香香嘴,臭臭腚,硬硬吊 - 满足人体洞穴的功能是一个中国人生命的意义
Satisfying the functions of one's body cavities - The meaning of life for a Chinese person.
The Name Has Less than 100 Years of History

中国人(the Chinese) 至今生活在专制创造的谎言之中。 社稷,天下,王土,朝代,皇权的确在东亚大地上延续了几千年。 但“中国”一词的出现是不到一百年(辛亥革命以后)以前的事。 “中国五千年”是今天中国的人们(Chinese) 还没有脱离的天大谎言。
“中国" 的"中"来自“中原”,“中央”与“中庸”。 “中”字害人非浅:“中央”是自上而下的大汉族群专制奴役的定义。 “中庸”则是这种来自儒家的专制奴役的伪道德基点。 一切来自皇权与政府是“中央”的内涵。 未置可否的“个打五十大板”的伪正义成了中国人(Chinese) 道德混乱与对邪恶无限容忍的伪道德准则。
“中”不灭,“中国”不灭,正义的不到伸张,真理的不到弘扬,自由的不到保障,人的尊严的不到确立,真正的道德得不到基石。 未来在东亚大地上建立的绝不是“中国”(或任何”华汉”为中心的政体), 而是自下而上的,擎真理,正义,自由与尊严的人类普世终极价值为道德基准的“东亚联邦“(United Federation of East Asia). 我(陈凯)只为这些人类的普世终极价值而生活博战,绝不为建在谎言上的“中国”而服从献身。
在专制制度下的历史从来都是伪历史。 只有当自由的人们在绝对道德价值面前畅言的时候,历史才会开始建立。 请迷恋“中”与“中国”的人们再思你们的道德与真实。 只有彻底脱离“中”的人们才会有希望,有未来。 --- 陈凯
Even today the Chinese still live in a big lie of "Middle Kingdom". "Under the Heaven", "Imperial Power", "Dynastic Cycles" as identities indeed have lasted a few thousand years on the mainland of Asia. But the notion of "Middle Kingdom of China" (中国)was only invented less than a hundred years ago, since the revolution of 1911 to overthrow the last dynasty. "The Middle Kingdom's 5000 years history" is indeed a gigantic lie from which all the Chinese have yet to escape.
Middle Kingdom's "Middle" comes from the notion of "Center" and a Confucian ethical code of hierarchy and "taking middle road". The words "Middle" and "Center" have plagued the Chinese so much and so long that even today they have yet to establish a true morality based on some eternal and universal moral principles. "Center" to the Chinese means everything comes from the central government, from the emperors. "Middle" to the Chinese means never to take a moral stand, never to judge what is right or wrong but to tolerate forever the despotic governments which hold absolute power.
If we don't eliminate the evil tenets of "Center" and "Middle" with which the Chinese have been obsessed for thousands of years, truth, justice, liberty and human dignity will never be truly established. Thus true morality will never be established. The future political entity on the mainland of China should never be "Han race" centered or government centered. And I (Kai Chen) will never fight for, or join a lie.
A despotic tyranny will never have a true history. True history can only begin when free individuals start to express themselves based on reality and true morality. I hereby call upon all who are still obsessed with "Center", "Middle" and "Middle Kingdom of China" to rethink your moral and intellectual positions, to face the truth. Only when you have the moral clarity and courage to face the big lie of "Middle Kingdom", you can start to have a chance to advance, you can start to have true hope. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
I have always said and hoped that China's end is coming. And I truly means "China" and its end in history.
Many want me to correct myself and want me to say that it should be the Chinese Communist Regime's end is coming, not China's. But I truly mean China's end is coming.
"中国“, Middle Kingdom is a very harmful notion to people's sense of morality. "Middle ground" and "center" are exactly where despotic tyranny solidifies its grip over the Chinese population. All the people should be very clear about the fact that as long as they are obsessed with "Middle and Center" as the identity for themselves, they will never advance along the path toward freedom and human dignity.
Here I only want to make myself clearer without any moral and intellectual confusion. I hope all of you can grasp my essential points.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯