China's Progress Is Only from the West
Keep one thing forever in view -- the truth; and if you do this, though it may seem to lead you away from the opinion of men, it will assuredly conduct you to the throne of God. --- Horace Mann
永远记住这一点: 真理永恒; 如果你这样做了,你会发现虽然你会常常与他人有分歧,你正在一步一步地走进上苍的圣殿。 --- Horace Mann
Dear Visitors:
Most Chinese "nationalists" whom I term "people racists" 民族主义者们 tend to do everything, even lie constantly to themselves, to deny this simple fact and truth: All modern progress in China comes from only one source -- the West.
These Chinese delusional parasites constantly shout against so-called "foreign spirtual pollution" and Western decadence with bad influence. It is as though the Chinese ancestral land has always been clean and pristinely virtuous. Yet the facts and the truth always point to the opposite:
All the corruption, all the vices, all the oppression, all the killings and mayhem, all the torture and misery, all the human moral degredation, all the human filth come mostly from the Chinese themselves. And all the progress, all the liberation, all the human material and spiritual gains come only from foreign countries, mostly from the West.
Look at what the Chinese themselves are observing today: Western Christian calendar, monogamy, political party, news media, automobile, airplanes, train, modern roads, Western medicine, modern communication systems, schools, musical notes, Arabic numerals, computers, weapons, industries, monetary economy.... The list is endless.
Look at what the Chinese "people racists" want to preserve as pure Chinese in origin: despotic unity, suppression of individual freedom, xenophobia, fear of creativity and individual initiatives, superstitions, slave and eunuch mentality, power-worship, confusion as virtue, ascribed social classes, family feudal structure, mysticism, faithlessness, nihilism..., to list just a few.
Everything the Chinese "people racists" want to preserve is reactionary and regressive in nature. And indeed they are the native born. Everything the Chinese "people racists" want to reject and oppose is Western in origin and it is progressive in nature. In this sense, the Chinese "people racists" are much like the modern Islamic Fascists in their fundamentalist approach to everything. The only intention one can detect from them is that they want to do everything to drag the history backward toward the dark ages. Nothing else.
So whenever you see someone bluntly rejecting all things Western, whenever you see someone blindly embracing all things Chinese, be aware and beware, for you are seeing exactly one of those Chinese "people racists". And if you suddenly find you have something in common with them, if you still find sympathy and even warmth toward them, then you need to examine your own state of being: Maybe you are no difference from them in the deep recess of your mind and heart, no matter how much you want to deny this simple truth.
In front of the ultimate judge of life and death, misery and happiness, existence and nothingness, one can only realize, however painfully yet undeniably, that there is only one choice, one direction -- live or die, exist or be extinct. So choose and you will live in the world of your own making.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯