Truths about Anti-Japan Tide in China
Truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it; ignorance may deride it; malice may distort it; but there it is. --- Sir Winston Churchill, quoted in "Information"
真理是不容置疑的。 恐慌会对真理恼怒;无知会对真理嘲弄;恶意会对真理歪曲。 但是真的毕竟是真的。 --- 邱吉尔,引自“信息”
Dear Visitors:
When a colleague from America told me that when 9/11 happened, he was in Beijing doing some research on a project. What he heard was a chorus of cheers and celebration erupted like volcanos from the Chinese standing around their TV sets. He felt very uncomfortable, but did not say anything to offend those despicable beings who have always wished America ill.
Wishing others ill and putting others down are among the prominent features in the Chinese "small man" psyche, much as Mr. Lu Xun 鲁迅 described in his novels and essays. He termed it Mr. Q syndrome 阿Q精神. The anti-America, anti-West, anti-foreign mass fervor has been culminated into the recent anti-Japan mass rallies and riots, including boycott to all Japanese goods.
Xenophobia, self-contempt and self-hatred are at the bottom of this unique Chinese complex, and I don't think they, the Chinese themselves, have waken up to this undeniable reality. Self-awareness and self-knowledge have never been the strong suits for the Chinese. Moral confusion and outright hysteria toward anything different and foreign are the necessary result of this lack of respect for truth and the lack of any pursuit of truth in the Chinese culture.
Moral clarity scares most Chinese, much as someone shining light on a people who are used to darkness and felt comfortable in the grip of the power of that darkness. To the Chinese, if there is no such thing in the world as good vs. evil, truth vs. falsehood, progress vs. regress, they will be very happy and feel right at home, for admitting there is indeed objective truth and reality, there is indeed good against evil is admitting their own evil and corruption.
The anti-Japanese mass hysteria is only the Chinese saying to the moral world that there is no such thing as goodness with virtue. All human activities, in the Chinese eyes, are only about "us vs. them", are only about "our evil vs. their evil, our despots vs. their despots, our ancestors vs. their ancestors". The victory depends on one thing alone -- Power.
Giving the facts that indeed the Chinese wish America ill and mean America harm, and Japan is the closest ally of America in Asia who supports most if not all American foreign policies in the world (I cannot imagine the Japanese cheering when they watched the WTC towers falling down), the Chinese anti-Japan complex is easy to be understood. Modern envy and jealosy plus ancient anmosity and hatred have marred and characterized this dark and ugly Chinese mindset. Helplessness and hopelessness by most Chinese toward their own dire domestic situations and their own oppressive despotic government prompt most Chinese turn their frustration outward to artificially create enemies, to hate those who remind them their own ugliness and smallness.
Among the most potentially dangerous enemies in the world for the Chinese is the forces of good represented by America. Japanese society to a large degree, was rebuilt by America after WWII and remodeled after American political, social and cultural examples. Though there are still remnant ugly elements left by the Confucianism originated in China, such as ascribed social classes and inequality between men and women, Japan, since its defeat and unconditional surrender at the end of WWII, has been the closest friend of America in Asia, has been a force for progress in Asia, contrasted to other Asian nations, such as South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia who are largely anti-America in their foreign policy postures and ignorant mass mindset.
With Japan, also Taiwan, as models established by American example and influence, China is constantly contrasted against and reminded of by the rest of the world its reactionary nature and its despotic communist oppression on its own population. Japan has become a thorn in the throat to the Chinese in their expansionary Asian policies, and their deceit perpetrated against their own population. Japan has become a constant reminder to other Asian nations, with respect to values such as freedom, democracy, progress, that American model works and works well.
So when your blood is boiling with ancient, irrational hatred toward Japan, analyze the root cause of this anger, you may learn something about yourself and you may not be as proud as you claim, to be a Chinese.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯