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中国人的”假“与不辩真假 The Chinese See No Reality

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:00 am
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

The Chinese See No Reality


中国的虚无专制文化传统与表象单音节文字导致了中国人思维与精神上的重大残疾, 以至大多数(没有拼写外文知识的)中国人丧失了辨明真假,识别是非,认清好坏的能力与意愿。 这就是中国成为谣言世界,谎言机器,骗子,小偷与强盗乐园的基本原因。 --- 陈凯

The Chinese nihilistic, despotic cultural tradition that is based on a pictorial syllabic linguistic system has severely hampered the Chinese mind and spirituality, so much so that the majority Chinese (those without any knowledge of alphabetic language) are completely incapable of distinguishing reality from illusion, truth from falsehood, right from wrong. This is the root reason why China has long become a world of rumors, a machine to manufacture lies, and a haven for con men, thieves and bandits. --- Kai Chen


Dear Visitors:

I now paste this article on today's Youpai.org opening page. It is about Taiwan's media being a fomenting ground for rumors.



Tuesday, November 07, 2006 5:04:36 PM


美国是一个公认的言论自由的国家,可是没有人享有“免责权”。2002年美国资深参议员、共和党党鞭洛特(Trent Lott)就是因为在退休参议员瑟蒙德的百岁庆生party上说错一句恭维话而辞职下台。2003年《纽约时报》只因刊发了该报记者布来尔(Jayson Blair)不实的“暴料”而导致执行总编辑豪威尔•莱尼斯(Howell Raines)与总编辑杰拉尔德•博伊德(Gerald Boyd)双双宣布辞职。那里没有什么名嘴或议员可以信口开河而无需负责。








Good article. It states a fact that we have all witnessed -- in the Chinese cultural tradition based on a faulty linguistic system, majority Chinese (those who have no knowledge of a foreign language) cannot distinguish what is real and what is illusion, what is true and what is false, not to mention what is right and wrong.

Superficial images and rumors dominate the Chinese lives. Even when you read Chinese, you have to read between the lines to guess what the writer is trying to say. Reading and talking and communicating with each other have forever become a guessing game. In all aspects of human relations in the Chinese life, guessing game is the one everyone has to play. Nihilistic culture and subjective language bear most of the blame.

When you read Chinese language newspapers, you can trust only half of it. The other half is up to your own imagination. "中“itself implies "half truth" or "half man and half devil" or "neutered reality -- Eunuchs". No one is responsible for what they say, precisely because the language itself they use always gives them a way to escape. The language itself is confusing, imprecise and ambiguous to say the least. It is devised that way so everybody can escape from reality, since the reality is too cruel, too ugly, too unforgiving, too deadly under dynasties of despotic regimes for anyone to face squarely.

Now the Chinese have to bear the consequences of obsessing with such a backward language. The sad reality is: They still refuse to see and understand that the true culprit of their cultural and social stagnation is the tool they have chosen to use and rely on for communication.

It is time to recognize this REALITY.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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