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不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
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给“孔课堂”学区负责人的一封信 A Letter to Hacienda
给“孔课堂”学区负责人的一封信 A Letter to Hacienda District
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:19 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
A Letter to Hacienda La Puente School District
Kai Chen 陈凯 3/19
Kai Chen
Barbara Nakaoka
Superintendent of Schools
Hacienda La Puente United School District
15959 E. Gale Ave.
City of Industry, CA 91745
Dear Ms. Barbara Nakaoka:
It was my pleasure to have met you in your office today. I look forward to meeting you for the scheduled talk next Tuesday. Thanks for your time.
"Tolerance of difference is a virtue. But tolerance of evil is beyond a vice. It puts us in a position close to an accomplice of evil." My father advised me right before his passing in Alhambra in 1988. I will always savor the wisdom in his words.
I am indeed concerned and alarmed by the news that Hacienda Heights School Board voted 4-1 to allow the Chinese government to provide teachers and material to implement a Confucius course in American high school curriculum. This is, among other schemes, one of the most insidious and blatant acts of the Chinese communist regime to infiltrate, corrupt and pollute American political culture. The untold intent of the Chinese government is to legitimize its own illegitimate and criminal regime, making despotism/tyranny acceptable as something only "different" in the culture of freedom in America. By accepting such a philosophical premise, the poisonous effect of despotic narcotics will indeed penetrate the mindset of American youths, rendering it impotent and confused in the realm of morality and ethics.
"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal...." American founding fathers understood they were creating a new nation with a moral and legitimate government - a government by the consent of the governed. They also understood the philosophical premise upon which such a government was founded: We are equal before our Creator. Yet Confucianism is diametrically opposed to such a premise. It aims to castrate a person's mental and spiritual faculties to distinguish right from wrong, good from evil and truth from falsehood. It aims to establish a human behavior code that will forbid any question of authority - its origin and legitimacy. A state(government)-slave, not a free human being, is what this behavior code will ultimately produce. Blind following of such a code with a strict caste system by birth, gender, age, trade, race is what Confucianism mandates. Zombies that only recognize power but not morality and ethic are the final products.
No emperors in the world have ever been elected. The Chinese communist regime is keenly aware its own illegitimacy and criminal nature. Since the communist regime took power in 1949 on the mainland of China, 80 million innocent lives perished under famine, torture, persecution and murder in peace time, more than the death toll combined in two world wars. Today the criminal regime is doing everything to cover its own bloody trail and to erase its own murderous track. Even the Tiananmen Massacre 20 years ago has been eliminated from Chinese history books. Now all the school students in China are fundamentally moral and historical handicaps with no true knowledge of world history. But the regime knows that to stabilize and legitimize its own criminal enterprise, it must spread the spiritual AIDS and subject all the people in the world as addicts of its designer drugs/narcotics, combining the ancient Chinese despotism/tyranny with modern Marxism/socialism/nationalism/racism/communism. Beijing Olympics was only one such scheme to numb the world conscience. Establishing “Confucius Institutes” around the world to control all the people, not just the Chinese-speaking population is a must, for once one accepts the premise of "government Not by the consent of the governed" but "by the muzzles of guns", the Chinese communist regime will automatically become legitimate and its anti-humanity crimes/atrocities forgotten and forgiven.
Most Chinese-speaking people, due to their collective mindset and nationalism, will refuse to see the nature of Confucianism and its connection with modern communism/socialism. Here in Southern California, as well as in most part of US, most of the Chinese media/newspapers are controlled by the advertisement money of the Chinese government. When the biggest Chinese language newspaper "The World Journal" published the article on the protest of some local parents over the Hacienda School Board's decision, it had such a title: “Southern California Whites Protest Confucian Courses”. It used racism/nationalism to confuse the real issue - the Chinese communist infiltration, encroachment and contamination upon the landscape of American political culture. Even the White House is not an exception nowadays: White House officials now have quoted Mao many times as some kind of wise “political philosopher”. Mao's image was even hanging on the White House Christmas tree last holiday season (2009). Not long ago, I protested in front of a restaurant named "Mao's Kitchen" which extols Mao’s great deeds in the Cultural Revolution. The Mao's statue displayed with other world leaders such as Winston Churchill further demonstrates the extensiveness of Chinese communist regime's effort to infiltrate/corrupt American mind and soul. In 2007, I successfully protested a display of painting of Mao and Washington together in Alhambra City Hall. The conscientious Alhambra City Hall officials simply took it down.
The pervasive and omnipresent 'political correctness" nowadays spreads like poisonous fog, obscuring all moral issues into racial, national, power, class.... Moral clarity is indeed a seldom-seen phenomenon – a rare commodity. A curious occurrence I term “affirmative action on communism” also gives breathing room and preferential treatment to communist tyrannies in non-white countries. Government as God or above God is gradually being accepted, or emulated from countries like China, in America. Freedom with personal responsibility is gradually fading away as some past mores. I am disturbed, alarmed and infuriated indeed.
I urge you and the members of Hacienda Heights School District authorities to reconsider the decision to allow the Chinese communist government to brainwash American Youths in such a blatant fashion. I urge all the parents of the students, teachers, and staff members of the school district to take action to resist and oppose such an anti-freedom course in our educational system. American Constitution is Not a suicide pact. Freedom does not mean “freedom to abuse and destroy freedom”.
I thank you for your attention on this extremely important issue.
Sincerely Kai Chen
Internet Links to learn related topics and issues:
Killer Chic (Video program on Mao and Guevara):
Revolutionary Holocaust:
Petition to Remove Mao Statue from Nixon Library:
Alhambra City Hall “Mao Portrait Incident”:
Mao’s Kitchen Protest:
Beijing Olympic Freedom T-shirt Movement:

RE: 给“孔课堂”学区负责人的一封信 A Letter to Hacienda District
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:20 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
图片: 陈凯向学区总监递交公开信,反对开办”孔子课堂”。 (记者萧融提供)
陈凯致函反对“孔子课堂” 学区允严审汉办教材
Kai Chen against Confucianism
为反对洛杉矶公立中学接受中国汉办捐款开办”孔子课堂”(Confucius Classroom),反共人士陈凯23日向当地哈岗拉朋学区(Hacienda La Puente School District)递交公开信。陈凯指出,”孔子课堂”接受汉办的资金和教材,为美国青少年开办汉语课程,不可能没有政治目的。学区总监出面接下公开信后,允诺将逐页审视汉办教材,并对公众公开审视结果。
洛杉矶哈岗拉朋学区教委会经法定程序表决通过,接受中国汉办提供美金三万元和中方编写的教材,向中学生开办”孔子课堂”。此一项目经部份社区领袖反对并引起争论之后,反共人士陈凯23日带着公开信登门拜访学区总监芭芭拉.中冈女士(Barbara Nakaoka)。陈凯说:“孔子课堂’由中共提供教材,美国校方用我们纳税人的钱聘请教师,给还未成年学生研读由外国政府提供的材料,我认为这当然是洗脑,更不要说一个政府向世界推行一个价值观,而其中没有’目的’,我不相信没有目的。”
汉办援引在全球广设“孔子学院”的做法,以无偿的条件进入美国公立中学开办 “孔子课堂”,并向外宣称绝无政治目的,但陈凯对开办课堂的动机,和对学生可能的影响仍存有疑虑。他说:“我和学区总监见面时,讲了1989年天安门事件和文化大革命,这些在中国历史里都被抹掉了,我认为在中国接受教育之后,都是历史残疾啊,因为在中国了解的历史,都是中国共产党的东西,现在要藉汉办教材把这些认知带到美国来,这完全是反自由的做法。”
图片:哈岗拉彭学区总监芭芭拉.中冈允诺逐页审视汉办教材,并公开结果。 (记者萧融提供)
陈凯藉公开信强调,反对 “孔子课堂”非关族裔或保守派意见,而是攸关道德的问题。他表示:“把一个道德的争论焦点,说成是族群之间的争论焦点,这是错的,这问题和肤色没有关系,我会设法和学生家长取得联系,这很重要。”

RE: 给“孔课堂”学区负责人的一封信 A Letter to Hacienda District
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:21 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
孔子课堂」洗脑争议延烧 学区:不会终止 陈凯质疑徐乃星「牵线动机」
http://news.sina.com 2010年03月24日 05:17 星岛日报
哈岗拉朋地学区(Hacienda La Puente Unified School Board)1月28日以「四比一」通过一项协议书,将于今年9月起正式在学区内Cedarlane中学设立「孔子课堂」,连月来引发主流及华裔社区部分人士公开反对声浪,争议持续蔓延。
洛杉矶反共人士陈凯23日前往该学区办公室递交陈情书,并质疑该学区教委徐乃星建议设立「孔子课堂」的「牵线动机」,而该学区日裔总监中冈(Barbara Nakaoka)表示,她欢迎所有人表达不同意见、共同关心学童教育,但这项计划不会终止,唯将「公开透明化」所有教材内容,她与学区教委们也将仔细审核过滤教材。
中冈坦言,这项计划将接受来自中国官方组织「中文国际委员会」,也就是外界所称「汉办(Hanban)」的3万元经费,但课堂讲师是华裔美国公民、上课教材也经学区人员「一页页(page by page)」检查筛选,而来自中国的协助教师没有加州教师执照、不能教课,充其量只能当「助教」,更遑论主导课程。
遭「点名」的徐乃星人正在纽约,他在第一时间回应说明,当初是在参加美国大学理事会(college board)相关活动时得知这项计划,并非他主动或被动与中国政府接触;而因深觉这项计划对该学区孩童学习中文助益极大,才向学区推荐设立。

RE: 给“孔课堂”学区负责人的一封信 A Letter to Hacienda District
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:22 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
John Rabe Coral Ridge Ministries
Would you send your children to the Chinese Communist Party for indoctrination sessions? A dictatorial regime, born out of centuries of despotism, is hardly the most-sought-after role model for American children. Yet, a California school board has voted to import instructors from China to implement a controversial new program.
Cedarlane Middle School in Hacienda Heights, California plans to offer a “Confucius Classroom”, supposedly, at no cost to the district. But opponents maintain that there are plenty of negative costs to implementing Chinese-government sponsored propaganda.
Chinese immigrant and anti-communist activist Kai Chen says that, quote, “Confucianism is the foundation of Chinese despotism for 2,000 years. The combination of Chinese despotism and modern communism forms a most poisonous brew...” Unquote.
Chen says that Confucianism, which has formed the basis for millennia of emperor-rule in China, has become a virtually missionary and evangelistic ideology, with Confucius Classroom programs in 87 nations.
Teaching the truth—that America was founded as one nation under God, with the state subject to Him and our rights granted only by him—can now land you in court in some places. In a time when the basic truths about our country are virtually illegal, it’s unthinkable to import Chinese ideology, which has never produced freedom, into American classrooms.
For Coral Ridge Ministries, I’m John Rabe

RE: 给“孔课堂”学区负责人的一封信 A Letter to Hacienda District
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:23 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
图:前中国篮球国手陈凯(右)5日应国际特赦组织邀请,前往位市的西方高中(West High School)演讲,讲述自由的价值及人权在世界推广的重要性,午间时分,吸引了4、5百高中生。旁为支持者廖铭忠。
反对中共孔子课堂 陈凯在美高中传播自由人权
Kai Chen Speech at West High School
【大纪元3月12日讯】(大纪元记者袁玫托伦斯市报导)前中国篮球国手陈凯5日应国际特赦组织(Amnesty International Club )邀请,前往托伦斯市(Torrance)的西方高中(West High School)发表演讲,讲述自由的价值及人权在世界推广的重要性,午间时分,吸引了4、5百名高中生。
陈凯表示,共产党在世界所犯的罪行,美国年轻人有知的权利应该知道,在美国高中、大学在现有环境中,无论师资、教材都缺少这方面真实历史的教育。 由于对历史的不了解,反而形成如以良好的意愿来贩卖毒品、以乌托邦思想毒害人们放弃自由的价值,用物质来腐化思维。
陈凯表示,中共现在用各种方法消灭人们鉴别真假,鉴别是非,鉴别对错,鉴别好坏这样一种能力,用种种思潮来腐蚀美国,如哈岗学区的孔子学校。 在美国有以“毛泽东”名字命名的餐厅,这家以“毛厨房”命名的中餐厅,里面都是以毛时代的语录和标语做装修,播放样板戏。 又如毛蜡像陈列在尼克森图书馆,毛的形象出现在白宫圣诞树上,白宫官员会使用毛的话,甚或在自由的美国仍有人崇尚左派思潮,歌颂共产主义的电影等。
陈凯认为我们有责任保证美国的建国价值得到传递褒扬,而不能被专制腐蚀,中共专制针对美国在做这件事,因美国倒了,世界就没希望。 中共也因此得到苟延残喘的机会。
美东时间: 2010-03-11 14:37:25 PM 【万年历】
本文网址: http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/10/3/12/n2842808.htm

RE: 给“孔课堂”学区负责人的一封信 A Letter to Hacienda District
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:24 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
担心被洗脑 居民抵制孔子课堂
Kai Chen against Confucian Classroom
【大纪元3月27日讯】(大纪元记者袁玫哈岗报导)南加州哈仙达拉朋地学区,将在9月开始,于西达琳中学开设由大陆“汉办”所设计课程的“孔子课堂”,遭到当地居民反对。陈凯23日前往会晤哈岗学区总监中冈﹙Barbara Nakaoka ﹚,并在25日晚该学区例会上发表演讲,揭露中共以孔子课堂之名向自由社会贩卖共产主义,污染美国政治文化及道德,腐蚀美国的自由,洗脑尚不成熟的年轻人,众多与会人士鼓掌赞同,表示将有所行动抵制“罪犯共党”入侵美国。
与会人士梅尔多纳多﹙Manuel Maldonado﹚在去年圣诞节时听到这个消息后,就非常担心,非常反对,因为教孩子共产主义,不是家长们、学区所期望的,我们绝对不要有教导仇恨西方国家的共产主义。
家长们忧心学生就如一块海绵,灌输什么,就接受什么,就被捏成什么,计划将联合学区人士知会国土安全部门详查这件事情。当日强烈反对孔子课堂的哈岗居民马西雅﹙Teresa Macias﹚再次发表谈话,呼吁大家一定要有所行动,不能容忍共党进入学区。

RE: 给“孔课堂”学区负责人的一封信 A Letter to Hacienda District
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:25 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Kai Chen and his daughter Alex, then a Yale basketball player, at home in 2005.
Activist Who Tried to Get Mao Tossed From Nixon Library Now Takes on School
By Matt Coker, Wednesday, Mar. 24 2010 @ 8:13AM OC Weekly
Comments (4) Categories: Politics, School Daze
KaiChenForum.com www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
Los Angeles-based, Chinese-American activist Kai Chen, who last September organized demonstrations against the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in Yorba Linda for including in its permanent Hall of World Leaders exhibit a life-size statue Mao Tse-Tung, is now directing his ire at the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District.
Chen with his parents in Nanjing, China, in 1977.
Chen--an author and former member of the Red Army and the Chinese national basketball team--is upset that Cedarlane Middle School in Hacienda Heights is set to offer a "Confucius Classroom."
At no cost to the district, a nonprofit and nongovernmental organization will provide instructors and teaching materials to teach students Chinese and about China's culture under the program the district's school board approved in January with a 4-1 vote.
In the name of promoting Confucius' teachings and the Chinese language, the Office of Chinese Language Council International, or "HanBan," has established 272 Confucius Classrooms worldwide since 2005. The collegiate version, Confucius Institutes, have been implemented in 282 universities over that same period.
But critics like Chen, who vehemently opposes what he views as an oppressive Chinese regime, charge "HanBan," which is affiliated with China's Ministry of Education, is really a front for the communist government.
"This is, among other schemes, one of the most insidious and blatant acts of the Chinese communist regime to infiltrate, corrupt and pollute American political culture," Chen wrote in a letter dated Friday to district Superintendent Barbara Nakaoka (and also posted on his blog). www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com
"The untold intent of the Chinese government is to legitimize its own illegitimate and criminal regime, making despotism/tyranny acceptable as something only 'different' in the culture of freedom in America. By accepting such a philosophical premise, the poisonous effect of despotic narcotics will indeed penetrate the mindset of American youths, rendering it impotent and confused in the realm of morality and ethics."
Man, that sounds even worse than television.
Confuciusism numbs the mind enough to make it receptive to brutal regimes like China's, according to Chen, who also informs Nakaoka that news of the parent opposition to the Confucius Classroom reached mainland China, via a Chinese-language World Journal newspaper article titled, "Southern California Whites Protest Confucian Courses."
"It used racism/nationalism to confuse the real issue--the Chinese communist infiltration, encroachment and contamination upon the landscape of American political culture," Chen writes.
But as with the Mao statue in Yorba Linda, which the then-private Nixon Library installed back in 1990 alongside likenesses of other Nixon-era world leaders like Winston Churchill and Charles deGaulle, there's little Chen can do to stop the newest Confucius Classroom following the board approval.
That is, there is little he can do except organize protests, write letters and blog posts, and rile up the locals.
"I urge you and the members of Hacienda Heights School District authorities to reconsider the decision to allow the Chinese communist government to brainwash American Youths in such a blatant fashion," his letter concludes. "I urge all the parents of the students, teachers, and staff members of the school district to take action to resist and oppose such an anti-freedom course in our educational system. American Constitution is Not a suicide pact. Freedom does not mean 'freedom to abuse and destroy freedom.'"
Sounds like something Confucius would have said.
[size=18]Comments: [/size]
baxter says:
Wanna stop China's influence, and improve our own? Then stop buying their shit. Don't shop for cheap disposable junk at WalMart and box stores. Go without, or buy fewer better quality eco friendly and American made products from a local retailer. I suggest Kai Chen, if he is not already doing so, take up the consumer aspect. I assure you that us buying up their crap has a lot more influence than a wee pudgy statue at the Nixon library does.
Posted On: Wednesday, Mar. 24 2010 @ 10:07AM
dentrite says:
Confucius classroom is indeed an idealological weapon in the Party's toolbox.
But hundreds of them won't change much, You don't have to be so radical.
Posted On: Thursday, Mar. 25 2010 @ 5:54AM
Slick Willie = sells USa out .... says:
Free Tibet ....
.... & the USA, too ....
Good deal Mr Chen, keep fighting the good fight.
.... Don't the worlds most oppressive regimes just love to "legitimize" & "enrich" each other?
Our (then) President WJ Clinton - fought "tooth & nail" for the passage of "PNTR" - legitimizing & empowering the government of Communist China at the expense of USA families (jobs & tax base).
Thankful Special Interests - then made the formerly broke Clinton's (who left the White House millions in debt) ultra-rich (now worth in excess of $100 million).
If his actions against the interests of the country & people aren't traitorous .... then what indeed, does a "Traitor" do?
Posted On: Thursday, Mar. 25 2010 @ 11:05AM
RobE says:
First, Mr. Chen paid some bigtime dues having to live under the repressive, corrupt and usually incompetent communist Chinese regime. I can understand how emotionally all this stuff would get under his skin in a vivid way and I think we should all respect that.
However, the Confucian thing puzzles me because as I understood it, the communists sought to undo confucianism in China. So that they are now using Confucius' name as a way to get into American schools seems curious at the very least.
However, Confucianism does run through a lot of societies in Asia, especially in South Korea. So exposing students here to that is probably a good thing and will enhances their understanding of how another part of the world thinks. And if the language material they use are non-ideological then there is likely no harm in it.
Let us not forget, too, that when Chang Kai-shek abandoned the mainland to save his and the rest of his surviving Kuomintang cronies in 1949, he went to Taiwan and set up a repressive fascist regime. His government also warmly welcomed petty Vietnamese dictator Nguyen Van Thieu and his millions of dollars worth of gold bars he had looted from his country's treasury when the communists took South Vietnam over. So maybe the larger question is what is up with the Chinese predilection for authoritarian governments? Taiwan, at least, has been liberalized over the last 15 years or so. But freedom in China was ephemeral to begin with, what, 15 years after Sun Yat-sen ascended to power?
Indeed, who does Mr. Chen want to take over the country if the Chinese leadership suddenly evaporated? It's one thing to hate on the Chinese education ministry sponsoring these classes and another to have a real vision for how China could become a functioning democracy that would benefit all of its citizens.

RE: 给“孔课堂”学区负责人的一封信 A Letter to Hacienda District
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:33 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
陈凯指出,以纳粹的所作所为,提醒社区出席人士警觉孔子学堂在中文教学中,渗透共产思想,将如纳粹加诸于人们一样为学生的带来伤害。当晚坚决反对孔子学堂入侵的哈岗居民 Teresa Macias及廖铭忠、郭树人等出席支持。
Kai Chen Protest Confucius Classroom
4月30日晚间,前中国男篮队员、著名人权活动家陈凯再次于美国洛杉矶哈岗学区教委例会上发言,以纳粹的所作所为,提醒社区出席人士警觉孔子学堂在中文教学中,渗透共产思想,将如纳粹加诸于人们一样为学生的带来伤害。当晚数十民众聆听陈凯发言,坚决反对孔子学堂入侵的哈岗居民Teresa Macias及将竞选议员的Michael Stollane等多位人士出席支持。
图︰陈凯30日晚间再次于哈岗学区例会上发言,以纳粹的所作所为,提醒社区出席人士警觉孔子学堂在中文教学中,渗透共产思想,将如纳粹加诸于人们一样为学生的带来伤害。当晚坚决反对孔子学堂入侵的哈岗居民 Teresa Macias及廖铭忠、郭树人等出席支持。
陈凯表示,当年恶名昭彰的纳粹,只要不过问它的恶行,不问它对人们的暴政,就能在它的统治下苟延残喘,至今,世界上没人不知,没人不晓,相同的如今中共用物质方法引诱放弃精神上道德上的追求,最好不要记得天安门事件,不要提起法轮功,不要说起三反、五反、文化大革命,不要提到共产党杀人历史,就可以让它的人民吃一口饭、呼一口气,完全成了“活死人”。 现在不仅对它的人民如此,更藉由孔子学堂在世界广大范围输出共产主义,以恶性文化腐蚀着世人,毒害着年轻人。
Teresa Macias表示,她无法相信由中共所提供的教材,他们已设立一个国际性网站,上面有详细相关内容,希望唤起大家的注意,不要任由中共毁了我们年青的后代。
郭树人认为,孔子学院可以用4C来看问题: “Confucius,Communist,Confusion,Common sense”,中共体制都是有问题,做什么事都有其目的,设立孔子学院,利用孔子来欺骗、洗脑,宣传共产思想于世界,迷惑大家混淆大家。
然而大家只要用Common sense就能对共产党的伎俩一目了然。譬如宾拉登出钱开学院要大家来学阿语、纳粹出钱要大家来学德语,是否要学。
教委陈介飞认为每个人可以自由表达他们的反对意见,同时表示他已看过中文教材。当初5位教委唯一投反对票的Randy Chavaria表示,他是因反对共产主义而投下反对票。 (http://www.dajiyuan.com)

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