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不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
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中国的儒家宦官小男人 Eunuchs -- Small Confucian Chinese Men
中国的儒家宦官小男人 Eunuchs -- Small Confucian Chinese Men
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:46 pmby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
Eunuchs -- Small Confucian Chinese Men
Sow an act, and you reap a habit; sow a habit, and you reap a character; sow a character, and you reap a destiny. --- Goerge Dana Boardman
种下一个行为, 你就种下了一个习性; 种下一个习性,你就种下了一个品质; 种下一个品质,你就种下了一个命运。 --- Goerge Dana Boardman
A typical Chinese man is a Confucian eunuch - a self-castrated creature without an iota of self-respect but plenty illusion of self-importance regarding the opposite sex. --- Kai Chen
一个典型的中国男人是一个在儒家伦理中生活的宦官(太监) - 一个毫无自尊的但充满自大幻觉的自我阉割的小人怪物,尤其是当他面对一个女人(异性)的时候。 --- 陈凯
Dear Visitors:
Today I read some comments posted by a Chinese nationalist - a nation-lover who cursed Chang who wrote "Mao - The Unknown Story" as a traitor of China. And he defines Chinese with only the racial feature -- black hair, black eyes and yellow skin. He even call Ms. Chang a whore who sold herself to foreigners for she is married to a British man.
I have written a message in response to his post. Then I realize that there is a deep psychological sickness among the Chinese men, due much to their impotence from the day he is born, for in Confucian ethics male is always designated superior than female. Much of the Asian cultures follows the same pattern. It is this artificial and arbitrary ascription of social status that has castrated a Chinese man from the beginning of his being.
A Chinese man feels forever superior to a Chinese woman because he is the one who carries the family name, and Chinese Confucian tradition designates his unearned privilege over all females in China. He does not have to work a bit to have that privilege. This very privilege renders him limp-dicked from the very beginning of his days for he has no sense of reality how the world works. He is recognized by his parents and his grandparents as the legitimate inheritor of the family's name and assets, not having to shed a drop of sweat.
A Chinese woman, on the other hand, knowing her social status as the lowest in the Confucian echelon, often works harder to prove to herself that she is worthy. So we often see stronger Chinese women rather than stronger Chinese men in their roles in society and family. When you talk to a Chinese woman, you often find that they have better common sense than a Chinese man, and often make better decisions than their male counterparts. However, due to a culture of Power-worship permeated in the Chinese society, all the female role models in China, in the literatures past and present, are either Emperesses like Cixi, Wu Zetian or Jiang Qing. It is as though if a female is to achieve the same status with a male in China, she has to dominate males. Mu Guiying, Hua Mulan are other examples of this dominance in the Chinese literatures.
All in all, Power is what the real game is. Chinese males are born with high social status, and with it they have lost their individual drive and effort. They simply become impotent, self-castrating small beings. A "Small Man" syndrome, so to speak, is prevalent in the Chinese society. Their privilege has become not a blessing, but a curse put on them by tradition so that they feel helplessly desperate. This syndrome fosters an abnormal social psycology among the Chinese males -- they tend to become incapable but abusive, sadistic power mongers, morally small and confused, psycologically delusive like Mao. Meanwhile the Chinese female also develops an abnormal thirst for power, due to their own inferior social bearings and status. Merits, ability, talent, effort, moral character mean nothing to the Chinese, for from the day they are conscious, the only phenomenon they have observed among their families and peers is manipulation of one another among human beings, is power struggle for social status.
This abnormality and pathology among the Chinese males and females are still perpetuating today. Survey shows that most overseas Japanese women marry outside of their race, and once they marry foreigners or people of other races, native Japanese will no longer recognize them as having anything to do with Japan. Among physical sizes the Asian female desire their offsprings to be, unequal social status in their own traditional society is a main factor for them to marry outside their race and ethnic groups. They are treated better in such marriages than in the traditional marriages within their own race and ethnic groups.
But at the same time, the Asian males, in this case that the one who cursed Chang for betraying the Chinese race by marrying a Brit, often resent the Asian females for marrying out. Yet they will always fail to examine the roots and reasons of such a phenomenon.
In my opinion, larger gene pool is better than smaller gene pool, for the chances that geniuses will be produced genetically are better. The U.S. is one prime examples (in any realm of human endeavor). This is just science. To keep the race pure, like the Nazi-Germany, or the Chinese, is anti-freedom, anti-science, anti-logic, anti-human, anti-reality in general.
I welcome your views and opinions on this topic.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯
Now I paste this article by “中国女人" here for you to read.
国外的生活很简单:工作,回家,购物,会友,聚餐,旅游,上网。几乎没有桑拿、按摩、洗脚、洗发、夜总会、卡拉OK、流连夜店。老外无论男女老少,喜欢运动、修剪花草、美化家居、旅游探险、探求世界面貌、思索人生意义,以及做义工 ―― 免费为社区工作,或自费出国帮助穷国的弱势群体,或收养弃婴,给他们一个甜蜜的家。
对“中国男人出轨的十大原因”的作者,我没有丝毫敌意,毕竟文章讲出男人的感受,相当真实,值得参考。我针对的,是中国社会中对女人权利完全忽略的态度,那种 “女人不愿牺牲就是坏女人,女人牺牲也是白牺牲”的想法。你当我们女人是抹布啊?用旧了就丢掉,嘴上还骂骂咧咧:真脏!

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