Establish a Culture of Existence
In this world most people are asleep. Only a very few are constantly awake. They observe the world with amazement and wonder; they participate in it with passion, wisdom and courage. --- Kai Chen 陈凯
在这个世界上大多数人们是沉睡不醒的。 只有很少的人们是永远醒着的。 他们惊异地与兴奋地观察着这个世界;他们用激情,智慧与勇气参与着这个世界。 --- 陈凯
Dear Visitors:
"This guy must be arrogant and conceited". Most people, and certainly most Chinese people will say that to me. "You even quote yourselve."
I did indeed quote myself, just to make a point. Most people take themselves too lightly. They think of nothing about themselves, as if they'd rather hide somewhere nobody would ever see. Most Chinese literatures try to instill a worthlessness in people's view about themselves and about life in general. Everything, according to Chinese, is meaningless. We are here on earth only to witness, not to DO, to Express, to live...
Everything will pass with nothing left, according to the Chinese, so what is the point to live? Life is only to experience a physical pain and pleasure, with no meaning attached, most Chinese believe. "Meaning" and "Existence" only come with Western concept of "Freedom" and "Faith". When you look into a Chinese' eyes, you always see something is missing. There is an emptiness in those eyes, a lack of expression and passion and joy.
I pride myself as a passionate being and a joyful being. I only hope my existence will inspire among people a passion to live, to experience love and joy, to explore meaning in each and everyone's life.
China must embark on a perilous journey with a worthy mission, from a nation of "Nothingness", toward a nation of "Meaning and Existence". Let's all start now from this very moment, to seek meaning in everything we do and everything we say. Then and only then, hope for the future can finally emerge.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯