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价值等式(中英文)Value Equations

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:46 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

价值等式(中英文)Value Equations (in Chinese & English)


A man who is ignorant of foreign languages is ignorant of his own. --- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

一个对外语毫无知识的人不可能对自己的本语有真正了解。 --- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Dear Visitors:

I want to repost this value equations here with a different title. hope you enjoy it. Best Kai Chen 陈凯


Dear Visitors:

I like to list a series of equations to clear up some confusion and establish some values in people's mind.

[size=24]价值等式(中英文)Value Equations:[/size]

1. 中国式=专制式=中央集权=奴役制=皇权至上=大一统=以群压个=个体虚无

1. Chinese Style = Despotism = All Power Belongs to Central Government = Slavery of Individuals to the State = Emperor in Control = Unity above Everything = Collective Oppression over Individuals = Nihilism

2. 中国文化=大汉儒家文化=等级制文化=男尊女卑=国尊人卑=恐惧自由=蔑视人权=糊涂为荣=清晰为耻=无灵为德=非人化=表象为体=人上人为本=狡诈而无智慧=无义人生=无智为识=群上个下=崇尚强权=相对道德=相对存在=文化平等相对论=反自由=反基督=反民主=反理性=反逻辑=婊子牌坊心态=精神分裂症=崇尚虚无=敌视存在=蔑视生命=崇尚痛苦=追求灵亡=虚无虚生=人人皆空

2. Chinese culture = Confucianism = Social stratification = Gender inequality = Fear of Freedom = Trample on Human rights = Confusion as virtue = Clarity as vice = Soullessness as moral = Dehumanizaion = Superficiality = Man eating man = Cleverness without intellegence = Meaningless lives = Logicless and reasonless knowledge and learning = Collective oppressing individuals = Worship of power = Moral relativism = Relative existence = Cultural relativaism = Anti-freedom = Anti-Christianity = Anti-democracy = Anti-rationality and reason = Anti-logic = Virgin Whore Complex = Schezophrenia and Bipolar = Nihilism-worshipping = Detest of existence = Despise life = Worship pain and suffering = Zombism = Nothingness = Destruction

3. 中国人=非人=反人=变态人=病态人=宦官=奴性人=卖灵人=血肉人=国奴= 文化奴=文字奴= 懦夫= 随从=无灵人=官本人=崇祖奴=义和亡命=红卫恐怖=长城禁宫秦墓继承人=迷龙人

3. Chinese = Inhuman and inhumane = Anti-humanity = warpminded being = pathological liers and paranoid schezophrenic = Self-castrating eunuchs = slave mentality = soul sellers = blood and flesh only = Governmental slaves = Cultural slaves = Language slaves = moral cowards = followers and conformers = soullessness = officialdom = ancestor-worshippers = Boxers' mentality of sacrificial animals = Red Guards' and terrorists = Inheritors of Great Wall, Forbidden City and Qin Tomb = Dragon worshippers

4. 民族主义=纳粹主义(民族社会主义)=法西斯主义=集体主义=人民主义+种族主义=虚无主义=大汉变态主义=专制主义=强权主义=扩张主义

4. Nationalism = Nazism (National Socialism) = Fascism = Collectivism = People + race = Nihilism = Han chauvinism = Despotism = emperialism = expansionism

5. 社会主义=大政府主义=保护性经济=供不应求=失业滞销=打击自发性=消灭创造性=倒退主义=降低选择=打击个体=价高质低=匮乏人衰

5. Socialism = Big Government = Protectiaonism and anti-open market = perpetual shortage = unemployment and hidden-unemployment = anti-creativity = anti-originality = degeneration of humanity = anti-individuality = anti-choice = higher price and lower quality - demoralization of humanity via material shortage.


6. 西方化=人化=自由化=民主化=理性化=逻辑化=道德化=灵魂化=进步化=法律与秩序=法制化=宪政化=多元化=多党制=分权制=政教分离=信仰宗教自由=崇尚追求幸福快乐

6. Westerniztion = Humanization = Liberalization = Democratization = Rationality and Reason = Logical debate = Moral and ethical absolutes = human souls establishment = Progress guided by moral compass = Law and Order = Rule of Law to constrain government and protect individuals = Constitutionalism = Pluralism = Multi-party polity = Separation of powers = Separation of chuches and state = Freedom of religion = Pursuit of joy and happiness.

7. 基督精神=宽恕过错=容忍不同=谴责邪恶=自由意志=人人平等=道德准则=爱人爱己=人高于国=灵高于政=个人本位=珍视生命=欢乐幸福

7. Christian Values = Forgiveness = Tolerance of Differences = Detest Evil = Freedom and liberty = Equality before God = Moral absolutes = Love mankind and love self = Human being above states and governments = Soulfulness above expediency and politics = Individual as the basic unit of soul = Treasuring life and existence = Value joy and happiness.

8. 资本主义=供求平衡=鼓励创造=奖励天才=创造财富=尊重个人=自由经济=开放市场=全球一体=小政府大社会=最佳用资=最少浪费=理性管理=专业分工=敬业精神=个体自理=个人责任=自负盈亏=多险多得=双赢互利=财富无尽

8. Capitalism = Balance demand and supply = individual creativity = promotion of talent = wealth creation = respect individuals = free economy = open market = Globalizaion = Limited government and expansion of civil society = optimization of capital allocation = minimize waste = rational management = division of labor to maximize productivity = Professionalism = self-mamagement of personal wealth = individual responsibility = risk-taking and wealth accumulation - mutual benefit = unlimited expansion of human wealth.

9. 民主制度=个人自理=保护少数=个人自由=选举产生民意=宪法政治=三权分立=自由媒体=多党竞争=言论自由=司法独立=政教分离=宗信自由

9. Democracy = Self Government = Protection of minority and individuals = Legislative and executive via election = Constitution to limit government and protest liberty = Separation of powers within government = Press freedom = pluralism and multi-party polity = free speech = independent judiciary = separation of churches and state = freedom of religion

10. 自由=个人责任=道德准则=尊重他人自由=个人努力=个人价值=个人追求=永不作奴隶和奴隶主=独立人格=个人尊严=理性逻辑思维

10. Freedom = Individual responsibility = Moral absolutes as foundation = respect others' liberty = individual effort = individual values and goals = individual pursuit and yearning = never to be slaves and slave-owners = independent existence and character = individual dignity = thinking with reason and rationality.

I wrote this value equations sometime ago, and I want to repost it here with a different title. Hope you enjoy it.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯


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