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崇中爱中者必仇美 China Lovers Are America Haters

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:36 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

China Lovers Are America Haters


The most despicable elements are those who live and thrive in freedom but despise freedom and yearn for despotism and slavery. All of them are using some lofty titles to cover up their darkest and most unspeakable motive -- the insatiable thirst for power. --- Kai Chen

现世中最可憎恶的人们就是那些生活在自由的,资本主义社会中的两面人物。 他们自身的繁荣来自自由与资本主义,但却都打着一些冠冕堂皇的旗号反对自由社会与资本主义并向往专制与奴役。 这些人无一不是为了满足他们自身的罪恶与不可告人的动机 -- 那不可满足的权力欲。 --- 陈凯


Dear Visitors:

I have met quite a few fake freedom-lovers who claim they also love China. Some of them have hid from me their own true essence of Slavery-worshippers for a long time, until the international issues of 9/11, Japan, America, Taiwan,Korea, Iraq war emerge. Then they suddenly, sometimes unexpectedly strip all the pretension they have used to disguise themselves, leaping out from the darkest recess of their souls as man-eaters. These are the true essence of China-lovers. Here I just want to warn all of you guys to be aware, and beware of such insidious people.

When 9/11 happened, we saw that these people come out jumping for joy. When American plane dropped the bomb on the Chinese embassy by mistake, we saw these people come out to spill their guts against America. When the Hainan Incident happened and the American plane was forced down by the Chinese, we saw them suddenly forget all the atrocities the Communists have committed against humanity and side with the Chinese government full of some nameless indignation. When Taiwan issue put in front of them, they are all against Taiwan people's will to be self-determinant. When Japan is siding with America on international issues, these China-lovers start to fan anti-Japanese hatred, propagating the ancient emotions of prejudice and revisit the war time Japanese atrocities. Whenever and wherever there is an anti-American sentiment, we saw these China-lovers such as 潘一丁cursing America to hell, wishing ill to American people, and secretly helping despotic regimes such as Iran and North Korea on all the international issues, emotionally siding with the worst human garbage on this planet earth.

Now even on Youpai.org, we saw such despicable elements such as Dachuxing and some others who hide behind "anti-communist" slogans and camouflage, spreading hatred toward America and West, calling those who are determined to fight against evil "China-traitors" and "Race-betrayal" 民族败类.

Enough is enough. I call for all of those who are still conscientious to stand up and condemn these two-faced human garbage. Only when we make ourselves clear on such critical issues as humanity and morality, we can truly move forward, not moving backward, not spinning around like a top, not getting stuck in quick sand.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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