Logical Thinking vs. Illogical Thinking
在俄国,当人们不相信共产主义的时候,共产党就自然地与逻辑地垮台了。 拼写语言的逻辑与东正教的基督影响是其变革的基点。 在中国,当人们不相信共产主义之后,共产党政权仍在“一国两制”(婊子牌坊,孙猴子情节)的胡言乱语中存在。 你如果看不到这是中国文字的反逻辑与中国文化的无神崇祖的毒害影响的话,你就正在受着这些毒害的深刻影响。 --- 陈凯
In Russia, when people no longer believed in Communism, naturally and logically, communist party collapsed and lost its power. The alphabetic language with the logic it necessarily induces and the Christ teachings in the Russian Orthodox Church played the essential role. In China, after people no longer believe in Communism, the communist party still maintains its power over the population under the nonsense of "One Country, Two System", (Virgin Whore Complex, Monkey King Syndrome). If you still cannot see this is exactly the consequences of the poisonous effect from the Chinese character-based, syllabic language with its anti-logic nature and the Chinese Confucian cultural tradition of "Godless and Ancestor-worship", you are only experiencing the powerful effect of the Chinese cultural narcotics. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
Today's article in youpai.org, 列宁时期的腐败和专制政权的寿命, posts an interesting question:
Why is it that when Russia dismantled the communist rule after the world-wide collapse of communism as an ideology, China's communist party is still able to maintain its grip of power over the Chinese population?
I will paste this article in Chinese and my response to it below:
2007-01-22 16:05:23
发表评论 正体
My response to this article:
This is a good article. Though the language has some confusion.
First, (在那个统治集团内部还有良知,还有道德底线) as most Chinese often use in their language, such as Communist party this, Communist party that, China this, America that. They have no idea that what they are saying is nonsense. Every collective term has to be based on individual, in order for it to make any sense.
统治集团, ruling class, can never have any conscience, for it is a collective term and a nonexistence in reality. Only individuals can have conscience, can be real, can truly exist. This is exactly what I mean by that Chinese mind being poisoned and corrupted by the culture and the language.
Unless the Chinese start to establish the concept of "individual, reality, existence, faith", they will be detached forever from what they are saying and doing, detached forever from themselves, detached forever from reality, detached forever from their own conscience and existence.
Secondly, the author made a good point about there is some conscience and logic left in Russia, despite the communist rule. But he fails to point out where this conscience comes from and why it had not been destroyed. Russian history showed us that there have been plenty scientists, literary giants, great music composers produced in that cultural environment. Two reasons come to my mind: Alphabetic language (and the logical thinking it necessarily induces) and religion (Russian Orthodox Church) in which basic human decency and conscience are being preached.
In China these two fundamental elements are entirely missing. This is why we have to look to the roots of the Chinese problems and start finding answers in a fundamental way.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯