* English language as the communication tool used in law, education and sciences
I list these four essentials of a progressive society for all of you to ponder and examine. Those societies who measure up to these four fundamental elements are those who are doing well and progressing toward a better tomorrow. Those who do not measure up or those who reject these four essentials are those societies mired in stagnation and perpetual turmoil. They are going nowhere and they are going down the drain.
Let us examine these four essentials for a society's positive direction toward progress:
1. Individualism with God-given rights for each to pursue life, liberty and happiness:
On this 50th anniversary of publication of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged", we will remind ourselves that Ayn Rand, like almost everyone in America, was an immigrant from Russia. She, much like Copernicus and Galileo in the realm of physical science, pointed out that in the realm of morality and human society it is the individual, NOT the society or any collective, that is the fountainhead of creativity and productivity. It is the individual, NOT the collective, that is the sun where the energy is produced and emitted. A society thus must be revolving around the individual, not the other way around. Hence, without this correct awareness of the objective reality, any society will never progress for it will suppress the very source of the energy and creativity.
2. Christianity with awareness of existence of moral absolutes
To interpret Ayn Rand's works mistakenly by injecting moral-relativism is a common mistake among the liberals and the American left. Absolute power, not truth, thus becomes the focal point of contention with the liberals and the left in large, much like the socialists and communists anywhere else in the world. America is never a nation with NO God like a communist country. America is never a nation OF God like a theocracy. America is a nation UNDER God, not men. Christianity thus establishes the moral foundation of America. The origin of life, the origin of consciousness, the origin of morality thus are explained via a life\freedom -affirming, happiness\joy oriented belief. Freedom will triumph over tyranny; truth will triumph over falsehood; life will triumph over death; good will triumph over evil; progress will triumph over stagnation; joy and happiness will triumph over misery and suffering.... By focusing on today's human behavior under a moral compass, a better tomorrow becomes a goal and possibility. Hope is thus instilled and inculcated into the human psyche.
3. Constitutional federalism founded on the principle of limited government
Separation of power, a government of the people, by the people and for the people, inner checks and balances and the principle of limited government all mark the American style constitutional federalism. Presidential election, not a parliamentary system with a prime minister, ensures a constant element of change and innovation in governmental reform and policy initiatives. Thus American society is endowed with a rare vitality and risk-taking innovations. Constant but limited human experiment by the government to ensure a freer society is thus implemented via a written constitution. Stagnation and rigidity hence are diminished. Small government and big society with powerful individuals are ensured.
4. English language as the communication tool used in law, education and sciences
Compared with other languages, English language lacks the rigidity and complexity which often constitute barriers in educating a society's population. It often has Latin roots, Greek roots, German roots, French roots.... It has no human restrictions put on it in its constant evolution and development, not like some other European languages such as French. English language is simple to use, free to create, and easy to understand. The best legal, literal and scientific minds of human history had mostly been written in English. And English-speaking countries lead the world in all the aspects of human endeavors. English language as a tool to conceptualize and interpret natural and human phenomena has greatly contributed to the history of human progress. Failure to recognize the contribution of the English language is to deny the simple fact and the truth all together.
The four essentials I list here are essentials for any human society to progress toward hope and a better tomorrow. I hope all of you think deeper into this issue and post your own opinions here on my forum.
Best wishes to you all. Kai Chen 陈凯

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