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有始有终求进步vs.没完没了走循环 West vs. East, America vs. China

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:53 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

West vs. East, America vs. China


西方的历史是一个有阶段始终的方向性历史。 以汉文化儒学为主的东方历史是一个没有始终的朝代循环史。 这不是不同。 这是本质上的真与伪的对照,是生命与死亡的对照,是希望与绝望的对照,是存在与虚无的对照,是自由与奴役的对照,是良德与邪恶的对照,是人与鬼的对照。 --- 陈凯

History in the West is a directional concept with each phase having a beginning and end. History in the East where the Chinese syllabic language and Confucianism dominate is a fake history that is ensnarled in a vicious cycle without a beginning and end. This is not a difference as people commonly assume. This is a sharp contrast between the two in the realm of moral essence. This is a contrast between life and death, between reality and illusion, between hope and despair, between existence and nothingness, between freedom and slavery, between good and evil, between being a human and being a devil. --- Kai Chen


Dear Visitors:

Just imaging the Roman Empire never vanished and lasted till today in Europe: What would human existence be like? Should we say that simply because Roman Empire was strong and powerful, was a real existence that we must preserve it?

I am very grateful to the progressive notion of Western civilization. Without such a notion about history, we would all be still in the dark ages. Contrast Western notion of history with that of the Chinese, it is not difficult to see that there is a total lack of progress: Today's China is remarkably similar to that of the ancient China under the First Emperor. History in China is not advancing; history stagnates.

Remarkably ignorant of such a stagnation, the Chinese today still turn their heads to search for something good in their despotic ancestry every time they feel lost. They have absolutely no sense of direction and progress, no notion of good and evil, no notion that each and every individual should mean something.

Without being free from the cocoon, a butterfly will never take to the sky. Without ending the Chinese notion of history, history in China will always be fake and the Chinese will always stagnate in the morass formulated by their ancestors. Today the Chinese still blame the Japanese and West for their own backwardness and stagnation. Such an ancient hatred and animosity only demonstrate that the Chinese still are mired in the dynastic abyss.

American law states that a person will not suffer "Double Jeopardy" -- a legal notion that one cannot be tried twice in the court of law for the same crime one is charged with. Thus the society ensures itself a mechanism to put all burdens and grudges behind once a case is settled. People thus can go on with their own lives without being constantly threatened by others and authority. Such progressive notion on history and life is entirely missing in China. Somehow people in China are incapable of extracting themselves and their own identity from their ancestors, no matter how evil and corrupt they were. Somehow the moral fiber of the Chinese is entirely missing. They are only obsessed with who is strong and weak, who has power and who is powerless, who the Chinese are and who the foreigners are.... Somehow the Chinese feel obligated to suffer with their ancestors, to be enslaved by their ancestors, to be forever chained and shackled by the devices and tools of their ancestors. What a bunch of pathetic being!

Chinese ancient cultural tradition, Chinese syllabic language, Chinese despotic civilization must wither away before anything progressive, anything liberating can happen to the Chinese. Realizing such a point needs not only will and wisdom, it needs great courage. I hope you all realize that you can indeed be free of the evil in the Chinese culture, for freedom is what God intended.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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