Progress Is Never about Hardware
像陀螺一样旋转的,崇尚“中心”,“中央”,“中庸”的道德相对,难得糊涂的中国的人们决不会真正懂得在抽象领域中的,人的心灵与智慧的软件的发展才是“进步”的真谛。 没有道德指南的“向前走”之会使中国人重蹈覆辙地走入恶性朝代循环的他们祖先的老路。 这是因为这种自欺的“向前走”只是“物”性的,只能用硬件的增长作为标准与测试。 这种没有道德指南的硬件的增加只能为下一轮的销毁与建立朝代的杀戳争权提供炸药。 --- 陈凯
Spinning like a top, the morally relative, virtuously confused Chinese who worship "center", "middle", "no judgment" will never understand this point: Only the development in human mind, soul, spirit, the development in human "Software" with the help from a reliable moral compass is the essence of "Progress". Self-deceiving notion of "walking forward" without a moral compass will only lead the Chinese into another vicious Dynastic spin-cycle their ancestors trapped themselves into for the last thousands of years. This is because "walking forward" is a notion founded on physical and hardware build-up. The Chinese don't know this hardware increase (Dynastic TNT) may only mean more destructive power for another cycle of violence and mayhem. --- Kai Chen
Dear Visitors:
I have often said that the most wealthy man is not one who chases after money. His wealth comes only as a result of his passionate pursuit of his own interest and self-fulfillment. His wealth only comes as a result of his endless creation of values.
By the same token, America's wealth and power come not as a result of its pursuit of money and weapons, but as a result of liberating human creativity, human mind and spirit by always observing moral absolutes -- the moral compass established by Christian values and Christ teachings. America's wealth, power and success come only as a result of individual human beings' freedom -- free from big government, free from others' interference, free from ignorance and fear, free from prejudice and injustice, free from moral confusion, free from hatred and group-think, free from stagnation of mind and spirit....
It is no wonder nowadays as always, what the Chinese are only capable of doing is copying, stealing, robbing, cheating, inheriting, exhausting, polluting to increase their hardware accumulation, for they have effectively castrated themselves of any morality, any creativity, any human decency, any spiritual and intellectual pursuit. It is no wonder nowadays, as always, the Chinese walk around like zombies, looking only to destroy and devour the slightest values another individual human being can muster himself to produce.
Such a society and state is a powerful "spiritual black-hole". Anything of existence will be eliminated. Any individual's life and meaning of his life will be sucked into the eternal oblivion. Any joy and happiness will become only a fantasy and an illusion produced by powerful narcotics propagated by the state and the despotic culture via an enslaving language.
The hardware accumulated in China nowadays can only serve as the potential "Dynastic TNT" for another round of killings and destruction, more powerful and destructive than anything we have witnessed before. Isn't this always what China has been -- build and destroy, build and destroy, build and destroy... with more and more and more victims?
Unless you open your eyes in your mind and soul, you will deny what I have just pointed out here is true. So do you only have the fleshy eyeballs without vision and foresight?
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯