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金钱是显像剂透明剂 Money Only Exposes Corruption

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:55 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

Money Only Exposes Corruption


没有金融经济的时代是最黑暗,最浑浊不清的时代。 中国的文化大革命就是一例。 难道因为没有钱而用拍马屁, 打小报告与卖淫的方式从农村返城或入学不是腐败? 难道取消了军衔就消灭了等级制?

中国目前的极度腐败只是由于金融经济的进入而对中国文化极度腐败的暴露。 与一般中国人的物化观相反,资本主义金融经济并不是腐败的原因,而是暴露腐败的透明剂并使人们能够量化腐败。 中国的腐败是从几千年前就开始的“中央”,“中庸”的集权哲学开始的。 这种腐败只是在近期的“一国两制”的“中国特色的社会主义”后变本加厉地进入了“中国特色的官僚买办经济“的合法腐败。

用社会主义赚资本主义的钱是中国目前极度腐败的特色与本源。 --- 陈凯

The times without monetary economy have been the darkest, the murkiest era of human history. The Chinese Cultural Revolution was only one of such examples. Can we say that using "spying on others" and "sleeping with officials" to acquire city residential status or college entrance was not a form of extreme corruption? Can we say that after Mao abolished official insignia from the PLA uniform, the class distinction henceforth was eliminated?

The current extreme corruption in the Chinese society is only because of the introduction of a monetary system into the Chinese society that has thoroughly exposed the extreme corruption of the Chinese traditional culture since its beginning two thousand years ago. Contrary to the views of most Chinese with heavily "physicalized mindset" because of the Chinese language and culture, capitalist monetary economy is never the origin of the Chinese corruption, it only makes the society more transparent so people can quantify the extent of the corruption that has always existed in the Chinese culture. The Chinese corruption was originated long ago since the first emperor and Confucianism with their emphasis on "unity", "passivity", "centralized power in the government" and "middle-road" approach to justice. This traditional corruption has only accelerated since the Chinese communist policy of "one country, two systems" and its drive toward "socialism Chinese style". The subsequent result is that China does not have a real capitalist economy, but a government controlled "modern mercantilism" and a "bureaucratic atomized market" aimed at only to strengthen the central government's total control of the society under the communist party.

Using socialism to make capitalist money is the essence and origin of the extreme Chinese corruption today. --- Kai Chen


Dear Visitors:

Many Chinese, due to their using the pictorial Chinese language and their toxicant Chinese mindset instilled by thousands of years of Confucian brain-washing, blame capitalism for today's China's extreme corruption in society. Even among some of my youpai.org colleagues, people blame money as the origin of evil and capitalistic self-interest as the origin of corruption.

They are extremely mistaken.

Is the Chinese corruption caused by Capitalism? Or Socialism? Or Socialism using Capitalism? Is the Chinese corruption caused by money? Or by soulless and mindless people brainwashed by Confucianism and Communism for a long period of time?

To answer such questions, one needs not only mind, one needs courage and conscience. One simple example can illustrate my point. Which society is more racist? American society or Chinese society? Simple glimpse on the surface will show you that there is more mention of racism in American news media, while in the Chinese media, there is a total lack of such a mention. What is the reality here?

A "physicalized" Chinese mind will conclude that there is more racism in America. But a conscientious and mindful view will be that America, due to its freedom of speech and press, exposes racism to its bones, even the smallest occurrence, while in China, the lack of freedom and a homogeneous population tend to obscure the most obvious injustice and evil, racism (often extreme in the form of Chinese xenophobia) included.

Another example is that in absolute figures, America tends to have more auto accident and gun-related crime. But if one dwells on the facts and essence of occurrences, it is not difficult to see that per-gun crime and per-auto accident rate in America are very low, in comparison with that of China.

I would like to show you one more extreme example that only the drug addicts could concoct: During the Cultural Revolution, Mao abolished all the official insignia from the military uniforms. Only the red star and red lapels remained to indicate one was in the army. Did this mean that in China, since there was no such thing as military insignia, there was no class distinction? I was in the PLA for ten years and I know that the truth could not be further from that. People would find the smallest reason to show their superiority, to show that they have power over you. By not reflecting the truth openly and hiding the truth from people's consciousness, the communists and Mao made things immensely much worse, much more damaging, much more insidious.

So when you truly want to see reality and search for truth, strip the superficial phenomena and drill into the core of things. Then you may discover what you have been taught from the day you were born has been totally false and opposite of the truth. And then you have to pluck your courage to break free from Chinese traditional thinking, its syllabic language and the most insidious brain-washing by Confucianism and Communism.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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