Loyalty due to Lacking Morality
中国人的迷恋于忠诚来自中国社会与其政治文化中道德的贫乏,腐败与道德准则的完全虚无。 “丢中国人的脸”成了这种道德虚无的口头禅。 有皮无骨,有脸无灵,有头无脑,有吊无精,有形无质便成了中国吸血鬼们的写照。 --- 陈凯
The Chinese obsession over loyalty comes from China's society's complete lack of morality and a complete submission to a moral nihilism. "Losing face for us Chinese" has long become a catch phrase for such a moral nihilism. Hence, a creature with only skin but no bones, with only face but no soul, with only head but no brain, with only penis but no sperm, with only image but no substance is the today's typical Chinese zombies' portrait. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
Henry and I were at the Beijing Olympic float display site in Pasadena. We were holding a banner that says: " Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death." On the ground there was a Chinese flag with the English words "Evil Empire" on it.
Most people, most Americans and especially those who came from repressive regimes in their birth countries appreciated our display and many took photos of us/with us holding the banner with the Beijing Olympic float as the background. But some Chinese "angry youths" came and cursed us as being the traitors of China and as "losing face" for China. One of the angry youths even accused me as betraying China that reared me and made me what I am today.
I want to tell all such angry youths. First I am not a Chinese anymore. I am an American, and very proudly so. My home is where my values are and where freedom is. I owe nothing to China and I have only contempt and pity for that country. Secondly, if anyone read my book "One in a Billion - Journey toward Freedom", he or she should know what China did for my basketball career was to hold my love for the sport as the hostage over my head to enslave me, to take away my freedom and dignity. What China did to me was to have used evey means possible to crush me and destroy me but failed to do so. Finally, those who want to see me in hell because my moral stand against an evil empire maybe themselves already in hell. They are only projecting their own hell onto their own surroundings. They are pitiful, yet dangerous.
I want all of you who love America to keep up your vigilance, and to do what you can to safeguard this great country, this bastion of freedom, this beautiful land we call home against all evil.
I thank you for a wonderful 2007 and hope you have a great 2008 with me.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯