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中国的末日到了/应该到了!China's Time is Up/Should be Up!

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:12 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

中国的末日到了/应该到了! China's Time is Up/Should be Up!


中国人的致命病点在于没有信仰(基督精神)。 外界对中国人的承认,担心,怜悯与容忍是中国人自觉存在的基点。 自我承认(自尊)的概念在一个没有个体价值的社会中不可能存在。 怪诞的是,中国政府的合法性历来都是建立在疑外,恐外,仇外与排外上的。 “中外”是中国人的唯一个体认同。 靠外依外与排外仇外是一对不能共存的矛盾,也是中国不可能进步稳定的基点原因之一。 以自毁,他毁和混乱要挟,威吓世界就成了中国的人们感觉到自己存在的主要手段。 --- 陈凯

The fatal weakness of the Chinese comes from a fundamental lack of understanding of religion (Christianity) and faith in general. Others' recognition, worry, pity and tolerance toward the Chinese themselves hence become the focal points of how the Chinese feel their own existence. Self-recognition (self-esteem and respect) is an alien concept in a society without the concept of individualism. More strange yet, the legitimacy of the Chinese government has always been founded on a xenophobia it cultivates and fosters in the Chinese society. “Chinese or Foreigners" is the only criterion for a Chinese person's dentity. This insurmountable contradiction between "dependence on outside recognition and hatred toward outside world" dooms the Chinese society into a forever chaotic and regressive abyss of destruction. Using self-destruction, aggressiveness, blackmail and threat of causing humanitarian disasters to outside world has naturally become the means for the Chinese to deal with others and to temporarily feel their own flimsy existence. --- Kai Chen


[size=18]Quote from today's (3/27/2008) LA Times' article "West's Tibet 'bias' galls many in China": [/size]

"There's been significant improvement," said Xiao Gongqin, a history professor at Shanghai Normal University.

"Outsiders should avoid pressuring China too much or it will return to radicalism," Xiao said. "China will improve and enjoy more democratic rights, but it needs time."


Dear Visitors:

From the quote above I smell the familiar stink of the typical Chinese threat toward outside world: "If you don't succumb to our will, we Chinese will cause trouble for you in the West and the rest of the world. We are too big, too irrational, too crazy, too desperate..." Do you smell the same old nauseating stink of the Chinese threat here as well?

China's time is up. The Evil Empire's time is up.

After almost sixty years of communist despotism, 70 million people perished of unnatural death (murdered, tortured and starved to death) in peace time. Many more millions of Chinese are still under the thumb of a brutal criminal government and lead a life of desperation and misery. 90% of the Chinese national wealth is concentrated in the hands of offspring of the high Chinese officials who acquired their power through violence and deception over the population. Where is the legitimacy of such a government and polity? Where is justice?

There can never be such a thing as an unjust and stable society.

Do we need to give them more time? Does the outside world need to give them more time? How many more millions have to die and suffer before justice, freedom and dignity can finally be restored to and tasted by an ordinary Chinese person? Should the world wait till China grows even stronger by the threat of violence toward its own citizens and the rest of the world?

China's time is up indeed. The Evil Empire's time is up indeed.

This year's Beijing Olympics should signal the final demise of a brutal, violent communist regime. The beginning of the end has arrived. Butchers and criminals of the Chinese communist government should be put on trial for their crimes and atrocities against humanity both in China and in the world. Just think about what China means to the world in general: North Korea, Burma, Sudan, Iran, Cuba, Taiwan, Cambodia... Just think about what the criminal Chinese government has done since it took power in China: Land reform and collectivization, Great Leap Forward, Anti-rightist Movement, Cultural Revolution, 1976 and 1989 Tiananmen Massacre, persecution of Falungong, Tibetan monks, Christians, environmental disasters due to socialist policies, population control atrocities... There have been many, many more.

Should we give the criminal government more time to solidify their control again, to stabilize and strengthen their grip over the population again, to threaten the world with their nuclear weapons and economic disasters again??? No!! China's time is up! A new form of government must now begin to take shape and take place to replace the communist crazies. The criminals need to be put on trial. The Mao portrait and his rotten corpse need to be disposed into where they belong - the garbage bin of history.

China's time is up! The Evil Empire's time is up!

Let us begin to dispose the communist regime's rotten corpse into the garbage bin with only one word painted on it: [size=24]Shame[/size].

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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