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不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!
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左派的“救星”情结 The Left Appeals to Your Weaknesses
左派的“救星”情结 The Left Appeals to Your Weaknesses
in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:40 amby fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts
The Left Appeals to Your Weaknesses
I don't worry so much about those who fear God. I do indeed worry about those who play God. --- Kai Chen
我并不担心我会被那些真诚尊崇上苍的人所损害。 但我会对那些想作或假充上苍拯救他人的人倍加警惕。 --- 陈凯
Dear Visitors:
If you are still not clear about how the dividing line between the right and the left is drawn, or if you are still confused about your own political identity in the current political spectrum, ask yourself:
"Do you believe and fear God? Or do you yearn for power to play God to save others?"
The right - the conservatives tend to be the ones who believe in God and fear only God. They do not want to play God to save others. They only want to observe God's laws to save themselves. In this self-saving process, they set themselves as examples to inspire others to save themselves. They will help those who cannot help themselves, but will never inspire in people to resort to their own helplessness and dependency on others. In other words, they are very careful not to be, and not to make, "man-eaters" and parasites in the world.
The right - the conservatives understand that the good has only one enemy - evil, while evil has two enemies - good and itself. (Being evil means being self-defeating.)
The left - the liberals, on the other hand, tend to play God to save others and they tend to believe God creates joy and liberty as well as misery and slavery. They often confuse God and the Devil and in this process of confusion, somehow they prompt themselves to be the savior of the world, the savior of the weak and helpless, the savior of all others but themselves. In this regard, they are not that much different from the despots, authoritarians and dictators from other parts of the world. In other words: They depend on people's sin, weaknesses, dependency, wickedness and all the negative aspects of humanity.
The left, in their urge and drive to play God to save others, constantly appeal to your insecurity and weaknesses. If you ask them: "How are you doing in your life?", they will always answer: "I am doing just fine. But I want to save you from your misery and plight. And I want to save all the suffering humanity from the bitter sea." Sounds familiar? If you are from a despotic country like China and former USSR, you know exactly that this has been the typical rhetoric of the communists. No wonder I have heard so many slogans from the American left that are exactly the same as from the mouths of those despicable evil communists back in China.
What the left has never realized, in their self-righteousness and lack of self-examination, is that they are NOT helping the weak and the insecure, they are NOT saving humanity. On the contrary, they are CREATING weaknesses and insecurity in others. They are CREATING dependency and co-dependency among the masses, so (they will never admit to themselves about their power-thirst) they can acquire power to control the masses. To keep the masses weak, poor and insecure, in order to satisfy that urge, that unquenchable thirst for ultimate power in the universe, that illusion and sick quest to be God, is the essence of being left and liberal.
Think about all the despots and dictators, all of them, from Hitler to Stalin to Mao to Sadam to Castro to Kim, are portrayed by themselves and by their subjects as living Gods. Even after they died, some people still worship them as saints and Gods, hoping their ghosts will somehow come back on earth to save the weak and the helpless. Somehow the left and the liberals in America tend to want to play the same ugly game and self-deception.
Those self-claimed black leaders and Latino leaders and Asian leaders on the left constantly educate their confused followers: "America is a racist society and no matter how hard you work here you will always be kept at the bottom by those white racists." And they constantly imply that people like Martin Luther King had never made any differences in their struggle for liberty and justice. America, to these leftist leaders, is just as corrupt and as bad and as unjust as 100 years ago. Things never change for the better to them, and they make sure their followers believe in this moral, spiritual and cultural stagnation in America - a myth created by their own deception.
Yet, it is the leftists who are the ultimate hypocrites. They are the billionairs, driving BMWs and living in big houses with servants, but they never believe that you can do the same. Worse, they will do everything in their power, by selling you the cultural and spiritual narcotics to numb you mind and paralyze your actions, to keep you from accomplishing your own dream in America. They even wish America would fail entirely so more people will follow them and believe in their God-like magic. They are the modern Mao in China and modern Stalin in Russia. So no wonder when they cheat their way into the White House, the first thing in their mind is how to indulge themselves in their abuse of power, how to satisfy their mental and physical desires using and abusing those who adore them as Gods. Clinton is one such example. John Kerry, in his Chinese monkey-king-like "speaking from both sides of his mouth" and "standing nowhere and everywhere", is another such example.
I as a strong and capable individual, do NOT want to have someone who claims to be smarter than I in the White House to be "in charge of" my life. I can handle myself and my life just fine. I need the government to leave me alone as much as possible. I need someone who believe in God and his own conscience, to observe the Constitution, to obey and follow the law to SERVE me. So I voted for Bush and I made the right choice. I have no use and I have only contempt for those who want to play God in MY life, telling me what to do so they can save me from my "selfishness". I utterly despise all the pretentious "saviors" on this planet earth. I obey only God's will.
So people, beware of those who want to do things FOR you, for they will always do things TO you. Beware of those who want to save you from your own greatness and potentials, and put you in a dark pit of smallness and ugly perversion so you reduce yourself to such a degree that you can't think for yourself but to follow them. Beware of those who want to castrate your mental and spiritual capacity to follow your own conscience and God, for once you lose your own soul, it is almost impossible to retrieve it.
So keep your guard up and remember the price for your freedom and liberty is your constant vigilance, particularly against those self-claimed "savior of the people".
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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