The Essence of Nation (China) Lovers
Those who claim to love China first will never admit that they can't care less about truth, liberty and condition of mankind. They will always sacrifice truth, liberty and mankind to serve China they claim they love. --- Kai Chen
那些中国的爱国人士们绝不会承认他们从未关心过,也绝不会去关心真实,自由与人的状况。 他们将会永远牺牲真实,自由与人去为他们所爱的中国作婊子,奴才,宦官与炮灰。 --- 陈凯
Dear Visitors:
After I read about Mr. Guo and his articles, I realized that this was not an isolated phenomenon. Many overseas Chinese anti-communist groups base their goals and actions on different, sometimes entirely opposite premises.
Anti-communism, or anti-Nazism for that matter, is not a value. It is only an action or claim that is based on a value. Therefore to find out the values and morals behind these actions is crucial to determine where one is going.
If anti-communism or anti-nazism is a value and proof of some cause's morality, then Hitler and Stalin would be the most moral persons, for they based their own morality and legitimacy on fighting against something or someone, not for values to establish something for human beings. Nation-loving is the most convenient fake value for the power-mongers to control people's mind with fake morality. Most people are not value-seekers, but supposed value-receivers. They think values are attached with some tangible images or things, such as nation, race, class, gender, wealth, age, persons... In fact values and truth have nothing to do with concrete and tangible things. They are the innate faculties that God instills in everyone of us and it is up to our will, effort and courage to discover them. Being good can only be proven and established by Goodness itself.
Lazy people like Mr. Guo will never discover truth and values, for they think so long as they are attached to something ascribed to them, from the nation, the race, the culture, the borders, the family, etc., they will have a sense of existence, morality and value. The truth is the opposite. Through centuries of cultural indoctrination and brain-wash, most Chinese believe if you have something or someone to fight against, you must have values and morals. The truth is the opposite.
Most wars in the world, not as the Chinese suppose, have no values attached to them. They are not just or unjust wars. They are meaningless wars. They are wars for Power, not for values. Stalin and Hitler's war, Iran-Iraq war, China-Vietnam war, to name just a few, have all been meaningless, soulless wars. Power, not morals and values, is at the center of such wars.
The nation-loving, unity-loving Mr. Guo and his bunch belong to this category of meaningless and soulless beings. But they are numerous. I personally have had some anti-communist friends who eventually side with the communists based on the fake values of Nation-loving, race-loving, culture-loving and hatred for another nation, people, race and culture.
Do not underestimate their destructive power. The allure of Nation-loving is powerful and deadly. They want to use nothingness to fight against nothingness, to use soullessness to defeat soullessness. In this process of moral confusion and nationlistic fervor and insanity, they will bring millions up millions of lives with them into the graves of their ancestral fake values of nihilism and nothingness.
This is why Christian values are so important in restoring people's souls and morality, so they can fight to establish true values, which is self-evident and needs no one's approval but God's. Fighting against anything is not a proof of existence of morals and values. Only fighting for something based on truth and existence is.
The powerful trap of Chinese dynastic cycles is blood-drenched with fake values of "Fighting against". Therefore, through thousands of years, the Chinese have never been able to establish anything valuble that can last. Timeless values and moral absolutes are so alien a concept to most Chinese. But before anything positive can happen in China, they must have a soul, a moral mechanism, to know they are not just fighting against something, they are fighting to establish something that is timeless.
Mr. Guo and his bunch must be rejected and exposed for the fake values of "nation loving" they have tried to instill in people. "Value-loving" must be projected through our own words and actions to be the sole moral foundation of our cause.
I welcome your views and opinions.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯