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我们都是美国人 We are All Americans

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:17 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

陈凯 一语:

Most countries in this world are founded by and with a common racial heritage, a common border, a common language, a common cultural tradition, common ancestors.... In one sentence, they are not founded by a vision for a common human future, rather, they are founded by the constraints of their environmental past. There is only one country in the world which is established on an ideal with a vision for a future of mankind. And no surprise, it is America. --- Kai Chen

这世界上的大部分国度都是建立在如下的基点上的: 相同种族,共同边界,同一语言,相同文化传统,相同祖先.... 总之,它们不是建立在对人类未来的追求,而是建立在被人类过去历史环境的束缚上的。 这世界上只有一个国度是建立在对全人类未来的美好的理想追求上的。 毫不奇怪的,这就是美国。 --- 陈凯


Dear Visitors:

I now attempt to use a poem to express what I feel about being an American.



A poem by Kai Chen 陈凯

We are from Africa;
we are from Europe;
we are from Latin America;
we are from Pacific, Australia;
we are from Asia.

Yes, indeed, we are from everywhere;
and we are human beings.
Yes, indeed, we are all individuals;
we are all Americans.

We are feeble; we are strong;
we are poor; we are rich;
we are young; we are old;
we are men; we are women;
we have different beliefs;
we have different religions.

Yes, indeed, we all love life;
and we are all unique human beings.
Yes, indeed, we are all individuals;
we are all Americans.

We had been all oppressed
in our so-called motherlands;
we had all been made unequal
by our ancestral rules and laws;
we had felt less of a human
with demeaning cultures by our rulers;
we had not realized our potentials
as unique, creative beings.
In the land of our ancestors,
we felt not appreciated as individuals
with unique talents and yearnings.
In the land of our birth,
we couldn't see our own meaning as individuals
with dignity and integrity.
In our ancetral lands that command us to love them
out of obligation and duty,
we felt only contempt and nothingness.

Yet, we have all come here
to fulfill our purposes in life,
as unique individuals, as meaningful human beings.
Yet, we have all come here
to create, to produce, to enjoy, to love, to feel happiness.
Yet, we have all come here
to savor life, to envision future, to be a human being
with self-respect and selt-actualization.

Yes, indeed, we all love liberty;
and we are all free beings under God.
Yes, indeed, we are all individuals;
we are all Americans.

We are builders, we are doctors,
we are athletes, we are artists,
we are labors, we are entrepreneurs,
we are scientists, we are preachers,
we are teachers, we are students....
We are all citizens of the United States,
equal before the law,
with freedom and justice for all.

Yes, indeed, we love the pursuit of happiness;
and we are here to realize our own dreams.
Yes, indeed, we are all individuals,
we are all Americans.

No matter where you are on earth,
no matter what conditions you are in,
no matter how you come into being,
the moment you realize
that you are a unique being,
the moment you realize
that you are an indivisible individual,
the moment you realize
that you have a destiny to fulfill,
the moment you realize you are equal with others
under God and before the law,
the moment you realize you are not nothingness,
but a marvelous existence by God,
you are already an American.

Yes, indeed, we are full of love, joy and life,
and we are here to enjoy every moment of our existence.
Yes, indeed, we are all individuals;
we are all Americans.
We sing, with our heart and deepest gratitude,
in praise of you - America:
May God bless you, my beloved America.


My best wishes to you all. Kai Chen 陈凯

Last edited Mon Nov 17, 2014 3:46 pm | Scroll up

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