On Cultural Atavism in China
文化返祖现象是当中国出现精神危机的时候往往发生的现象,也是中国社会迷恋道德相对,道德虚无的“孙猴子心态”的必然产物。 但这些精明的,要脸不要灵的,毫无智慧的儒家小人永远不能理解他们的“揪发助飞”的病态心理。
当一个人已经染了爱滋病,或已经因文化乱伦而成为畸形人的时候,他的唯一救赎是不要再将爱滋病毒,近亲乱伦的文化疾病传染、流传下去。 你要有勇气对中国“宦奴娼”的文化说“再也不”。 --- 陈凯
A "Cultural Atavism" (Regression) is often what the Chinese resort to save their own face whenever there is a spiritual crisis. It is also a necessary phenomenon resulted from the Chinese pathological infatuation with "moral relativism" and "moral nihilism". But these shrewd, face-saving, idiotic Confucian eunuchs will never understand the contradiction and the psychotic nature of their action in "pulling their own hair to help them fly".
When a person has already contracted Aids, or has already negatively affected by the Chinese Cultural Incest via thousands of years of despotism and slavery, his only salvation is to warn others not to follow his own example, and to do everything in his power to prevent his next generation from contracting the cultural HIV virus, and from the traditional practices of Cultural Incest. You need to pluck your courage and say to the Chinese "eunuch, slave and whore" culture: "NEVER AGAIN". Enough is enough. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
The most important thing for most Chinese, if they ever want to progress toward freedom, (that includes me as well) is to realize that they have already been damaged and infected with cultural diseases, through the cultural indoctrination, language defects and political poisoning their "beloved" Motherland has bestowed upon them. This reality is undeniable.
To assume that one is clean and healthy with the Chinese tradition is to deny reality and truth. We have all been damaged in various degrees. Some, like 大力丸,潘一丁, 郭飞熊,are so poisoned that they are beyond the point of salvation. They have already joined the evil and become part of it. Others are confused about where to go, for they have no tools and compass to direct them. Still others with better understanding of the poisonous effect on themselves through the Chinese culture, are making a great effort to break away to be free. I am one of the fortunate that understand the damage on and to myself by the Chinese culture and have made a great effort and paid dearly for my freedom. Now I want to tell you that this effort and price are worth it, for I have finally tasted true freedom, joy and happiness, away from my tortured past.
I want to tell you with my own experience that you must break away from the grip of an evil culture to taste true freedom and happiness. Do not infatuate yourself with Chinese tradition, language and Confucian values. They are the spiritual HIV viruses. They will destroy your reasoning ability, faith and conscience so you have no immunity left to resist evil - that is, you will be contracted with ASIDS (Acquired Spiritual Immune Deficiency Syndrome). They teach you to engage in incestuous behavior with your offspring and your ancestors, so the regression and degeneration continue. They poison your mind, heart and soul, so you will be forever vulnerable facing the power and the grip of evil.
English language with its logic and reason, Christianity with its moral absolutes and true faith, American tradition of individual freedom that fosters a true democratic society will save you from passing on the virus and defective genes to your offspring and your next generations.
I have elaborated on this via many articles and now my book "One in a Billion -- Journey toward Freedom" will be on the market soon. I hope you enjoy these article and my book, pluck your courage and say to your tortured past "NEVER AGAIN".
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯