陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! 陈凯博客 Kai Chen Blog: www.blogspot.com 陈凯电邮 Kai Chen Email: elecshadow@aol.com 陈凯电话 Kai Chen Telephone: 661-367-7556

陈凯自传/“一比十亿”-通往自由的旅程 “One in a Billion”

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:34 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Kai Chen Launches "Day to Eradicate Mao" Movement. 陈凯/十一“全球逐毛日”

陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

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Kai Chen: [One in a Billion - Journey toward Freedom] Forewords


The Story of a Pro-Basketball Player in China

1988年我父亲的去世与1989年的天安门事件使我感到一种前所未有的,想要把心中的话说出的激情。 我拿起了笔。

一个人的生命结束了。 一个国家的大事件发生了。 这中间有任何的联系吗? 并不是很多人可以看到,并不是很多人愿意看到,并不是很多人有勇气看到这其中的联系。

我所经历过的中国是一个所有的人都将自己看作是他的种族,他的文化,他的国家的代表并以此来逃避个人自由与责任的国度。 我所愿看到的未来的中国应是一个基于个人选择与个人责任的国度。 我从我个人的经历中看到个人必须做出努力,付出代价才能自由。 我们,作为自由的个体,可以选择并创造一个充满希望与正义的未来。

每一个人在建立这种未来中都具有不可推卸与逃避的个体责任。 这本书是我用我在中国的经历去激情地表达我对人的伟大的,不可征服的,对自由的渴望与信念追求的一种努力。 这本书也是我对未来的新中国的一种期待的表达,并希望用我的故事去激励每一个人去无畏地追求去争取他的梦想。

我在中国长大的时候,每一个人都在教我,告诉我是国家,文化与群体给与了我个人生命的意义。 我至终认识到真理是正正相反 -- 我们每一个个人每一刻都在用我们的思维与行为赋予国家,文化与群体它们的意义。 我旨在用书写这本书去表达此义并通过对每个个人灵魂的冲击去造成一种新的,正向的影响。 一个新的世界只有在这些新的,自由的个体产生与确立的时候才有可能。

我的书是直截了当的,通俗易懂的。 虽然现在是英文版,将来应会有中文版。 但我仍希望读者用英文汲取我想在书中传达的讯息,基于英文内在的逻辑性与理性。


【于洛杉矶 1993年6月4日】

“One In A Billion: Journey Toward Freedom”
“一比十亿 - 通往自由的旅程”

by Kai Chen 陈凯 著






To those who are alone, to those who are capable of being creative, to those who want to be happy and have courage to be free.


I would like to thank my wife and my mother. They have given me help in my daily life so I could write this book. My wife even helped me smooth my English - not an easy task. I also want to thank my father. Although he had already passed away when I wrote the book, he inspired me because he was a thinking man.


The coincidence of my father’s death and the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989 provided me with the critical mass I needed to get started. I was faced with the reality that I wouldn’t live forever and pummeled by media image of the Chinese Revolution - a revolution I thought tragically resembled just another dynastic change. I started this book.

A single individual died and an entire nation went mad. The two became linked in my mind because I believed in the potential of the individual, not in the power of the masses to control the individual.

The China I have known is one where everybody claims to be the representative of his race, his culture and his nation and acts as such in order to evade individual freedom and responsibility. The China I would like to see is based on individual choice and responsibility. I have found that one must work to be free. We, as individuals, can choose what we want and create a free and just world for ourselves.

Everyone of us is responsible for building a nation. This book is my effort to express my passionate belief in the power of the human spirit to achieve the impossible. Sharing my story is my contribution to a new China, and to others seeking the power within to achieve their dreams.

When I was growing up in China, I was taught that the nation gave me the meaning of my life, but I came to believe that the individual gives meaning to the nation. I focused my anger and frustration on my own goals, not on hurting others. In a similar way, I want to use my outage and indignation to create a positive effect on people, and through these individuals, on nations.

I do not believe in obscure language and fancy words. I do not like indirectness and ambiguity. At first, I tried to write this book in English directly. I failed because language differences broke my train of thought. I tried to collaborate with an American writer, but the communication gap defeated us. Finally I decided to write this book myself in Chinese first and then translate it into English. Following is the result.

Kai Chen
June 4, 1995

Kai and his mother were sitting on an Air China 747 in San Francisco International Airport, waiting impatiently for take-off. Kai’s father had passed away a year before in the spring of 1988. He was taking his mother home to visit his elder brother in China. The take-off had been delayed because one of the Chinese passengers failed to show up even though he had already checked his luggage. He had decided to remain in the US illegally. This incident took Kai back in time to his own painful and courageous decisions.

…. A 12 year old Kai was sitting on the train waiting to leave Beijing for Manchuria. Young Kai was confused about why he was leaving, not knowing he and his brothers were being forced to join their exiled parents in the small city of Tonghua. He had spent the past five years with an abusive grandmother and Big Brother in Beijing. Life in Tonghua wasn’t any easier for Kai who grew into a teenager with a different accent and a unique physical appearance - 6’7” by the age 15. But the most mind-boggling torment for Kai and his family was still to come. In 1966, the Cultural Revolution began. With half of his relatives in Taiwan, Kai and his family endured political persecution and discrimination. He and his brothers were again forced to leave the city to go to the countryside.

Kai set out to overcome these obstacles. He used his basketball skills to land a job in a Liuhe grain depot while playing for the depot’s team. Soon after, with China’s return to professional sports, two basketball coaches from the National Sports and Athletics Commission recruited him for the National Basketball Team’s training camp in Beijing. At the camp, Kai met his best friend Xiao, a track team member, who was later expelled because his father had worked for Kuomintang’s army. Kai remained a little longer and then was also expelled for the similar reason. Determined not to return to the isolation of the small town factory, he escaped to Canton. He was caught and then forced back to Beijing, placed in solitary confinement and put under investigation. The authorities suspected him of trying to defect to Hong Kong. Little do they understand, his goal was not to escape the country, but to escape the shackles of the Big Family, that undefined “everyone” that represents generations of tradition. He was nevertheless escorted back to the Liuhe grain depot.

After yet another attempt to escape, Kai was drafted by the Shenyang army team and sent to a combat unit for reeducation. The harsh conditions weakened him and, near collapse, he learned that Xiao had died, alone and in desperation. Kai was hospitalized. Struggling to pick himself up and begin again, Kai returned to the team and worked on his game. He joined the country’s top military team - the August 1st Team - and made his first trip abroad, defying the prediction that he would never be allowed to represent China abroad because he had relatives in Taiwan. He helped his team win several national titles. Yet, the National Team still rejected him. While on the August 1st Team, Kai witnessed various traps the Big Family set to control individuals. Before long he found himself at the first Tiananmen Square Incident in 1976 and was punished by the authorities. Not to be denied, Kai became the best forward in the country. Remaining an outsider, he soared to win the most important game of his life. He was unanimously selected by the recruiters for the National Team in 1978 for China’s first entry in the World Basketball Championships and the tour of USA. He had the last laugh as he had promised to Xiao and to himself - he defeated the Big Family.

Yet, the struggle did not end. Searching for happiness, Kai had his first sexual encounter with a Chinese volleyball player. He retired at the peak of his professional career. He entered college and met an American exchange student. He finally tasted true happiness. They married and he left for America.

…. Back in 1989, Kai again stepped into Tiananmen Square, amid a student protest and hunger strike. Martial law was declared, road blocks were erected. The first truck of soldiers arrived and the tanks rolled in. The emblem of the PLA - a red star with the character “August 1st “ in the middle - swam in front Kai’s eyes. He left the Square quietly, as he had during the first Tiananmen Square Incident, as he had when he left China.


请观看“我的路” - 陈凯的故事/通往自由的旅程
Please enjoy a four-episode video program "My Way" - Kai Chen's Story/Journey toward Freedom

Link to "From Basketball Star to Staunch Anti-Communist Activist"
从球星到反共自由斗士 (视频连锁):


Kai Chen on Freedom 陈凯谈自由视频连锁http://www.aboluowang.com/ent/data/2009/...icle_16129.html


To View Video Program "My Way"

Click on the following links to view the four-episode video program “My Way”:

Producer 制作人: Fiona Zhao 赵枫

“我的路”- 2008年制作,2008年北京奥运期间被“新唐人电视台”全球播放,Youtube Available。

“My Way" is a TV program about Kai Chen's life, produced in 2008, released by NTDTV globally before the Beijing Olympics. "My Way" is available on Youtube.com as well.



“My Way" (Chinese Subtitles) Link:


“My Way" (English Subtitles) Link:


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Last edited Tue Feb 09, 2016 3:22 pm | Scroll up


RE: 一比十亿-通往自由的旅程 Kai Chen Book/One in a Billion

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:16 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


Book Review -- One in a Billion
一比十亿 -- 读者书评


One in a Billion - Journey toward Freedom by Kai Chen
一比十亿 -- 通往自由的旅程 陈凯著

Book Review by Theresa Marie Moreau
读者书评 by Theresa Marie Moreau

Profound. Touching. Poetic.

Kai Chen's compelling autobiography "One in a Billion: Journey Toward Freedom," is a soul-searching confessional in which the author struggles emotionally, mentally, physically to understand and rationalize the horrible inhuman reality of the never ending noose of the Chinese Communist regime's rope that strangles the minds, hearts and souls of the people of China.

Read how Mr. Chen, as a young man, sensitive and intelligent, tries to flourish intellectually and spiritually during the treacherous years of China's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of 1960s and 1970s. How does a young man make sense in a senseless world? In a Communist society that literally and figuratively murders the individual? Under a soulless dictatorship where life means nothing? Follow along as the author searches for answers to these questions.

Mr. Chen, a virtuoso in the art of basketball, began dribbling on the dirt courts of an industrial city in the far outreaches of northeastern China. Fueled by his passion for the sport, he worked endlessly on his talents, which landed him a spot on a professional ball team in the courts of most dangerous, treacherous city in China -- Beijing, the capital of the ruthless Red regime.

Read how Mr. Chen fights to be a man, a free man, not a nameless, soulless, mindless cog in the Chinese Communist machine. How he realizes that every living creature -- from the metaphorical unwanted babies tossed to die at the river's edge to the allegorical baby goldfish swimming to escape their maternal predators -- have a purpose in life, a divine and holy purpose.

A beautifully told story with the use of literary techniques that weave the brutal to the beautiful, the horrific to the heartwarming. It's a gut-wrenching examination of the self. An analysis of man's brutality. A reflection of an inner struggle. A narrative of a complex being caught in an unyielding machine. A revelation of a sadistic society in which man derives pleasure from another's pain.

This is a bold and brave telling of a brutal story -- from beginning to end.


Bio of the Reviewer

Theresa Marie Moreau is one of the very few reporters fortunate enough to be entrusted to tell the stories of the persecuted underground Roman Catholics of China. Her interviewing skills and respect for their vocations has gained Moreau the trust of those normally reticent to speak about their suffering, not from humility, but from fear – so instilled in them is the terror of Communist persecution.

Moreau has worked for the Los Angeles Times, where in a newsroom filled with grizzled veterans she earned the nickname “The Pitbull,” for her tenacity and agression when she grabbed hold of a story. She has also covered the Los Angeles Police Department for the Daily News of Los Angeles and worked as a beat reporter and city editor for Times Community News. She has also been a copy editor for Live! Magazine and a freelance writer for numerous publications during her career.

Having developed a “beat” of the Roman Catholic Church, Moreau has been published in Catholic periodicals, including: The New Oxford Review, The Remnant and Crisis Magazine, as well as China Infodoc Serivce, an online news service.

Her stories about the persecuted faithful in China have been translated into Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish and Romanian.

The Missionary Society of St. Columban handed over to Moreau in 2007 files of rough, nearly unintelligible notes and hired her to edit and research the project. The result: the 88,000-word memoir of the Rev. Fr. William Aedan McGrath, “Perseverance Through Faith: A Priest's Prison Story,” which may be purchased from Amazon.com.

An award-winning journalist, in 2000, Moreau won first place in the coveted Los Angeles Times Editorial Awards for Reporting. That same year she received the Investigative/Watchdog Award presented by the Orange County Press Club Journalism Awards. In previous years, she won many awards from the Greater Los Angeles Press Club Southern California Journalism Awards, including those in the categories for News Writing, Magazine Feature, Feature Reporting Body of Work, Series of News Stories, Spot News and Feature Reporting.


陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

Book Review -- One in a Billion
一比十亿 -- 读者书评

Eye Opening Look at Life Under Communist Rule

June 18, 2010

By L.C. Evans


This review is from: One In A Billion: Journey Toward Freedom (Paperback)

What if you were born in China during the time of the "Cultural Revolution," yet you yearned for freedom and happiness that are not possible under communist rule? This was the dilemma of Kai Chen, author of One in a Billion: Journey Toward Freedom. Mr. Chen writes movingly of his early years and separation from his parents who had been removed from good jobs and relocated to a city in the far north of China. Their crime? Having connections with another political party and having family in Taiwan. Eventually Mr. Chen and his two brothers were reunited with their parents. In the new city they suffered incredible hardships--lack of sanitary facilities, a tiny apartment, extremely cold and harsh winters, and not enough food or heat. Eventually Mr. Chen was recruited to play basketball for China, thanks to his athletic skill and his 6' 7" height. But even as a top player, he chafed under the petty and arbitrary decisions of the communists and resented the life he and his family were forced to accept. He was often in trouble for expressing his views and refusing to knuckle under. He was made to confess his failings at political meetings, where he was called bourgeois and taken to task for being too much of an individual. His brother was denied to right to attend college because of his family connections. Even to move from one city to another or to request a change of jobs required months and endless struggles with countless bureaucrats. As Mr. Chen grew from a child to a man, his yearning for freedom solidified and became his burning need. He knew he could never achieve happiness if he wasn't free. Eventually he found the freedom he craved in the United States. He is now an American.

If you want a firsthand account of life under communist rule in the 50's up to the early 80's this is the book for you. Highly recommended, especially for those who take for granted the privilege of living in a free country.

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RE: 一比十亿-通往自由的旅程 Kai Chen Book/One in a Billion

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:47 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

陈凯博客: www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com

Do You Deserve Freedom?

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

价值一语 Words of Value:

Impersonal as justice of God. --- Victor Hugo

上苍的正义是铁面无情的。 --- 雨果

Justice is truth in action. --- Joseph Joubert

正义就是用行为去体现真理。 --- Joseph Joubert

陈凯一语 Kai Chen's Words:


Moral confusion, fear of truth, abandoning dignity to acquire safety and escaping individual identity/responsibility have characterized the Chinese culture. Those who adhere to such a despotic culture do not deserve freedom and happiness.


Do You Deserve Freedom?

Kai Chen 陈凯 9/16/2006 (Reprint 8/2/11)

Indeed, it is God who gives us rights to be free. Yet it is us who are using our moral conduct to deserve the rights of freedom. Freedom will not fall on your head from heaven. You must rise up to meet freedom. You must conduct yourself morally under God to earn and deserve freedom. Passivity and perversion of truth will doom you to eternal slavery and misery.

I hope all the Chinese understand the words I have just written above: Truth and moral conduct are the prerequisites for your freedom. Do not ever just dream of freedom yet remain in your old ways and old thinking of non-truth and passivity. Freedom will never come to you or be given to you by some others - those who claim to be your saviors. You must change yourself and act in a righteous way under God to deserve freedom.

Have you seen Clint Eastwood's movie "High Plains Drifter"? I highly recommend this movie to you, especially to my Chinese readers. It will teach you what is "deserving or non-deserving" regarding freedom. Justice is ruthless if people conduct themselves in an immoral and evil way.

In the movie, a small town of people perverted the truth and did an evil deed to one among themselves -- they kept silent when they were witnessing villains beating their own sheriff to death with whips, because of fear and because of their greed to benefit from the death: The sheriff threatened to expose/impede their scheme to profit illegally.

So for money and for fear and for a temporary material gain, the town's people turned their blind eyes to injustice and evil. But when the evil villains returned to harm them, they hired a new sheriff (Clint Eastwood) to help them to resist the villains. Knowing the evil and fear of the town people, the new sheriff (the after-life of the dead sheriff) demanded absolute power from the town people and exposed their evil ways. And after he killed the villains, he ordered the town people to paint the entire town red and burn it to the ground.

This is God's retribution and justice at work: When you tolerate evil and profit with the help of evil, when you resort to fear, injustice and non-truth to prosper, you are digging your own grave. Allowing injustice done to any one of human beings is allowing injustice done to us all. Freedom at the expense of harming and enslaving others is only another name for despotism and slavery.

With this said, I just have to ask the Chinese:

Do you deserve freedom when you lie, when you take advantage of others, when you harm your fellow human beings, when you allow the fear in your heart to stop you from speaking out loud, when you keep silent seeing evil trampling on your loved ones and other innocent lives, when you join the evil to profit for yourself, when you acquiescent to cooperate with evil in oppressing others and suppressing the truth, when you become a "monkey king" (standing everywhere and nowhere) to evade responsibility, when you identify yourself only with your evil culture, your despotic ancestors, your tyrannical government, your racial and ethnic characteristics, but Not your conscience, Not morals by God's law as a decent human being?????

Do you truly deserve freedom? Ask yourself and conscience in your heart: What exactly have you done to deserve freedom?! Only you, as an individual, can truly answer these questions.

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RE: 一比十亿-通往自由的旅程 Kai Chen Book/One in a Billion

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:56 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts



- A Story for Children -

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 4/20/1993, Reprint 4/20/2011 www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com )

陳凱 著(写于九三年四月二十日,自译中文再版 2011年4月20日 www.kaichenblog.blogspot.com


这三只小乌龜都有一個閃亮的綠色外殼。 他们的柔軟的小腦袋上都有一雙明亮的小眼睛。 一個尖尖的小尾巴拖在他们每一个的身后。 每天他們的父母給他們帶來食物,并在有危险时保護他們。 他们的父母也教他們了解在世界中的事物。小乌龜们從來沒有擔心过什麼。

一只小乌龜的外殼上有一個黑记,所以父母給他起名叫小斑点。 一只小乌龟喜歡扭动他的尾巴,所以父母給他起名叫小蠕尾。 一只小乌龟有一個非常堅硬的外殼和超龟的勇敢。 有一次,他失足從懸崖上摔下来,摔的很重。 但他咬著嘴唇,一颗眼泪也没掉。 所以父母給他取名叫小勇士。

不幸的是,他們居住的沼澤地里充滿了让乌龟们厌恶恐惧的東西。 腐爛的樹枝,樹葉和毒蘑菇無處不在。 成群结队的咬乌龟的蚊蟲每时每地盘旋在他们的脑袋上。 傳染性的龟病到处肆虐。 各种寄生蟲在泥濘中爬行窥测。 更不要说那些食乌龟的動物像蛇和鱷魚满塘皆是。 他們的食物,幾乎全都是綠色的藻類青苔。 他們真是厭倦了那些没味儿的食物。 更要命的是沒有乾淨的水喝。 他們只能飲用沼泽地里的臭水霉水。 在潮濕的沼澤和肮脏的泥濘中,小乌龟们的身上開始发霉长毛。 那腐霉越长越多,越长越厚。

小乌龟们出生不久後,他们的父母死了。 母親被鱷魚吃掉了。 父親死於一种可怕的傳染性龟病。

三只小乌龜很傷心,对自己的未来很不确定,并由此非常恐惧害怕。 從此之後,他們不得不自己出去尋找食物,照看自己的安全,取得他们自己的舒適和快樂。 在这个冷漠无情的沼泽地中,他们勉强挣扎着维持他们的存活。

.... 隨著時間的流逝,三只小乌龜漸漸長大。 但他們仍旧住在發霉的沼澤地中。 他們仍旧吃着无味的藻類青苔,喝着腐臭的髒水。 他們仍旧躡手躡腳地躲逃着那些危險的食龟動物。 他们仍旧每时每刻擔心他們可能会感染上那殺死了他們的父親的疾病。 他們 越来越对他们自身的前景倍感担忧与无望。

… 每年春天,鳥兒们從海洋那边飞过沼泽地。 有的鸟儿们会停留歇息。 他們都有長長的脖子和長长的嘴。 他們奔跑在池塘的周围尋找着昆蟲和小魚吃。 他們筑了自己的巢并產下了卵孵小鸟儿。 他們高声地啼叫着,仿佛总是愉快地歌唱着生活的乐趣与美好。

小乌龜们越來越对鸟儿们的生活状态好奇。 他們越来越被鸟儿们的快乐吸引。 他们想知道沼泽地外面的世界。 他们开始对鸟儿们询问他们想知道的事儿。

這些鳥儿们总是告訴他們有關海洋的讯息,因为他們就是來自那里的。 他們告訴小乌龟们說,海洋是如此之大,沒有谁能達到它的邊緣,即使是飞鸟。 他們告訴小乌龟们说海浪是如此之高,即使是沼泽地里最高的樹丛也無法与之比擬。 他們告訴小乌龟们说在海洋里有鯨和鯊魚。 他們是如此之庞大,只要一個就可以填滿整個池塘。 他們告訴小乌龟们说在海洋里与海滩上有五顏六色的貝殼和价值无比的珍珠。 他們还告訴小乌龟们说有龐大无比的船只在海洋上航行、、、。


“這些鳥儿们只是在吹噓胡扯。 他们把海洋讲得那么玄就是想讓我們嫉妒他们,就是想貶低我們。 母親和父親活着的时候就一直告戒我说這沼澤地是我們乌龜们生活的唯一去处。 我們的祖父母们就生在这里也死在这里。 我不相信這些長脖子长嘴,全身长着羽毛的丑八怪似的魔鬼们。 再说,這是我們龟们的沼泽地。 這是乌龜的地方。 我生是沼泽地的塘龟,死是沼泽地的塘龟,就像我的父母与祖父母们一样。 再说,生活在哪儿还不都是一样。 生活的定义就是學習如何生存活着。 生活就是要去学会如何忍受煎熬痛苦和如何打發時間。 母親和父親就是这么说的。”

小蠕尾聽了鸟儿们的故事。 他感到很困惑。 他拿不定主意:

“父親和母親總是告訴我們除了乌龟之外不要相信任何其他的生物。 但似乎鳥兒们的生活的确比我們乌龟们的生活快乐自在。 他們能飛得那么远,吃上那么多好吃的,每天都能喝干淨水。 他们甚至还跳舞、唱歌享受生活的乐趣。 一定是那海洋给了他們力量与精神使他们能那么自由自在地生活。 我真是厭倦了这渾濁,污臭,發霉,有毒的沼澤地。 我真想赶快離開這裡。”

小勇士聽了鸟儿们的故事。 他的眼睛开始炯炯發光。 他的思緒飛到了那遥远的、陌生的但迷人的地方。 他夢想着有一天他會像鳥兒们在天空飞翔一样,無憂無慮地在廣袤的大海中畅游,探索那無尽的珍寶,了解那些他从没见过的新奇的生物并与之对话沟通。

“我不想像其他乌龟们一样生活。 我不想像我的父母一样生死在痛苦与默默的絕望之中。 我要更自由的生活、更充實的生活、更快樂的生活。 我要属于我自己的生活。 有一天我會像所有的生物一样,也会死去的。 但是,當我瞑目的时候,我希望我能夠對自己說:'我度過了一个美好充实的一生。 我是我生活的主人;我是我命运的船长。 我的一生沒有什麼好後悔的’。 ”

於是有一天,小蠕尾和小勇士決定離開沼澤地。 小斑点没有同行。

… 小蠕尾和小勇士执著地艰难地爬出了沼泽地。 他们载着他们閃亮的綠色背殼。 他們尖尖的尾巴拖在地面上。 他們爬呀爬呀。 他們向那太陽每天都會升起的方向爬去。 他們向那鸟儿们飞来的方向爬去。 他們向那海风吹来的方向爬去。 他們爬呀爬呀。 他們爬過小山和丘陵。 他們爬過沙漠和草原。 他們爬過湍急的河流。 他們爬呀爬呀。 他们没日没夜地爬。 他们穿過暴雨、狂风和熱浪。 他們爬呀爬。

他們的腳掌布滿了水泡,他們的腳趾不停地流着血。 他們的背殼上集满了灰尘与污垢。 光滑的龟壳上充滿了被岩石沙砾划刻的印痕。 他們柔軟的頭布满了伤疤。 他們的尾巴下面也长出了厚厚的茧子。 然而,他們繼續向前不停地爬着。

在小蠕尾的心中脑中,那沼澤地的恶臭、无聊与危险记忆犹新。 他最受不了的就是那另龟窒息的气候与环境。 他討厭那些他不得不吃的平淡無味的食物。 他憎恨那些无时无刻不骚扰他的嗜血的昆虫。 他害怕那些他不得不小心躲避的食龟兽。 他希望找到一個最理想的地方-- 在那儿他不必活得那麼辛苦那么累;在那儿他不用花太多的精力;在那儿他能是绝对的安全;在那儿他可以丢掉所有生活的負擔与责任。 他盼望着這個嚴酷的旅途快一点儿终结。

在小勇士的心中脑中,他似乎已经看到了鸟儿们告诉他的那些五彩缤纷的貝殼。 他似乎已经看到了巨大的鯨和海象在海洋中游泳戏耍。 他似乎已经看到了自己在斑斓的珊瑚礁和五顏六色的魚群中穿梭往返,採集着大自然的美麗和壯觀。 他真的著迷鳥兒们告訴他的一切 -- 那浩瀚神秘的海洋。 然而,他知道他必須付出努力去學習如何生活在海洋中。 他有信心。 他有堅強的意志。 他並不害怕。 他知道他必須追逐自己的夢想。 他的那些夢想有一天终會成真。 他很高興他正在努力使他的夢想成為現實。 每當他想起了他的夢想,他就會忘了他身上的傷疤、疲劳与创痛。 他爬得更快更稳。

… 當在樹上的葉子開始发黄落下,當风中腥咸的氣味越来越浓,當他们腳底下的土有越来越多的沙粒,小蠕尾和小勇士終於聽到了海浪的聲音。

小蠕尾感到震驚。 他從來沒有聽到过那么震耳欲聋的声响。 如此震撼,如此可怕,如此勢不可擋! 即使是鱷魚的咆哮也无法与此比拟。

小勇士则興奮无比。 他終於到達了他的目的地! 汹涌的海浪雷鳴般的咆哮,就像吹响了一個巨大的號角,召唤他爬得更快,召唤他冲入那神秘叵测的海洋,探索那有着无限魅力的未知。

… 當他們終於爬到了海灘上的时候,他们看到像小山一般的波浪從水与天的缝隙中层层向他们滚来。 那海潮吼叫着,翻腾着,狂暴地衝擊着海岸。 那银白色的泡沫与沙硕被夾在翡翠般的波涛中,被一种无名无形的强力暴虐地抛击在褐色的礁石上,粉身碎骨地被撞散成大片的云雾。



他小心翼翼地爬到了海水边,把他的腳趾頭浸入水中。 海水是冰冷的。 然後,他伸出了柔軟的头泯了一口海水。 呀! 那么苦,那么咸!

“那些该死的海鸟儿们。 他们從來沒有告訴我海洋是這樣儿 -- 这么冷漠无情,这么苦涩难容,这么咸不入口。”

一個巨大的浪潮猛然向他袭来。 他想跑开,但已經來不及了。 他被咸涩带沙的波浪打翻在地。 他慌了。

他叫着、喊着、哀嚎着。 他哭了。 他拼力摆平了自己,没命地从海浪中脱逃了出来。 他逃離了大海,就像兔子逃避狼的追捕一样。 他快步朝着与海相反的方向爬去,向着山地和丘陵,沙漠和草原爬去,向着那他想逃离的發霉骯髒的沼澤地爬去,向着他的出生地与祖地爬去。

“回來!小蠕尾。 這儿多雄伟,多好,多有趣儿啊!” 小勇士喊道。

小蠕尾繼續快步向后爬着。 他假裝沒有聽見。

小蠕尾爬着爬着,然后他突然意識到,沼澤地也不是什么好地方。 單單想到了霉菌,寄生蟲,疾病和天敵就使他胆寒发抖。 但他想去哪裡呢? 回到沼泽地去见小斑点太丢脸了。 小斑点会说:“怎么样?! 我早知道吧。”

“小斑点會嘲笑我對我的生活作出的所有決定。 是我自己要去找大海的。 现在我自己又反悔了。 我怎麼去面對他?”

再回头去爬向大海? 也不行。 那海洋太无情,太恐怖了。

“小勇士會看不起我,認為我是一個懦夫的。 我怎麼去面對他?”

小蠕尾就这样在犹疑不定中徘徊在海洋和沼澤地之间。 他也并不喜歡这儿。 在这旱地上太陽晒得真猛。 風刮的太烈。 地上太多沙石。 食物太稀少。 又沒有足夠的水。 真是诅咒啊! 他真的不知道该到哪儿去。

… 沙漠的沙磨厚了小蠕尾的背殼。 風和太陽吹干了曬乾了他的鱗片。 岩石和沙土磨利了他的爪子。 他的脖子越伸越长,因為他必須不斷地找水找食。 他变成了一只旱龟。

… 當小勇士看到像透明的翡翠山峦一样的海潮向他劈头盖脸地扑来的时候,他的心被激情的喜悅震颤了。 他終於走進了这一望無際的海洋。 他終於可以享受那对無限未知的尽情的探索。 他终于可以自由地漫游漫遊、品味大自然所创造的所有的美麗与神奇。

小勇士没有害怕。 他沒有将他的脖子缩到他的背殼里面来。 他面對着那汹涌暴虐的海洋,面对着那无尽的未知与宝藏。 他感到欣慰。 他感到自豪与骄傲。 他满怀喜悅和快樂去迎接那前所未有的挑戰。 他感到了自己的力量与意志在主宰着他自身的命運。

他向海洋的最深处猛冲过去,拼力扑蹬着他已經疲憊的双臂双腿。 带盐的海水刺痛了他的眼睛。 他的身體被冻的打颤发僵。 他的身体的运动越来越不穩定。 他有点儿晕眩。 但他毫不犹豫,毫不动摇,一直向大海的深处游去。

… 他看到了鰻魚,鯊魚,鯨与海豚。 他聽到了海豹,海象,海獅的吼叫。 他採集品尝到了海藻、蝦、蟹、海参、、。 他永不停息地去走向那無尽的探索与询问。

… 他在海中的暖潮中游过。 他在金色的沙灘上歇息过。 他爬上过北极海中的冰山。 他探索过赤道海底的火山。 他在溫暖的陽光下与柔和的海風中与海鸟儿们交谈、、、。

他的眼睛逐漸適應了咸海水的侵蚀。 他的外殼變得光滑而有光澤。 他的腿与臂变得又平又阔。 他的四肢变得像扇子和桨一样,帮助他游得更快更稳。 他的尾巴變得更加靈活有力。 他可以比其他海洋生物游得更远。 他变成了一只海龜。

.... 年复一年,海鳥儿们飛越大海,飞越干燥的沙漠丘陵,進入沼澤地。

小斑点从鸟儿们那里聽到过許多有關小蠕尾和小勇士的故事。 他聽說他們不能适应不同的氣候而水土不服。 他听说他们不习惯不同的飲食。 他听说他们被当地那些可怕的恶霸强盗们欺负、虐待、歧視。 他听说他们的生活与命运是悲不可言的。


“你看,孩子们。 小蠕尾和小勇士本来應該聽我們祖先的话。 他們本不應該離開這片沼澤地的。 你们都见过小蠕尾叔叔。 他现在得忍受那么多不幸与痛苦。 他已經变得那么丑陋不堪。 但至少我有时候还可以从远处看到他。 至于小勇士,我甚至不知道他现在在哪儿。 他可能已經死了,被鯊魚吃掉了,冻死在冰块儿里了,或病死了餓死了。 谁知道? 也許他还活着,只是没脸见我而羞于回来了。 你们可千万别异想天开地去走他们所走的路,犯他们所犯的错。”

他说完这些话后,感到很宽心,很满足。 选择了让祖先的智慧为他选择是太对了。 留在沼澤地里度过一生是最正確明智的选择。 至少他知道他自己是他祖先的好后代。 他抿着嘴笑了,感到说不出的驕傲与快樂,甚至感到高龟一等。

… 幾個月後,小斑点死了。 他死於他一直害怕的那种龟死病。 就像他的父親一样,所有常饮沼泽地中的污水、霉水、臭水的龟们都逃不脱这种龟死病。 他的屍體在泥濘中沉沒下去,无影无踪,就像所有的龟们一样。 昆蟲,蝇蛹和霉菌很快聚集在他的尸体周围。 他的外殼逐漸腐爛,逐渐被蠶食。 最后什麼都沒有留下。 他消失在虚无中了。

“那小蠕尾和小勇士呢? 他們在哪儿? 他们生活的如何? 他们的结局也像小斑点一样吗? 什么也没有留下吗?” 你可能會問。

當然啦, 像每一只烏龜一样,像所有在這個世界上的每一个生物一样,他們也有生命的终结。

小蠕尾在沙丘上寻食的时候被部落里的人打死了。 他的外殼一开始被人製作成一個碗用来储水饮水。 後來,他的外殼被人用旧了,用碎了,最后被遺棄在沙漠里。 它逐渐化为灰粉,漂浮在荒漠的微风中。 在那微风中,你仍旧可以闻到小蠕尾的恐惧。

小勇士也死了。 他是在攀登一艘遠洋巨輪的时候出了事的。 巨轮上的強大的螺旋槳打碎了他的龟体。 他的外殼被打破成碎片,散落在海中。

… 你在海滩上散步休闲的时候,如果你留心观察你脚下的沙砾,你依然可以看到小勇士外殼的碎片。 它们是淡綠色的,光滑闪亮,透着美与勇气的辉泽。 它們播撒在五彩繽紛的貝殼中,播撒在世界各地的海滩上。 在金色陽光的照耀下,它们反射着耀眼的光,豐富着世界上那些无尽的奧秘,柔声细语地传扬着那些無休止的童話故事和民間傳說。


- A Story for Children -

"Free Beings" vs. "Chinese" Series

By Kai Chen 陈凯 (Written 4/20/1993, Reprint 4/20/2001)

A long, long time ago, three baby turtles were born in a swamp.

Each of the three little turtles had a shiny green shell, a pair of bright eyes on his soft tiny head, four feet layered with scales and a pointy tail attached to his behind. Their parents loved them very much and played with them often. Sometimes the little turtles took a swim under their parents’ bellies. Sometimes they crawled on their parents’ backs for a ride. Every day their parents brought them food, protected them from outside peril and taught them to understand things in their world. The little turtles never had to worry about anything.

One of the little turtles had a dark spot on his shell, so the parents named him Spotty. One of them liked to wriggle his tail a lot, so the parents named him Wriggly. The third on had an extremely hard shell. Once he fell from a cliff, he bit his lips and didn’t even shed a tear. The parents’ named him Toughie.

Unfortunately, the swamp where they lived was full of things they didn’t like. There were rotten branches and leaves and poisonous mushrooms everywhere. There were hordes upon hordes of irritating insects. There were infectious diseases. There were parasitic worms crawling in the mud. There were dangerous predators like snakes and crocodiles. There weren’t too many things to eat. Their food was almost always green algae. They were tired of it. There was no clean water to drink either. They could only drink from moldy ponds and even then they had to first make sure that the water was not poisonous. The swamp was damp and muddy. Mildew started to grow everywhere inside their shells, behind their necks, between their toes.

Not long after they were born, their parents died. Their mother was eaten by a crocodile. Their father died of an infectious disease of the swamp.

The three little turtles were very sad, very uncertain, and very afraid. From then on they had to look for their own food, for security, for comfort and for happiness. They struggled hard in the beginning just to survive. But after a while they got used to it and managed to get by on their own in the cheerless and precarious environment.

..... As time passed, the three little turtles gradually grew up. But they still lived in the moldy swamp. They still ate the bland algae and drank the dirty water. They still tiptoed among the dangerous predators and worried that they might catch the disease that had killed their father. They grew more and more dissatisfied and bored with what they ate and drank, more and more tired with the way they lived, more and more anxious about their own future.

Every spring, birds came from the ocean. They all had long necks and long beaks. They danced around the ponds and whooped through the bushes, looking for insects and small fish to eat. They built their nests to hatch their eggs. They sang with their high-pitched voices.

The little turtles were more and more curious about the birds. They were drawn closer to the birds and asked questions about their lives, seeking information about the outside world.

The birds mostly told them about the ocean where they came from. They told them that the ocean was so big that no one could reach the edge of it. They told them that the waves were so high that even the tallest trees in the swamp couldn’t compare. They told them that there were whales and sharks in the ocean. They were so big that one of them could fill up an entire pond. They told them about the colorful shells and pearls lying on the beaches and on the bottom of the ocean. They told them about the huge boats sailing on the ocean.

Spotty listened to the stories. He laughed through his nose:

“These birds are just bragging about the ocean to make us jealous and to belittle us. Turtles don’t have wings and cannot fly so there is no way for us to prove if what they said is true. Mother and Father told me long time ago that this swampland was the only place for us turtles to live. Our grandparents lived their lives here. I don’t believe these long-necked, lone-beaked, feathered devils. Besides, this is our land. This is the land of turtles. Without it, I wouldn’t be here. I am going to live and die just like my parents. This is the turtles’ way of life. Life is same everywhere. Life is about learning how to survive, how to endure misery and how to pass time. Mother and Father always told us so.”

Wriggly listened to the stories. He was confused. He became unsure of himself:

“Father and Mother always told us not to believe any creatures except turtles. But it seems that birds do live a better life than us turtles. They can fly afar, eat better meals, drink cleaner water, even dance and sing to enjoy themselves. It must be the ocean that gives them the strength to do what they are doing. We turtles can’t fly like the birds. It must be this dirty swamp that has disabled us turtles. I am sick and tired of the muddy, moldy, poisonous swamp. I’ve got to get out of here.”

Toughie listened to the stories. His eyes sparkled. His thoughts flew far away to those strange and fascinating places. He dreamed that one day he would be just like the birds, carefree, swimming in the vast ocean, exploring countless treasures, understanding and communicating with those strange creatures he had never seen before.

“I don’t want to live a life like all the other turtles. I don’t want to end up like my parents - living in desperation and dying in misery and pain. I want to live a freer life, a more fulfilled life, a joyful life, a life of my own. One day I will die. But when I die, I want to be able to say to myself: ‘I have lived a good life. I have lived my life and haven’t let my life live me. I have nothing to regret about my life’. I’ve got to do something to find meaning in my life.”

So one day, Wriggly and Toughie decided to leave the swampland. Spotty remained.

They crawled with their feet, carrying their shiny green shells on their backs, their pointy tails dragging behind on the ground. They crawled. They crawled toward where the sun rises every day. They crawled toward where the birds came from. They crawled toward where the briny winds blew. They crawled. They crawled over the mountains and hills. They crawled over the deserts and grasslands. They crawled through treacherous rivers. They crawled day and night, through storm and heat wave. They crawled.

Their feet were full of blisters and their toes bled. Their shells were dusty, full of scratches from rocks and stones. Their soft heads were dotted with scars. Their tails had callous. Yet they kept going.

In Wriggly’s mind, he kept seeing the swampland he had lived in all those years. He hated the damp stagnant climate. He hated the dull tasteless food he had to eat. He hated the insects that bothered him all the time. He hated the predators from whom he had to constantly hide. He hoped to find a better place where he didn’t have to work so hard to survive, where he could eat better food whenever he wanted without much effort, where he could be safe, where he never had to look after himself, where he could be relieved the burden of life he had carried for so long. He wished this ordeal of traveling would end soon.

In Toughie’s mind, he kept seeing the rainbow of colors from the seashells the birds had told him about. He kept seeing the giant whales and walruses swimming in the ocean. He kept seeing himself swimming among the coral reefs and schools of colorful fish, sampling to the fullest extent the beauty and grandeur of nature, tasting many varieties delicious food. He was mesmerized when the birds told him about the immensity and mystery of the ocean. Yet, he knew he had to work hard to learn how to live in the ocean. He had confidence. He had a strong will. He was not afraid. He knew he had to chase after his own dreams and one day those dreams would come true. He was happy that he was finally doing something to make his dream a reality. Every time he thought about his dreams, he would forget about the scars on his body and he crawled even steadier and faster.

When the leaves on the trees started to drop, when the salty smell from the winds grew heavier, when the soil under their feet became sandier, Wriggly and Toughie finally heard the sound of the waves.

Wriggly was shocked. He had never heard anything like it. So loud and frightening and overwhelming! Not even the roar of crocodiles could compare.

Toughie was excited. He had finally reached his destination! The thunderous sound of roaring waves was like a giant bugle, calling him to crawl faster into the mysterious deep water and the violent embrace of the unknown.

When they finally reached the beach, they saw mountain-like waves coming layer upon layer from a body of water expanding endless toward the sky. The tide whirled and seethes, pounding the shore with tremendous force. The brothy foam, with the sand sandwiched between the waves, tossed an turned, like the clouds they had seen before in a storm.

Wriggly’s guts shuddered:

“The seabirds never told me that the ocean was like this, so violent, so inhospitable, so unfeeling.”

He then crawled gingerly by the water and dipped his toes in it. The water was freezing cold. He then extended his soft head toward the water and sipped a little. It was bitter and salty.

“The seabirds never told me that the ocean was like this, so very cold, so very bitter, so very salty.”

A giant tidal wave surged toward him. He wanted to run, but he was too late. He was immersed by the sand-tossing salty water. He felt the relentless power of nature. He panicked.

He shouted. He cried. He struggled to exert all his strength to get away from the water. He fled the ocean like a rabbit escaping from a coyote. He crawled fast back toward where he came from, toward the mountains and hills, toward the deserts and grasslands, toward the dirty moldy swamp where he was born.

“Come back! Wriggly. This is great!” Toughie was shouting.

Wriggly kept going, pretending that he didn’t hear.

But on his way back to the swamp, Wriggly suddenly realized that the swamp was not that enticing either. The mere thought of the mildew, the parasites, the diseases and the predators made him shiver. But where would he go?

It was too shameful to go back to the swamp, to go back to Spotty.

“Spotty will mock me all my life about the decision I made to go to the ocean. How am I ever going to face him?”

It was also too shameful to go back toward the ocean again.

“Toughie will look down on me and think I am a coward. How am I ever going to face him?”

Wriggly spent the rest of his life wandering between the ocean and the swamp, hesitating to go either way. He didn’t like the dry land either. The sun was too hot. The wind was too fierce. The ground was too rough. Food was too scarce. There wasn’t enough water anywhere.

The desert sand thickened his shell. The wind and sun dried his scales. The rocks and stones sharpened his claws. His neck stretched out before him because he had to constantly look for water. He became a dry land tortoise.

When Toughie saw the tidal wave pelting down from above like a mountain of transparent jade, his heart trembled with joy. He had finally stepped into the limitless ocean. He could finally enjoy exploring the infinite unknown. He could finally swim freely and roam through all the beauty that nature could possibly create.

He didn’t flee. He didn’t pull his neck back into his shell. He faced it - the ruthless force of the ocean. He praised it - the limitlessness of the treasures. He welcomed it - the joy and pleasure and the unprecedented challenge to un-tap them. He was proud of his own power over his fate. He was elated.

He dashed toward the deepest parts of the ocean, peddling frantically with his already tired feet, balancing himself with his delicate tail. The salt in the water hurt his eyes. His body was numbed by the cold. His motion grew precarious. But he kept going toward the deep.

He saw eels, sharks, whales. He heard seals, walruses, sea lions. He sampled seaweeds, shrimps and sea slugs. He kept going toward the infinite.

He swam in warm currents and rested on golden sandy beaches. He climbed icebergs. He explored underwater volcanoes. He took naps in the warm sun under the ocean breeze. He kept going toward the limitless.

His eyes gradually adjusted to the salty water. His shell became smooth and shiny. His feet grew flatter and larger. His toes grew smaller and duller. His tail became more agile. He could swim longer and smoother than other ocean creatures. He became a sea turtle.

He saw someone similar to himself in the ocean - a female turtle. They danced and played together and nested on the warm sand of the shore. They had many babies. They all spread around the enormous ocean.

..... Seabirds flew over the sea, above the dry land and into the swamp, year in and year out. The tree branches turned from green to yellow, and then green again.

Spotty heard many stories about Wriggly and Toughie. He heard they were uncomfortable with the different climate, disgusted with the change of diet, chased and hurt by formidable predators, discriminated against by other creatures.

Spotty sighed to his own children, scratching a mosquito bite on his head:

“Look. Wriggly and Toughie should have listened to our ancestors. They should not have left this swamp. See, how much hardship Wriggly has had to endure. He has become to ugly and unhappy because he made the wrong choice in the first place. But at least I can see him sometimes when he travels to the edge of the swamp. I don’t even know where Toughie is now. He may have already died, eaten by sharks, frozen or starved to death. Or perhaps he is too sick and to ashamed to return. Don’t you ever do what they did.”

After he spoke those words, he felt relieved, assured that the choice he had made to remain in the swamp was right. At least he knew who he was. He laughed, feeling a sense of pride and pleasure, even superiority.

A few months later, though, he died. He died of a disease he had always dreaded, caused by drinking rotten water, just like his father. His dead body sank in the mud. Insects, worms and mildew started to gather inside the shell. The shell gradually rotted and was eaten away. Nothing was left.

“What about Wriggly and Toughie? Where are they? How are they doing? Did they die like Spotty?” You may ask.

Sure. Like every turtle, like every creature in this world, they also died one day.

Wriggly was killed by a human. His shell was first made into a bowl by the humans to drink water from. Later, it was abandoned and crushed. It became dust floating in the air above the dry land.

Toughie was killed while he was climbing a giant motor-powered ocean liner. The ship’s powerful propeller smashed him. His shell was shattered into pieces, scattered around the ocean.

If you go to the beach sometimes and take a careful look around, you may still see the pieces of his shell - green, smooth, translucently shiny. They were sprinkled among colorful seashells all over the world, radiating under the golden sun, enriching the world with their deep mysteries and never-ending fairytales and folklores.

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RE: 一比十亿-通往自由的旅程 Kai Chen Book/One in a Billion

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:22 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts


Letters between Me and a Liberal Friend

(Originally posted 3/6/2009, Reposted 9/6/2011)

Dear Readers:

Below are some letters between me and a friend of mine from the left. They are very significant in terms of the current political atmosphere in America. I paste them here for you to read and enjoy.

Best. Kai Chen


From Kai Chen 陈凯:

Dear S:

Since Ronald Reagan and the end of the Cold War (In my opinion the Cold War has never ended. It always continues in another fashion, in another arena. The challenge to human freedom from all angles/dimensions never ceases to continue.), there has developed an alarming apathy/indifference in America toward its own principles enunciated by the founding fathers. It is as though Americans have forgotten that precious motto "the price of freedom is our eternal vigilance". They somehow allow themselves to slip into a moral coma/dormancy, concerned only about their own material well-being. It is as though we are not spiritual beings creating our physical world and material values, but some material existence experiencing momentary spiritual illusions. I never came to America for my material gains (I would have stayed above others in terms of material gains if I were to remain in China). I came to America to fulfill my spiritual yearnings in pursuing my spiritual well being. And in searching and going after the meaning of my existence - true freedom and happiness, I have created great material environment for myself, my family and my fellow human beings.

Now it is all turned upside down. There is no where to retreat any more. America is the last hope and bastion for mankind to remain free on this planet earth. We must fight to keep America as what the founders intended it to be. The message I want to tell American public is invaluable for the health of this great nation, and in keeping America healthy and free, despotism and tyranny around the world will tremble and their days will be indeed numbered. I am very grateful for your assistance and enthusiasm. I only wish there were more people articulating what I want to say.

Best wishes. Kai Chen


Hi Kai,

I read these letters with much admiration and respect for both the writer and the receiver.

Although I share some of the same views that you have regarding our native countries, I DO not always agree with the party we have on the right! Too many greedy Republicans have put our country in the brink of bankruptcy. I believe the answer lies somewhere in a balance which is what i think Pres. Obama. is TRYING TO DO! I say "trying" because already he is facing harsh criticism from those who have been in power for 8 yrs and have not succeeded doing it THEIR way!!!

Unfortunately, human beings being who they are sometimes get greedy and wily and before you know it the whole system is corrupt! I dont think they do it intentionally sometimes, in fact , I am sure they do not see themselves as doing anything evil, but they just think they deserve to BE in control. Maybe they see themselves as smarter, more responsible...etc.. whatever their rationalizations it is NOT RIGHT, nor correct on their parts!

The very reason that America is so great is because we have always upheld the value of every individual. I love this country so much!!! Like you we both came here to obtain freedom (real freedom). The system here has a great foundation...set in place by our founding fathers, lets follow their lead and PROTECT the rights granted by our documents. We cannot let ourselves get motivated by FEAR! Fear doesnt come from a good place. Love and compassion and truth will always lead us down the right path.

Your friend, J


Dear J:

Thanks for a heart felt message.

I entirely agree with you that since Ronald Reagan the Republicans did a poor job articulating the values of this great nation. Somehow they are playing the same dirty games often played by the left. We are not individuals with dignity anymore in their eyes. We are only some insignificant elements belonging to some social groups/cultural racial backgrounds, like helpless infants crying for milk from some omnipotent and omnipresent presence represented only by our parental government. Mr. Bush went to Beijing to kowtow to the tyrants which greatly disappointed me. Now Mrs. Clinton did the same thing and worse in Beijing, kowtowing to the tyrants while disregarding what this country should do to expand human freedom around the globe.

That is why now my message is so important to the Americans: Do not forget what this country is about. People on the right now lack the courage President Reagan had. People on the left have always been lack a direction: Somehow they think socialism is the acceptable way to go as the current administration exhibits. You and I both know socialism/communism is a dead end. People die and suffer indignities for nothing in that kind of system. That is why I always fight hard against the left in this country and elsewhere. Being poor or rich does not give anyone rights to take things away from any others. The communism uses people's lack of education and their naivety/evil to instill a man-eating mentality in their countries: Take away from the rich then you will become rich. That is evil. Indeed all the countries which follow such doctrines only get poorer, for no one creates values anymore. No one initiate anything anymore. People don't dig into themselves to find creativity and courage to start anything anymore. People start to look around to rob/put down on others. This is what I don't want to see happen in America.

Now it seems that this China Syndrome has infected America. Martin Luther King's dream now becomes a nightmare for people like me who come into this country, not for material gains by taking away from others, but by working hard to fulfill our dreams. Now we succeeded in our American dream and beyond, but somehow we have become the guilty. I don't feel that I have anything to apologize for to anyone. But the current administration is using the scare tactics I see so often in communist countries, robbing the rich to give to the poor, for nothing but their own political gain, for power thirst.

Being rich or poor does not have any moral connotations as the socialists and communists allege. How one gets rich or poor Does indeed have moral connotations. There will be grave consequences when you use pretenses to rob those honest people who work hard to get ahead. I see some rich people who are vicious. I see also great many poor people who are vicious. I see poor people who are good. I also see great many rich people who are good. To instill moral tone in one's material state of being is evil itself. I know the current administration, giving the direction it goes, will fail, for all socialist ideas have been proven by history not only failures, but great human misery, suffering and moral degradation.

This is what I want to tell people in my story. I only want to keep this country as the founders intended - expanding individual human freedom while limiting government's power. I have yet to see a government with unlimited power over its own people, making them state-dependent slaves, to be NOT corrupt. America is not an exception. It is amazing to see that before the Cold War ended, both left and right in America have a moral direction of anti-communism. Now the communism/socialism we fought so hard against with so much sacrifice around the globe gradually seeps through our lack of vigilance, our laziness and moral confusion/corruption. Marx and Lenin must be laughing hard in their graves while American founders are being tortured, turning in their graves.

I love to discuss these issues with you and Jon sometimes extensively. I hope we keep in touch.

Best. Kai Chen


Dear Kai:

I understand and totally "get" what you are saying! I have had a birds eye view of the corporate side of greed and excess , because of the type of law that J practices-which is Securities and Consumer Fraud and Class Action. I dont think any one should apologize for being rich! What they should apologize for is being rich because they took advantage of other people! Not everyone WANTS to be rich! But I do think everyone wants to be treated fairly and NOT EXPLOITED! tHEY ARE ENTITLED TO THAT! They are entitled to health care when they pay insurance premiums! They are entitled to a government that puts its people ABOVE corporate greed! It saddens me to hear of drug companies and corrupt dcctors who use their expertise to issue prescriptions for drugs that would not be needed if the patient was just told to get exercise and eat right and sleep right !!

Anyways, I feel so passionate about this! I really wish people would give Obama a chance...

To me he is such a breath of fresh air when compared to the moron George Bush. I was always afraid that he would soon get us into a big war by the way he trampled on other countries cultures and ways. The ONLY REASON he became President was because of his family's money!! That is the only reason he went to YALE also! Life is not fair, never HAS been. We should always try to level the playing fiels as much aas possible so that people can compete even-handedly!

The other day at the HW game, the referees were making calls that were totally lopsided! I cant tell you how demoralizing that is towards our girls! I sometimes wonder if the referees are paid "under the table" to help one team over the other! I sure know that HW has a lot of money!!
Also the girls were holding our players by the shirt and of course the refs did not catch it. They played dirty!!! Is that fair??? Does it make it right that they shold win under those circumstances??? NO. But IT IS THAT WAY NOW! Anyways, I have to work now around the house here Kai.

Just to remind you that I would like the book back after you finish, OK? I am not quite through with yours but I am enjoying it! Thanks for dedicating that copy to me and J. We both like talking to you so much. Take care.

Our boys varsity basketball team is playing their championship match for the Southern Section I hope we win, but most important I hope we win honorably and fairly! When our boys played the Buckley school, students wrote racial epithets on their website! (Most of our boys are black and theirs were all white! Terrible... Oh , well someday.....

See you soon, J


Dear J:

Thanks for your passion and honesty. I certainly will return the book after I read it. It may take a while though.

I entirely agree with you that nowadays self-made men like Ronald Reagan in politics are a such a rarity. Career politicians from both left and right occupy most important positions, sabotaging the true American spirit (None of the founding fathers of America was a career politician.). Their self interests and power thirst corrupt the entire political process (Pork barrel legislation is only one such corrupt example). I have always voted for "Term Limit", which intends to make room for common folks and self-made politicians.

But Obama to me is not a fresh air. I have seen his type too often in the communist/socialist world, using people's misery, fear and poverty to gain political advantage. And when they achieve the ultimate power, they turn on the common folks as though they are just used toilet papers. (70 million poor Chinese died during peace time under Mao who promised them he was the savior they expected.) Communist/socialist rhetoric is all the same: Listen to me and I will save you. They act like they are Gods and they expect people to view them as some kind of saviors. Gradually they foster a slave mentality among the people and make them economic cripples and moral midgets to depend on the government. This trick has been played over and over around the world by the dictators and despots. But somehow people always expect saviors to save them from the bitter sea. But there is no savior as the communist/socialist believers tell people. And I never trust a government/nation acting as God or above God. The savior is in us, in each and everyone of us. It is in our own courage to face the truth and our own responsibilities. It is in our hope for a better future. It is in our wisdom to explore into the unknown. It is in our creativity and initiatives to expand the market. It is in our own strong will to live a joyful and fulfilling life.

We only hire a government to implement the laws we make to ensure our own freedom as individuals. We do not expect our government to create wealth for us. Nor do we want to use our government to redistribute people's wealth. If we do so we are corrupt ourselves. Criminals, rich or poor, should be punished by law. Initiatives and creativity should be rewarded. Hard work and honesty should be praised. Risk taking in creating wealth should be encouraged. Class-envy and jealousy should be condemned. Prejudice and bias should be prevented. Collective mentality and group think should not be part of a free society. Moral conscience should be upheld as the only judge of what is right and wrong.

We have to constantly remind ourselves that the only fair, plain field is in the realm of individual freedom. Any measure to curb such freedom using any pretense, under any excuse or pretty names is essentially evil.

Maybe I am here just to remind America why I came, just to remind America why all the people in the world want to come to this great country, not because of government hand-outs or any form of welfare, but because the promise of a chance to lead a morally and spiritually fulfilling life.

Best wishes to you and your family. I love to exchange views with you. Kai Chen


Hello Kai:

Yes, I value a lot of what she says! Individualism, self made men , but unfortunately it doesnt work on those of us who may have handicaps, or just plainly , be old or infirmed, or mentally handicapped.

my best, J


Dear J:

Indeed all the helpless (physically disabled) should be taken care of. But to create helplessness among human being is a crime and evil. This is what communism/socialism has done - to cripple every living soul, making them helpless. That is what the Obama administration is doing - creating a large population of state-slaves - those who do not pay taxes but benefit from others through government. Democracies perish when people in it are corrupt enough to vote themselves to obtain undeserved benefits, using government coercion to rob others.

The weak (the helpless) should be always taken care of. But to make them in charge is a big mistake that has grave consequences for human freedom.

Love to discuss with you on issues. Best. Kai Chen

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RE: 书/“一比十亿”-通往自由的旅程 “One in a Billion”

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Sat Oct 19, 2013 8:08 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Kai Chen on Glazov Gang

Glazov Gang Show 10/16/2013

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