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多数保护个体vs.多数压迫个体 US/China -- On Majority Rule

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:56 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

US vs. China -- On Majority Rule


One man with courage makes majority. --- Andrew Jackson

[size=18]一个有勇气的独立个体本身就是多数。 --- 杰克逊[/size]

In America, majority is composed of independent, free individuals. Such majority's only goal and purpose is to protect and preserve the freedom, rights and the sacred sovereignty of each and every individual in it. In China, majority is composed of slaves under thousands of years of despotic rule with a constant indoctrination of a despotic culture (namely Confucianism), and each such slave is under total submission by his own ignorance, weaknesses and cowardice. Such majority's only goal and purpose is to protect and preserve the interests of the rulers and the despotic polity through an absolute suppression of freedom, independence and dignity of each and every individual in it. --- Kai Chen

美国的多数是由自由的,独立的个体所组成。它的唯一目的与意义是保障在其中的每个个体的自由与其神圣的不可剥夺的权利。 中国的多数是由被专制文化 (儒教)奴役了几千年的,被少数专权者通过个体的愚昧,软弱与怯懦的奴性个体所组成。 它的唯一目的与意义是通过对个体自由,独立与尊严的压抑,剥夺去保障统治者,专制政体的稳定与存在。 两者有着本质的区别。 --- 陈凯


Dear Visitors:

When we talk about the essential component in a democracy, namely Majority Rule, we can never forget the nature of such majority and who compose such a majority. To lose sight on such an important definition is to lose the guidance of our own conscience.

I often hear those despotic countries wanting to use the concept of national sovereignty to override human rights and dignity. In such a rhetoric, any moral concern in human affairs will be reduced to only a farce. Individuals and their freedom and dignity become only subject under and secondary to the interests of tyrannic governments.

So when you talk about majority rule, don't forget that in American Constitution, the Bill of Rights is the essential component of such a document and thus it makes such a document legitimate. In China and all the despotic countries, their fake constitutions are only pretenses for the ruling class to subdue individuals in such societies, making them nothing but tools and slaves to serve the tyrannical majority represented by governments with guns.

You must distinguish the essential difference between American Majority and Chinese Majority, between American Constitution and Chinese Constitution. You must maintain that moral compass in your heart -- your conscience by God.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

Last edited Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:57 pm | Scroll up

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