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与一个非法罪犯政治集团谋人权?Seeking Rights from Criminals?

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:35 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Seeking Rights from Criminals? Think Again!


首先,人的基本权利并不从任何政府而来。 人权来自上苍。 其次,一个非法的罪犯政治集团没有任何资格讲保障、改善人权。 与中共非法罪犯政治集团(一个十恶不赦的“党政”)谋人权改善有如与虎谋皮,没有任何道德与理性基点。 要保障人权,首先要建立一个合法的道德宪政。 没有这样的一个合法的道德宪政为前提,一切都是虚无的空谈。 --- 陈凯

First of all, the inalienable rights for human beings come only from God, not from any men or governments. Second, an illegitimate, criminal political entity is not qualified to talk about protecting and improving human rights. To talk about human rights with the Chinese communist government, an illegitimate criminal "party state", is equivalent to asking a tiger for its own hide. Such a position has neither moral ground, nor rational ground. To protect human rights, we must first establish a moral and legitimate constitutional political entity. Without such a moral and legitimate entity, everything we are talking about now is only a farce. --- Kai Chen


Dear Visitors:

I have talked about how impotent one's position can be when he is asking the Chinese communist government to improve human rights in China. This is because his premise for asking such improvement from an illegitimate criminal government entirely lacks moral and rational ground.

A government is legitimate only if it is elected with the consent of the governed, and only if it is under a moral constitution that guarantees everyone his freedom and rights. The Chinese communist government has never been elected, nor has it ever been moral. The Chinese government has always used guns, violence, threat to impose pain and death, people's own fear and moral confusion for its own stability, power and its own very existence. The entire purpose of such a government can be nothing but to maintain its own tyranny over the population.

It is not only idiotic to ask such a government to improve human rights, for human rights protection has never been its own purpose, it is entirely immoral to expect evil not to perpetuate evil. If one is cheated once, it is the perpetrator's fault. If one is repeatedly cheated, it is one's own fault. The Chinese have been repeatedly cheated, brainwashed and violated. The Chinese people must bear their own responsibility. Only by understanding this point, the Chinese people will have a chance for self-salvation.

Do not expect evil to do good, for otherwise it would not be called evil in the first place.

Take care of yourself, your own mind and soul. Kai Chen 陈凯

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