陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556

奥运自由衫对“人”重新定义 Freedom T-shirt Redefines Being Human

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:57 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

真理,正义,自由,尊严 Truth, Justice, Liberty, Dignity

Olympic Freedom T-shirt Redefines Being Human


在我与大多数中国人的交往中,“人”的定义是被物化的与奴化的。 “人“要么就是关在猪圈中被饲养者炫耀与任意屠宰阉割的猪猡,要么就是被拴在绳索上的任主人吆喝咬人的看家狗。 在多数中国人的意识中,人被有意无意地定义为为社稷,国家,政府服务的狗豸不如的奴才。 ”血肉长城“只是人们每天高唱的引为自豪的自我定义。

我现在要用 "奥运自由衫" 全球运动与 "奥运自由长跑" 为“人”重新下定义: [size=18]“人”是一个追求真理的,有正义感的,有尊严的自由体。 不自由,毋宁死。

现在我问你: 你是属于哪一个定义中的“人”? --- 陈凯

In my daily association with most of the Chinese, I have found that the definition of a "human being" is grossly distorted and degraded. To most Chinese, human beings are nothing more than physicalized existence to be used as slaves by their masters - the state that is embodied by their own government. From the Chinese point of view, a human being is either a pig to be bragged upon (as how good looking and fat it is) by the pig-raiser to his neighbors, to be castrated and butchered at any time for the pleasure of others, or a guard dog on leash, listening to the order of its master to serve and attack. In short, the Chinese definition of a human being is an entity that is lower than a swine or a dog - an entity that is ready any time to serve the purpose of the emperors, the nation, the state and the government, void of any sense of justice and morality. "To build a Great Wall with our blood and flesh" as that in the Chinese National Anthem is the ultimate purpose and goal for a Chinese.

Now I want to use the "Olympic Freedom T-shirt" Global Movement and the "Olympic Freedom Run" to announce to the world my own definition of a human being, to redefine human existence:

[size=18]A human being is an integrated, dignified and free entity that pursues truth and justice, that pursues meaning and the fulfillment of that meaning in his or her life. Give me liberty or give me death.

Now I ask you: How do you define yourself in these two opposite and contrasting definitions? Where do you belong? --- Kai Chen


Dear Visitors:

What is the primary role of a government? Is it to provide its citizens food, housing, security and purpose of his life? Or is it to ensure the liberty of each citizen in his or her pursuit of happiness?

Your answer to this fundamental question will reveal who you are -- a slave or a free being.

We tend to distract ourselves with our daily existence and often forget to ask ourselves this most important question in our lives: What is the purpose and meaning of our lives? Why do I exist on this planet Earth? If you have not asked yourself this question, I suggest that you start now, for if you only realize how important this question is in your deathbed, it would be too late. You would have wasted all your life for nothing.

I have started this "Olympic Freedom T-shirt" Global Movement with a single purpose in mind -- to put the question of "meaning of life" in people's mind, particularly those of the Chinese descent. I am here to challenge all of you to ask yourself this question of life, and I hope because of this endeavor to attempt to answer this question, you and I will become a better human being, a free human being with dignity to pursue truth and justice.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

Last edited Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:34 am | Scroll up

陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556
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