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中国从来就不是国,更不是共和 China Has Never Been a Republic

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:47 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

China Has Never Been a Nation, Not to Mention a Republic


基于中文的弊病,大多数中国人认为只要有了国号就有了国,只要有了外在就有了内容,只要有了皮脸血肉就有了灵魂尊严、、。 Nation, Republic 是有内涵的英文词汇。 国与共和在中文中只有外在形象,但它们却有效地起到了欺骗世人头脑,蒙蔽世人良知的恶果。 --- 陈凯

Because of the innate defects of the Chinese language, most Chinese think if they give an entity a name (title), that entity must have the essence endowed by that name (title). It is much like what the Chinese assume -- if there is an appearance, there has to be an essence, if there is skin, face, blood or flesh, there has to be a soul or conscience, there has to be dignity or self-esteem. Nation, Republic are English words with definitions and meaning. But in Chinese language they have only an appearance and a facade. Nonetheless, these Chinese meaningless words effectively deceive the Chinese mind, effectively confuse their conscience, making them nothing but the walking dead. --- Kai Chen


Dear Visitors:

"People's Republic of China" -- It sounds like a title of a real nation. But indeed China has never been a nation.

If you studied political science in the West, you would know that China today by definition is a "Party-State". It lacks all the required elements of a "Nation". All the Chinese governmental functions are under the control of the communist party. The party-state apparatus supercedes all the governmental institutions including parliament, army, court, police, etc. So where does this title “中国" come from? “中国", “美国”sound all like "国" -Nations. But is there any similarity if you look at the definition, at the meaning, at what is inside of these entities?

Please do not deceive yourself by using the Chinese language to assume China is a (国)nation, just like any other (国)in the world. The truth is that China has never been a nation. China was a dynasty in the past and China is a party-state (a communist dynasty) today. When I hear some Chinese sing in praise of China's republic, first I want to laugh out loud, then I want to throw up. A republic by definition is a political entity in which government is only legitimate by the consent of the governed. Such a political entity must have elections to be a republic. Simply by calling China "People's Republic" does not make China a republic at all? By the same token, China has no "people" either. A people with no individuals is a deceptive entity (a term invented by the despots) aimed at using majority defined by those with power to suppress minorities and individuals.

All of the words in such a title "People's Republic of China" are fake, phoney without any meaning or essence. Yet today the Chinese will still not wake up from their linguistic stupor to their own state of falsehood and self-deception. The truth is: There is nothing real in China. Everything invented in China is aimed at turning a real human individual into a blood-thirsty, soulless zombie whose sole purpose in life is to take away another human being's soul and conscience. This is the true reality. This is the true state of affairs in China in the past and today. This is the true state of living for all the Chinese.

I only hope that you do not belong to this "People's Republic of China" or any other China's dynasty for that matter. I only hope soon you will pull yourself back into reality, into the free world, into truth, justice, liberty and diginity, into your own soul and conscience. I only hope finally you will live in a true "Nation", in a true "Republic", like a true human being, like in Taiwan.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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