Slaves are Castrated of Love
强奸生育,卖淫高潮,乱伦成家,自阉射精,等级恋爱,受奴忠国、、,一个没有自由尊严的人能真正有爱情吗? 奴隶爱国是病态与非逻辑的。
爱情只属于那些有自由意志的,有尊严的人。 爱情不能被索取;爱情只能被赢得。 爱情不能带有恐惧,怜悯,自卑,欺骗,虚假。 爱情只能产生于勇气,自尊,坦白,真实。 至今作为中国人与作为自由人,作为中国人与作为真实的人,作为中国人与作为有爱的能力的人仍旧是一对天大的矛盾,是一个弥天大谎,是一个被世人讥笑的大笑话。 --- 陈凯
Expecting procreation only from rape, orgasm only from prostitution, family only from incest, ejaculation only from castration, love only from hierarchy, loyalty only from slaves..., this is the true portrait of a Chinese mind today. Is a man without freedom able to truly love? A patriotic slave is a notion that can only comes from the perverted mind of a schizophrenic.
Love only belongs to those with freedom and dignity. Love cannot be asked for with pity, threatened into with fear or requested by authority's mandate. Love can only be earned and given by a free being. Love cannot coexist with fear, pity, self-loath, deception and falsehood. Love can only come from courage, self-respect, candidness, honesty and truth. Today, being a Chinese and being a free being, being a Chinese and being real/truthful, being a Chinese and being able to love are still a huge contradiction, a huge lie, a huge joke perpetrated by the Chinese onto the Chinese. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
Have you often wondered why there is no such thing as love in China, and why there is only plenty of hatred, jealousy, self-loath, falsehood, pity, despair, anger in China while "loving China" has always been the national slogan and mantra? Have you pondered on the concept of love?
I define myself as a romantic idealist. I am never short of love, for I always demand myself to be a free being first. I love my wife, my kids, my family, my friends, for I always demand I have to respect them first. But respect is never freely given. It is EARNED. Only those who have earned my respect with their honest and righteous decisions, actions, thinking deserve my love. Once I find I am deceived and harmed intentionally by someone for nothing, he or she will lose my respect, therefore, my love. This applies to everyone, including my family.
Family bond, blood-line, or common ancestry, is no basis for respect and love. Only individual behavior based on his or her content of moral character is the basis for respect and love. To mistaken love with birth place/race/culture/bloodline is to confuse freedom with slavery. I want all of you to think twice before you utter that word "love" to someone or some place.
Do you truly love him/her/it? Are you capable of loving when you yourself are not free? Are you capable of loving when your mind is confused and your heart is conflicted? Are you capable of loving when you fear, pity, loath, hate, despair?
Answer me and answer yourself honestly, then you may start to progress toward true love and true freedom.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯