Laws in The Physical and Moral Realms

Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. --- New Testament: John 8:32
你应去认知真实,因为只有真实会使你自由。 --- 新约 John 8:32
Christ teachings are only to establish the "Law of Gravity" in the realm of Morality. Christian value is only to point out the truth that if you want to jump off a cliff, expecting to fly, you will end up having a flat face. --- Kai Chen
基督教诲只是去在道德领域里建立一个“万有引力”定律。 基督精神只是去告诫人们不要奢想从悬崖上纵身一跳就会飞起来。 这样奢想的人们只能有悲惨与痛苦不堪的结局。 --- 陈凯
Dear Visitors:
Unlike what you see in Kung Fu movies in which humans can fly, (maybe this has something to do with the Chinese illusion in the moral world that they can do anything by whim, regardless laws that govern it.) a real person who wants to live will not jumb off a cliff to try to fly. He knows, in his logical mind with Newtonian notion of physics, that the only result of him jumping off the cliff and trying to fly into the sky is that he will fall on to the earth and flat on his face and straight to his grave.
Newton's Law of Gravity does indeed govern the physical world on earth. Is there an objective law that governs human behavior in the realm of human morality and ethics? For the most part of human history, humans have struggled to find the answer for this fundamental question, until Jesus Christ came along. Since then, humans have discovered that whenever and wherever they deviate from the spirit and the teachings of Christ, they suffer and they have set-backs, and whenever and wherever they observe the spirit and teachings of Christ, they progress and advance along human values of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Look around the world, the countries that observe the principles of Christ in their moral behaviors are countries that are most advanced in all fields of human endeavors. And the countries that do NOT observe these principles are those who are continuing to suffer human misery and endless cycles of violence and destruction.
Einstein's Theory of Relativity came only to have advanced Newtonian laws, not refuted it. When people were trying to use his theory to advance their own agenda by claiming that there is no objectivity in anything, Einstein angrily objected, for he firmly believed in objective reality and truth.
The truth about the Chinese society and its moral confusion is that the Chinese have never understood and grasped the notion of truth itself. They have never believed that there are objective truths and laws that govern the universe. So no wonder they have never advanced in the realm of sciences, for they have never advanced to believe in objective truths in both human physical world and moral world.
Have you wondered that sciences advance most in countries that observe Christian values and spirit, in countries that religious life is a big part in human existence??
The Chinese nowadays claim to have produced as many engineers as other countries, though only 10% of them are employable in the international job market (today's LA Times), they have no idea that in the human realm of morality, they are still a vacuum in producing anything remotely close to the degree of understanding human nature that Christianity has provided to mankind.
Do you observe these laws and spirit that Christ has been teaching mankind for the last two thousand some years? Are you going to?
Best. Kai Chen 陈凯