陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556

中国人求伪、邪、驯,自由人求真、正、尊 China vs. Freedom

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:30 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

中国人求伪、邪、驯,自由人求真、正、尊 China vs. Freedom

China vs. Freedom


一个认为自己首先是一个中国人的人与一个自由人所追求的价值是正相反的。 这并不奇怪。 将“人”放在“中国”的笼子里只能导致一个现象: 当真理(真实)与“中国”(群体认同)发生冲突的时候,中国人会首先选择由“中国”(群体认同)而带来的确定感与安全感。 他们会放弃由于追求真实而带来的不定感,变化感与风险感。 一个自由人正相反。 他将永远不懈无畏地追求真实,即使这种追求会常常威胁到他的过去的认同与认知。 他清楚地知道: 只有无畏的对自由的追求,他才能有获得自由与真实幸福的可能。

Kai Chen's Words:

Those who take themselves as first and foremost "Chinese" and those who take themselves as first and foremost "Free Human Beings" have opposite values. This is only very logical: When one puts oneself inside the cage of a collective identity, in this case China, he will automatically choose certainty and security over uncertainty and risks necessary in the pursuit of truth. A free being will think and act opposite of this pattern: He will courageously pursue and face the truth, even though this tireless pursuit often results in grave threat to his original identity and consciousness of reality. This is because a free being knows clearly that only this bold and tenacious pursuit of truth can set one free and can make the achievement of true happiness a real possibility.


Dear Visitors:

Again and again, I encounter many people who call themselves Chinese with a nauseous feeling: They not only don't know what reality (truth) is, they don't care to know what it is at all. They never bother to question anything at all in order to know the truth. What they care the most often is their title of being "Chinese" without a slightest knowledge what that means.

No one ever can tell me what China means and what being a Chinese means. Yet loyalty to their collective title, to something their ancestors left to them is of the utmost importance. It has long become a perverted obsession. China has always been a "Sacred Cow", even the truth and reality told us it is a fake notion, and it is a deceptive trap set up by all the despots in Chinese history for their own monopolizing power. The Chinese are brainwashed to such a degree that even though they are raped by their own oppressors daily and through centuries, somehow they are conditioned to find pleasure in the brutal act of harm. And they are conditioned to hail "Long Live" to the killers and rapists and they tirelessly educate their own offspring to owe their unconditioned loyalty and allegiance to the killers and rapists, for that is the only existence they have ever known and experienced.

Can't they open their eyes and see there are people in the world, such as those in America, who never take oppression and slavery as pleasure, who always maintain their own dignity and freedom with their courageous fight every moment against evil and injustice in their tireless pursuit of truth, justice and real happiness.

Best. Kai Chen

Last edited Fri Feb 28, 2014 4:11 pm | Scroll up

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