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灭共在于谁?- “人权”还是“邪恶帝国”?Whose Credit?

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:31 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

灭共在于谁?- 卡特的“人权”还是里根的“邪恶帝国”?
Credit Whom - Carter or Reagan?


是谁的政策导致了共产主义的灭亡? 是卡特的“人权”要求,还是里根的“邪恶帝国”的定性? 出于左派的“相对道德论”和“自上而下”的大政府观,今天的左派也毫不例外地打着“人权”的大旗反共。 这种反共并不挑战中共的合法性。 我们必须向世人指出中共“邪恶帝国”的非法罪恶性质而绝不是与中共妥协谋什么“人权”。 --- 陈凯

Whose policy led to the destruction of the communism? Was it Mr. Carter's "human rights" demand? Or Mr. Reagan's relentless indictment of USSR as an "evil empire"? Because of their belief in "moral relativism" and an "omnipotent big government", today the liberal leftists still hold the same banner of "human rights" to protest the Chinese communism. Such a rhetoric does not challenge the legitimacy of the Chinese communist government. It, on the opposite, solidifies it by negotiating with it. We on the right must point out to the people of the world that China has already replaced the former USSR to have become the focus of evil in the modern world. And we must fight to destroy it and remove it from human existence. --- Kai Chen


Dear Visitors:

The cold war has ended for some time now. If you still argue that the downfall of communism was because of Mr. Carter's "human rights" demand, and not Mr. Reagan's "evil empire" indictment and his "Tear Down This Wall" call, you are delusional.

Today toward the Chinese communist government, the last bastion of evil communism in the world, what is your attitude? To demand human rights from them as Mr. Carter did in the late 1970s? Or to do everything you can to destroy this evil empire on the mainland, as Mr. Reagan did? The choice is yours.

But you must learn from the examples of Carter and Reagan. And you must decide either to live with communism - the most evil among human ideologies, or to depose it into the trash can of history. Remember: Tolerance of evil is tantamount to joining evil.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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