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扒粪取谷,摸石过河 Chinese Self-Deception

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:29 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

扒粪取谷,摸石过河 - 中国知识精英、民运贵族的自欺误导
Chinese Self-Deception


在金浪滚滚的谷海中,有一群饥饿的人们带着他们的濒死的孩子们兢兢业业地、孜孜不倦地在他们祖宗的粪便中寻找着尚未被消化的,渗透着病菌毒素的谷物,不断埋怨着自然界的不公。 在通向自由彼岸的、无数人们争相而过的康庄大桥旁,有一群自己标榜的贵族精英领袖们,无视着飘在河中的无数溺尸,带领着他们的后代们至死不渝的“摸石过河”,宣扬着那民族精神的伟大。 在几步之外的孕育生命的蓝色的大海旁,有一群知识精英,民运贵族们谆谆教诲着他们的后代要永远忠于他们祖宗起源的充满死亡的沼泽地,永远在那尸骨纵横的泥潭中寻找生命、、。

这听起来太残酷,太可悲,太可笑,太扭曲的情景其实正是中国人们从古至今的真实写照。 那些卑鄙狭隘的精英们竟被誉为是举世豪杰。 而那些有着良知头脑的、取得了自由的个体们竟被看作是他类而被嗤之以鼻。 这,就是中国直到今天的现实。 --- 陈凯

In the golden waves of grain, there is a crowd of people, bringing up their hungry children by tirelessly digging into their ancestors' excrements for the undigested, toxic and disease-infested food for nutrition. By the steel bridge of freedom on which millions upon millions of people rush through toward a better tomorrow, there is a crowd of people who label themselves as the "Chinese Democratic Elite", intrepidly propagating the value of "feeling the stones to get cross the river" to their children, totally blind to the countless corpses drowned in the water. On the beach of the life-generating ocean, there is a crowd of Chinese intellectuals and democratic leaders who are sincerely teaching their offspring that they should forever be loyal to where they were born - the death-filled swamp, and forever look for life in the quick-sand....

This indeed sounds too cruel, too sad, too laughable, too perverted to be believed. Nonetheless, this is the reality of the Chinese history. Those perverted minds are still praised as being the heroes. Those who are truly free are still being touted as aliens to be discarded. This is indeed the reality in today's China. --- Kai Chen


Dear Visitors:

I have only started to get to know about the so-called Chinese democratic elite circle, since I started my Olympic Freedom Run in the world.

Indeed I have met some brave souls who in essence just like me, are free beings. But I have also got to know the reality of the current mainstream Chinese intellectual thoughts and the self-important circle of the "Chinese democratic elite". (Sounds contradictory, doesn't it?) It seems among these elitist democratic leaders, to find nutrition in the Chinese ancestors' excrements is still a dominant theme.

I only hope through my "Olympic Freedom Run", some of the people who have been poisoned by these elitist leaders will come back to their senses, realizing there is nothing more important than life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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