Chinese Intellectuals' Pathology
True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written; in writing what deserves to be read; and in so living as to make the world happier and better for our living in it. --- Tyron Edwards
真正的荣誉来自去做那些值得被书写的行为;去写那些值得被阅读的作品;和去为使这个世界更美好更幸福而生活。 --- Tyron Edwards
Dear Visitors:
The Chinese scholar, Jiang, who, with two doctorate degrees in Canada, committed suicide has come as a big surprise to a lot of people. But to me, it is no surprise, for I have long concluded that Chinese education, or most of those Chinese who seek education, aim at only one thing -- producing Chinese style eunuchs whose only purpose of being educated is to get a position in the government, or to be admired by others, or to seek some fake glory for their own family.... Truth and happiness are alien to them.
Very few Chinese going to college are to seek their own fulfillment, interests and knowledge itself. In Chinese scholarstic tradition, there has been full of these unfulfilled, official position-seeking, petty officials. 孔子,屈原,李白,闻天祥,to name just a few. None of them are knowledge, interest, happiness-oriented. Everyone of them aimed at serving the state and the emperors. And the Chinese tradition, regrettably most Chinese even today, still honor them as saints and heros.
This says so much about the Chinese themselves, and you wonder why China has never produced any significant figures throughout its history, in natural and social socieces, in literature and music, in medicine and humanity, in sports and entertainment, that are worldly renowned. And you wonder why none of their contributions to humanity aimed at creating a better and happier world and tomorrow. They the Chinese are simply not interested in happiness and progress at all, period.
Most Chinese are interested in artificial glory designated by the state and emperors, or in official positions with power, or in their loyalty and devotion to the state and regime they serve, or the land they are born into. Truth, knowledge, interest, joy, fulfillment, reality, discovery, exploration, initiatives, creativity, challenge, breaking records, testing human limitations..., are not in the Chinese mind and vocabulary, not at all, period.
All the majory contributions nowadays by ethnic Chinese are from those who immigrated overseas and educated in another language tradition, in a free and open society, with an individual ambition and drive... Yet even among those who came out, like this Jiang in Canada, very few can entirely free themselves from the insidious and evil grip of Chinese "official eunuch complex". No matter how many diplomas they have acquired with their memorization and imitation, often by break-back hardwork, the Chinese intellectuals seem unable to achieve fulfillment themselves. Disappointment and under-appreciation often are the only results for them. Chinese history is full of these disappointed, under-appreciated intellectual eunuchs.
In my view, their premises to get educated from the very beginning is entirely wrong, so by logic, their own conclusion to the end will also be wrong. And the moment they wake up to their errors in their premises is the moment of big shock to them. It is too late by their own assessment, for they are already in their 40s and 50s. Life has flied past them and they have not tasted a single drop of happiness and fulfillment. These human tragedies will continue as long as the Chinese are in the self-deceptive mode.
Not just the Chinese intellectuals, the Chinese nation and tradition in general is a humongous mistake and a laughable joke in the course of human progress, for their premise from the very beginning is entirely off-base and wrong and evil. Unless they finally wake up to their ancestors' mistakes and change the course, they will continue to suffer from their own illusions.
I am only acting as an honest and innocent voice here to the Chinese and point out to them:
"The emperor has never had any clothes on, from the very beginning of time!"
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯