Sports and American Spirit
体育将客观,法制, 与自由竞争的概念传给人间。 --- 陈凯
Sports and athletics propagate the concepts of objectivity, rule of law and free and fairpetition. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
NBA semi-finals are in full swing. I have watched most of the games like I always did. But every time I watch these athletes exhibit their athleticism and theirpetitive spirit, I marvelled over the greatness of mankind. I understand only in America, through pure and unimpededpetition, through apletely capitalistic, logical and open market, sports and athletics can retain a healthy and progressive essence.
Surely these NBA player make a lot of money, but the professionalism they have exhibited throughout the season and the playoffs shows that they are not playing for money alone, they are playing for the pure love of the sports, and through these games, they are burning like bright stars, bringing energy, optimism, respect and dignity to all of us.
Miracles happen in America all the time and I am so amazed that ordinary people here can display extraordinary courage and effort, and make sheer miracles happen. Phoenix Suns are not a talented team, but they have gone this far, and in their first game in Dallas, they defeated the host team, though great team work and effort. I am always moved by the courage and dedication they have displayed. It is as if their heroism tells me and all the people who are watching If I can do it, with the talent I have, you can do it as well.
Think about what they have to go through to get to this point fatigue, injuries, distractions, family obligations, relationships with teammates, audience, referees, coaches, management, opponents..., 82 games throughout the regular season, and playoffs with more big games. It is only in America, athletes and players can have such a dedication.
I remember someone in Europe media oncemented, back in the Jordan years
"Just to witness the greatness of Michael Jordan, we can all rest assured that America system and society are healthy and thriving, for only in a great system, an individual like Jordan can fully exhibit his greatness, and hence all of us can experience unprecedented joy over limitless human potentials."
I solute America and American athletes, and proud of their achievements. I, as an former pro-athletes, will never take my life in America for granted. I have been through yesterday, I treasure today, and I am looking forward to tomorrow.
Let's all be grateful for the country we live in and for God to have created such a great country for free people America -- My love.
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯