Christian Values Lead to Progress in Science
[size=18]只有真实才能使你自由[/size]。 --- 耶稣
Only truth shall set you free. --- Jesus Christ
这世界上有的信仰教人崇尚对他人他教暴力的征服,有的信仰教人从被动的虚无来世中寻找“极乐世界”,有的信仰教人去遵循社会等级服侍皇权,有的信仰教人从阶级斗争与“人与人斗”中寻找“天堂”,有的信仰教人从国家与种族中寻找个人生命的意义。 只有基督精神教人在真实之中寻找自由与欢乐。 --- 陈凯
In this world some faiths teach people to conquer and dominate other faiths and people through force and violence; some faiths teach people to look for ecstasy through nothingness,next life and nihilism; some faiths teach people to castrate themselves to passively obey authority and serve the state; some faiths teach people to reach some kind of "heaven" through "class struggle" and endless joyous human strives against other humans; some faiths teach people to find individuals' meaning of life only in the collective, the nation, the race and the "people".... Only Jesus Christ and his teachings teach people to achieve joy and freedom through finding truth. --- Kai Chen
科学是去寻找发现真实。 但要去寻找发现真实一个人必须信仰真实的存在。 这就是为什么基督精神是科学发展的必要前提。 --- 陈凯
Science is to search and discover truth. But to search and discover truth, one has to have strong belief and faith that truth, objective and absolute, indeed exists. This is why Christianity is a necessary precondition in the development and progress of science. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
I was brainwashed in China to have equated religion with superstition, and to have pitted faith against science. I was also brainwashed to have believed, by the Marxist doctrine via dialectic materialism, that science is God to humans.
I was puzzled when I first encountered such publication in America as "Christian Science Monitor", thinking how come people mix religion and science together. It has taken me quite a while to realize not only faith is not contratictory with science, it is a must in any true scientific endeavor. As I have mentioned in my daily quotes, it depends on what kind faith and belief system one adopts.
Most religions and belief systems do not recognize the concepts of "objective reality", "truth" and "moral absolutes". They think "truth" is a matter of human subjective cognitive phenomenon. Most faiths and beliefs recognize only "relative morals" and "relative truths", and all morals and truths are subject to force, power and human will. Christianity is the opposite. Never once has Christianity taught that truths and morals are matter of human invention and subject to outside of providence. We as humans can only set out to DISCOVER truth, by OBSERVING reality. We can never invent and manufacture truth at will by distorting reality to fit our own whim, need and power drive. Only when we observe these objective laws in nature and human society, only when we abide with moral absolutes in our behavior, we as human beings can achieve true joy, happiness and freedom.
Looking around the world with all kinds of human societies, only those who observe the Christ teachings thrive in sciences, in societal development, in human progress toward a better future with hope and optimism. All other societies which have been established on violence, power thirst, moral and cultural relativism are mired into a forever vicious cycle of killing and misery, regardless how long these societies have existed. They are simply going NOWHERE. The only emotions and occurrences in those societies are despair, hatred, doubts, suspicion, jealousy, neurosis, psychosis and murderous release of destructive force.
Now you don't have to wonder (and wander), as I have wondered (and wandered) for so long, why America, a country established on Christian values and principles, has achieved so much in all realms of human endeavors, especially in sciences. Last year all Noble Prize winners in sciences were from America. Do not doubt anymore:
Americans achieve so much because they believe, with strong faith, that truth does indeed exist and truth is indeed discoverable. Yet, beside God, no one possesses truth, no one monopolizes the ability to discover the truth, no one can ever distort the truth, no matter how much power and magical ability he has. Truth is truth, God-given, objective, solid, clean, eternal. Humans can only manifest their own greatness by discovering and observing God's law in nature and in humanity.
And indeed, in order for humans to be great, they have to have true faith, and with that true faith, they will have the will and courage to explore into the unknown.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯