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1+1=2 vs. 1-1=0 价值与虚无 Value vs. Zero Sum Game

in 陈凯论坛 Kai Chen Forum 不自由,毋宁死! Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:48 pm
by fountainheadkc • 1.403 Posts

1+1=2 vs. 1-1=0 价值与虚无
Value vs. Zero Sum Game


资本主义社会与社会主义社会的根本对照在于: 资本主义社会是基于个体自由的社会因而赋有价值产生的机制;财富积累与双赢是逻辑的必然。 社会主义社会是基于群体压抑个体的社会因而它永远都在玩弄“零的游戏”: 等号后面是零=寄生虫与食人者永远在掠夺产生价值的个体;人们只能在贫穷,饥饿,愚昧面前平等。 --- 陈凯

The sharp contrast between capitalism and socialism is: A capitalist society is based upon individual freedom, thus it has a fundamental mechanism for value creation. Wealth accumulation through the principle of mutual benefit is the necessary result. A socialist society is based upon a collective suppressing and squeezing individuals for values, thus it always uses lofty slogans to entice and hypnotize people to play a "Zero Sum Game" (finite values being divided by infinite humans through distribution by a state of collective power). "Zero Sum Game" only means "Nothing=Value" in which the parasites and man-eaters find their paradise, for they have limitless power to rob and rape the individuals who have the ability to create values. The result? Humans are only equal before poverty, hunger and ignorance. --- Kai Chen


Dear Visitors:

As my book "One in a Billion" is about to be published, I want to introduce you a notion that is commonly used in the West to describe what communism or socialism is all about: Zero Sum Game.

These despotic societies always want their people to believe that value is finite and scarce, therefore "people" - the collective must have the ultimate power to divide and distribute values in a society equally to ensure some kind of survival of the whole. What these evil societies fear the most is for their people to discover the power of the individuals to recognize their own greatness in creating values. Thus the individuals in these societies are forever brainwashed into believing that all values are only from the collective, namely, the nation, the race, the class, the cultural heritage, etc. They are belittled and demeaned beyond recognition by the overlord they have created and feared. In the end, only those in power are secure, with the knowledge that all the individuals in their society are handicapped, subdued and disabled enough not to cause any trouble for the power elite.

It is no wonder why all the communist societies and socialist systems are forever in material shortage. They can never produce enough to even feed their own people in these societies. People suffer and die in large numbers, due to the fact that they are buying into the communist and socialist nonsense. They are just sitting there for the collective to feed them, not knowing the collective is only a pretense to rob and rape the individuals in it.

Have you seen what crabs do when you put them in a bucket? When the first crab is trying to climb out of the bucket, the others will grab its body to pull it down, so in the end no one can escape the trap. I use only a couple of simple math equations to illustrate my point:

[size=18]Capitalism is 1 + 1 = 2, or 2 x 2 = 4, or better: Anything x individuals = infinite value creation
Socialism is 1 - 1 = 0, or 1 + (-1) = 0, or worse: Anything x 0 = 0

With these equations, if you have a minimal intelligence, you will understand what each system stands for. I hope you incorporate these equations in your mind and be constantly cognizant of the fact that values can only be created by an individual, never by some alleged, nihilistic entities composed of many - the so called collectives, be it race, nation, party, people, culture, dynasties, motherland, etc.

Take good care of yourself, of your mind, of your soul. Make sure you know that you are the only one in the entire universe who can create anything. You, as an individual, have the ultimate power to create, to produce, to enjoy, and to be free.

Best. Kai Chen 陈凯

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