Illusion of New Empire and Neo-Nazism
Those who want to give up liberty for security deserve neither. --- Thomas Jefferson
[size=18]那些想牺牲自由去换取一点安全感的人既不值得自由,也得不到安全。 --- 杰佛逊 [/size]
Those who cannot learn from history will be doomed to repeat it. --- Unknown
那些不想从历史中学到一点价值的人们将在历史的重演中灭亡。 --- 无名者
Those who want to sacrifice their individual liberty to acquire some illusory collective glory are the foundation of evil. Chinese communist survival today is dependent on two crutches: The first is the unsustainable high-speed economic growth aimed at bribing the Chinese to forget the communist crimes in the past and present. The second is the insidious fanning of neo-Nazism among the Chinese aimed at recovering some past glory of the Chinese empire. The first crutch is soon to be cracked and the Communist regime will increasingly depend on their second crutch to maintain their power. To commercialize and mystify Mao and China's first emperor is an important ingredient in the Communist strategy. The danger of wars is looming large. --- Kai Chen
那些想用摈弃个人自由去追寻群体荣耀的人们是当代世界上邪恶的基点组成。 中共今天的残喘取决于两根拐棍: 一是不可持续的高速泡沫经济增长 -- 用馒头堵中国人的嘴使他们忘掉与无法清算中共过去与当今的罪行,并麻木于中共政权的非合法性是这根拐棍的实质。 另一个阴险的伎俩是在人们中有意煽动对中国帝国复辟梦的追求的新纳粹主义。 第一个拐棍已出现了裂痕并有马上崩溃的迹象。 中共因此会更加依靠第二根拐棍苟延残喘。 将毛像神化商化并加紧帝国复辟的速度是中共第二战略的基点组成。 战争的阴云正在加快凝聚。 --- 陈凯
Dear Visitors:
From Zhang Yimo's "First Emperor" to the commercialization of Mao's image as some pop icon that numbs the Chinese sense of morality, a new tide of neo-Nazism is on the rise in China and the overseas Chinese community.
The incident in the Alhambra City Hall is only a small but significant reflection of what is truly going on in the Chinese mind. To romanticize and commercialize the image of Mao has not only once again proven the point I repeatedly stress in this forum which is that the Chinese are basically nihilistic beings with no moral standards and principles to adhere, no values to pursue and no hopes for the future, but highlighted another dangerous tendency among the Chinese around the globe -- to do everything to help (whomever) recover the delusional Chinese past imperial glory.
This dangerous, corrupt, but real tendency among the Chinese is very similar to what Mussolini and his Fascist theory advocated during WWII -- to sacrifice individual liberty for recovering the glory of the past Roman Empire. History, especially among the historically handicapped Chinese, seems to repeat itself, regardless the pain, suffering, bloodshed and millions upon millions of deaths, thanks to the Chinese mentality of "confusion as a virtue". The dynastic cycle continues.
I raised this issue of the Chinese immorality and amorality with my protest of the art exhibition that romanticizes Mao, the mass murderer, with the image of George Washington, the symbol of freedom around the world. I hope this protest serves as a catalyst in the Chinese mind to clarify certain issues, and to enable the Chinese to see themselves a little more clearly in a moral and spiritual way.
The tide of Chinese neo-Nazism is on the rise, thanks to the systematic fanning of "People-Racism" (Chinese Nationalism) by the current communist regime in Beijing. And indeed, due to the traditional Confucian mind that judges what is right and wrong only by enemies or friends, by weakness or strength, by foreigners or Chinese, the danger of wars of China with the rest of the world, especially with the free world is ever so imminent. The wars of China with others may be because of territorial disputes, or energy grabs, or political control of Taiwan, or revenge against Japan, or wars within among the factions and warlords.... Nevertheless, the wars are coming.
I hope my readers will realize the point I make both in my forum and in my protest, and start to mobilize to fight the communist regime and their schemes to drag China into wars in order to protect their own interests and their monopoly on power.
One person does make a difference, and my personal protest led to the removal of the garbage art work in the Alhambra City Hall. I hope I will inspire you, the individuals, to assume your own personal moral responsibility to fight against evil whenever and wherever you see it.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯
I hope