Evil in The Chinese Language
看到中国单音节表象文字与中国人对真理认知的无能,无意,肤浅,他们对真实的歪曲,否认,以及他们对自身人性的肆无忌惮的践踏与诋毁之间的必然联系并不难。 但承认这种必然的因果联系却需要强大的道德勇气。 基督精神是提供给中国人这种必要勇气的先决精神条件。 --- 陈凯
To see the necessary connection between the Chinese character-based, syllabic language and the inability, unwillingness and superficiality of the Chinese, the tendency of the Chinese to distort and deny reality, and their detachment from their own humanity and destruction of their own conscience and decency is not difficult. But to admit and recognize such a causal connection, one needs a powerful moral character and true faith. Christianity indeed provides human race, Chinese included, with such a moral character and true faith. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
I have written numerous articles and essays on the topic of the immoral nature and defect of the Chinese character-based, syllabic language and its irreversible and irreparable damaging effect on human perception of reality, human psyche and human spirituality.
Unless the Chinese have the courage and intellect to see that such language, left by their witchcraft-worshipping ancestors aimed only at confusing and destroying faculties of human cognitive reasoning ability, in order to maintain the absolute power of the despotic elite over the Chinese population, there will be no hope for the Chinese to join the world community of free beings. They will be forever locked outside of human endeavor to search for truth and to progress toward a better future. Thus, a true faith to help the Chinese to pluck their courage to abandon their ancestors' despotic culture and the despotic tools in which the Chinese language is a major component becomes a must.
Christianity, as a proven positive influence on human willingness to search for truth and integrate one's physical existence with his humanity and spirituality, will provide the Chinese such a necessary faith to resist and abandon evil from their ancestors on their way to see the light of truth. Only the power of goodness - God, will guide the Chinese out of their thousands of years of confusion and self-destruction.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯