Emperor's New Clothes
Only when we have the courage to admit that the emperor has no clothes on, China can start have hope. --- Kai Chen
只有当我们有勇气承认皇帝根本就没有穿衣服的时候,中国才会开始有希望。 --- 陈凯
Dear Visitors:
I have just watched a program about China's first emperor Qin on the History channel. In his search for immortality, he enslaved millions to build the Great Wall and the Qin Tomb where thousands were buried alive to keep the secret of it being leaked out.
Emperor Qin had taken mercury to prolong his life, but the mercury shortened his life instead. He also built the lakes and rivers of mercury inside his tomb to represent his territory conqurred by force and blood. Unfortunately, his legacy indeed has been preserved and worshipped all through the Chinese history -- Enslaved human beings serving the state and the emperors for thousands of years.
Emperor Qin indeed fulfilled his own wish of immortality - not only he has poisoned his own body and brain with mercury, he has poisoned all the Chinese with despotism. And despotism and slavery is the only thing that the Chinese can identify themselves with, and somehow they are still proud of it.
"Since it has cost so much and so many lives, it has to be valuable and worth of preserving" Most Chinese tell themselves.
As often with the forcilitation of Chinese pictorial language, values are being attached to the number of years of Chinese recorded history, yet the meaning of it is of no Chinese interests. It is as if some saying: "Since the rainworm has outlasted man by millions of years, rainworms must be more valuable than humans."
"Since we have the Great Wall and Ancient palaces and tombs left by our ancestors for thousands of years, we must be superior than those who don't have these edifaces." Most Chinese will certainly tell anyone proudly about their achievement in enslaving humans to serve emperors, and their human ingenuity in accomplishing this monstrous task of dehumanization and conditioning humans to accept their slave status. "Not only being slave is the Chinese tradition, we will take it even further, we will feel proud to be slaves for our nation. We can go even further, we will castrate ourselves to show our loyalty to our emperors, and we will feel immensely flattered is our nation and state use us as prostitutes and rape us so we can have a little physical pleasure." Maybe the mercury poisoning has seeped into the deepest recess of all the Chinese mind and heart, making them soulless and dignityless.
I wonder what the Chinese Great Wall does to the Chinese. It is useless as a military measure, it killed millions, it serves to remind all the Chinese they are nothing and the state is everything. I wonder what all the Chinese palaces and tombs serve to represent to all the Chinese. They not only imprisoned emperors and isolated them from reality and truth, they have served to enslave all the Chinese mind and spirit, making them powerless to recognize their own humanity and individuality, making them trample not only on others' dignity and rights, but on their own.
Yet through all the suffering and miserty, through all the humiliation and defeat, through all the suppression and repression, through all the stagnation and backwardness, though all human degradation and moral degeneration, through all the tears, blood, murders and mayhems, the Chinese are proud. Yet they never realize this truth:
In the human advancement toward freedom, Chinese history is a vaccum and a blackhole. It serves to suck everything of value into its void of nothingness. In the human struggle to achieve justice, rights of individuals, objective truth and absolute morals, China and the Chinese history is only an obstruction, an obstacle to be overcome and discarded into the garbage bin of history.
When that innocent voice starts to whisper in their soul and mind: “The Emperor does NOT have any clothes on," all the Chinese went mad and beserk. Yet the voice refuses to go away:
"The Emperor has never had any clothes on from the beginning!" "The emperor is Naked!" "The emperor is ugly without the illusory covers!" "The emperor is a fake, an imbecile, a tyrant, a murder, a sadist!" "The emperor has no values of his own, he only robs others and makes others slaves!" "The emperor must be gone!" The voice is now growing louder and louder, and pounding more and more relentlessly. The voice is not going away, even as all the Chinese cover their eyes, stuff their ears and wrap themselves with layers upon layers superficial grand-sounding titles and names. The voice is NOT going to go away.
The voice is the truth: "The emperor does NOT have any clothes on, and the emperor has NEVER had any clothes on from the very beginning!"
Best. Kai Chen