Comparison: 1936 Berlin Olympics - 2008 Beijing Olympics

人vs.政府,自由vs.奴役--奥运之灵只能是自由之灵 The True Olympic Spirit
人与政府,自由与奴役,尊严与金牌,正义与罪行、、。 当我们穿上“奥运自由衫”跑在人类尊严的路上的时候,你有没有想到是谁代表了真正的奥运精神? 是我们这几个人,还是在中国的亿万人? 是我们这几个人默默无闻的奔跑,还是那在中国的亿万人对“民族金牌”的欢呼? 是我们这几个人发自灵魂的,无所畏惧的行动,还是那在中国的亿万人出自虚荣脸面的,出于道德混乱的,对专制暴政怯懦的服从? 是我们这几个人对真理自由的追求与向往,还是那在中国的亿万人对大一统、强权与虚无的崇尚? 请用你自己的良知做出鉴别。 --- 陈凯
Human beings and government, freedom and slavery, dignity and gold medals, justice and atrocities.... When we are wearing the "Olympic Freedom T Shirts" and running on the road of human dignity, have you thought about who truly represent the Olympic Spirit? Is it us the few, or the millions upon millions in China? Is it us the few who run silently, or the millions upon millions in China with their thunderous cheers when they see gold medals won with the honor of China's "people racists"? Is it us the few who are running with our souls and courage, or the millions upon millions in China who cheer with their faces of vanity, timidity, moral confusion and cowardice toward tyranny? Is it us the few with our yearning and pursuit of freedom and happiness, or the millions upon millions in China that worship unity, power, misery and nothingness? Please make a judgment using your own conscience! --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
In about a month we will formally launch our "Olympic Freedom T Shirt" movement, with our running among the American cities, possibly the cities in the world.
We will start from Los Angeles China Town toward the Los Angeles Olympic Coliseum. And we plan to run in San Francisco, New York, Atlanta, Washington DC and other cities. If financially possible we also plan to run in the other major world cities.
We may be only a few people. But we represent the true Olympic Spirit -- the Spirit of Freedom. I hope you all join us in your action, in your support, in your prayers for us to run toward freedom, dignity, human happiness and human progress.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯[size=12][/size]